face 1 - .( Topics from Terrace Civic life Fund ounting ,.cr. Terrace's drive lor Vre ontlnues In full rfhiuaronteed and given S - dat5 fotalllnB jj follows ,M;ilt Market $200 lwr..-y Lid. lit'"- ' . inn .Oarage ana iine Shop I !flith 1.1 Kotei If Hotel Morris ItJuhr" me ua. .. Ln Levari Ui LOS"'"'! Camp ;0:,-."e It! UUD 11 1 31 I" C F Fisher ISntfh - I C J Norrington r.i h Male , Cirpmter Shop .... -x Bar .. . ;.Sh:rw..3d R: '.mond 03: 1 Lsr.Mk Bar " 'smk doners 13 :rtu"e coon ri'ii catch . 200 .. 200 . 200 . 200 W -Hector Cate 1: In ' line on Lakelse f-;;ru good catches I30.V ?, -Lord Perth. 70. fl . minted deputy lead-'' Liberal Party in the I L rcb NEW MEMBERS IN TERRACE LEGION , TEanACE Canadian Legion's monthly meeting on Thursday brought together a very good turn-out of members. Five new members were initiated to membership. Some structural .alterations to the Interior of the club premises were ordered so as to ensure a more strict adherence to the rules of 'the club In admitting non-meiroers. A donation of $100 was made to the fund for the purchase from War Assets of the drill hall In the military brigade camp. The meeting nominated officers for next year. Several names were put i)p for the meeting In 203 December when the election of 200 officers takes rl rte. 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 SO 50 50 50 50 ' 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 .25 PARTY FOR' NEWLYWEDS Air, and Mrs. Kenneth Kerr Honored by Terrace Community A well attended and much en-Joyed party was held In the Oddfellow Hall E'riday evening In honor of the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerr. The party i . .. . - ' ....!... .. ,f , I ...1.1. ' wi9 u tuiiuiiuiiiiy UUtiu vyiiu nearly 200 people In attendance. For the occasion the front of the platform had been suitably decorated. 'Curly" Baker was master of ceremonies. The proceedings commenced with games, in which young and old participated. This was followed by dancing, music being supplied by local talent. At midnight delicious refresh- 23 ments were served. A beautifully 2n , decorated caite Having on it 25 i "Terrace Extends to You Both j0 Best Wishes-was cut and passed 10 around by the bride and groom. 10 Following supper, presentation 5 of gifts was made to Mr. and 5 Mrs. Kerr by Floyd Frank. They 4 consisted of a pile rug, chenille 3 bedspread qnd an electric tri -2 light. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr ex-2 pressed their appreciation in 50 1 appropriate speeches. 100 A number of films were then 50 shown. Tne evening conciuaca with (ancln? and the singing of "For They Are Jolly Good TRAPPERS HAVE GOOD SEASON SKEENA CROSSING Three local trappers returned here at the week-end from their Nans River traplinps laden with furs and cxpress.ng satisfaction for their luck during the last few weeks. Jpmes Weget caught 22 martin six cross fox and lour m'nk. Moses Drown caught 1G irnrtln ahd three mink, whll: Jacob Brown caught 22 martin, t.Vea red tCc tm.i three mink FOR THE HOME i Aycrs Pure Wool Blankets "Sleenwell" Down Comforters "SleepwcH" Wool-Filled Comforters Chenille Hath Sets , Chenille Redspreads "Gait" Towel Sets "Homecraft Luncheon Sets And various other items in limited quantities FOR Nettcr Quality . . . Hettcr Value nuv AT W Fraser and Payne THIS AND THAT ' ' '''' i'' "My wife will be up In a minute. I know there's something she shouldn't see, but I'm darned if I can think of it!" Home Recipe ALMOND TEA CAKE Va cup butter '2 cup shortening cup granulated sugar cup light corn syrup 3 eggs 3 tablespoons milk Vi teaspoon almond extract 2'2 cups all-purpose ' flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 3'4 teaspoon salt Topping i4 tablespoons soft (not melted) butter 4 tablespoons honey 2-3 cup chopped blanched almonds Vi teaspoon almond extract Cake Cream together butter, shortening and sugar. Add syrup. well beaten eggs, milk and flav- orlnc. and stir to blend. flour sifted with baking powder and salt, and beat. Pour into a greased wax paper-lined pan (about 16x8x1V? inches) and smooth top with spatula or knife. Spread topping evenly Party Was Success KITWANOA Aimed at funds to. tr-e community Christmas celebration, a party and dance wero held Saturday nl t In the iCItv.-anga scnimu n'ty" hall under convene rshlp ct Mrs. Fanny Williams and Mrs Dora Sampare vho head the Icniistmas Tx? committee features of tte affa'r were Ihe wle of ho-n? cooking, a fish pond, and the laffle of s. cj:.tn-tity of home-canned frut, winners of the nter being Mrs. Mary William.-; Mack Turner, and Arthur MacDames, of Skeena Cro3jlng. The latter part of the eve ning was taken up with dancing to music supplied by Stan Wil- liams'and his orchestra. over batter. Bake In a modertely Add i hot oven 3"J5 degrees F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Cut In small squares or narrow strips. Serve warm. May be reheated. Topping Cream butter and honey thoroughly. Add almonds and flavoring, and stir to blend. i f a v n h i it K.-.I Hum tie to a Sme TUtr; m ( CANNED FOODS A A. fVacKcniie Furniture LIMITED "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" STORE NEWS We have a splendid selection of merchandise In stock and all very suitable for your Christmas gifts. Bedroom suites in four pieces; dinette suites In six pieces; Duncan Phyfe tables in variety; coffee tables and end tables In beautiful walnut; pull-up chairs in variety; a new shipment of cedar chests have arrived; a new lot of -hrome chairs is coming this week; the latest In baby carriages have arrived, made by Lloyds, and are beautifully upholstered. As Santa is bringing goods to our store very regular now, watch for Store News. Phone 775 327 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and gas ALWAYS . . . Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILY Jrd Avenue Phone I7R WOMEN ARE INFORMED News of Rationing Chances and Shortages Relayed in Kight-Page Booklet OTTAWA, fi No advertising campaign, no sample copies, were necessary to build the Consum ers' News Into the publication with what is believed the largest circulation in Canada. For the last four years coun try and city women alike have looked for the latest on ration Prices Board. tto postage is required for the 319,000 copies which each month are distributed to housewives from Prince Rupert, B.C., to Princeton, Ont., Vancouver to Vigneau, Que. First they are sent in batches to the 10,030 Consum er Branch representatives all over Canada, and to each of the 1.700 labor union representatives. From '.here they go to members of the various community organizations. Not only dors this "passing along" save money, but it also lends the personal touch, said Rose Shaw, former women's editor of the Montreal Gazette, who puts out the bulletin. "As the papeT .shortage became acute subscribers were urged In turn to pass their ropy along to a neighbor, rather than keep It, or throw It away and those who no longer wanted copies were asked to notify us and have their names removed from our lists." "It's the only publication which gives the policy of the board," ' price continued Miss Shaw. "We have more BEWITCHING WORDS LONDON Hi People have al lowed themselves to ib? "bewitched by words," Robert R- Hyde, director of the Industrial Welfare Society, said in an ad dress in which he told of a chimneysweep who called himself a "fluonomjst" and charged fvnarvita mnro thon nn nrd'nnrv I HiyidV V V -. " - H sweep. UNOBTRUSIVE BUTTERFLY The leaf butterfly is so like a leaf when its wings are folded that M cannot be distinguished at first glance. ln.g and shortages on this eight- vlll be wanting to know when page monthly bulletin put out by I any new board ruling comes out the Consumer Branch of the I its up to us to try and explain it not In the language of the economist, but in words everyone will understand." Male Readers Too Not only women are avid readers of The News. A Toronto lawyer recently wrote in asking that the names of several of his friends be added to the list of subscribers. " Take for instance the issue in which It discusses the reason for the increase in the price of milk. A brief story reviews the entire milk question. "Another story, humorously Illustrated, points out that Canada had an excellent potato crop this year, and urges Canadians to eat more potatoes. Many a Canadian newspaper has used the bulletin's copy on Its editorial page, concluded Miss Shaw. "Many a housewife has written thank-you notes to us for the Information It contains." "Turkey for Christmas" tops another story in which the consumer is told of the recent board ruling which will allow families to enjoy turkey tried to anticipate w'hat people dinners for Christmas this year. Whuls So Good For Relieving Miseries of Childrens Colds More than two generations ago In grandmother's day mothers first discovered Vicks VapoRub. Today it is the most widely used home-remedy for relieving miseries of children's colds. And here is the reason ... The moment you rub VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime it starts to work two ways at once and keers on workina for hours to ease coughing spasms, help clear congestion in cold-clogged upper breath ing passages, relieve muscular soreness or tightness. It promotes restful sleep. strike. Try it i : misery coia NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estimates 5 STONE BLOCK P - BOX 1381 Phone 5C3 Eveninss: Blue 370 , New Leather Handbags are Here! Two shipments have just arrived from the east. The styles this year run mostly blacks and browns with some of the new designs in fasteners and quite a number have zippers and different kinds or, gadgets and fittings Inside. There are a number of new shapes ftnd finishes and the prices run from $7..10 to $'J.".00. We have also some of the new plastic bags at somewhat lower prices. Olad to show you anyhow even if you don't wish to purchase Just now. hy is gone by morning! That's wh VapoRub VapoKubissG is so good to use when colds REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERr HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 ajn. to 3 am. PHONE 17S Ptfncc Rupert Dndp r3eUis! Monday, December 2,-1946 "SALADA TEA OAGS Cold Weath er Has Arrived 4M Orders are piling up and the supply situation is not so good. You are advised to keep your orders well in advance to e've us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 f FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOPSUEY HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tai) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE 1.1.1 We Serve You Nothing But the Best ... SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN' Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West WA N TE D MUSICIANS FOR PRINCE RUPERT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Weekly rehearsals now being held at Civic Centre For further information phone T. A. Johnson 20D, or Fred Conrad 220 This space donated by Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITFjD PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every! Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite, Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bui Blue 14ft Res. Red 127 Ask for George Protect Your Boat Frorii FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C02 Extinguishers after use, in our own plant In Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone 651 and 652 NEW : RE k LOCATION EQUIPMENT STOCK COMBINED FOR A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE WE CAN MAKE I'AIR I'LACE ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 12C EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 160 East Third Avenue f (Next to McMeekln's) NH Ml