hi Prince Rupert Needs h these r-presentatives of interest uiw B5H"it E)c by thrmselves for these Le w mid certainly jioi ::nv enterprise py Rupert people in.opposl- :hem.. 'ive.s. Can bne U -e so much that the oi Pi lnce Rupert .might : nv'iv. i. which jio one n c; . for them. In'" of a wide district or tn: kiddtns ltscjf it is a f :r a beginning Prince k pe-ple could supply pro- for tne residents oi hi.m 'n vi:;lt Prince Rupert i r it nuld develop a muni- I or float where goods L:;d ciuld be assembled undrr cover in .wet Fl;; i.fter 40 years ex- hC Willi wcainci cumu li-:2 i. not a single. pot Be V;-""' ' uin iiciL- u iat liir be loaded dry on a h 4a v a . Prince Rupcr.t hve nol yet roviuefl L ont facilities for the uij if our fishermen's the winter. The result It os ' di '.or boat has gons r make its head- ci ;iere iiui u is not onry v i ! itself that coes, he ;kipper and crew as well, v. ..vt-, and families. ) akc advantage of :: IccplnPM. Van-irndin $1,500,000 a; of this overflow p Rupert. And always n ii" these fishermen but what's the innps would cost v : money is spent on hen there won't be it our neonie to take id elsewhere. .There . .iiid different things be done to make H' a better place to b;ter place to visit; a to spend old -age -in, i r" u1k do not come : ope of the subject. i!r . ) add un in the ex- ITRNITURE MOVING ICKLNT. - CRATINC, and STORAf.E " Est. 1910 LINDSAY'S STORAGE LTD. 1 Ut on Call . . . PHONES CO and G8 MA &B ...We Haul ERRACE ransfer&Taxi Storage MEET ALL TRAINS WICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT H. 8MITH) Box 167 TERRACE J"s Is Our Rusiness advantage of our iP ', urs 01 aut0 and SencemaehlnC repalr ex' Terrace Machine Shop iiii..-. a unaer tne f! ?2L f.Bin 0sb - .v.uiea tne services y year, . TS "aa f anri . of exPerience in i - -ui-R. worn. CONSULT US lrrace Machine Shnn AN!) GARAGE rr race (Continued 1 from Page Two) i i presslon "Local Ent . . ---WV Jil ...V.UU r-i i n . . .m.u rtince itupert people have uccu sauiy lacKing, to cure which we have an Industrial Development Commlttpp. whifh lias develcoed Jiothlnir hut hrtof .to the government. Produce In Gods Name!. Month after month as . we listen to the loquacity of some and the.masterly silence of other members of the local business community, the writer remembers a Jingle of former years which ruas "It's not tjie man who knows the most who has the most to say" and these great talkers in Prince Rupert might with great benefit do a little readlns for a change. From Its very title ''Sell Help'Vby .the late Dr. Samuel Smiles is indicated. The previous generation who made Canada, were nourishing on Carlyle's philosophy, summed up in his own ,words "Produce, produce! Were it but he pitlfullest Infinitlslmal fraction .of a .product produce It. .in Qod'.s name!" A statistician recently calculated that it takes a capital ,in-vtment 0f $0 000 to finance one single Job which may or may not be correct. But his fhure gives an Idea pf the Investment required. Prinec Runert people Jiavc the monev. Surely, they have cnousth .brains to put that monsy to work fo themselves! For ,hls own sake every farmer knows he has to fertilize his land to replace what V has taken out. Even Prince Rup?rt people scorn those who don't. But to see jpeoplc who have consistently exploited this district, taken everything they eould out and put nothing back. Prince Rupert people need only look m the mirror. Until Prince Rupert people get Busy and do something for themselves to develop these "wonderful resources of this northern country" of. whjch wo .lie'ar so much at election times, there is every likelihood that Prince Rupert will remain an overgrown v'ila'je of 7,000 people. So long as Prince Rupert people sit crying for the moon, for the government to do something, for the dry dock to do something, for the railway company to do something, for everybody else to do something, while they themselves produce nothing and do nothing except talk, there Is nothing elscforQjir unemployed and for our growing sons and daughters but to seek a livln? elsewhere. And for those who have Jobs, to continue living off fish! It,'s an , easy living. I have a few dollars. f5o has every other one of the 200.) wage earners in Prince Rupert but(we never have had an opportunity of investing our mitcln developing local resources. Yet there is every facility for gambling In mining stocks. I would much rather gamble on a local man In some local enterprise. Even if it were unsuccessful financially, I would have had a better run for my money. We would have tried to do something anyway. Today's conditions constitute a challenge to Prince Rupert's "Free Enterprise" business community. They 'Will either accept this challenge and do something for their community and themselves, or the Co-op will soon b? doing what thy refuse to. And more power to it, if It does! D. J. HARVEY. mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Take Invigorating steam , baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage rhone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST , Timely TERRACE Topics On Saturday everts, a special meeting of the school board ana the ratepayers was held In the Legion JIall. o. T. Sundal was acting chairman lor the meeting and C. W. Mlchiel was in charge. Mrs. F. Hall was secretary. Principal business of the meeting was the election of a trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Gordon Kerr. Geoff Lambly, who has been a hool board member before, was chosen. Following the election of Mr. Lambly, Mr. Mlchiel answered a number of questions with regard to the need for more classroom accommodation and the changes in taxation being brought. about by the implementation of the Cameron .Report. Albert Graf of Ryan, Sask.. who recently returned from serr vice overseas, Is visiting ln Ter race with his brother Dave. Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry and family arrived from Prince Rupert towards the end of the wctk.The-.Pe.rrys .have bought the .home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Sek-ora. Four of the Perry children arc attending school here. ALEXANDER'S ARMY Alexander the Great conquered the known world with 35,000 men. Advertise in The Dally News. FOR SALE Bed, cheap. Phone Black 752. (84) FOR SALE-Rollcr canaries off prize stock. Males $10. Phone Blue 519. Box 315. 84 FOR SALE Trolllns boat 1756. 28x8x3. Gurdies with lines $400. Apply at 108G Seventh Ave. E. or at Fishermen's Floats. (81) rOR SALE Kitchen oil range and Easy washing machine, both in xood order. Call No. 2 Helgerson Block. (81) FOR SALE-lnglC and double beds comolete, steel cot complete. Duo-Therm oil heater, white enamel kitchen table and chairs, white enamel five-drawer chest, kidney table, mirror and bench, small table, lamp. Phone Black 315. (80i FOR SALE Beautiful cocker snaniel Dimples, -registered. Mlnsmcre Kennels, Francois Lake. B.C. (84) FOR SALE Treadle Singer sewing machine. $05.00. Apply 033 Hays Cove Avenue. (82) FOR SALE New electric irons, special $5.05; new electric hot plates, special 5.'o; new miiyy mirrors, from $1.50; new handmade rag rugs, $2; new pillows, 75c; slightly used hassocks, special $3; used bed and spring sets, $3; slightly used two-piece bed chesterfled, real bargain, $59.50; slightly used Barrymore rug, 9x12, $50; all kinds of useful furniture. Phone Black 324, B.C. Furniture tf) FOR SALE Kitchen, tables, beds, bedding, dresser, floor lamp, hot plate, chair, pictures, vases, odd chlnaware, other odd articles, flower pots, laundry articles, sythe. We might have what you want. Apply Mrs. Alton. 109 11th Street. (78) HOUSE FOR SALE With linoleum on all floors, two stoves, and studio couch; four bedrooms. Vacant May 1. 321 8th Ave. West. Phone Blue 894. (80) FOR SALE G-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (89) FOR SALE 10-room house on busline, with full cement foundation and basement, with hot-air furnace; on two good lots. $3000. Cash or terms, with Vz cash. Apply Collart & McCaf-fery Ltd. (83) FOR SALE 5 -room house, on 10th East. Excellent condition, newly decorated. Fully plastered and modern. $2350, on terms; $2000 cash. Apply Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (83) BARGAIN FOR CASH You can own a four-roomed house, fully modern, In the 500 Block, 11th Ave. East, for only $700. Apply Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (83) NEW COMPANY WILL LOG AT KUMEALON 1AKE Loral Partners Form New Operating Conre m Take Over Kttchum .Qperat'on Incorporation pn-zeMngs for" the Kumealon Logging Co. Ltd., which (Will operau la a limit containing 12,000,000 board feet of mixed timber on Kumealon Lake, 35 miles southeast of Prince Rupert, were filed yesterday. The company, made up of five partners, is Incorporating at $20,000. Partners In the firm are John Mulroney, well known union business agent, P. Z. Gagne. N. E. Thomas, J. N. McLeod and N. S. Campbell, who purchased the timber limit from the government forestry branch on Monday. They have also purchased the camp and equipment of C. C. Ketchum, who operated a logging outfit .on Kumealon Inlet until his death two month.', ago. Operations on the timber claim are expected to begin be fore July 1. Fourteen men left today pn the tug Phlppen to begin the initial work. 'Coaslstlng of an estimated 5.000.000 (board feet of spruce, 4,600 000 feet of hemlock and 1,- 000,000 feeet each of cedar and balsam, the timber claim borders Kumealon Lake, and averages about two miles from tidewater. While Initial logging will be done by the high-lead method It is planned to make It eventu- Classified Advertising - - :i.-w.irip(!: 2c per word pt-r insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notices: 60c; Curds of Thai.k., Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage ami Engagement Announcements: 12. KNGAGKMKXT NOTICI? MRS. R. Sargent. Hazelton. B.C.. announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. George Ingram Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram of 7112 Angus Drive, Vancouver. B.C. The wedding will take place In St. Theresa Chapel, Hazelton. at 12 noon onThurs-day. April 25, Rev. Father Donze officiating. CARD OF "THANKS MAY I express my sincere thanks to my many friends for their kindness in my recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to I Rev. Prockter, the organist, I and to those who sent the ! beautiful floral offerings, i Mrs. St. Clair. FOR SALE HELP-WANTED FOUR FIRST CLASS carpenters required for steady work at Ocean Falls. Apply Northwest Construction Ltd. Room 6, Stone Building. (80) WANTED Camp man for fish caniu. Experience in handling halibut and salmon stores. Phone 582. (81) AGENTS WANTED LOCAL Agent wanted to take new and renewal subscriptions for all magazines. References required. Apply to Fireside Readinu Club. 1417 Dominion Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. (w-f-m) FOR KENT FOR RENT Two' room suite with bath. Near Cold Storage. Phone Black 825. (84) FOR RENT Two roomed house, furnished. Apply G13 Eighth Ave. E. Phone Black 900. (841 FOR RENT Two single rooms, one may do for light house-, keeping. 224 5th Avenue West. (80) FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam-heated room, close In. Gentleman only. Pnone Green 818. 80) FOR RENT Nice warm suite, furnished. 1142 Park. Avenue. (80) FOR RENT Rooms. 622 Fraser Street. Phone 309. (87) WANTED WANTED To buy light car or truck. Model A preferred. Phone Black 158. 81 WANTED Immediately. Three or four-room furnished suite. Phone Blue 609. ' (80) WANTED Board and room for working man. Box 100 Daily News. (80) WANTED TO RENT By young couple,' small house, close in. Phone Red 140. (80) PERSONAL LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE give immediate relier from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (82) LOST AND FOUND LOST Red leather-fitted com pact at Kinsmen Hoedown. Keep-sake. Reward. Mrs. Bruce Rogers. Green 415. (79) FOUND Two keys on ring, near city Incinerator. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. LOST Purse Saturday night near Royal Lunch, by young mother. Containing valuable papers and keys. Return 50 Cow Bay or phone Black 392, Mrs. Johnes. Reward. (79) RADIO SERVICK RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I.'mlted. Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What is the correct method pf extending an invitation over the telephone? A. The principle thing to remember is that the invitation given over the phone must ,oe as correct and gracious as the written invitation. Q. Is It correct for a person to use his fingers when eating an orange at the-table? A. Yes; peel the orange, then pull it apart with the fingers. ally a "truck show." The ground is level throughout,' and suitable for truck logging., The partners estimate that the operation should employ between 20 and 25,men when in full Hotel. . . arrivals J'nce Rupert E. L. .Connolly. Prince George; F. J. Fleming, Prince George; R. Coates, Prince George; O. N. L,a,rso,n, Qona R.lver; Mrs. William Beynon, Port Edward; J. Scnden and sen, Hazelton; W. T. Hickmore, Smlthers; Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Vancouver; Jl. -Spllsbury, .Vancouver; T. J. McQuillan, Oona River; W. C. Ell-wyn, Vancouver; J. A. Hatch, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. F. Nash, Terrace; A. Jacobson, Shirley; Jvlr. and Mrs. ,H. Am-dam and family, Terrace; C. .Weir, Hazeltqn; S.,.Feazan, Haz-Crcek; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Jacob-ion, Shirley. R E N E WAX O F UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS To AH Employers: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1946, must be exchanged for new books. Kindly communicate immediately with your nearest National Employment Service Office if you have not already exchanged yourt.em-ployees' books ,. There are serere jtenallies for ' foiling to mukv Unemployment In sum nee eontrilm t Ions for your insured employees nml for fuilure to renew the Insurance . lloohs as required. To All Employees: you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION NEW 1946 FORD 170 East 3rd Avenue Now On Display Here is the most beautiful Ford ever built . . . with more advancements than many pre-war yearly models. There's a new ride, Improved economy in oil and gasoline, longer life . . . and massive, rich new styling. We cordially invite you to. come in and see the smart new 1946 FORD. fa S. E. PARKER LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. Auction Sale FRIDAY, APRIL 5th, 2:30 p.m. I.O.D.E. HALL FIFTH AVE. and McRRIDE Favored with instructions to sell contents of Day Rooms, 29AA Regiment and R.C.E.M.E., and other goods consisting; in part as follows: Mechanics' Tools; 2 Electric Washing Machines; Electro Lux; Overstuffed Chairs; Batrell Chairs, upholstered; 4 Barrymore Rugs, with felts; 5 Screens; 2 Mantel Clocks; Coffee Tables; Dinette Suite, in walnut; Oil nuiner Kitchen Range; 2 Radios, one with Record Player; Electric Toaster; Electric Iron; Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces; Sectional Book Case; Tri-I.lghts; Chesterfield Suite; Beds, etc., etc. Terms Cash J. H. MAIR AUCTIONEER Terms Cash A. MacKenzie Furniture L I M I T E D "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FOLDING COTS 30"x72", comfortable and convenient; folds quickly for easy storage, with all-felt roll mattress. Special $i:t.7." ROCKER CHAIRS Made of eastern hardwood; naturaj finish, very comfortable $.".0."I THE ARISTOCRAT BABY CARRIAGE Rubber tires, hood and apron. SpeciaJ $1 .."() MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION ' Can be forwarded C.O.D. for your convenience Phone 774 : 327 Third Avenue Prince Uupcrt Daily r3cUis Wednesday, April 3, 1946 oooooaoooHoooaoDcoaaooDoooooiao0oiooDoooocieHflOi .. . r w You will be pleased with your selection from 3 EASTIMi I cards: i L Ranging-from n RUSTCRAFT 5c '" M? jS' PIBB PRINTil'NG COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, .Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REX ALL STORE A;ii.le rial n or C'niHMiiul, j .117- i.(m ASA llrx Tulilcts, 2Th .18 ASA Ur Tulilrt, WI'h -HI lll-m.". Un. 4 .nx. ."S Keviill ISronrlilal Sjrup. R oz, .',0 Krvull Clin-t Kill). 3 ii. .. -".0 Janf tWwnv.i Ijitlon. :! oz. . .'!' JutiK'H lli-zrma l.iitlnu, (i A . 1.0(1 Ifirtt hillilr. UiisIKIi tine. IH oz. . ja Itfvall ll.viMphosliitft Coin- ImiiiiiiI, ili oz 1.410 l.lnasrptlc. -1 z. .",' l.liiari(lc. l(i oz. 1 31 Itt-viiii Milk of Miignrsl.1, 20 oz. JM ltfHll Milk of M.iRiirsl.i Tnlilrl I'lillllp- ,MMk of Masn.-sl.i TulilrlH THE REXALL STOKE llevall Optliif. 1 oz. Agurul, Ili iz. Haver Aspirin, 21's lUjer Aoplrln, Hill's Mcliiii's I'imilrr. 4 oz. . . Ilix klrvs .llliire, T, oz. Vickr. Vapo Kuli, V, nr.. Mill. oz mill, r, oz. . M l.M . .Vt . .751 . 1.00 .'3 . .110 1.33 Kno's Fruit Sail, family hlzr I .on rjiown syrup, n oz. ... Alisorliliic Junior. 4 oz. .. Alisorliino Junior, 1! oz. . 1.3! 1.9.1 riillllpt Milk or Ma'iirsl.i. 12 oz. 4.1 Murine 1-4 oz. .r,0 3(i'K, .50 j K.V.. .3.1; 2.Hri, l.no .Kl'i, .2.1! ",.Vk, ..Ml; SlMi'N, 1.0(1 Prescription Specialists Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drtxqpiats CARDS . for Everyone! THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Parker 1 IT WRITES DRY WITH WET INK IT STARTS IN A SPLIT SECOND IT'S THE PEN EVERYONE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR zDrt'cJaJ vcu write Put SUM ni flSJDO FincUi tS.00 mJ HM mm Ifi- If COME IN AND TRY IT Truly the most amazing pen you ever dreamed of.. see how it writes dry with wet ink - no blotter needed no inky fingers! Try ice split-second starting. We have now a complete stock of these mar-velous Parker "51" Pens . . . available in Canada for tbe first time. HI JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA I SLACK COD SMOKED 1ILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. G anadian Fish AND old St iC O MP AN Y LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.