NERAL OF Uc for the late j Eudinich. wife of h u. who passed jv y last week, Givnville Court day afternoon,, W a-:on oi first , nictating. In-j lace at. Falrvlew B.C. Undertaken infrements. Pall-Frank McLean, A Comadlntf. iRoy C omer and jT. L. , voimn fuins of cobra n found useful in from various mm t PUSH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER, CANADA RED CROSS AIDS EXPECTANT MOTHERS IN VIENNA - In an attempt to brlnp; forth a stronger new generation in famine-ravaged Austria, expectant mothers are being given an additional dally ration of 300 calories. compoiKd of a dab of lard on a bit of bread and a. cup of egg milk punch, by the Red Cro:i. LOCAL MEN FLY SOUTH Two Prince Rupert business men were among passengers on tae Queen Charlotte Airlines plane llalda Queen when It took .ifl for Vancouver and intermediate points this morning. Thev were C. A. Brind, Imperial Oil Co. representative, who flew to Allford Bay, and David Allen, local Kelly Douglas Co. man-aicr for Vancouver. Other passengers were O. Snell, B.C. Packers, for Pacdfl; George Obynskl, Pacific Mills, Allford Bay; R. Sephton, Mutual Life for Massett. In addition, the Haida Queen picked up Mrs. and Miss Holland at Ma.ssett, Granville Bothby, Ma: sett to Vancouver; and W. Malcolm, Butedale to Vancouver The Haida Queen made a special call at Chilko Lake at the head of Bute Inlet to pick up three American sportsmen who have been fishing at the lake for the past 10 days. Inbound passengers on the Haida Queen last night included Dr W. S. Kergin, J. T. Harvey nnri p. H. Simmons, all from Vancouver, and nine passengers! from the Queen Carlotte Islands. ! WARSEnrSMEN ON VISIT HERE Five War Assets Corporation regional department heads arrived In the city Wednesday from Vancouver on an inspection trip preparatory to the change . of Jurisdiction of the local War Assets offices from control of the Montreal head office to the Vancouver regional office. The change will become effective on July 1. They are E. W. Bourque, regional supply manager; H. Delaney, plant clearance supervisor, . Brown, warehouse superintendent: J. G. Yendell, traffic supervisor, and A. E. Langley, security Inspector. They will be in (.h.irse of local War Assets administration following the de parture on July 1 of I. M, Mac ,klnnon for Edmonton. TOURISTS CROWD AMERICAN ROADS As many as 600 tourists nightly are forced to sleep in their cars in, Yellowstone Park so crowded are American holiday centres, J. Harry Black, local Capitol thaetre manager, reported this morning after returning from a vacation trip' through Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana last night. Mr and Mrs. Black and their daughters, Wanda and Betty, left by car three weeks ago. Highways in British Columbia are generally in good shape, Mr. DJack said, "lihou.ih one section around Cache Creek on the Cari boo Highway is rough. The roughest tecli&n of the Prince Rupert Highway is between Skeena and Prince RuDert, th eastern section being in good shape. w T nlirlnn Ufn nrln In T firt J v ttfl I Vl rrlatives. and Bettv in Pentlc- Natty W.D. Caps ton, Mr. and Mrs. Black motored home alone. They made the trip frcm Prince Gearge in 13 hours yesterday. CITY PIONEER PASSES AWAY A pioneer Prince Rupert man, who came to the city In 1910, passed away Wednesday evening while on his way to hospital , from his home on Eighth Ave-jiue. He was John Kach, a resident here for 3ii years and a former employee of the city, watvrwarks department. He was ! 70. years old and was born in. Ukraine. Deceased had been married but was divorced. It is understood that there are no UNSALEABLE PRODUCT NEWCASTLE, Australia, W The municipal council couldn't ven give M gas-producers (Charcoal burners on automobiles) avay. First the council otrcred them for" sale but there were no buyers. Then with other scrap metal they were advertised. The only offer for the scrap wa. $7.20 and the tenderer stipulated ,hat he wouldn't take the producer; HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY. J Q. How can I keep clothing free from, moths? A. The odor of branches of the arbor v! tae la very pleasant and wholesome, pnd will keep the clothing that is to be packed away free of moths. Q. How can I prevent white silk from turning yellow? A. White .silk should not be washed Jn water that It too hot, as It hag a yellowing effect on It, Q. How can J avoid spattering of grease? A. The spattering of hot grease can be avoided many times by placing a little salt In the fryip? pan. Poli ice women Get Former Ainvomnn New Head of London's "Bohettes" LONDON, Vfi A new shiny peaked cap, similar to that of the R,OAJ WcmenVs Division, has been adopted by London policewomen. It was partly designed by Mi.s E. C. Bather, first woman chief inspector of the Metropolitan women's police whe as an R.A.F. nffiwr. helped to organize tjie R.C A.F. Women'-Division in Canada during thr war. When she was appointed to A Natural healing The Experts Say. . . ICE CREAM Summer days man ice cream for dessert and t-. dn'-sn't matler whether It actually contains cream as long .is ik frozen. Chocolate Freeze Is recommended by home economists and adp'ir 3U.s frozen dessert made . I) milk but having the smooth texture that Is usually obtained mly with the richest cream. Chocolate Freeze require Ha ;quar"; of unsweetened choco-,te. 2';! cups of scalded milk, V up oi, a few grains of all. two tablespooas of flour, vwo cr yolks slightly beaten, 1'. teaspoons vanilla, two egg vhlt? ;, ' i cup of sugar, tea spoon of almond flavoring. Melt the chocolate in top of double boiler. To scalded milk add sugar and salt. Add gradually to chocolate, stirring well, nicrid flour1 with a little cold watr and add to the chocolate mixture. Cook -for 10 minutes HOME CANNING This year apaln home canning will take an important nlace in the home-maker's plans for conserving Scotland Yard last January, Ml?s Bather said policewomen's uniforms compared unfavorably with those of British and Canadian airwomen. The new cap is a first step toward redesigning the whole uniform. covery with antiphlogistic properties. Promotes healing. Relieves pain and inflammation. Im it lor quirk rclirf In rfdlAeM'f Foot, Erxoinrtt Bmritn, Jiruiact Mil Hhommatie or Aenrilic point , YOOtt DnUCClST--Jl 1:. fake dis. BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SUKY CHOW MLTN Our Specialty Open- -Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Located at Hulkley Hotel SMITIIERS, B.C. Steamship Service from PRINCE IMIl'EItl to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE use MAORI WOMAN WINS DEGREE - AtTf!TTT.A9D. N.Z.. fl One of t ! the lew Maori women to have ? i won a university degree'ls Mlw Pelricevlch who his graduated as a bachelor of arts at Auckland University College. Until the present, very few native women have taken university courses but It is thought that her success may encoitrase others. Mairy Maori men have graduated from universities, and one, Dr. Peter Buck, has achieved woi ld-wide recognition for his studies In anthropology. He is head of the Bishop Museum In Honolulu and has been guest professor at Yale. perishable food. Here are some emphasized "do's": Do test sealers before using. Make sure that there are no chins In the rims. Do have the sealers clean. Wash in hot soapy water and time thoroughly. Do ,;rade or sort the fruit or 'vegetable for uniformity or size -nd maturity. Discard all bruised r..... tu and snotted fruit anrr mil. Add vanilla. Pour into ! Ho use the thinnest syrup that freezing tray and partially freeze about 45 minutes with a control set at the lowest point. Beat egff whites until stiff, but not dry Gradually beat in the regaining 4 cup of Har and the almond favorlnet. Remove chocolate ml?: to chilled bowl and blend with meringue, using a clover beater. Return to freesln.g tray and continue to freeze, stirring occasionally until firm, about H'- hours. This makes six to eight aervings. will be palatable. Tills stretches the sugar ration: One cup of sugar to two cups of water is sufficient for most fruits and a thinner syrup, one cup of sugar to three cubs of water', is sweet enough for pears. Do leave a space of V inch at the top of the sealer when filling with' fruit or vegetables except peas and corn which require 'A inch head space. Do not allow filled containers to stand and get cool before CHIT-CHAT A little lemon juice or vinegar adds a pleasant tart note to boiled carrots, beets or turnips. Don't throw away leftover cooked fish. It may be flaked and used in salads, fish cakes, or croquettes. When you store cream or cottage cheese in the refrigerator be sure lt well wrapped or covered for It takes on other odors easily. kinds of baking out off j women who win prizes ffor home baking All ttiooin nuuu . . bread, cokes, pastry. WE SERVE YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST FRESH VEGETABLES' AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES ' i DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS t PHONE 21 THIRD AVENUE WEST UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Phone Blue 850 P.O. Box 1464 Green & Kermode Builders and Painters All Interior and Free Estimates and Exterior Work Prompt Service &tlut Kttpcrt Dnflp Jctos Thursday, June 20, 1946 Modern Etiquette ' By ROBERTA LKK Q. May a woman who is wearing an expensive coat and is dining in ft public, place., retain the coat instant! of checking it? A. Yes.. She may slip it over the back of Iver chair, or place It on another chair at the table. Q. Ls it ever permlisable to leayo the spoon In the cup while drin'ting tea or coffee? A. No. A3 soon as the coffee or tea is stirred, the spoon -should be placed In the sauee'r and remain there. Q. In what way, and at. what time, ffftoitkl n bride niai'l her ' :..t home" cards? A.' These cards can be enclosed with the wedding inviU- tiOE. . P.FftT COMPT I7lOi3 UROOMF1FXD, Eng., The r.lris pf Jiloomf ield now have the Ixst ccmpWIons In Essx; hanks to well warsr used int warhing. members it the loctl council were told before they derided to (("T action on installing niped rater Hake sweeter, tastier bread! ise FLEISCHMANN-S FRESH -1 yeast NO WAITING no extra steps! Full-strengtb Fleischmann's fresh active Yeast goes right to-work. Makes sweeter, finer bread! And makes it. aster! You can be sure of tender, smooth texture lightness delicious flavour every time! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, insist on. Fleischmann's fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. It's dependableCanada's tested favourite for more than 70 years. Phones 18 and 19 MADE (N CANADA Vl-.T5.T.I' for I ,'"""' "rf if-fif Good Food! Help yourself to health front our stock. You'll find healthful foods. delicious summer menus. All. orders delivered to your kitchen door. , MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) P.O. Box 575 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION i CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL t PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES iTUUm Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 138r Phpne r0 Evenings: Green Mil JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Quality Repairs Economy Prices at ; PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEI BOX 1308 Oil Burners Installed Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 a.m, to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 PHONE 108 and Serviced PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST Announcing . . . OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFE i 1 at Port Edward, B.C. M CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN ' 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.