i 4 Prince Unprrt TuetrJu.. Ju:iQa: Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What might be said to b ' the -most important thing .to ac quire to become popular In ones social 'group? A. The complete forgetting of ''one's self and a sincere interest In Mothers. Q. Is It proper to make a public-announcement if e wedding will not take place (or S or 6 months. A. iYee; the engagement may be announced even if the wedding will not take place for a year. Q. Is it all right to addiess the envelope to a woman as . null v n. 1 1 11 1 1 n - A. Ho; the prefix Mrs. or Miss should always be used. GREEK ATOMIC THEORY The Greek philosopher Demo-dttus ta 406 B.C. developed an atomic theory to explain the structure of all matter. MIGRATING BUTTERFLIES Monarch butterflies stream dtrow aowh in Mstumn to winter on the Gulf coast, following bf intoct a mite they have seen before. ENGLAND'S OIL jjbsmuki duw aus wwt on weus. nmrninw arvuil turn m milium barrels of crude oil a year. They were drilled during the war by an Oklahoma contractor for the British government EXTRA PIMP nppAniMiTlP-":; ' . QUICK HELP WITH FULL-STRENGTH FRESH YEAST Watch Fleischmann's actht fresh Yean go right to work -help give your bread more delectable flavor, finer, smoother texture every time. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, be sure to get Fleischmann's fresh Yeast rr-7-r77ra u"...,u label. lirhr,JU. i i... e i yeast for more than 70 years. MADE W e serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OTJR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, rish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve yon Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Sury, etc, to take out Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TUT US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel KWONG SANG HTNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 812 7th AVE. WEST Nxt to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open a pjn. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a m, PHONE RED 247 Dnity ftrtos i'll i TO ENTER OFFICE ; OTTAWA C R 3. -Dick I Gorman, grey-haired ca:-.; engi neer at the government central hearting plant here, has one of the queerest job in Ottawa. He stte in an office in a building, 'entered by a dosjrojn the roof, oaatajaing the opening of a mile-long sobteeranean passage -wider the cfty and OMtrols the oarafort of the prime minister and the members of parliament at the turn of a switch. The set-up sounds like something oat of a mystery story but the work is large-scale and practical. The plant, valea has a stair of IS besides Mr. Gorman, burns tn average of tons of eoal each winter to warm H down-tow n fiwatnt tuildiRgs. which tBdafe as estimated 35.- wj.tm eswtc feet of space eanhraleat to about 3.900 homes, or a city the sis of Cornwall, Ont. " The Parliament Buildings, the old and new Supreme Court buMints. the OonfeoV ration and Justice baildtnas aad Ottawa's new post office are a few of the auwetuns under his charge The centra! heating plant, from which he directs operations, is buil: into the side Xf the fttf-foot cliff which rises from the Ottawa River with JC.,&-? rSXN iok "x. ' r vh. -iOte. n with the familiar yellow Muaiuj xavonie IN CANADA t. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AMI COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Comer 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Join and Support THE JUNIOR CHAMBER of COMMERCE Keep in Step With Progress PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 320 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Phone 632 .PORT.SIMES&N . ELECTS COUNCIL PORT SIMPSON Annual vu-lare elections here resulted in the fdllowinp citizens becomine councillors for Port Simpson in 191G: Chief counci:.or. Steven Morrison; councillors. Phillip Green sr.. Henry Kelly. Moses Wesley. W. R. Sampson. William Kelly. Sam Hughes. Joshua McKay, Ell Pollard. John Sankey. Isaac Sankey, James Lawson. stone hewn from the cliff it self. The entrance to the building is on the roof. Where dump ttucks also release their loads of coal into two giant bins holding "5.000 and 1.000 tons. Ton an Hour On the ground floor, reached by elevator from the entrance, are a pomp room and a boiler room, the latter hoestng four automatic chain grate stackers and two pulverised eoal blowers. The grate stokers burn a ton of slack coal every hour. Only four of the fires are ever used although the plant has six in case of emergencies to take care of any rnture increase in the number of buildings heated. The first floor houses "Mr. Gorman's office and on the second are the turbines, circulating pomps and hot water heaters as well as the iron door leading to the lengthy underground tunnel. On the third, in addition to the entrance, are the coal weighing scales. The tunnel, two feet below Ottawa's winter, has a near-Turkish bath atmosphere surrgnnd- ;n the pipes which carry 160-degree steam and water. Dick Gorman has had only one misadventure with his tunnel since he helped build the. j p.an. after a fire which de- oved the old parliament fcu -Id. utis in 1916. Ten years ago ':n was caught in the paisage j f V. live steam was Main? , trim a break in the main line I but escaped and snwt off the b! fii pipe without serioos re- I Business and For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure JIRS: PERREA'ULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd. 1313 OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177. Station "B" INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada a r. lovix. Phone Green 974 Represent trre BoxS3C 117 2nd Ave W Opposite YiiCA PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPER HANGING . 633 TaOow Street Phone Green 927 (After 7 pjn.) HANDYMAN -HOME SERVICE on Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99' BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third -Avenue FOR PROMPT and EFFIQEKT SLRYld mail 14 our qlattes ts COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. Lis l urwoiM ft AMCouYtR.a. PAIMTINfi f HIWA MAKESXOMEBACK IN HOBBY FIELD Old Art of Grandmother's Era Takes XewTurn With Cartoons Used As Bright Illustrations HOLLYWOOD t API Do you remember the old barber shop mugs, emblazoned -with the name of the proud owner? If not, you may be acquainted with the old custom from "A Tree Grows In 'Brooklyn." in whicn a touching scene shows the child Praneie getting her father's mug after his death. A new chip off tne old mug idea, a bit more fanciful and a 'bit more modern, is the idea or- Uginated by Rosemary DeCamp. j" cuwc cups tksns appropriate to the occa-friends and family ornamentingision. 'Funny or sentimental ash them not oniy with names, but trays or candy dishes, too. can' with amusing cartoon art of haTe or1ginal treatments planter characteristics, hobbie,;. ; ned tm lhm. -Y0ur ln?f n. habits and ambitions. ,.nlty and ,the talt of .yonp Rosemary hit on the nobby friends are the only limits, during the war years, when her ! These objects fit particularly husband. Lieut. John Shidler. I -well into homes with breakfast was absent in the Air Forces, ! or fun rooms, and 'Rosemary and baby Nana An example Ij. cited from Miss went to live in the big house of Mother DeCamp hr Beverly Hills. (Mother has a fine flair for people. She's a great coffee drinker, and Rosemary and her friends, a crrele which extends to include the post-man. Mr Morris, enjoy a bit of the cheering brew at odd hours durine the day or evening. The collec- I -men NAV1r tion of personal cups and saueersemjiey wexei Aria j. Lamuis is growing steadily, for they i ckEESon iT make wonderful- Conversation 1 Harold Anderson Jmes a Laurie pieces. Friends have taken up Staolev Aaaeiswn Kinrd Lelghtoo ine nocoy and on Sunday morn- r. Amutraiir ma Lewis ings are likely to be observed working diligently around, a newspaper-covered table in the swwy breakfast room. China Tintlng, and old art, attained great vogue in grand- mas aay. Tne buneties of cab- bage roses, sprays of forget-me uB- wwaitifl vi v iuicw uui: were found on every sort of china . . , !-.. gimmick from moustache CUJte to hatpin holders and tea Sets v, hag . been thoroughly ., . . , modern- . ' ized by the DeCamp clan. For . . . one .v., thing, you dont need to wort . Professional HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 2G6 4th Street : Phone 655 If it's a, Rock Job-Call a Rock Man c" M. SAUNDERS Blue G6C Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I dont take work 1 cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE & GUNSTON General Contractors P.O. Box 1489. Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Oabinei Work - Foundations Dattmates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J.LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Bcsner Block Phone 387 SMITH :& ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: Westholme Rooms, 2nd Ave. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 TJiVl HavlJand china ; use any crip , .. . m and saucer, mug, plate, pitcher, 'l akes rraine r-OSl even the Wnd obtainable :at the. rjj. Gladstone W. Plddes. 31. ten-cent stores.. , f-.,i . tt cimnum hem- Get china paints from an. art shop; the salesman will explain the simple technique of the art. Get an 'Old smock, ahtl with a few ideas In mind, go to vwotk. If you make a mistake, It's easy to rub it off and you can try again. When It's done to your satisfaction, take It to the nearest kllm (the iocal artstm-e can tell yon where), (have It frred. and you have .something your "eraPs collection, a sauce f grandchildren may treasure Varied .Uses A little thought suggests, many uses for this ware. .You can make birthday cups for the children, .anniversary cups. plates or pitchers for friends, j with names. dates and lnscrlp PIMNCIl'HUr-KKT Honor Roll List of Urn aad Womn on Active Strnlee Are YOU responsible for someone's name not In ihli f (See nuy tonn elsewhere) 1 R D Armstroog nily k. uoyd Brace Lore nonArne; Harry Lunnqolst l J.r?LArury VI. 'R. Ueuae Pred Mlinr T Ted MOU Emiie Bum Harry Uonkley j John Uomaon T A. Kumern j k. Eren wiillafQ Murdocb WUItam BreraDer -Wllltarn Murray r. n. iroocsBana v ai. Murray eoive J BrrmTi Dami McDonald James Bryant Jack alar lie Tony Bussanlch HotrrX McKay Branson Uussey Ernest UcIOnley . Harold 'Bunn Rcfcert MtLean 'jonn Bunn e iNedj Uciod Htto Buroank John aleJeod G Gaiderwoud Ninnan Siclieod Rlenard Cameron DtW UcMeekra Rwssell Cameron DfeTld UtKtb Edmard CasaUck Robert alc.Nab Robert Capstitk Jobn D. McRae Doug. ChrlEUson Harold KeTtUe Vernon C Cleeooe Jonn CTNein Wm. J OrramOM R K Olnra Altttair D. Crerar Chirte Ormlrton Sydney cuozXard P E M. Palmer Se- TJaTte Frank D Parker EBwjru Daes Gordon Parkin Oeorp e Dlbb C a Parsons A., r Dodo Peter J. Peterson Vtocent Dodd Doutfaa Payne John Dob! A li PunnpTOE C J PbUUpKm Robert Dugt-an Bud PctBJer Donald KaBtTntri K C PowtU Elmer Ebnme Mirw Rabben Merrm Ebnrne Uoj-d at. Rice J&xn Etry Darld Rltchke Hubert L EhT Jack Patcliie WTUUm Earl i2rj "Belbert Rltcnle Habert XI kin Karry Ec&b WrHiam-p Elkrw J 'fi f&eyblnmn Eoextrom ttobert Roy Martin Erlka-n ATTit: 3 fondhalF James Pejwb? Arthur Saanoen 1 Bernard Portime W J Beneaner Terry Portnne K IS Scberk Gordon Praaej Btaaley Scberk -atrwfi 4r J n brtrobert Patrick M -tMUia A. SUsundRon Elner Oreerj C SlfrerEldea JBjnes Oreer i J -Sima trter Ortmble M Bkalmerod "Terry onmUf r W. Bktnner Ian GrtmaNcm Henrr ektaaer Bovo Oarrieh John "5koc Jshn Orlmascm rriarl J. Oumlnon Can Smith Oeoree T3. Haroe Jack E Brauh "Hanen Ranktnaan -U&leehn Smrtn Victor HawVy P-alph Smith Matt Harris waster Smith Oten Hemmont Thar Soil (en W. W Hitdebrand T H Btepnens. r Trevor HH1 rr fna j Perrmnd Hougxo J6hn Btrand U11 hunter Jock Mnrrte '"orter "Huaor Onne 'ferusrt i Peter Hnsnv Charl Sunberf , Samen-M iTtne Jan TrTJor : Jobnetone H. trrrrr -inrr Jivi Paddy Taylor Inte VaJen Jack "W Jot ft,aiiv Vetteh L. (Bonnvi Itan w Whlt Harrrl. fermtwn TX i r1 O Wfhnn Ptct Kntttmo "Vtibam flJrn lAhte fienrewlTiw. ; Jack, Tne i rtavlrda euey r. IS. Thomson ! uapane- Henrraei , US PAVT (iaep) J. Robertdon ffrrwsrd Prbarn OB. NAVT tWonMOJ ' Viola M. DrbtaTn I j sHtlT j Whard Adklna Wm U "Lererett Donglas'E. Alrey 'Jamec Evan lore J. Armstrons Sr. CSuenoe Lorln Uwia Attco-la. diaries O Lord Stanley Bainnger O. p. Lyons C. F. Bartlett Daamy atajet . Jack BUtour G. Marctindon ''Tic Eartun Cecil M Marr R. H. BeerllDg MnrUl Uatbews W. Beynon Leonard Uendels 'S. W Birell Stere Mentenko F. O. fcirc Jack UMdAuX Leonard Blrtch Leo ilifholuk Walter Bird Victor MUler K. Black hall D. Montgomery Donald -Blake Tt Montgomery R. L. Bourette R. Montgomery W. w.'Bowea n. Montesano Lloyd Bowsnaa E T S. Moore Kay Braorwtu Clyde Mom Ronald Braoevell nnev Morses William Braas Ford Moran J. W Brldden Jack Mnraat rart Broc.tti Jaine Moron w. M Brown Carl Moctad Prank .Bruoe rnta Monad wtw Brrant Robert MoUey AIWE "Bnrnln Arthur Murray Melbourne (Bussey ilohn 71 Murray truiur i tun Murray J"R A. S Cade Jack Mwiefn ifd nVierone fta-w w aaATee H. D. Calderwoud M P McGarfery 'jock Cambn f nOrbWn Jn Ca"ottl W. Mcnan A WeTWtld Mare nenae toil MemOnoald . A. H nH.tnej 3e: Umf ' n. ebrttiooirr Arthw j nark "-ritd Meintyre Ian A 'J 1 'WTtr Iarry C nark W .H W1tt 'viilnsJr n yt rV4Kn D. If Hi ton Henry P Clout ter Donald Ilorton Pt. Simpson Doctor pltal, has been appointed medi cal superintendent of Brandon General Hospital. A graduate of Cueen's University in 1910, he came to B.C. in 1941, practiced at Port Simpson and recently moved to Ocean Falls. He will take over his new duties next month. for Jerry DeCamp. Rosemary's brother, contains in the centre a cartoon portrait of his wife, with 'her masses of red hair. ;Usted around tne Ilm ,n graphlc color cartoon form are his hob bies airplanes, hunting, food and dogs. The bowl of the cup bears his name In letters around It. If your hand is completely untrained, it might be well to work out designs on drawing paper first, then copy them freehand with paints until you develop a certain surety of touch before attacking the china itself. Simplest designs well done make the best effects. i JameeW. OMlim Darki W.otand ' Jim Co)uf4 t Robert .Orme 1 II Ue CiXibsI Robert ParU I Ft in it Ceqiadtna Prank 'iHette I a J T Cook Robert D. Patrkk M. ran Oooten O. P 'Penney Grant Corerdale Walter Perltlns Walter Cross Ernie Prlstrom j Bert Ctqm peter Petron ' diaries Dennis TbomnA. Pnelps ! rbomu Dennis ArtiHtr PhlHlps . Hter Doberty W A. PUfold Jr. Paul Drornet N. R. Powell R. C. H. Dura ford Allan Prerost . George Dybhavn L C R Raabe D. J. Edlund meat Ratenford Alt U. Rlwtt N. A. Parltkls Ed. Puefrnery James E Hell Carl Reich Freddie Retch Alex O. tUx R -a. Robinson E S. Roper R. Riderham Kaare Rqdxrlek ' TNnai H. Ryan-Arnt Rye 0t Rrsstad Wtdar A. Sandnals Fred Simon da Bod Skattebol ! atalcolrn Elder Whitfield JQder : Prank EUlott t Metre Essen A. R. Finer ! Charles v Etltt , Oeorje Plewln Tnnas Plem rn DiCk Pong ' wmiam CMrrifk Mjajnea Oarllek J O Garrett Joan Dates Ralph OUlles 1 -Alfred E QIUls Joaepb D Gluts xuiwn p. cum Fred Serjeaffer Andre Olorer R J Scbealfer "Ullrai Ooroej vtilitam Seberk Oarrov Gomez John T Scully Jonn Good Thomas Scully nordon Bob ShrubsaU Lee Gordon Trmmaa BIbley Kdarard Oosnell B. Slmuadiian T W Graham Glenn Kmlth Burton Oreen Hinh J. Smith "e. N. Orennd '" Smith n B. Gun-a-Noot J. S. Scnltti Solro Oureerteh W D. Smith spiro Gnrrteb TJoueta Stalker James Harden J A Stenrt Oerry "Hme)tn Albert StUes J. T HarTey A. L St John V J R. Ha roes Aleiander Storrle Hew I laTnes atorrte R. H A.' lUynea NeU Btromdahl TZ D Head Jamea Buden OeU Henunom J. O Sutherland Derid Henderson Rot Sweet Howard rribbard Richard Syleester f c mil C Dan Taper L. It. Htntod L V Tattersal P. E Hodtttesnn Robert Taylor naroia lioacson John Albert Teng V. G Horner "V. B. Tobey "David Houtton D. Thompson Rtbert Houtton Arnold -Tweed Perr Hudson Jack Dnwtn R E Hudson Omar H. Tweed Pred Hunter Rodney Yalpy William Hutson A. 'Bill I Vanee HaroHi iToraon CJarene Vanrban ibert Jhnon R. V'k-kertaai Pert Vnekorlch rneth Johnston John Walker S. D. Johntton C Wanamaker T. D. Johntton Harry S Ward Nf j rmu C D Watson MJehael Kewall R M. Watson "b W Keaya Jack Wetrmomh Jir- Wetr Mike Kowall Wert Nle EcruVok Ttoi Wle Predk A Larre Wniiaen White onaX Lee T. 1. vntiiams Ha Lh Jimei Won Prerett R. Ik J Wood Masoir lrttrn H R Wrathall ntrrer R Ltehton Wrathall J T M'bvm K E. Wrathall Pterr. lfurm T M Wright O H Letnes ChirtM r f Women BftriceB-rner Uatlne Uewellyn 1 ,. F Anne MeDarars ITi Pta Edith MuUle Ja f Hanklnson Irene Rully Matilda Ursen Jane Taper VS. ARirr wornen) aiary McCaffery iVZ. ARMT Taien) nett. B.JTUpp lerene- Orme Moore Ojood E: ' Slept Stephens ! AIR FORCl Jilky Huflrmt. John P Johnson Harry Astoria Darld L. Uones Aiex SaUMe Sam Jnrmaln Howard' Ba Robert Kelsey lareel Elate OUtr J.'Keays 'J F Bouzek Prantis w. Leatk 3- J Bourek 1. it LeArrns J V. Botnek Kam T Lee Peter Brass AUn Leljhton wd M. Brown Harold Lererett nun Eornink Donald Llewellyn Alfred E Sumin jAkn t i-m w 7- ""'V Aioerx nan Cedrle Mah Peter Oartwrteht Oeoree R. Mayer "ene carenalle Henry Mayer tVictor CarenaUe 3 H MeLeod Elmer Claunm Gartn D. Mead WUIlaai Collins John J. Mniey Jaek Oorbould Richard Mlili Kddle Orotby Herbert Morgan -itaipn Monn US?" " W. Macdonald James Onrrte rvn McCa Arthtir Dave Eric Orme John W Darey Ed M. Ormbe'm Pat Xane Robert L. Peachey Doc H Dean Pul postotn Victor Dell Vertxwi M. J Oulnlan Dougherty CHof RudTrlck Jack Eattvood Tore A. Selrlg Donald Eby rien Bchnbert AberTrutS"7 zz&iSr1 Tnoms Forrett -glwna "uert Fulton ' T07 Louis Orn otay TuraUsort Doartt Outha Robert Turreon WnilaM Hadden John A Harry Hamlitorr .rIL, 4 nmn duirta! Rdo?ph Warn Arrld lianiien w,n H Wiun tnTno Hansen Henry Wortf.Md Helge HoJkertad I Women) Made mipreme Bacrtnce 11 ' - ill" W. it cm. v 1 irt r . ,i..-.Vr the me - "ZCi - Coffee at iih Supreme Beit There h little in common between Omar's pr:: .e brew and the superb blend of coflecs nc-.y I . tliroiigliotit the world as Maxwell House. For Maxwell House is the result of nn r- Wending of Iitin-American coffees- the 11 : 1 ....i.i 1 ti.: tn:.... 1.1. 1 n Rtastfd to develop the Jull fiavor of ever)- coii : lr ;n, And lecausc Maxwell House has exlr.i f , extra rich, satisfying body, more people Ik: 1 enjoy it than any other brand of coffee in th; v. The tantalizing fragrance and mellow.rich flavor ' of Maxwell House add pleasure to any meal. Dinner with Maxwell House is something to bring a husband scurrying home! A redct of Cenerel foods Mm Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL C:30 AM. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. vr Announcing . . . Beauty Lane Salon Beulah Lavlgne 'late c M ' Beauty Parlor has par a Annette Powell Beauty Shr?c c Peggy Saunders and will Fourth Street, opposite Post Office REX CAFE Under New Management Chinese Dishes our specialty. Chop Sury - Chow .Mein Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. Second .wcaut f We Have D Bcautv Lane Salon Phone B.-"! -...1 one IT' the ltd Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for "TODAY'S 'SPECIAL- Cards with the black m inuicatins one of the Bargains of, the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY S Phones 18 and 19 P.O. BJ TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS- THEY GET RES IT