NORTHERN AND C ENTRAL BRI313H COLtJMBIA'B NEWSPAPER TAXI taxi; Phone 537 one yAND NIGHT SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Bill and Ken Nesbitt ess Stand: . ii"l,:' . .. j ..I Tlilrfl Avp. Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXV, No. 281. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS ration lllll VI Gerry ator and Mayoralty 1. inner . .nnrnd X U nerauoii nmr; m I1IJLI1 NULiv lust Kmlrd Ul IJIVI urnrr.1 1 rt t n . m the miast 01 electloi- campaign in seeks f-urn as mayor, mi anDendliltls hk Diiv.ncian, ur, ily 'ports nts con" , tcoo Dut says it is np nut 01 nOS- -fiM the election McGc was taken , lan ncht and the - .nnmilTlIt llllll.WI-U 11. .Ull 1.."" lln-nita) L rlKt IBERIA fliildrm I'erMi When Vrar llamia is i AL.f'J t? Tlucc icrj bufned to death r fronts s nd cider sls-jred in a gasoline ex- il UttkUl UUJ . the mother, was clothe i with gasoline exploded, The dead arc o( bu. tin-? permits is-it C Engineer's of- a nie cuioiiimy lmure since wr t3 the end of No- ;'.i.!cd $229,630. . .-UU 1A1 ..Umt.o of permits issued I!" flr.t 11 months of 41, permit issue was - " UVUi A ill 1 V4 He':? :ont Ltd.. repairs, i win .i aj,, iVMtlttli JM, $100. j. tfinn Mirer nun 'mmrini Motors, First Ave., $300. fchrordrr Ambrose Ave., '' $150. fa ;l, Third Ave., rc- S5M Wdi. Seventh Ave. E. ss $50. Mil'-'. Mflsgravc Place, $75. K ITn. ni..ll. a n 1 ' $50 oiAin avc. lb., ui- won: $70, imcrior Town lo Il fV...i ' V lllll 1 1.1 I 1. h i Kill i. -vi!.ii w Three Van- nurse- answering a call n i. j Geor"n tn v.i fii,. n ,lc Of dlnhthertii. ;e Patients arc now In hos-J ihe northern city and '-fi have hrrn IrlnnllDoH ... V1. .V.V1.W...VV. ""vcillanrn e outbreak started In a --'"g cnm.p sixteen miles 1 1 rime George. Ollt IlN ONTARIO . "NTO-Onlath. Is l,:v-'f t real coM spell of "'"It. !. ... , .luiuivrii iu- 'lieralurc, are Tar be-" while, in the south ""momeUr Is hovering "(1 Pn 1 --v. iu wane uiycr ''low. LoriiJ Jfishing Vessel Sinks D TO INVESTIGATE VETERANS' HOMES Canadian Ia-eioh to .Make Survey Following Comnlajnls of V.I..A. l-oan Art Building VANCOUVER, 0 '--Rdbcrt Mac-nicol. secretary of the provincial command of the Canadian Legion would appoint a "qualified man" to make a survey of veterans' housing following com plaints from Victoria and other points by the vctorans who saia their Veterans' Loan Act homes were cheaply and faultily built. The housing action committee has endorsed the action of the B.C. Command and ridded to make scrutiny ltsell of the conditions; under which rtaiMUwwTnptfunuacts wer let. 1 1 E A DQU A RTERS OF UNITED NATIONS ' LAKE SUCCESS, New York The .permanent site committee cf the United Nations Is expected to make its final selection this week. The choice Is between New Ydrk, Philadelphia,. San f ran-clsco, Boston and Westchester County, New York. ICE AND SNOW WAS NOVEMBER WEATHER ACT Trirlrx and snow flakes were the outstanding features provid cd by flic weatherman during November in a frosty display that sent the month's minimum temperature plummeting to 17.2 degrees and provided 2.9 Inches of snow that lingered for almost two weeks. Tim nmnih'it lowest tempera ture also was the lowest recorded here since January ia,mw wnen the mercury dropped to one above zero. The snowfall, too, was unusual for November. Total prcchpltatlon for the month was 11.23 inches, bringing the 11-monlh total to 86.71 inches, as compared with 83.4 inches for the same period last year. Maximum temperature for the month was 57.5 degrees, wimc the hours ot bright sunsnine totalled 53.9. Total hours of bright sunshine so far this year arc 799.4, as compared with 828.3 for the 11-month period in iua. Maximum barometer reading was 30.268 inches on November 10 and Hie minimum was 29.170 on November 26. Highest wind velocity was 47 miles an hour from the southeast on Novem ber 2. BANKER TAKES HI'S OWN LIFE VANCOUVER -Herbert M. Allen, aged-50, manager of the .Ti.vrr rtoad branch t'f the Can- time. D..,t ,,f rvin-.n.crce. was UU1UU uaii ' f rfnnrt in th bank vault ,.,ifh n hul'ct in his head He died a short time later. He had been In ill health for some HELICOPTEIIS COMMUNISTS ARE MASSING TROOPS NANKING 0 The government's central news agency said today that Chinese communists had massed 552,000 troops in Manchuria and had moved military headouartcrs from threat ened Harbin to Klamutzc.. LIBEL SUIT DISMISSED Prof. Harold Laslii'rt Case Against British Weekly Newspaper Falls LONDON V A high court jury tnriav rclcctcd a libel suit hroiisht- bv Prof. Harold Laskl oiralnst. the Newark (NoUlng- hamshlrc) Advertising Co. and iim rriltor of the Weekly Newark n.ivprLlser. He claimed he had vmmelv reported when the Newark Advertiser had said that ho ndvncai'ii revoluHu w'.u the company and the editor. .Local Tides Tuesday, December 3, 1916 High 8:55 1H.3 icci 21:05 J. icci- n ft Low 2:12 ,M 15:11 8.7 icct HART MEETS ILSLEY OTTAWA Premier John Hart of British Columbia today met Hon. J. L. Hslcy, minister of finance, In new negotiations for a Dominion-provincial tax agreement. Mr. Hart said that the situation between the two governments hid not changed since the last meeting In the spring MAIL DELIVERY ' ;r sv 1 Ufc- L4tf 'Jfc ' V H f'' ''HPS Considering use of helicopters for delivery of mall. Ottawa authorities had a visual demonstration of the wingless craft to show its ability to land in small "back-yard" areas and to hdver close to the ground while light packages arc landed. The machine a Sikorsky 'copter landed on the lawn In front of the supreme court building, not far from Capital Hill after hovering while demonstrators passed papers to senior R.CA.t. officials In the craft. Picture shows the helicopter landing in front of the supreme court building with Ottawa crowds wntrhlntr the demonstration. OOWWOOOlO0000HiOPOO!KlOK00HiOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOl :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: nMi;oev s n .Tnhnstnn Co 'Ltd. VUUi VVJJ tw 0 POOOOOOOOOChKhW OOO OOOOOaOOOO UOOOOOttOWHJOOOSOOOO! Vancouver Bralorne H-50 B.R. Con. f. - 10', B.R-X 12 Cariboo Quartz -. 2.75 Dcntonla -33 Grull Wlhksnc 10 Hedley Mascot ., 122 Mlnto , -06 Penrt Oreille 3.00 Premier Gold 1-40 Orlvatccr Reeves McDonald 1.30 Reno 12 Salmon Gold 19' 'Sheep Creek 1-28 Taylor Bridge -73 Whitewater 02 Vananda 27 Congress 09 Pacific Eastern 45 Hedley Amalgamated .. .10 Spud Valley -20 Central Zeballos 07 Oils A.P. Con -10 Calmont 2i C. and E 1-61 Foothills 1-75 Home 2.45 Toronto Aumaque 75 Beattle ' ' 1-1 Bobjo 15 ......,..7 r Buffalo Canadian .18 Con. Smelters '85.75 Eldona - Elder .' - Glani Ycllowknlf'3 6.00 Hardrock J .'. . .55 Jollet Quebec Uttle Long Lac 1.75 Madsen MacLeod .... Moneta Omega Pickle Crow y- San Antonio ..t..'. .. Senator Rouyn XJ- Shcrrit Gordon ' Steep Ro:k Sturgeon River . . . Lvnx 3.05 1.75 .56 2.80 1 3.60' .60 207 224 .22 .21 Lapaska - 34 God's Lake - 55 Negus '. 1-9 Aube'lc 35 Harricana -19 Heva . .. 69 McKenzie 83'.!. SCENE OF GOODWILL Senator Tom Connally of United Stales Warmly Congratulated by Soviet Delegate liAKE SUCCESS. New York There was an impressive scene of goodwill at the United 'Nations conference here yesterday when Konator Tom Connally, chair man nf the United States foreign rrl.itlnns committee, declared that the United States wanted peace with every nation cf tnc world, whereupon Andrei Vlsh-insky, chief of the Soviet delega tion, warmly grasped his nana. Vlshlnskv uromlscd that Rus sia would "not use the veto so much." SECRETARY IS CALLED Mr. Krug lo Testify in Case of John L. Lewis ATOMIC ANNIVERSARY CHICAGO Today Is the fourth anniversary of tbe discovery of atomic energy at the University of Chicago. HAS REFUSED TO GIVE TESTIMONY tlrnc mis'.it prejudice it. i WASHINGTON, D.C. Q - The United States government an nounccd today that it will call Secretary of the Interior J. A Krug ai'd ten other witnesses In the trial of J6hn L. Lewis on contempt of court charges m the Bcft coal strike. i Jih- t,vt. nf the esniotiacc . .. v jaii crsAVf1e-thatof Dumford Smith, also charged with ccro munlcatlng secret Informatio: n'ncvia set for December 16 IS AFRAID OF GREECE ATHENS 0 Prof. Sophocles Venizelos. leader ot the Repub lican Liberal' party, sal J today that the Greeks arc "couaDorat lni? with members of an organi 7ation called the Slav Macedo psistancp Movement to achieve autonomy In Macedo nla." Venizelos suggcs',cd a secret meetine of Parliament to de bate increasing deterioration of lawful conditions in Nortncrn oeco and nronsed Unit the Premier should call off his trip to ;the United Nations confer ence at New York. (The Prc- n ei left l cvcrtheless). There arc un :onf lrmcd reports that Britain intends to give r.rcecp. nearly ten thousand ad ditional pieces of armament ana hi nermlt un increase oi s.uuu Britishers In the Creek Army, ISHANGHAl TROUBLE "Shoot to Kill" Order Issued By Mayor of Chinese City to Tut Down Communist Disorders SHANGHAI Following serious disorders at the -week-end, Mayor K. C. Koo has issued a "snoot to kill" order to choke off Commun , 1st demonstrations. There Is i state of emergency with, martial law. t ShiDs and" autos were wrecked and all places of business were closed. i Mavor Koo holds the Commun 1st underground responsible lor the trouble Customs Receipts Total $24,281 . Custom recs'nts at the port of Trince Rupert during Novem ber totalled $241.81.16, bringing the year's, total to date to 525: 460.57. Receipts during No- fin iniinnep rase at Ottawa vpn.ber. 1945 v.ere S16.057.83, V.:1 Adjourned Because Star Wit- the 11-month t.tal in 1915 :s uess Will Not Give fcvidcncc OTTAWA Oi New refusal of David Gordon Lunan to give evidence today forced adjournment of the case of Prof. Rracl Hal- nerln on a charge of conspiring tn rnmmunle.ate information to Russia T Jinan, rreentlv sentcnCB'i to five vcars Imprisonment, refus e'd ,to testily because he has an anneal nsndine and he feared that to pive evidence at mi Bulletins DEPTFOUI) DIES VANCOUVER Walter Dept- ford, for several years an alderman here, died yesterday at the age of 67 years. TOKYO EARTHQUAKE TOKYO A severe earthquake shock, centre of which Is believed to have been 51 miles below Tokyoi .Bay,- was. lecorded today and the people ire fearing recurrence of the great disaster which killed thousands In Tokyo and Yo- lnhjma a quarter of a ren-tiiry ago. THAMES STILL RISING LONDON The Thames River is still rising, having gone up another three inches at Wind sor and .Maidenhead. Gale warnings are out. The liner Samaria, with 2000 German prisoners of war ftom Canada on board was stormbound off the Welsh- coast but is due to dock at Liverpool tonight. SHANGHAI JUIET AGAIN SHANGHAI Juiet returned to shanghai today after two days of rioting which started when municipal authorities sought to clear the streets nf thousands of unlicensed side-wjlk peddlers. Some f-hop-leepcrs hesitatingly reopened for business today as the po-l ic, with "shoot to kill" orders, guarded against a resumption of the week-end noting In which at least 100 persons were injured and five lo twejve killed, Passing of Bill Esling Member of Parliament for Kootenay West for Two Decades is Dead ROSSLAND i) William K Esling, aged 78, pioneer publish er of Trail and Rossland ana Conservative Member of Parlia-for Kootenay West for twenty vears, died tiere today He came to the Kootenays dur ing the mining boom In 1898. He oubHshed the Trail News from 1896 to 1915 and later pub-itehed the Rossland Miner. Be fore entering the federal field, hp had been a member of the British Columbia Legislature Alberta Legislature Opens In February EDMONTON The next ses slon ot the Alberta Legislature win onen the middle of Febru ary, It jvs announced, yesterday by Premier E. c. Manning. B.C. WOMAN WHEAT QUEEN CHICAGO, Qi Three Canadian grain growers, took top honors at the week-end In judging at the hay and gialn show here In conjunction with the International Livestock Exposition. Mrs. Amy Kedsey of Erick-son, British Columbia, Is the first woman ever to 'be named International wheat kins at the show. She won the honor on Saturday with hard red spring wheat. W. S. Simpson of Dawson Creek, in the British Columbia Peace River Block, was crowned rye king. Gordon McArthur of Stayncr, Ontario, is oats king. .POWER FROM NORWAY c Halibut Boat Lorna H. Is Beached After Foundering CAPT. HANS KNUTSEN AND THREE CREW MEN BROUGHT HERE SATURDAY AFTER, STRUGGLING TO SAVE DAMAGED VESSEL Tha SQ.fnnf PrinpA Rimert halibut boat Lorna H. iies on the beach today at White Rocks at the north- west tip of lianks island, ner ootiom noiea oy a v'hich she struck at 6:30 Friday night while running lor shelter from gale and darkness. The four crew men ot tne L,orna n., vapu nana LONDON Plans are under way for a submarine cable 300 miles under the North Sea through which power would be delivered 10 uruain. the plane, top, is its shadow. oThorse drawn wagons was Impossible. Folio lng Knutsen, William cagshaw,Elner Magnussen and Slg Gruntur,, were brought to Prince Rupert at 8 pm. Saturday by the beam trawler Skeena Maid, --whlcn stood by the Lorna H. for1 hours, and finally managed to toW'tne damaged boat to the beacn. The Lorna H. struck a niciaen rock at the entrance to a sheltered cove at Whits Rocks as she sought shelter from a corm. The vessel had been beam trawling prior to tne wreck. ThP skeena Maid, another beam trawler, skippered byjorm Carpenter, stood by tne ncipies3 Lorna H. all Friday night, then managed to ges the vessel free", imd tow it to a nearby oeacn :fore It sank. Initial su'tv of the Lurm II. showed that she was badly damaged, but It is not known yet whethjr or not she is a complete loss. ' Capt. Knuwcn leit tnis morrr- mg aboard the nauDui poai, Moirls H., Capt. Carl G'sUl. to make a further inspection. , When the Lorna H. struck the hidden pinnacle of rock at the entrance to White Rock's 'harbor, It was blowing a gale and visihllltv was almost completely blotted crt by the darkness and rain. Capt. Knutsen hope3 that the Lorna P may be in sucn con dition that It can he patched temporarily and towed to Prince Rupert. The Lorna H., a part ot me regular Prince Rupert halibut fleet, was engaged In. beam trawling after an. Indifferent halibut season. The vessel is owned by Mr. Knutsen, and was built here in 1937. ALD. ARNOLD FILES PAPERS Woman Candidate is First In Field For Mayoralty ' Nomination baners of Alder? man Nora Ethel Arnold, who is contesting the mayoralty seat in the civic elections on December 12, were filed with Returning Officer H. p. Thaln this morning. As fa as Is known at present, Alderman Arnold Is the bnly candidate opposing pre seat Mayor H. M. Daggett, who4,has announced that M will runior his fifth term as mayor. Sponsoring Alderman Arnold s rnhrtlrtature were Dr. R. G. Large and J. Ralph Morln seconded the nomination. ,.."- THE WEATHER Synopsis :-. . Pressures are beglnning'to 'fall along the British Columbia coast due to a developing storm centred off the Oregon coast, The storm Is expected to move northeastward giving south easterly gales to the southern B. C. coastal waters late-woay. Milder weather is general throughout the southern portion of the province. Forecast urinco nnnprt. North ; Coast and Queen Charlattes Overcast today and Tuesday. Intermittent rain in southern portion becom ing continuous tonignr ana Tuesday; intermittent rain nor-thenr portion Tuesday. Winds southern portion, easterly today increasing to southeasterly 25 miles per hour tonight. Milder tonight and. Tuesday. Mlnlmums at Porth Hardy 40, Massett 36, Prince Rupert 34; maximums at Port Hardy 44, Massett 43, Prince Rupert 40.