m IS I Prince Rupert Dailp J3elos Monday, April 29, 1943 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prlnca Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By City Carrier, per week .15 Per Month 65 Per Year $7.00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year $4.00 PAKISTAN DIVISION Separate Moslem Slate Sets Major Parties at Odds NEW DELHI, ffi The issue of Pakistan partitioning of India into two separate autonomous states appears to be the main stumbling-block in the way of discussions between Indian lead ers and members of the British cabinet mission, a concensus of leaders of the principal political parties; reveals. Members of. the mission Sir Stafford Cripps, president of the board of trade Lord Pethlck- Lawrerjce, secretary of state for India and A. V. Alexander, first lord of .the Admiralty were sent by Prlrjie Minister Attlee to, con-, fer with Indian leaders on steps leading to full self-government. The Pakistan Issue has divided India's! two most powerful parties, the Indian National Congress Party, favoring political unity for India, and the Moslem League; which advocates, a separate Moslem state. Comments from Indian political leaders follow: ; Maulina Kalam Azad, president of the Congress Party: "I am fully satisfied with the progress made and with the spirit and atmosphere in which the talks ae progressing. The present atmosphere of distrust between .the Moslem League and the Congress is temporary. When India receives her rreedom, Moslems and Hindus will be compelled to have confidence in each, other."" Mohammed All Jlnnah. president of the Moslem League "Federation would be dominated. FOUR STAR TRANSFER "SEIWICE WITH A SMILE"' Phones: Blue M ,Res, Green 820 Prop., L. Christopherson (Ex-Naval yet.) MEMBER ABC. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Olflce ueparimeni, uttawa). Congratulations, Col. Mellom The many friends and acquaintances indeed all the numerous Prince Rupert people with whom he came 'in contact one way or another during his period of command of the Prince Rupert sub-port of embarkation will concur in the award of the Legion of Merit to Col. John H. Melloin as announced in the Daily News; on Saturday. Good soldier and perfect gentleman, Col. Mellom was iiot ostentatious tvue of of- ficer-4-to the contrary he was quiet and unassuming in manner and methods but he had the genius of gettirig things done and, during his tenuro here, there was plenty to do. At the same time he had the faculty of winning the friendship and admiration of all those with whom he became associated. Here in Prince Rupert there will, be many to join in the congratulatory satisfaction at the bestowal of a well deserved reward in recognition of a job well done. - .f. Socialists and Communists The Dominion secretary of the Co-operativa Commonwealth Federation in Canada, sounds-a warning against the Canadian communists and their disruptive tactics in the Labor movement. No less a person than the ' Labor Prime Minister of Great Britain declares the communists are essentially undemocratic and only give lip service to true socialism. The president of the United Automobile Workers of America bans communists from union payrolls as being in the service of a foreign power. ; . . . . When the "good" Socialists both here and in the Motherland and in the United States see it fit and necessary to issue warnings of this kind against the active proponents of the Russian system we who have been classed as calculating and wilful advocates of the "capitalistic" system because we have criticized the communists and their ways wonder what motives they may have to attribute to their less radical socialistic "comrades" in this coincidental outburst of warning and criticism. As for us, we expect we will again be accused of fomenting disunity in the ranks of the workers by even mildly referring to the existence of the disunity which so obviously exists. Cause of War Canadians who would share their last morsel with companions in common peril, must go, the limit in sharing food with the starving millions of the world. Here at home five Canadians go prospecting. They lose a canoe and a large part of their supplies. Food runs low and game is scarce. They share their food to the last crumb, giving most to the weakest.. Civilized men play the game that" way at the risk of life. As a nation, twelve million Canadians cannot close a far-from-bare national cupboard while millions die of starvation. In the case of the prospectors there is an immediate personal need and an inescapable duty. In the case of the nation there is ah impersonal foreign condition. Ourj principles demand that we open our eyes and hearts and our cupboards to save millions. We must share fully the food wo have. We encourage our own unemployed people to produce food. We cannot prevent production from our idle land by shutting the nation's doors on those who would come in and grow food, share it with us and feed the starving peoples of the world. The cause of war lies in the failure of nations to give effect to their principles'. The cause of the next war is right here in Canada, as well as abroad. The only effective means Ganadians"rcan employ to avert the next war, is in their own hands. Canadians and Americans must put their principles more fully into practise or perish by their own atomic sword. as the Congress is dominated, by Hindus. So far as Moslem India is concerned, the conception of a United India is Impossible. If any attempt Is made to force a decision against the wishes of Moslems, Moslem India will re sist it by all means and at all "0StS." Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Congress leader: "Congress Is not going to agree to the (Moslem) League demand for Pakistan under any circumstances, even If the British government agrees to It." Ta. i Singh, Sikh leader: "If the Pakistan theory is accepted, the Sikhs will insist on creation of a feparate Sikh state." Sir TeJ Bahadur Sapru, Liberal leader, favored Immediate establishment of an interim government which would discuss the question of Pakistan. OBSOLETE MASKS New poison gases have out dated 5,000,000 military gas masks used in the Second Great War. Whifflets From The Waterfront ooa aootfoaooooiKHKKjoooooo Two Union Steamship Co. coasters were in port la.;t eve nlng. Operating now on day light saving time, the Catala ar , rived from the south at 9:30 p.m, sailing at midnight for S tewart and other northern points whence she will return here to-1 morrow morning southbound. The Cassiar arrived at 9:30 p.m, from Massett Inlet points and sailed at midnight for Vancouver via south end of Cueen Charlotte Islands. C.P.R. steamer Princes;, Adelaide, Cant. II. C. McGeachy, arrived in port at 1:45 this after noon from the south with pas sengers, freight and ma::l ant) will sail at 10 p.m, on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Advertise In the Dally News. CONQUER CANCER KILLS 3 DAILY IN B.C. Unless it is checked it uiil hill 1 in 8. JT CAN BE CIIECKED-$r,O0,000 needed in Il.C. to protect )our lovrtl ones and reduce trairedy in your and j,lr m.igh,or8 ,olneg. SnJ contribution to Your .oral Committee or to !WER CANCER CAMPAIGN rnuvircut, BUIIDINQ . VANCOUVER, B. C. i 1 I Ujii 1 1 ij 'J'JiJJ jjHpjiji ! BRITAIN'S MINISTER OP HEALTH Rt Hon, Aneurln Devln. Minister oi Health in Britain Labor Government, lias been Labor Member of Parliament for Ebbw Vale, South Wales, hukq 1929. The son of a Welsh coal miner, he began his career in the mines at the ago of 13. He became prominent in the councils of South Wale.' Miners Federation and was elected to the local Urban District Council after his return from a Labor College. His wife, Jenny Lee, the daughter of a Hlfeshlre miner, is also a Labor Member of Parliament. 55TH GOVERNOR-GENERAL i OTTAWA Ot Viscount Alexander lathe 55th of a line 'o! I goveniorsTeneral of Canada! which jfoes.back; to Cham pi a in. who assumed. fflce in" lfioa. H.-is the 17th sincft confederation Train Schedule l'ur the East ; Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m, 2"- st J LETTERBOX UIG BUSINESS AND CO-OPS Editor, Dally News: 'Regarding the advertisement about personal income tax being $50 more than It should be. .' In the first place I do not be-inn-j; to any co-operative of any ; Hid but I was very much amused by said advertisement as It was very timely since April 30 is the zero hour for Income tax returns. I do not lean to any political oarfy but realize this, the government of Canada figured the war would las for another two ir three years so have .spent mil-Kens of dollars and when, the wa: Biuidcnlv ended they foun.d hey yei !' on the shor end. Also the oovernment has been play-in ui) to bl? businesses from start, to finish, forgetting; the sh'oyard. aircraft, fishermen and co-operative workers, who are the real patriots as far as Canada Is concerned. Re your Iteinteed account: 1. How can private small businesses compete against big businesses? Just leaving the cooperatives out of it. 2. The rn-oppratWcB 'will never swallow up competitors In sum 11 businesses. 30. In my opinion, and I ,nies like a lot of other taxpayers. -I would prefer the co-oparatlve-s ti the way the government lias olaved Into the hands of big business 4 Last but not least, the federal "overnment has sqiranderttl so much money foolishly., if I may say so, that it would be very convenient If they could cojiec: from the co-operatives and small businesses to pay their debts, and they have already made a start In that direction. TAXPAYER. 'Better English I By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "She Is a widow woman." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "domicile?" 3. Which one of these words U misspelled? Fulfillment, furlough, fuzlon. Answers 1. Omit woman. 2. pronounce dom-i-sill. o as in on, both i'a as in 111. 3. Fusion. anadian Hick el Return pr . E. iMOltTUipp 32 2nd Ave EXl'Ettx. Ptiom "ft " "uarantN.,1 INTERCOM Mall Order 1. ,M "ay a:; record " wr kadiq & Kl.KCTRR 313 Third .venue SKl . IJU1IC U11 jjg UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL Will Kc-open Saturday, April 20lh Wc specialise in tender, juicy tv and Chinese dishes. WK EXTRNP A IIKARTY INVITATION TO CMi r ENJOY OUR FINK FOOD wgs poet (Wooen gooefs Australia is the world's largest producer of fine wool. Canada is the 'world's largest producer of Nickel. Wool is Australia's chief export. Less than three per cent of the Nickel produced in Canada is consumed in Canada. The rest is exported, and the money received helps to pay for Australian wool and other products necessary to good living in Canada. Canada cannot keep on importing from other lands unless Canadian goods arc exported. Also, we must continue to export Canadian Nickel if we are to continue to employ thousands of Canadians in the Nickel mines, smelters and refineries, and other thousands who produce the umber, power, steel, machinery and, supplies purchased by the Canadian Nickel industry. By constantly expanding the use of Nickel at home and abroad, the Canadian Nickel industry brings additional benefits to Canada 1 a anu Canadians. ' ' 7 THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 KING ST. WEST, TO t li IS nONTO