prince Rtiucrt Drtllp J3cUJ0 Wednesday. July 10, 1946 mlatjf m Sports I IT FASTBALL INTERESTING I'l-ie-srcrwe ""i"1 tl(e glrh' fastball league cyhilng at the Gyro ball lie Moose team won from hu n imw of 15 to 9 in .11. .-.lntrol rrn m lV ' " .. Knnen rrtf nff n n hi? in their first Innings scor- flve ruas oeiore Deing re- After that the scoring was, t...f (tmufTii IVio Kin. went ahead In the fourth Anrn rniim ii itk .m i lint' the Klnettes were not able ' - ..... Un lariii'mr Rrnrnr IKt II Ll LI It: Htniti. wvt v i.k ...ttU ilifAA r.o1i PrOlr. j nA11rtmt ii'Hh turn ontn Bond, Mclntyre, Morrison, .. i.u cin win nni 1113 Tli.. ... ow! For the Klnettes runs were scored by Bussey, A. Barbe and Grey with' two each, and L. Bar be, Hart and Payne with one each. Batiery for the Moose wat Bond and Dickens and for the Klnettes Bussey and Barbe. Bond struck out five cf the Klnettes while Bussey struck out one of the Moose. Teams: Moase-E. Bond, A. Ritchie, O. Mclntyre, E. Hlntz, H. Wright, F. Morrison, L. Erlckson. J. Dick-ens, C. Bellemy. C. Wilson. Klnettes L. Barbe, E. Bussey, A. Hart, B. Payne, K. Dldrickson, A. Orlmble, L. Bain, A. Barbe, C. Grey. Scores: Moose r 601 54015 Klnettes 003 COO 9 The wood cut, one of the des cendents of the modern press, made its earliest, known appear ance in 1423 A.D. . i. 1 i . w aa Y A ri ovav Kafnra tn f I T II II !P4 IT nrA best grades of oils and greases. Call us for an appoint- fill. X lUlillj if WW Pennzoil and Peerless Motor Oils RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PARTS DEPOT Oil Firing For your Kitchen Range! WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE NEW KhI.IANCK IIOKIZO.'j'piLv FLAME OIL BURNER NOW AVAILABLK IN PniNCE RUPERT RELIANCE provides fetter heat for cooking, baking, ol) heating without limiting the stove to strictly an oil With a KF.I.IANCK you can dispose of combustible nirnkAlJ ... V. I 1 . 1L. 1 f. I At Burner may be viewed at address below or at I'KlNCi: RUPERT PLUMBING & HEAT1NO Cornrr Second Avenue and Seventh Street W Virk 105 Hlith Avenue East RELIANCE SALES AND SERVICE nunc lm .. Rax 1J63 HOTEL Carl Zarelli, I'rop. iione ,7 P.O. Box 844 r HAS EH STREET Prince Rupert HOUSE REPAIRS 'For Oeneral House Repairs, Interior and Exterior Painting, Concrete Basements and Sidewalks. Work done by the hour or contract. Call us for an estimate. McLeod, Pitt-Cross &Gibb Phone Red 924, after 6 p.m. COAL! flave you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN -e WISE now! Be WARM next winter! PHONE 651 or 652 pe are pleased to announce that conditions pw permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SAVOY DEFEATS MOOSE 9 TO 7, Charging Into the ninth Inning As a team, the Moose lads are with a Vail tie. Savoy slipped In i Just finding their feet. two runs over the blue-clad Moose to clinch a 9-7 vl:torv In a resumption of the city baseball schedule at Roosevelt Park lasit night. For the fans it was a good game, with climactic ten sion and only two scoreless in nings. The encounter showed a considerable increase in Moose efficiency, revealing the team as having a possible chance to carve out a major place for Itself in the league despite lis bad start. I Balls and Strikes I AT MONDAY'S SOFTBALL Boyo Gurvleh on the mound seemed .hard tq hit. His ball while not very fast had the batters swinging and missing. Watmough plays hard and well for the Reserve but they need more and better players. Their spirit Is all tight. Sonny Beynon, who was tried late In the game, had lots of speed ami control. Gln Smith with a one-handed stop of a hard ball just Inside third base brought off the fielding play of the evening. Glen Olsen, General Motors' recruit, played a safe same In centre field. Lindsay brought off a couple of nice catches in the' outfield. The Motors have the row." Arney and Davis scored twice, and Slmorvson, Lindsay, Pavll-kU ana Olsen once each, LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing, and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 057 Uil Burners Installed Moose tied up the score in the seventh on a run by Karashow sky, then were held scoreless In the final two semesters. They managed to hold down Savoy in the eighth, but Jn the ninth Minor SImunduon and Pete Postuk of Savoy made the circle tour for a Savoy win. Tlilng looked pretty gloomy for the Moose In the" ninth when they ghnved Hector back on the mound to stop Savoys' merry go-round. Hector, a pitcher of considerable promise, came through In thoroughbred style to pitch two strikeouts. Hector off t the danger posed by plnch-hitters Bury and Vukovlch who were sent In In place of Bill and Kerr respectively In the ninth. Alex " Bill, moundsman for Savoy, held the Moose down to eight hits, while Hector and Henry, Moose hurlen, allowed 11 hits. Postuk of Savoy and Kurd-zeil of Moose each scored two-base hits, the heaviest slugging of the game. LInney and Karashowsky each scored two runs for Moose, while Savoys' shortstop Bruce Slmund-son and Pete Postuk tallied up similar personal records for the winners. Savoy 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 0 2 Moose 4 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 Savoy M. Slmundson cf 1; B. Sinmndson .'.s 2: Kerr 2b 1; Lindsay If 1; Davis lb 1; Arhey 3b 1 Pavlikis rf 1; Postuk c 2; Bill p; Bury; Vukovlch. Morse Wilson Ss U Hector p 1; LInney 2"b 2; Moore lb; Mac-Nelce rf 1; Karashowsky cf 2; Kuwlzell cf; Chrlstopherson c; Cooney 3b; Henry p. ' Batteries: Savoy Postuk c. and Bill. Moose - Chriscpherson c, Hector and Henry. ExMountie Goes On Tour of World SYDNEY, Australia ff) Former R C.M P. Constable M. S. J. Hodjsklss, with one dollar In his pocket, left Vancouver last October "to see the world." Recently he visited here. Hodgskiss is working his way around the wotld, looking for the ideal place to ettle. First he worked his way from Vancouver to England arid back, then got a Job as ship's fireman and went to. Shanghai via Honolulu" and Sal-pan. He earned $100, took an air trip to Hong Kong and then obtained passage to Sydney on H.M.S. Euryalus. Now he intends to move on to .Nfcw Zealand and South Africa. The former mountlc helps pay expenses by selling plwtographs he takes. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 MEM and Serviced PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schmnan S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES ' Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Phone Orten 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Avt. and 4th Street Phone Red 388 P.O. Box 1294 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 THIS July 10, 191C In trap shooting at the Park Avenue range of the Prince Rupert Gun Club fhe three leading' scorers were J. W. Scott 22, Dr. E. S. Talt 22, and Jack Keefe 20. In the city tennis championships to be played tonight there are 12 teams in the-men's doubles and 20 entries in the men's singles. The GUIs' Drill Team of the local High School returned from Ketchikan where they had been giving a demonstration. They had been enthulastlcally received and were loud in tlieir praises of Ketchikan hospitality. A football game has been ar-ranged between two teams called Canada and Scotland with the proceeds to be given to the fund bein? raised for the sup port of the Prince Rupert Boys' Band. Canada will bo represent ed by R. Howe. Harry and Vic Menzies, B. Walters, Dick Lambe. C. J. Norrlngton, R. B. Skinner, George Hill, George Mitchell, A. I Dickens, J. S. Wilson and J. Sim. Scotland's team will be A. i Murray, A. Halg, James Harris, A. McDonald, Sam Currle, P. O'Donnell, J. Johnston, Marln-dewar, Sam Erskine, W. Mitchell, James Farquhar and F. Hunter. As an Indication of the cooperation of the newspapers with the government in the prosecution of the war, only 4 out of 400,000 issues or newspapers In Great Britain were the subject of prosecution for infringement of censorship rules. Advertise In The. Dally News. ll ll SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 p.m. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. . Phone 588 D THAT : mffP' I 1 1 1 1 It I TT VWfgp'w, I I-1 11 II IT "Sure you promised to take me rowing. But you didn't say whcrel" 20 YEARS AGO rupert' sport BIG OIL SUPPLY AT FORT NORMAN OTTAWA There is enough oil in the Fort Norman area to supply the nortliland for many years and contribute to the sup- nlv In other Darts of the Dom Inlon, said an official of the De partment of Mines yesterday. Canada-Australia Sixty-Eight Hours MONTREAL Viscount Knol- lys, head of Brltls-h Imperial Airways, visiting Montreal in the course of an inspection of British air services, told yesterday of a new service from Britain to Australia by way of Canada which will bring Canada to r mere C8 hours from Australia. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd .VWAV.VAV.W.W.VA' Vancouver Bralorne B. R. Con B. R. X Cariboo Gold Dentonla Grull Wlhskne .... Hedley Mascot ...... Minto Pend Oreille Pioneer Premier Gold Premier Border Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno (ask) Salmon Gold Sheep Creek - Taylor Bridge Whitewater - Vananda Congress Pacific Easterh Hedley Amalgamated .. Spud Valley (ask) Central Zeballos Oils A. P. Con . Calmont C. & E Foothills - Home Toronto Aumaque ...... J Beattie Bobjo Buffalo Canadian Cons. Smelters ... Eklona Elder Giant Yellowknlfe Hardrock '. Jackknlfe Jollec Quebec Little Long Lac Madsen Red Lake . Macleod Cockshutt ...... , Moneta Omega Pickle Crow San Antonio Senator Rouyn . Sherrltt Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River ....(ask) Lynx Laparka Cod's Lake Negus 12.00 .uy4 12'2 3.15 ,42 .13 1.45 052 3.00 4.55 1.65 .08 56Vi 1.30 .15 .16 1.18 .56 .0334 .31 .1114 .10 .10 .22 .10 .11 .30 1.99 "1.55 2.95 -63 1.10 .18 .23 96.50 .55 .70 6.50 .84 .16 .75 2,10 3.40 2.10 .62 .24 3.45 4.75 .66 2.72 3.05 .30 .28 .35 .77 2.40 FOR HIGH CLASS PRESCRIPTION SERVICE You can get no better than wc provide . . . E. C. WALLACE, our new managing pharmacist in charge. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED THIRD AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET PHONE 70 Winston Churchill Literaly. Giant LONDON CM- Sir John Ander son, former chancellor of the exchequer, told City of London schoolboys recently that Win- stan Churchill, ."the greatest llv- ;lng mart of words and phrases," ,In his youth read and read until lie wjui "steQied. lmiiteratiJir ana woras.' "His consciousness has ripened Into instinct b0 that he is able now to express what he has to say In a manner which Is quite Incomparable." Present ing prizes tfor the &tudy of Shakespeare and English, Sir Jchn said the art of dcsfj-ibltifj something In as few words as possible for a "great asset." Sports Schedule ! Wednesday 99 Taxi', vsi Co-op; Reserve ArmimBp-MeTHU ' Thursday Junior fast'fiall. Friday Ototli) vs. 99 Taxi; General Motors vs. Reserve Army. Lawn bowling each night. Buy War Savings Certificates - - Classified Advertising - - in&siiUfdi: 2o per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Nafcc. 50c; Cams or Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marrlags and Engagement Announcements: SU 'FOR KENT FOR SALE FOR RENT Two-room house, FOR SALE Baby's play pen. furnished. 613 8th East. Phone Phone 452. (161) Black 900. (161) FOR SALE Completely furnish- FOR RENT Three-room suite, ed 5-room bouse on 2 lots, furnished. Washington Blk., Newly decorated. Owner call- apply Suite T. (164) ed away and forced to sell at FOR RENT-Housekeeping room. "a" fJXl unfurnished. 1142 Park Ave. rX. "(ff? . FOR SALE Restaurant business, FOR rwn RENT nrviT D.,tu Furnished rooms. , j .i in D.. 843 9th Ave. West. (185) gj f S? FOR RENT Nice single front Dally News. (161) room with kitchen privileges. FOR SALEDry kindling wood, 221 5th Ave. East. (161) blg toad deiiVered, $2.00. Leave FOR RENT Small cabin, single yur order nw d!"Tery " occupancy; partly furnished &JS?3iJ2LS8 315 Sixth Aveue West. (tf) : . FOR SALE Lumber, Phone FOR RENT Two-roomed front Green 698 (163) suite. 221 5th East. (162) FOR SALE 28' trolling boat, HELP WANTED "Buck I". Can be seen at New wanted. Apply Biggie's Cafe, Box 239, Smithers, B.C. (162) FOR SALE 20-ft. speed boat, BRIGHT AND HONEST boys and LTAZ girls wanting Dally News 1 de- caretaker, (161) livery routes should enter their names at the office. FOR SALE Underwood type- writer, latest model, Al con- WORK WANTED ditlon. Apply P.O. Box 375. (161) WORK WANTED 15-year-old girl will mind children day or FOR SALE 150 amp Lincoln arc night. Phone Red 894 or call welder. Phone Mott Electric at 321 8th Ave. West. (161) Prince Rupert Ltd., Black 367. (160) WANTED T-r- FOR SALE Set of dishes, odd "SfW. ,.xt- SSUSiSL "mps- starting Sept. 1. Write P. Hor- tred street- K1W ner, Doreen, B.C. (162) for SALE Kitchen stove an- WANTED Truck. 2-ton dump nex-cream and white trim, truck preferred. Box 144 Dally Going cheap, $25. Phone Black News. (165) 322. (tf) WANTED 3 or 4 -room modern furnished suite, centrally lo cated. Box 142, Dally News. (161) WANTED Motorcycle in fair condition. Write T. D., Box 601. city. (163) WANTED Will the persons holding P.R. Port Day per petual trophies for Inboard speedboat race and outboard motor boat race, won In 1939, please turn them in to the Bort Day Committee. A permanent replica will be turned over 5n exchange. (163) WANTED Medium-sized range and oil burner, complete. Good condition. Apply Box 141 Dally News. (160) LISTINGS WANTED SELLING YOUR HOUSE? We have buyers looking for well-built 4 and 5-room homes. Cash or terms. Consult us first. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (164) PERSONAL WILLIS SHORTHAND Night classes will begin October 1. Diploma issued from Ottawa. For enrolment and particulars phone Bernadette Hill, W.C.T., Red 234. (160) TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until noon, July 20, on the transportation of school children by bus from Port Edward to Prince Rupert schools and return 5 days a week during the school season, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Phone Mrs. M. M. Roper, Secretary Treasurer, Prince Rupert School District. (160) SCHOOLS A NO COLLEGES Civil Service Examinations PREPARE NOW for Spring and Fall examinations Letter Car rier. Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and 11, Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Oldest in Canada. No agents. DOTTLE PRINCE RUPERT POLLECTOR Phone Blue 737 We Ruy PERFEX Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE FOR SALE Baby carriage in good condition. $15. Phone Black 943. (159) FOR SALE 6 room furnished house, 742 7th Ave. West. (140) GOOD BUILDING LOT In the centre of Prince Rupert's best business area. Apply Box 123 Dally News. (tf) FOR SALE Four-room house. $1600 cash. Apply 225 9th Ave. East, evenings. (161) FOR SALE Summner shingle-mill and Bond Packer, complete, In good condition. Box 1291, Prince Rupert. (165) FOR SALE Used logglnp boots from $3; used electric ranges from $15; slightly used book cases, $6; new rag rugs from $1.65; used 8-plece kitchen set, $22.50; used electric vlctrola, cost $235, now $65; office fixtures, fireproof safes, desks, chairs, filing cabinet, slightly used rugs, size 12x12, suitable fa office, stores, hotels. Everything reduced In price. We sell and buy new and used furniture, also hardware. See us first, It will pay yju. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Black 324. TENDERS FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Friday, July 19, next, for the purchase of Lot 6, Block 33, Section 5, City of Prince Rupert, Map 923, located at 527 8th Avenue. West, together with the following Improvements located thereon: Ten -roomed, two storey frame house, and one small one-storey, three-roomed cabin. Separate sealed tenders will also be received for the-furniture coutents therein. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. Premises may be viewed by arrangement. Occupation subject to Rental Control Board regulations. Four-roomed flat in the ten-roomed house and the small three-roomed cabin are presently rented. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the Estate of John Kach, otherwise known as JohnTkach, deceased. (168) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber morr economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Comnany limited. Vancouver, BO tf AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES every Saturday at 171 Third Avenue East. () Advertise In Tue Dally News.