V M I G B B v v v I y v Ddmc Uujictt D.iily nclus Wednesday, November 27, 1016 CENTENARIAN HAS HER SAY LONDON Mrs. Ann Matilda Martin, on her 101st birthday, told the Labor Mayer of Willcsden: "I've always been a rare old Tory and the sooner n n H H O GLOVES R B H THE D D B PEOPLES B B B n STORE B B n n WAY M H N n a n n n n n Look At B a a E Everyone a B B -A" Dress up those H B gloves the B Choose from cloth, B B kid and pigtex. All vc get out this abominable lot that's In power now the better." Of young women, Mrs. Martin fald recently: "I'd whip the lot of 'em the shameless hussies running abtiut half naked all day long and In the street too!" A -2t - B s Your Hands. Else Does! hands with smart Peoples Store way. chamois, suedes, colors and styles RUPERT PEOPLES STORE We do no I need lo led you That the fuel situation is by no means easy Please keep your orders well ahead so that we may be able to keep you supplied.. Fuel stocks are bv no means unlimited. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. Fuel and Building .Material;. Phone 051 and 652 V V V V V V XMAS SHOPPERS V y FOR THE ? V V Because lliey couldn't find .V showing .of gifts If they y Uccause not only wilt you y are uscrul well FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP I'hone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Too Happy for Words! THREE THOUSAND ll 111 pollars, collect; ) on this mink iMAKE A "REE-LINE" VARIETY STORE a more extensive, more varied visited Santa's own workshop. find gifts for everyone that as as welcome, but you'll find all the "trimmings", too! Colorful wrappings, ribbons, stickcis, cards. Save 'lime, save your temper, save shoe leather! Shop at Till: VARIETY STOKE! THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" p.aaiAa.a.a,3.a.iialaiaaia.3ilal3.ai,a,s,a.aa13i,9,a)?,,aa.3i3ia.a,a,a.a.aia j BLONDIE 7 Boy Scouts Reorganized Prince Rupert Ass'n Formed With T. E. Anficld as Chair-man and Col. Dixon as District Commissioner The Boy Scout movement Is being resumed In this city as another activity for the welfare and healthful activity of the lads and youths of Frincc Rupert. Last night the Prince Rupert Roy Scout Association was organized at a meeting in the committee room of the Civic Centre with F. Earl Anficld as chairman and Lt. Col. Keith Dixon as district commissioner. Two Scout groups are already in operation here and early expansion is anticipated. Decision to develop the Boy Scou movement here is the re sult vf a survey made by Kcnj jonian ei Vancouver, wiusn Colimibia commissioner, who found that there was a definite potential here. Mr. Jordan was in attendance at last night's meeting and suided it through its early stages, advising and recommending lines of procedure. There was a general discussion of all phases of Scouting activities as applicable locally. Concurrent with the perfecting of the local executive, steps will be taken to organize group3 additional to those already in existence. A meeting of the newly formed executive will be held this Friday evening for the primary CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) 'A WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 WalJy Wicken, Trr. 4:15 Mid-Day MeJoi'cs 4:30 Rhyming Philosopher 4:45 Children's Program 5:00 Ten Years of Hit Tunes 5:30 Rcndcz-vous Room 5:45 Radio 1946 6:00 London by Lamplight 0:30 Henry King's Orch. 6:45 Strictly From Scratch 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:C0 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Distinguished Artists 0:00 The Nation's Business S:15 Songs of the West 8:30 Invitation to Music 9:00 Ann Watt Sings 9:15 Midweek Review 9:30 Time for Melody 10:00 CBC News 10:10-B.C. News 10:15 Milton Charles 10:30 Tommy Tuckers' Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00-CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 0:00 UBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 10: 15 Thoughts for Today 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies ll:00-CBRs Presents 11:15- Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Tcriod 11:33- Recorded Interlude 11:45 Elhcl and Albert P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Recital 1:45 Talk, Winnipeg 2:00-B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Sheila Presents 3:00 Western Five 3:15 Serenade to America 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News 3:55 CBC Commentary ASTHMA SUFFERERS "?t welcome relief fiom the wheezing, tneeiinir. gasping ttruggl; for breath wuwd by Astlnrw. Take KAZ-MAIf. lyeially made to relieve itchy, streaming eyes, rt.iAH-uii bronchial tubes, difficult breadline and harassing coughs cauwj byAsthma. Chronic Bronchitis, Hay ttvet. At druggists 50c, SI. " R-24 NAVY SHOW, WAS HERE IN PERSON, RETURNS TO PR. RUPERT AS PICTURE "Meet the Navy," the romantic, 'many of the scenes In this fast-musical motion picture story of j moving movie arc in glowing the Royal Canadian Navy's trl technicolor. umphant tour of Canada, Brit sin and the Continent, Is the' featured attraction at the Capitol Theatre here this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, appropri ately enough coming co-lncl-dcntal to tlic current Navy recruiting campaign here. "Meet the Navy" is the very ssmc navy blue revue that swept across Canada (Including Prince Rupert), Britain and liberated Europe, on a tidal wave of laughter and aonlause. It fea tures the same cast of navy men and women, the same great tunes with several new ones and purpose of calling a general meeting of all interested organizations and persons possibly next week. The executive consists of T. E. Anficld, chairman, Col. Dixon, Earl Gordon, G. A. Hunter, J. S Wilson. N. L. Jones and Robert Cameron to which it Is proposed to add further names. The two existing groups arc Wartime Housing, with Roberi Cameron as chairman, and Harry Quick as Scoutmaster, and St. Andrew's Cathedral, N. L. Jones, chairman, and Rev. Basil S. Prockter, Cubmaster. Attending the organization meeting last night were T. E. Anfield, Col. Dixon, Earl Gordon. Maurice Brydgcs, Pat Forma u. N. L. Jones. James Nicoll, G. S. Wcatherly, T. G. Balcman, Robert Cameron, G. A. Hunter and Rev. B. S. Prockter. Steamship Sailings For Vancoiivei Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday s Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert. 10 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday, ss Camosun, 11:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss Coqultlam, p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, pjn. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 3 p.m. Friday ss Catala, p.m. For Alaska Friday ss Camosun, midnlghtl Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 7:30 p.m. Grotto CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists COOl) SUPPLY OF MEN'S SUNDRIES SMALL (IUANTIT1HS ROLLS RAZORS RONSON LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Larly Vi kScIl"or"llijd'' By Chic Young r Isin' ' VUP THE STREET );' ( HAPPy WHEN Nn ! HE COMES TO vTi: CS) -3T-J4ll fn xgn AND FINDS IT . Among the ' musical numbers featured in "Meet the Navy" are, "You'll Get Used to It", "Lydia", "Beauty cn Duty?'. "Boy in the Bell Bottomed Trousers". "Brothers in Anns", "In Your LIUlc Chapcau", "My Diary Knows", k "Songs of Canada", "Remembrance". "In Your Sunday Best" . and "Tell Mc." ' The film Is made more thrilling with an added screen story that provides heart-wanning romance to its already brilliant array of songs, dances and comedy. I (Eluisfiucts Slippers Whatever his r her favorite type of slipper, be H assured that vc have it. Our stock is complete front fancies lo mocassins. i H ti li a A ti ft iS ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 75r TO $6.50 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft FOOTWEAR ft ft ft ft Fine New Store ft ft ft STONE BLOCK ft ft ft .3 rm m mm m -m w misskkw msh tssssssssssssssssssi mum a i n ri v mj m " 1 ! TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. , Third Avenue i Olflcc: Frederick SUrcl t ... it.n rircl Itnin Iii n ill m- hij Christmas gifts," Jiccausc Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILAIUE I OR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 10U Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 11-inch IciikIIis, free of nails $10 per cord Second class triminiiiss up to If -Inch lengths, $8 per eord Third class, various lengths uncut JG per cord FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone llltic 739 Night rhonc: Itlack C65 P.O. Box 1131 Station B - 9:00 Again THURS. - FRI. SATURDAY mum i . i - mtrt:fi 'ahh 0 Liberal Associate THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 19 Purpose: Election of Offit General Husines NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Thonc 281 P.O. Box 108 "HOUSE I'll ONE 5I7 I Sdecdons of CH11ISTMAS TA TODAY AT 7:00 'The Daltons Ride Are Now at Their Very Best tmir llitio vi i mil mi Iiril:illiii?lv :iv r BEE' 2gfF'4 The Newest and lirgef.t Slore in &IIOW3 ?30 4;, mml mm' en lu! GENERAL MEETING Civic Centre 8 p.m. Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE SHOE REP 3rd St (Near the rut We arc here to serve you and guarai vou will be pleased. rm:i: ni:i.ivi:itY of AM, o K OEKS BLAIN BROTHERS OF FINE FOODS r.o.M KLBS i linosr lalilos 'I Norlh Central l! r ..... " - j . we have a selection of which we can be verv inmi. . . f ; 1 "EVERYTHING FOR THL li i"" Gordon & Anderson