l5 - w A O O. 0V CAN I i ' U NNE asiiley Hoff can I make! good 1 ' a small quantity of Z orris root to a little . -minn lis line nis wc w Sprinkle B, lt remain for a few ,e, .hen brusn 11 oui "ufMy . 1 t7 la - ' llr tiV JT ' M 11 vli Q. How can I prevent cratches itan being noticeable on patept leather shoes? A. By painting with a mixture of olive oil and Jet black Ink, applied with a very fine brush. Q. How can I keep watermelon for several days? A. .Watermelon will keep, fresh for two or three days after It U cut If waxed, paper Is placed over It. t. I ill. muni iiuv.u m1 miAi.u v o;i((kd with (ilaiiioiir . . . You'll be in this distinctively simple topper you'll wear over everything. How fL-ittering is the new, dropping shoulder line, deep armholes (perfect to wear ovr suits) and the flared hack. BUDGET- PLAN A convenient way to, have the pleasure of your Spring clothes, rlsht at thn start of the season. TERMS In accordance with-WP.T.B. Regulations. uotmcenwnl . . . W. M. MARTIN lla. taken, over and ls now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET H'LI. LINK OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your natror.aee would be annreciated K Seventh Avenue East PHONE li)'J WOY OTEL Jar! Zarelli, Prop. J"e P.O. Box 544 fRASER STREET "ince Rupert Blue 8S0 LING THE TAILOR We, are taklnf cleaning and prcsslnr and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street i REX CAFE ,EC0ND AVF.NI1P nnnnaTTP tintMPI?. nUPERf HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17.1 P.O. Box 14 64 Green & Corrins or Work Builders and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service HOW LADY ALEXANDER COSTUMES Queen's Designer Modelled ladv Alexander's Ward-iob For Trip to Canada By DENISE DALTROFF Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON I!)-Lady Alexander, wife of Canada's new. governor-general, took with her to, Canada a wardrobe prepared by two of London's mast famous dress designers, who aimed at combining eiegance with practicality. Both day and evening clothes were designed by Norman Hartnell, who makes many or the. Queens dresses, anl Angele Delanghe. For travelling Hartnell de signed a severely-tailored, sutt of green with 'matching over coat. With It Is worn a blouse of pale pink and a studied beret of the same tweed us the suit. There Ls also a day dress lit green with yoke effect, tied In at the waist,' and a cocktail dres? and short matching jacket. The dress Is embroidered with copper and gold and worn with a brown felt hat trimmed with coq feathers. Among other dresses design ed by Hartnell Is a dinner gown 1 in stiff sapphire velvet. The 1 slightly draped bust ls set on a diamond shaped front waist. the back. The sleeves are long and fitted and the skirt flairs out from the hips by virtue of the stiffness of the velvet. Lady Alexander has an eva-irfng gown of heavy brocade reminiscent of n century ago with a small floral design of cherry color on a shot cherry nnd white background. The skirt Is fitted to the knees, then becomes full to the ground and Is about a foot longer at the back than NEURALGIA Are NEURALGIA and the Hammering Headaches lt causrs blinding you with cruel pain? Oct fast, safe relief aa othert Uave. with Templrton's T-K-C. Don't delav another ay. Start now to relieve that ain with T-K-CV the remedy enthusiuMlcjlly piised Ly thousand. At U druKibH- -SOc, T-22 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household fLiles Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD OOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free I' It I NCR KIT PERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES; Bus. Blue M." Res. Red 127 Ask for George ft: nwjftvi 1 flMtlHI SITIC0 J -(JI0l III 111.) ; 3 4 I l Mticnina itiatil (kVlll. I in lowcit rioMii ISX .ly I I Iiimt mooch) VVfTl I ( .gJ cudouxa o.4o L.JI... 0 AS 10W AS i 00.50 BRIDAL WREATH dUmondi W MM f J? I John Bulger LIMITED Third Ave. Phone 122 I 4 Timely Topics from Terrace HOPING FOR MUNICIPAL RELIEF-REVIVING INTEREST IN TENNIS The Village Commissioners and the Clerk attended the, heaving in Prince- Rupert Wednesday Last of the proviniapaunicipal relations eommissiou and presented their brief. They expressed themselves as hopeful that their argument will result in ah improved financial outlook fothe municipality. The brief was 11 1 short document but lt stressed Coupon Calendar For- May Rations "The following ration, coupon.? become- valid In May Including the. first five for canning sugar May 2 Sugar-Preserves, S8, S9, 810, SU and S12. Butter, R7. Meat M35. ' May -Meat, M36. May 1ft Sugar-Preserves,' S13 and S14. Butter, R8.Meat, M37. May 23-Butter, R9. Meat, M38. May 30 Meat, M39. Coupons still valid Sugar-Preserves, SI to S7. Butter, HI to R6. Meat, M29 t0 M34. the front to form a tiny train. It has a narrow belt of red pail of brown wool with a short skirt' lettes. The heart-shaped decol- letage Is low In front but follows the neckline at the back, The short sleeves are caught above the elbow Into tight cuffs: the shoulders are squared and the waistline, low. Another of Hajtnel.l's designs for Lady Alexander ls a dinne gown of wine velvet, modelled on Empress lines. Embroidery ii . . i i n . Ill Llilll.MJLLflll. llllll UUl UC VllliTL neck and crosses over the bust, and. the sleeves are short and puffed. Angele Delanghe has also designed both day and evening clothes for her. Among them ! rey flannel dress and jacket. The dress Ls plainly tailored with sljvhtly flalred, panelled skirt. The Jacket buttons up to the two, small revers and has a box pleat on each pocket. ' Another easemble Ls a royal blue dress and jacket with midnight blue overcoat. Here again the dress Is on simple tailored lines and the Jacket ls collarless with two small epaulets on eacji shoulder. The revers are buttoned back and the buttons are Strung on with the material Instead of being sewn on. The midnight blue coat has plaster lion, buttons and large revers from the neckline going over each diouldler to form epaulets and continuing down the back to the waist to form a V. Delanghe has aLso designed a printed dinner dress In cornflower blue on a white ground. The skirt Ls slim fitting with a draped band twined round from the hips to the bottom of the skirt. It has a simple V-shaped neck, with loose fitting sleeves on the magyar line. Another , evening dress Is in midnight blue slipper satin, with loose tiers of lace at the back forming a bustle and Inserted at the back of the bodice and up over the shoulders to form soft cape sleeves. The neckline Is very low In front with a rolled lip edge. Lady Alexander also, has a black lace dinner gown with softly draped bodice and, skirt with two pink water-lilies attached below the square TITLE FOR ALEXANDER OTTAWA tP) The governor-general of Canada Is styled, "His Excellency" and his wife "Her Exsell?ncy.'' He tops Canada's table of precedence and ls followed by the prime minister. i.wn UKntsTiiY act Re: OrtiriraU; of Title No. S2598-I to Unt Thirteen (13), Block lAwr-teen (14), Townslte ot Atlln, Map C- ... WHEREAS Ratlslactory nroof or loss of. the above Certificate of Title Issued in thp nnmp of William Arthur IKll has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby Riven that I shall, at the exDlrutlon of one month from the riiiti. of the first mibllcntlon hereof, Issue n provisional Certificate of Title In liru of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantlmn valid, objection be made to me in wriiiog. HATED at the Iind Registry Office, Prince Runert. B.C. this 9th day of April, 1946 A D. ANDKEW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. IN THE SUPREME COURT Of' BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THK MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP GEORC1E TUTTLK. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judsre W. E. Fisher. local Judtfe of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 18th day of April, 1946, appointed Administrator of the estate of OeorRft Tuttle, who. led on or about the. 7th day of January. 1946. All perrons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness' to roe forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate, are. required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of May. 194(1, falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prlnco Rupert, B.C.. this 18th day of April. AD, 1946. OORDON P, FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. -M4 no been resumed and, 13) That t he provincial government makes revenue from the village by the sal of wine, spirits and beer and also from certain licences and after covering the casts they should return to the " village a just proportion of any surplus, maintaining their share of the village streets and paying their proportion of police expenses. x The Tennis Club, is endeavouring to revive Interest In the game. here. A meeting was held a few days ago by members of the old club when it was decided to hold-a further meeting to.be held on May 14. The Misses Jean and Onnolee Kirkaldv and Miss Edna Toon puiim into a separate Den ail - , - Prince Runert. fcCI, 1IILU U1U, UUIM11C3 Lilt.' J three main points: 1) That the village revenue Ls insufficient to efficiently maintain the village service.?; (2) That the village was originally Incorporated, because certain government grants were available and that most of the.s grants, were discontinued during the depression and have Miss Freda James and Miss Joan Macdonald, local school teachers, have returned after a holiday spent In Prince Rupert. Steamship Sailings ' For Vancouver-- Monday as Princess Adelaide. 10 pm. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Ruperc, 11:15 pjn. .Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. May 8 and 18, June U ss Princess Louise, pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. May 3, 13 and 27 ss Princess Louise, aJn. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. May 8, May 18, June 11 ss Princess Louise, pjn. For Alaska-Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. May 3, May 13, May 27 Princess " ' ' Louise. During the past week many flocks of wild geese have been heard overhead. Parker Mills, son of Dr. and Mrs. S. Mills, Is spending, a few days In, Prince Rupert. Mrs. Hazel Agar spent a few days In. Prince Runert during the week! Dolly Haugland and Roberta Lambly returned on Friday night from a holiday trip to Prince Rupert. are enjoying a brief holiday In 1 HEADACHE7 Help pt quick , relief with Weekly Meat SUN. MON.ITUES.) WED.I THU. FR1. SAT. Broiled Veal j Fish Baked i Grilled , Curried Meat Steak Raqouti Dish Sous- Lamb Eggs. Loai ages Chops Group Group unrat- Grcup j Group unrat- Group C C ioned D, C ioned C 1 lb. Va lb7l iTibTl a lbi Tib. K 3 I 3. 2 4 tokens tokens tokens tokens tokens Monthly Sugar-Preserves lbs. 2 qts. 1 tin fruit 10 lbs. sugar maple and 1-1 2oz. canning syrup jar jam or sugar , .2 1 marmalado 10 coupons coupon 1 couoon couron:3 The ration budget of steak for Sunday eating. "A GOOD a twosome will allow a On Monday, veal ragout will provide a meaty meal. On Tuesday you can have recourse to fish fillets done to your liking. One pound of sausage will take care of Wednesday's dinner, as well as an accompaniment to Thursday's lamb chops or a breakfast specici. Currjed. eggs can hold the spotlight on Friday. Saturday's meat loaf allows for guests, or cold cuts for Sunday supper. The month ol May ushers in the canning season, lor which each ration book holder Is allotted ten pounds of sugar the same njnount as last year. There are no specific coupons set aside for this purpose, but ten extra sugar-preserves coupons, each good for one pound of sugar or for other items on the 3ugar-preseryes ration if you do not put up your own fruit, will be validated. The first five of these, S8. S9( S10, Sll and S12 become valid on May 2nd, the rest on July 4th. It is not necessary to use these Immediately if the fruit you plan to preserve is not, in season. If however you do buy sugar now for later use, it would be wise to label it "canning" and set it aside for such. The important point to remember ls that Just ten coupons will be granted lor the season, and lt is up to you tp plan their wise and efficient us so that you can highlight next winter's meals, whether you do your own canning or purchase preserves Items at the store. In addition td the canning sugar, two regular sugar-preserves coupons become valid, S13 and SI 4 on May 16th. The purchase pattern outlined above suggests how a twosome might use them to provide a modest amount of sugar, sory fruit, and the seasonable mapie syrup (its- coupoZ value reverts to 48 fluid ounces May 31st.) A. MacKenxie Furniture LIMITED PLACE TO BUY" LATKST MODlX5, FOLDING CARRIAGES The Lloyd and the Qendron Easy riding, springs on nil four wheels. No-draft curtains on hoods. Streamlined body with, removable footwell. Maroon, blue or grey coverings. Complete range from $1.1.50 to .$15.00 DEATH OF OPERATOR Prince Rupert Da(!i J3cU)S Monday, April 29, 1948 Hugh Williams-Passes, Away at Skeena River Post Hugh Williams, Canadian National Telegraphs operator, sit Kwinltsa for the last three years, passed away at the Skeena River village on Saturday at the age of 8. He will be buried here on Wednesday. Born in Winnipeg, the late Mr. Williams was a veteran of the first World War, and is said to have been a member of the Canadian Legion. He worked for several years as a telegraph op erator on the Northern Alberta Railways before joining the Canadian National Telegraphs. He had been operator at Kwinltsa since 1943. He ls survived by his wife at Kwinitsa. JAM. FEW FORTUNES IN BRITAIN NOW LONDON, 0 Britain's ar-tlme tax burden Is levelling out the range of private Incomes. The number of taxpayers has. almost doubled since 1938-39. But last year only 63 pe'rsorf had more than 6.000 ($27.00dv left after income tax. There weo 7,000 before the war. Here are th. 1944-45 figures for various Ranges of Inconie after taxation, with 1938-39 figures in brackets: XI 50-250, 7,400,000 ( 4,500,000); 250-500, 5,050,000 U,&20,000.; 500 - 1,000, 830,000. (450,000); 1,800-2,000, 180,000 (155,0001 j 2,000 - 4,000, 33,030 ( 56,000 ) 4,000-6,000, 890 112.000); 16,004 and over, 60 (7,000); total tax payers 13,500,000 (7,000,000); 1tf !- Ill ft fit IT Q IVUU IV CUB I ilC f MtthvebjiiueAifiCl In sixteenth-century Persia, the Shali court Included officers, known a "Kahvedjiliaclii", specially commissioned to pour the Royal Coffeej A Joy to Pour.., A Product ef Cnrg FoodjWHBIsB NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PUINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 Mm this JlicAer, Finer There's extra satisfaction in every cup of delicious Maxwell House because it contains, choice Latin-American coffees . . . blended with a traditional skill . . . "Radiant-Roasted" to bring out the goodness of every coffee bean. It's. not surprising that today mor$ people buy and eniov Maxwell House than any other brand of coffee, in the world. It's dlwajt "Good to the Last Dropf AWNINGS . . . SAILS . . . WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S 430 Bowser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) Phone P.O. Box Black 1C9 302 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD OOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. TOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAKEFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 We serf r you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Reel, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINO j REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Fles, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serre you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service, TRY USt RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel York General Construction or Phone Us, on a New Insulation See See i KIMSUL Something New and the Host Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name- It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 12C Day Phone Green 937 Evenings