SUN. MON. Roast Bee! rlrouo c 4 lbs. 2 Cold Beei over TUE. WED.iTHUR. FRI. SAT. Eggs Bi BraW Flth Seafood Floren- Stew- Kidney. Special tine or LWer unrat- left- ' unrat- unrat- left- toned over loned' ioned over A roast of beef is for Sunday's eating, enjoyment A sharp knife supplementing, the skill of the. carver should enable your week's ration expenditure, to take care of a couple of .other, dinners, eithor one oi whi::h might include a guest or two. On Monday aeamed new potatoes and a toss of salad greens wcuid be good companions fox the cold meat. Eggs florentine are suggested for meatless Tuesday solt cooked eggs nestling in cooked spinach, fresh from your garden or market, the whole covered' with a meUaw cheese sauce. And for dessert, the season's strawberries in shortcake form. . On Wednesday the feast remnants can go into a stew, succulent and tustofui and highlighted with, vegetables. Braised uvci or kidney will give you a .rattan free nutritional e- ;3t on Thursday. Friday's fish purchase can do dcufcle duty if you plan a leftover for Saturday's ase. It can be flaked and combined with hard c eggs and your best cream sauce and served cither casserole fashion or in toast cases made from tv .it c'ab bread you're not wasting. RLS GOING ISLANDS .fi.I.T to ('imp at 'Hell 'f. . 11'.... : nadlan Girls in Traln- Fiy United Church will the annua) camp at TIell, 1 .... . . p Will mam L11C I UU1I1.1CI1I. L: made during the winter a tak- ti.r girls to one of sr 1 Ocautifu) camp sites on :e ir Ui It.. .i Columbia's best t.n r. p''nr u;iii rio in n o rr a Or Affllck (nee Miss i r.-ydct who was provin- 'irr v :rk secretary fur ihp P.1 I nrih htelnra hat. v n e fine Ha: the distinction of -i rti-eted more camps in a .e ff2'2n 'nan anv mrpMnr Costumes III HI - HE on record. Hlincreds of girls all over the province have found inspiration in her leadership. Local leaders planning to accompany the ,15 prospective earners includeu Mrs. J. A. Findlny and Miss Lynn Ocwan. The girls have been fortunate in obtaining the use of suitable buildings at Tie 11. They will sail on the "Casjlar".thls Friday and will drive from Port Clements to camp by car. TIell, with its dunes of yellow sand, is regarded by many as an ideal camp site. The campers plan to break camp o n July 18 and to return to Prince Rupert by way of Queen Charlotte City. The cost of the camp is being borne entirely by the girls themselves. The1 camp Itself will cast $7.60 with, transportation extra. DuTlns the year the group have raised $40 which they plan to use to reduce the amount whlc heach girl will have to pay. A I I - I VJTiY II - i 1- ;i e ' f n . : i i i " is ill - if if - 3dJ 1 I II x x v. - I 13 PML&ff A iL mmmrMm yii;, vi tr, n.vv ' ft i h vHiivif nr- iT v- l nil i tin I J li f i f ill ll ii' I ib Just need It to get Into the house. I've forgotten th Fort Garry Teal'' We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FUKK DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS " ll o it o u i- n riMv pnnn.q" MlXR."il7 : P.O. Box 174 Cosmetics... For your powders, creams, lotions, lipstick, rouge perfumes, and other sundries, see our COSMETIC COUNTER.. You will find Just what you need in our large assortment. THE VARIETY STORE "Where. Your Dlmei Are Little. Dollars" Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers Vegetable Plates. Can Be Most Attractive Dinner Some people never think of serving a vegetable plate dinner because ot one experience when the vegetables offered were flat, colorless, soggy and unappetizing. A vegetable plate may be one of the most attractive and generally acceptable meals ever set before an epicure. More people should enjoy such a meal more often. When planning a vegetable plate, the homemaker should think of three things color, texture and flavor. The vegetables should be chosen with the idea of creating a picture. Colors should complement each other. Ttxture also must be considered, crisp, tender and mealy vegetables clve variety to the plate. Flavors should also blend, strong and mild, only one of very pronounced flavor. The successful homemaker preparing a vegetable plate meal will not serve a combination of mashed potatoes, turnips, lima beans and onions, this would not be welcome by the family, nor would a nlate full of various green-colored vegetables. Specific vegetable combinations are endless in variety, but WEDDED AT CATHEDRAL Mi Isabel Pogue of - Peterborough, Ontario, Becomes Bride of Edward. (Ted) Moore At 7 o'ejock Saturday evening Miss Isabel Pogue of Peterborough. Ontario, on wnwaM t (Ted) Moore of Prince Rupert were united in liuma uy Canon W. P. Rushbrook at a beautiful ceremony in St. Andrew's Cathedral. The congregation was witnessed by a congregation of relatives and friends which filled the church. The bride, in her blUe dressmaker suit, white ruffled blouse, white shoes, white hat with shoulder-length veli. and corsage of sweetheart roies, was a lovely picture. The matron of iJhPoctv Mrs. Harold Thoau worn a gold dressmaker suit with accessories of rose and black and a corsage of American beauty roses. Qroomsman was Jchn Moore, brother of the groom. The bride was given in marriage by her mother, Mrs. C. R. Pogue of New York City, who was groomed in black, with pink accessories. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs Q. E. Moore, parents of the groom, 310 Fifth Avenue. West. The rooms werp gaily bedecked with flowers, pink and white streamers and white wedding bells. Mrs. 6, E. Moore, the .groom's mother, dressed in a coral dressmaker suit with chartreuse and brown accessories and a corsage of talisman roses, welcomed the guests and invited them tosee the many beautiful wedding gifts on display. When the bride and groom arrived after haying their wedding phototrraDhs taken, the" .guests welcomed them wr.u a shower of confetti. Canon W. F. Bushbrook pro-pored the toast to the bride. After the bride and groom had cut their tliree-tler wedding cake, dainty and delicious refreshments were served. The rest of the evening was spent in community singing and friendly camaraderie. Younrr Mr. and Mrs. Moore i have taken up residence at !74 Alfred Street. The bride and groom will receive the hearty congrautlatlons and best wishes of their many friends. The groom has lived CONSUMER'S RATION COUPON CALENDAR here are a few suggested by the home economists: Spinach, new potatoes in their skins, spiced onions and whole baby beets. Baked stuffed potatoes, broiled tomatoes, panned beans, summer squash. Creamed new potatoes and cucumbers, glazed carrot sticks, sliced tomatoes on lettuce. Creamed New Potatoes and Cucumbers 18 small new potatoes 2 cups diced cucumber 2 cups medium cream sauce Boll potatoes in Jackets until tender. Remove skin and add to l)t cream sauce. Add cucumbers, heat and serve at once. Six servings. Panned Deans Hi quarts fresh green or wax beans 3 tablespoons of bacon fat Salt to season 3 tablespoons water Wash and string beans, cut Into half inch pieces. Melt fat in a heavy pan, add beans and silt, cook covered for 5 minutes on low heat. Add water, cover pan, and cook slowly until tender, INFANT DIES A year-old infant, child of Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Douce, a native couple, died at Carlisle Cannery on Sunday, it was learned today. Details were not available. here rlnce boyhood and served In. the reeent war. obtaining his commission before his final about 10 to 15 minutes, stirring ..aiuimiiy to prevent suCKing. oix servings. Spiced Onions 6 medium-sized onions 1 tablespoon mild-flavored fat 2 tablespoons brown sugar : V2 teaspoon cinnamon Hollow out top of onions slightly. Cook in boiling water until tender. Blend together the mild-flavored fat, brown sugar and cinnamon. Place a anall portion of this mixture in the hollow of each onion. Garnish with a thTh wedge of cucumber pickle. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I sew buttons on a garment so that It is easy for" a child to fasten? A. When sewing buttons on children's garments a good idea is to sew each one over a pin. Then slip the pin out, which leaves a small amount of looseness to the button, making It easier for the child to fasten. Q. How can I make linen window shades look like new when laundering them? A. Add a little powdered borax to the last rinsing water" and then iron them while still damp. Q. How can I prevent the discoloring and wilting of vegetables when they must stand after paring? A. Cover them completely with cold water. WARY WOODCOCK The woodcock has eyes set far back in its head so that it can , see Its enemies when its long bill digs deep in the ground for ! worms. Here's sweeter,, tastier bread 0 I JULY with FLEISCHMANN'S Q5f f YEAST r v IT'S FULL STRENGTH so it goes right to work. No waiting. No extra steps. Fleischmann's freih active Yeast makes bread that's more delicious and tender, sweeter-tasting every time! IF YOU, BAKE AT HOME Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Dependable it's been Canada's favorite for more than 70 years. ft-ff MADE IN C ANA McCLARY RANGES "Built to Last" Beautiful enamel finish, easily kept clean. Splendid baking oven, fully enamelled inside. Highly polished steel top. Coal and wood models admirably suited for oil burner conversion. See them now at Gordon's Hardware McBride Street PIIdNE 311 SUN MON TUES WED THURSDAY FRI SAT 4 A SUGAR-PRESERVES S17-S21 7m JT rf f C " BUTTER COUPON R13 tft , W MEAT COUPON M44 Volid A Q Jf BUTTER COUPON R14 1 A f 7 O y IV MEAT COUPON M4S Volid M 'JL Iw M IS 16 1 7 lftSKK5K?.S SM io on W MmJ MEAT COUPON M46 Volid 21 22 23 24 25MEAT C0UP0N SL 26 27 2829130 31 1 1 1 . SUGAR-PRESERVES COUPONS S17 to S21 REPRESENT THE ALLOWANCE FOR HOME CANNING SAN FRANCISCO WOMEN IN CITY An Explorers Club party of seven persons from" San Francisco was here aboard the Catala Sunday evening and again today making the round trip north to step across the border into Alaska at Hyder. The party was particularly interested In Prince Rupert, being shown around various scenic and industrial points Su'ntf.y evening and going out to Port Edward today to see a salmon cannery ir. operation. Members of trie narty were Mrs. Kate Niner, Miss Margaret Niner, Miss Yvonne Petray, Miss Sadie Alexander, Miss Helen Mel-rase. Miss Avis Gibson and Miss B. Edgerton. PAIGNTON, England, '$ A monkey which disappeared from its cage in the zoo here, having bitten through Iron bars, returned after keeps armed with shotguns had spent the day searching for it. Advertise in The Dally News. (bow to. I obi n Hood THE FLOUR THAT'S USED BY 4 OUT OF 5 WOMEN WHO "WIN PRIZES FOR HOME- BAKING A1I binds of baling... bread, cakes, pastry, yy The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) P II ONE 51 ATTENTION!! Campers Watson's Food Store AT SMITHEKS WILL BE MAKING REGULAR DELIVERY TO LAKE KATHLYN THIS SUMMER. Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Bridge Touiist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. 1 Prfiire nupm Dailp r3ciu0 f ; "Tuesday, July 2, 1046 "SALADA WE SERVE" YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS-COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE. 21 jajQl alTY,. O BRANDS THIRD AVENUE WEST Good Food! Help yourself to health from our, Lk (Sad"!! T stock. You 11 find healthful food ?T!C' ' deheious summer mtnus. All "if)jUT?jii orders delivered to your, kitchen MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 p.o. Box 575 COAL! Have you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN Be WISE now! Be WARM next winter! PHONE 651 or 652 G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 ' : PRINCE RUPERT HOUSE REPAIRS For General House Repairs, Interior and Exterior Painting, Concrete Basements and Sidewalks. Work done by the hour or contract. Call us for an estimate. McLeod, Pitt-Cro3s &Gibb Phone Red 924, after 0 p.m. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial; Marine Electricians Ilome Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 87 238 Second Avenue West TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips .to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District P.O. Box 167 TERRACE'