m I .'7 I I m m m prince Rupctt Daflp Betas Wednesday, July 10, 1946 An .independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. PuUlnhed every afternoon except Sunday! by Prince Rupert Dally Newa United, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. I : British Columbia. Oi,A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. Jlj Q. PERRY, Managing Director. i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per i Month .08 Pr Year E7.00 Dy Alall, per month 40 Pr V i4.no Authorized as Second Class Mall, j. gL' Department, Ottawa). if U-iisi 1 - - EXHIBITION iduLV to 20 SJNGLE FARE FOR : ROUND TRIP (Minimum Fr, 28e) From all Station! In Saskatchewan, Alberta and In British Columbia fVancouver, Princ Ruptrt and tit) ON SALE JULY 13th to 20th ejeept where no train servlceon Julj 1 3th, tickets will be sold on July 1 2th Limited to arrival Edmonton btfora 5.00 p.m., July 20th. RETURN LIMIT JULY 23rd If no train service July 23rd, ticket ; will be honored on first train thereafter. Informttlon from any Aftnt. MEMBER ADC. Post Office FjRST THINGS FIRST EXPLANATIONS, valid though L (they may be, as to why nothing call be done to effectively improve Prince Rtipert's disgraceful street cojiditioillsvill not satisfy the citizens who reasonably or unreasonably, are wanting action. It is a very difficult, situation, having so many pojor streets and sewers too, as the citiy engineer reminds us, and so little money to spend upon them. We wish we could propound some belter solution than to suggest that the best possible use be made of the liiilited resources at our command, pending relief coming from some quarter tuch as the federal government with whom the city is, no dpjubt, cb'nfinuing to press its case to the utmost. :0ne thing the city authorities, of course, must do when their resources are so limited is to put first things fitfst. If -streets and sewers are the wJrst needs of the city, then streets an;d sewers should have the first call on; the money with other expedites curtailed to the minimum or looped off altogether if not of vital need or primary importance- There might also be such a thing as-: far as the streets themselves are concerned as endeavouring to spread out over too much ground and getting nothing very effective accomplished. No doubt, the public works department is taking that Into consideration., A little goocj work would piiovid& some satisfaction whereas a lo of ineffective patchwork only develops more criticism and unhappi-ne-s. . . I isVth people of Prince Rupert 1 I - Ajussie Fighters Nbw Errand Boys YDNKY, Australia, 0) Two Australian ex-servicemen have crejated thelT'own post-war job. Thjey have started the "Service Plis" bureau, at King's Cross, Sydney. A girl who scoured Syd-pefc looking for a slip from waist to hem to go under a midriff-evening frock rang the bureau at noon. At :15 p.m, the slip was delivered. Said .the founders; F. iJ. Henderson and A. S. Rus-st'j: "People won't believe It whn we say we'll do anything fort them. We'll go out Into the suburb.? and do their shopping, brljig U totheir back door. For people travelling, we'll buy train tickets, reserve seats, call for thenT at their hotel, lift the!: hey'y luggage, have a boy take tlnjm to the train, see them safely ti their seats, buy the evening paijer for them to read. People losrj the keys..; to cabin trunks anj suitcases; and call us. We ftttithem open. One man going to England,, couldn't get crates in which to pafk food. We found a nan to make them." . Pfed Rudge, advertising ag-eny executive, says: "One of thejr most important and most overlooked means of lnfluenc-lngj:employee thinking is through thesjuse of paid advertising In locjj newspapers. h Quality Repairs Economy Prices at who pay the taxes and live here the year around who, after all, should have the first call on the financial resources of the city which they provide, in season and out. Roads and sewers are vital to their health and well-being, to say nothing of their comfort and contentment. In denying various requests, it has been impressed upon us by the civic authorities time and again that there is only so much money to spend. They are the judges of what we shall have o'$ not have. To choose wisely is their responsibility and it may not be so easy always to do so. On the face of things, it looks now like we should be conserving everything for our streets and sewers even if it means a period of austerity in doing so. Every dollar, it appears essential, should be made to count against the primary HIGHWAY DANGERS MOTORISTS on the Prince Rupert Highway complain of the renewed practice of throwing and breaking bottles along the road. The tires of more than one car have come to grief while enroute as a result, it is said. Unfortunately, there are some people, who ride along the road, so popular these fine summer clays, who are so disregarding of others that they will indulge in such thoughtless practice. Tliere is also talk of considerable carelessness in cars driving along the highway. If such is the case, there will, doubtless, be a serious accident in due time an accident that will bring death, injury, sorrow and remorse. Unfortunately, there are always those among us who cannot take care of themselves and become a menace to others. It is because of such people that there are highway patrols. The time, it seems, has about come1 when such a patrol will be required along the Prince Rupert Highway which, like all highways, has its features that require all motorists using it to be in full possession and control of their faculties and senses. Better English Hy D. C. WILLIAMS 1, What is wrong with this, sentence? "The ship sunk near, the shore." J 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "solace"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Nursery, hlckery, mystery, gallery. 4. What does the word "Inordinate" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning with ve Uiat means "quality or state of being true"? Answers 1. Say, "The ship sank" or "The ship has sunk." 2. Pronounce sol-as, o as in solid (not as in sole), a as In ate unstressed. 3.. Hickory. 4. Not -limited t0 rules; excessive. 'He possessed an inordinate greed and love of wealth.' . 5. Veracity. Senator Arthur II. Vanden-berg, United States delegate to the United Nations, recently stated: "The newspapers of America have done a very thoroughly splendid and sympathe tic Job in reporting the United Nations Association." PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Stock Exchange Shows Recovery TORONTO Early decline In gold and newsprint prices, reacting kftthe adverse effect or the equalization of Canadian exchange with American as far as Canadian products exported to the United States was concerned, were wiped out in later trading Monday on the Toronto and Vancouver stock exchanges. EH mm Phone 644 Washing machine out of order? Iron need a new wire? Whatever your electrical troubles may be, call now and our repair man will fix It immediately. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 1'HONF. Gil We Pick Up and Deliver INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 SPECIAL - $3.95 Elizabeth Arden Treasure Chest CONTAINING : Ardena Cleansing Cream Velva Cream Feather-Light Foundation Cream Skin Tonik Hand-O-Tonik 'Poudre D'lllusion Blue Grass Flower Mist Lip Stick. Ormes lid. "Jiut Pioneer Druqgtet ' STORE HOURS Week Days 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. FLYING TO HUSBANDS . New Zealand (lirls Hecoine N Visitors to Join Fiances AUCKLAND, N.Z., Despairing of reaching their fiances in any other way, New Zealand girls engaged ta American servicemen are flying to the United States on each northbound trip of the recently-resumed Pan American Airways service from Auckland to San Francisco, although visas have been specifically suspend for fiancees travelling to the United States to marry. Word has been received In New Zealand that some of the girls have succeeded In entering the United States and marrying and as yet none has been returned to New Zealand. The girls have technically established themselves as bona-fide visitors by buying return tickets. In the event of their visitors' permits not being accepted, some of the girls Intend to apply for permission to cross into Canada, marry their American fiancees on British soil and then acquire United States, naturalization papers as wives.; There are more than 1,000 fiancees of American servicemen sti". waiting in New Zealand for permission to go to the United" States and many' have already booked plane passages In the hope of being able to enter in the same way as those who have already gone. Cardinal's Illness Is Still Serious QUEBEC, (CP) The condition of Cardinal Villeneuve, e2-year old Archbishop of Quebec, continues serious although' hope of his recovery has not by any means been given up. Last rites of the Roman Catholic Church have been administered to the Cardinal, the nature -of whose Illness has not been officially disclosed. ' Monsigneur J. Omer Plante, auxiliary bishop of, Quebec, asked that prayers be offered for the cardinal's recoyery. Soviet Complaints, At Fascist Toleration MOSCOW The Soviet radio complained today that the western powers ars tolerating Fascists In Austria and tha reactionary Influences are retarding the economic recovery and prop'-"'! of the country. THIS AN "Now don't go sneaking away. the lid JEWISH POLICY MAY AFFECT BRITISH LOAN WASHINGTON ) Some administration quarters privately voiced concern that the British policy on the. Jewish question may Injure the chances for House ratification of the British loan. Chairman; Sol Bloom said that Foreign Minister, Ernest Bevin has made "foolish, ridiculous and asinine" statements on the Jewish issue but declared that this problem and the proposed loan are In no way related. He announced that he will support the loan. President. Truman and State Secretary Byrnes stepped directly into the ffght over the British credit Monday. Truman sent a letter to the Chairman of the House of Representatives banking committee, renewing his request for congressional approval of the proposed $3,-750,000,000 qredlt. The letter was scheduled to be read in the House yesterday, opening a four-day debate on the loan In the Oreek th?aire, important actors were given added height by wearing built-up shoes.. D THAT J I want you to help me put down." i CANADA READY T0 HELP JEWS OTTAWA Answering questions by a C.C.F member for Winnipeg, Allstalr Stewart, Prime Minister Mackenzie Klng,j said in the House of Commons I Monday that the government.' 'lind the people of Canada were prepared to help the Jews being displaced In Europe but there were no Immediate plans to ad mit them to this country. Despite the fact that the dally newspapers in London, centred as they are In the heart of the city, came in for considerable air raid damage, nearly every dally newspaper was able to come out regularly. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repalri Phone Black -7 236 Second Avenue West 20 YEARS AGO July 10, 1!)21 The Indian curios In the Prime Rupert Museum, which was lious-il in the Hank of Commerce buildiiiR. was attracting a large number of tourists and other visltui.s. The natural hls-tury collwlion was in process of being extended. Two Alaska men were witnesses in a liquor case against J. II. Tail, changed with selling two bottles of beer on the premises of the Oreat War Veterans' Association. Canadian National Railways' fourth annual )ersonall.v ducted tour party was due to orrivo in the citv from tne ease. The party consisted of 151 per sons who were due 10 arrive on a special train from the east. No matter what yon have to Sell m IP r i Jr jPjyy ..i ait 1 Best In News BE IT or What Not CHALLENGE SINCERITY i i'.. .1.11 flairs i i,u. Arabs Ask J&RUSAIEM, I higher exccuUve I drafted a ! Truman aceu; ; DAILY NEWS YOUR girl or YOUR friend. li OR ROLL Vmir Assistance Invited X, 's P. puiuiuie Kiau-im :; him to open tup u 1 to Jews "if he ,f ,iy "'! pathy with Ji . " "; plight." The committee rcltiati day Its demand . . . of the Jewish Av ing civic tnsoDetiif . -f if Immigration li ai , . , tinue." EYEBALL'S DlMfniSft The average human one Inrh In dlamc.r ijj. invee mcne.'i m c.r a -.fere The Daily News la completing a Roll of Honor uhlci I. U . -J .nntitln tfrtJk V.am tt HAW ,Bn iA n( tnis city to serve with the armed forces at sea, oi i and in the air. To make this list complete, it is enitm obtain the co-operation of the public as i wholt in u mlttlng the names. It is impossible for the Dally News or any on m In COmulie me H3l cumuicc cu c aic uohihi juv, iu responsible for the submission of the name of Y0UR The following is the information we would lite yc Ml in and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally Newa, Prince Rupert Nam -- . Service lArmy. Navy. Air Force) Rank Next of Kin 1L. ::il l-irt Krlatlun Address . Date of Enlistment Date ot Discharge .. It Casualty, Nature and Date n.r in nil urrr ii tiju fin run. kiiijiiiil h rriHin nrrc: name, no one else may. You are responsible. THE DAILY NEWS CAN GIVE YOU A CONSTANT " AUDIENCE OF CONSTANT BUYERS. : j ; HOLD AND GAIN CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE FOR V YOUR PRODUCT BY CONSISTENT USE OF THE I ? BEST LOCAL SELLING MEDIUM. V THE DAILY NEWS Best In Advertising