fljRDA7 SERMON I GO TO CHURCH rv WILLIAM i McDERMOTT ,rintcd - new community, I make , I move into a Line a nearby church immediately. To L is an adventure, not a chore. It tie to range the universe in thought .rid ill service, n luiiiraiius nm lnyhi- tesnie mentally, quickens me spiritually. 'wanta- thcT .t' friendship bcrc else ... .-nlf. . churcli but- by tiers aP-'-jenu-ld giad to wd-jy mos' valued 1 nave dlscuv-Surch connco , mo a trem- ,1U(. in diurch t the mailer of I hive never been .n a strange h Mueratc 111- 1 night. I know -aci wiih the -nd Uiat the . i u.. It irenacrpu uy u. Mv 1 know it';! nave been j.-? the minister . jiffiniHirs' . , -A n-fVAC llflVP 1 ,.. i pths of rcctl- . t wiierc death - (he minis I (be church generally r'T.t lias died; : marriages ii::e: boys and ! now mercy where way- 'rtai how a ton order cloth- -rn temporary ire provided for t entry Into arranged x T wers and i the lonely; e kent frum Irr- fields :t .urcli tecausc The preach -iluhc seeks the I : :b and their .He looks ahead rtHc speaks of ., o) nations. He ic3 God's UTnlrl in He : .:.2r a flnn t-jtanng man burly rush :t becomes v .'.sai intcrprc-; -.'. brings our 3 fcai purpose P ::as, :rier I belong t c";mcpoli- ne world. The f u-l,ll. T 1. -i ww minion i' -rtff the Bible, than a thous- J major divisions, 'J million Amcrl-- W.d wide In 1 !r P In the 'J Earnings &pan 1 their service. ""Sutton is small, scores of When I real -1: K per cent of J teaches needy :!,c rid, I feel ' i in the achieve nr me villi ' ' auire that 1 w :r( service, 1 'he literature Is at first hand '"'d travellers who aci and noonlp " o others do es, ' '"at by studvln" cl1 "s doing abroad J,lu In the jvsy-f race (hcecon-'wlunale peoples. many lands. I Clp,ltlllc fannliis. "Jtln. printing lj lr doing to brlna: mocrauc mauuvion on carm. Anyone can belong, regardless of status In Inc. In the process of exnandlne. of course, the church acquires some questionable ma es of west- 'O OODlllnllriiK! m our own. .'""t of the Tact cn the most de- EW? ?.r.Htl:E nlalnr , I?, """on and ine , fl.! buWon , in Mock P-ds, ;cp ead,, Elas: SUPPLIES terial. But when a businessman told Dwight L. Moody he would not join the church because It was full of hypocrites, Moody flashed back, "Come on In, there's always room for one morel" I like to so to church on Sun day because H is a going Insti tution. Somehow It succeeds in spite of all obstacles. It's always poor, yet It docsn t starve. One of the crcalcst stimula- t orra I derive from church con ncctlons is In exploring the Bible under trained leadership. It Is the classic of all literature; lttr Doetry. history and drama arc unsurpassed. Spiritually it is the record of the search of the uman race after God and of God's revelation of divine pur pose to man. The Bible Is not easy to read, but the average minister will cladly tutor any person or grcup wishing to mliw Its wealth. I also co to church because I want my children to acquire the habit. There they meet the fin est vouth and absorb the best Ideals. As my children grow ip under the Influence of church attendance, religion becomes a vital part of their life. They form habits of elurlty, goodwill and co-operation that will make them the highest type of adult citizens. I consider the church my best friend because It glamorizes the present and glorifies the future. It constantly reminds me of the dimity of man and of his labor. It makes cmlnlnetly worthwhile every decent thing we do, it holds forth hc promise of fulfillment in Immortality. The Jew in his synagogue anrMhe-Chrlstian In his church find alike the fellowship with God that makes life on earth noble and the life here after worth struggling ror. The crowning thrill of religion, of course, is experienced in worship and devotion. The spirit of worshlu is orocrcsslvcly enrich ing and delightful. Yet it must be cultivated to be appreciated. Liturcv that may at first seem meaningless becomes an lnfplr- atlon. Worship may be had in the open field, in a hall or in tho home, but It reaches Its heights In the beauty of the church. There one really finds frllowfhin with the Eternal. Pc rhaos It's Ju.st a lUUc churcli down at the corner, seemingly slow and old-fashioned. It may be closed most of the time. But It has a trca.rc for me now. and promises a richer one with passing years. You too. can col lect the same treasure. Have you, ever tried It? Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) Wc Christ preach ireacn c RUCIF1ED ROWNED. OAflNO "The Just SHALL Live By Faith." -Ucb. 10:38. December 1, 1040 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.-Oospel Service. Subject: A dkkam ki:ali.i;i)." Speaker: Geo. S. Weathcrly WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. -Prayer Meeting. (Phone 369 or Red 701) THE WHOLE HIBLi: I OH TIIE WHOLE WORLD This year, willi o many Hems unobtainable, an ex cellent solution lo jour gift problems is to -ivc practi cal gifts. In our stock you will find many acceptable Items. Drop In and look around. 1! III DIRECTORY O V CHURCHES Timos (if Services Srrvlre. In cl.urcl.es at U a m mid 7:10 lm. aim at 13:1l "--)t w oliown. ANCLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave w. av uuiiMiiun Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Hector: Basil S. rtockter. B.A, BX). ST. I'LTER'S ANdLlCAN Boal Cove 1'IKST It API 1ST 5tl Ave. E. at YouiiR 8t Minister: Rev. Fved Autrobus (Red 839) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 6th Ave at McBrlde bt. raptor : A. O. A;n FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 111. Avenue r,n Minister: A. 1. Mai-a-.;-rn. . 1" - SALVATION ARMY l'Taner nirrcv CO.: Adit. P. U Ourrlo (Black 269) FIRST UNITED H30 6tli Ave. West Minister: II. A. Wilson. M A. FULL (SOSPEL TABERNACLE 221 6th Ave. West n.,L.ti- t?pv j. l.lnnev ia (Green 020) SHOP NOW, WHILE THE SELECTION IS LARGERl PHONE 311 "entlon ompt McBrlde Street t STORK VISITS IRON LUNO MOTHER--A victim of infantile paralysis wnicn comines ner 10 an iron iuhk, wm. nuuaiu Crutcher, of San Antonio, Tex., sets her first look at her baby I.. c.n inlnnln. Tnv linvnllnl Mrs fTrlltY-hpr vii rpmoVCU from tht "lunf?" and wore a nortable tVDe respirator, loaned by the armv, during the accouchement. The birth was perfectly normal and mother and baby are doing well. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject, to change) A' SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Hawaii Calls 4:30-Songs in Sweet Style 4:45 Swing Time 5:00 - T.B.A. 5:30-Swcct and Low Down 5:45 Sports College 0:00-CBC News 0:05 Recorded Interlude r,. 15 Music a la Carter C:30-Saturday Night Serenade 7:00 Dancing Party 7:30 Organ Music 0:00 Time Out for Music 8:30 -Old Time Rhythm 9:00-Ray Norris Trio 0:15 This Week J-0:30 Three Suns Trio 0:45 The Gay White Way, 10:00-CBC News 10:10-B.C. News 10:15 Hollywood Barn Dance 10:45-Dancc Orch. 11:00 Weather and sign off aim SUNDAY AM.. 3:30-Concert Album , 9:00-BBC News and Commentary 0:15 Songs and Singers 9:30 Alan and Mc 9:50 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15-Just Mary 10:30 Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News U:03-Capllol Reports ii an nelinious Period i2:no-New York Philharmonic Symphony Orch. P.M. l:30-Church of the Air 2:00 CBC News 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 George Ferguson 2:30 T.B A. 3:00 Music for Sunday 3:30 CBC News 3:33--Regional Weather Forecast 3:45 Canadian Short Stories 4:00 Symphonic Music 4:30- Record Album 5:00 Music in Thrce-Quartc Time 5:30 Stage 47 Toronto 0:30 Familiar Music 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Tlie Old Songs 7:30 Sunday Serenade 8:00 The Readers Take Over 8:30-Waltz Program 0:00 Classics For Today 9:30- Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10-B.C. Mews 10:15 -Canadian Yarns. 10:30- Prelude to Midnight 11 :00 Weather and slsn off aim. Announcements All adviTllKruiruta in tins rolmim nlll be ch-rK-cl for h lull month at 25c a word. St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaar, November 30. Mrs. J. G. Anderson's. 303 4lh East. 2:30 to 5. Dec. 12. Card narty. Catholic School Hall, Dec. 12, 8 p.m., in aid of Christmas Tree. Advertise in Tiie Dally News. Local News Items Fall Scotch Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Nov. 30, in aid of Pioneers' Home. United Church Bazaar, Dec. 5. Toe H Grand Variety Concert, December 6. Civic Centre Orange lea and home cooking. Cash for old gold. Buliscr's. Mrs. H. J, Frlescn returned on the Camosun Friday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. a. Whist Drive and Dance. Moose Temple, Nov. 30, starting 3 p.m. Members and friends. (280) Jack Raohacl of Sweet. Sixteen Stores arrived In the city Friday from Vancouver on a periodic visit to the company's store here. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mix. of Mix Construction Co., Port Ed ward, sail tonight on the Camo sun on a trip to Vancouver. R. E. Moore, local manaccr of Burns & Co., left on last night's train on a weeks business trip to Edmonton. Gccrce Hill, local shoe store proprietor, leaves tonl&ht on the Coquitlam on a trip to Vancou vcr. Constable Alex Davidson re turned on the Camosun Friday afternoon from a trip to Van couver. Richard Scnhlon. provincial manager gfor Mutual Life Assur ance Co., arrived In the city Friday afternoon on the Canvosun on a business visit. MLvs Pat Tlmmcrmeister, who has been in the city during the last week in connection with the co-operative conference, leaves tonight to return to Vancouver. ARROW BUS SCHEDULE In answer to public request the Section II trip scheduled for 3:30 p.m. will be advanced to 2:30 p.m.. starting Sunday, Decem ber 1. (It) Miss Bcrnicc Mathcson of Booth Memorial High School staff, sailed last night on the Camo?un. making the round trip to Ketchikan on the new steam er today. H. W. Birch, managing sec retary of the Prince Rupert General Hosoital, returned Friday afternoon on the Camosun from a trip to Vancouver where he at tended a convention of the B.C Hospitals Association. A Loirg tnps or short, day or night, 09 Taxi at your service. CARLISLE, Eng. ?' 'Rt, Rev Thomas Bloomer, former vicar of Barklnz. was enthroned as (Bishop of Carlisle. so' JEWELLERY RIK FOR ClLiniCP.RfT BY nflmC fiT YOUR JCUJCLLCRJ Gift Suggestions Quilled ISatltmbcs Flannel Hathrobcs (luilled Hed Jackets Chenille Hed Jackets Satin and Plusli Animals Wool-filled Comforters Down Comforters Chenille Bedspreads Hoxed Handkerchiefs. Towel Sets McKay Homecraft Products Fascinators llcail Squares Table Cloths and Napkins Scarves J loves Purses Blouses Ayers Pure Wool Blankets Men's Wear pure Wool Dressing (Jown's Silk Dressing Gowns Pajamas - Ties - Belts Suspenders Hats Irish Linen Hnnks Lawn Handkerchiefs FOR Belter Quality ... letter Value 11UY AT 1!. ami Payne Basketball Centre. Tonight, Civic William Wtisyk returned on the Camosun Friday afternoon from j a visit to Vancouver. Services Lutheran onurcn, mnnnlnc ami evcnlnc. (It) D. McCorklndalc returned Fri- rbv aflrrnnon on the CamOSUll frcm a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. AEllo Furniture Store will be closed from Dec. 9th to January 5th, 1947. (d27) The Canadian Legion would appreciate recelv- Ha lng an accounts against .ft.Y them, and all settlements due them, In connection with Peppy Day and Rcmem- hrnnrn Dav (Nov. 9 and 11) as soon as possible. (It E. Bouraite, regional bupply manager for War Assets Cor poration; Major Hopkins, re-, snrnhis nroocrtv engineer: and E. L. White, assistant sales man- accr. arc arriving in the city on the Princess Louise Monday afternoon from Vancouver on. official business. They will be accompanied by Earl Barr, sur- - ... plus property representative here, who has been on a brief irin to Vancouver on olnciai business. milTH NOTICE Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dnwttwcll. a daughter. 0 lbs. 11 oz. at Prince Rupert General Hnsnltal on November 29. Both doing well. I V 1 I I a I l B GENUINE ASPIRIN ISj MARKED THIS WAY rfKJ v XMAS GIFTS Rive HEIt lively Lingerie A Nightgown, Slip and Pantic, in heavy satin, sizes 32 to 12, in white, blue or rose. Deposit. $2.70- 2 Balance, $10.79 C.O.D. Send color, size, deposit, and address to SYLVIA'S Remly-lo-Weur OCEAN FALLS, B.C. Delivery In 3 weeks n Du Barry Rubenstein Tuya Molinard and Many Others McCUTCHEON Pharmacy Ltd. Third Ave. and Sixth St. PHONE 7 Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave and 7th St. Iptfnte tUipctt Daily JcUijJ Saturday, November 30. 1046 RELAX in comfort In One of Th Comfortable Dressing Gowns Sec the range in wool flannels and wool and rayons. Solid colors and smart patterns. $9.95 to $25.95 esc 7vF7 "THE MEN'S SHOP 332 THIRD AVENUE IIOTIIIM AM) FUKMSIHMS FHONE 34S 3 - it'- At Your Service . . . OUK UECOKI) KEPT. VICTOR - DECCA COLUMBIA - Xmas Suggestions for All Ages t ( CHILDREN'S RECORDS AND ALRUMS. The Husband Who Was To Mind the House -50 Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes bCl Three Billy Goats Gruff -: Uncle Mac's Nursery Rhymes ---.r - Winnie The Pooh Builds a House &cl More Winnie The Pooh Songs - ." s" Dumbo (AlbUm)Ssct Gulliver's Travels ,fr " Little Black Sambo - f Little Black Sambo's Jungle Band - i- Ml Rumpclstiltskin - ?? rhc Little Red Hen Album 2.50 Singing Games J - J , sci The Story of Ferdinand - Gene Kelley's Nursery Songs : (Aioumj .m 50 What Is God Like? FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Nutcracker Suite (Phil. Orchestra) (Album) 5,05 Nutcracker Suite (Spike Jones) (Album) 3.00 Carnival of the Animals (Phil. Orch.) .... (Album) 5.05 2 95 5Cl Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 (Grcig) - DON'T FORGET ... "You'll C.cl Used To It" iby John Pratt) as sung In "Meet The Navy" .. 1j Pacific Cafe Phone Blue 803 General Contractor A 72(5 Third Ave. SPECIALIZING IN WORKMEN'S MEALS Chop Suey : : Chow Mcin 6:30 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT COURTESY AND I SERVICE A a- A A A A A ' A A A A . A A... A A A A A A A A ... A A A A A ' A A' A'-' A. A , A A. A A I' A' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A We do basements, resliiiigling, bin d fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 106 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE Gin and we will give an estimate. INCE RmBKt P.O. BOX 654 -:-