IDtiiuc Utipctt Dnflp r-Jctos Tuesday, January 1$, 1948 Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS -1. What is wrong with this sentence? "He contracted the habit of smoking." 2, What is the correct pro- riunciation of "comparable"? .3. : Which one of these words 1 1 n.Jn a . ""Peiieur Asebsmeiu, aa- s; .p -4. What .does the word "salu- i I m.f,al , : 5. What is a word beginning i with le that means "mercifully"? Answers i. o4, iic utquucu me nao- , it" 2. Accept first syllable, not the second 3. Assessment. 4. i-iuiiiuung ncuiLii, wuoiesome. "The moral effect was. salutary." 5. Lieniently. DISLIKED BY PURITANS At one time the puritans attempted to abolish the use of the ring at wedding ceremonies, contending that it was of heath- ; enLsh origin. ""' 1 Yard Goods m-Wj a Department K ' " m, PRESENTS... DRAPERY AND SLIPCOVERING We feel we've been lucky In securing a substantial selection of Drapery and Slipcovering Cloths. You'll be the Judge. . . . Vc await your verdict. a a WALLACE'S 5 See Us for Your NEW YEAR OFFICE EQUIPMENT I AND ALL YOL'R HUNTING REQUIREMENTS SMALL CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete $1.7.1 LARGE CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete Sjitf.00 SMALL CALENDAR PADS (IDEAL) 7." LARGE CALENDAR PADS (JUMBO) $1,115 DIB8 PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, llcolil iiKling, Printing, Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD' AVENUE uoooanaoooooaoDDDOoaa-DooooacKJoaoCKHjaoooDOOiiocHJooo EMPIRE CAFE (Fo.-.cny L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to 1 am Start The New Year Right HE SURE YOUR EYES ARE RIGHT! Make appointments now for Complete Examination. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PRESCRIBED . (only if necessary) Broken Lenses and Mountings Duplicated Telephone .V)3 for appointments, or .write Box 1277 Cor. 3rd Ave. and 5th St. SCOTTY'S Old Country M WW Fish and Chips ' Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone British Columbia's War Canteen Closes LONDON fi The war services canteen of British Columbia House, the first of its kind to be ready for men of. the First Division when they arrived from Cana'da, is closing early in the new year as repatriation de- prives lt of lts ..customers. Tne canteen provided meals. clgarets and cntertainment for six years beginning December 23 1939 In that Ume 7i25o,ooo mcals were servcd and i40i000(. 0C3 cigaiets and 25,000 pounds of tobacco distributed. In addition to the canteen there ras an officers' lounge, furnished by an anonymous English donor. All workers were volunteers and have been presented with a certificate of service siged by Prciiiler Hart of British Columbia. The Fiji Islands were volun tarily placed under British sov- creignty by their chiefs in 1874. a Of Course! Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office). "Room 4 STONE Optometrist BLOCK OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. 864 Sport Review- ALLEN CUP TILT WILL BEGIN ON WESTERN ICE VANCOUVER t Tlie Allan Cup playoffs will begin in Western Canada April 18. This has been announced in Vancouver' by the president of the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association, Doug Orlmston. He says the Allan Cup finals a best-of-seven affair-will begin on the home ice of the winning Western Canada team, against the eastern titleholders. And in the Junior division for the Memorial Cup the finals will start in Toronto April 13. Grimston also announces that New Westminster Royals and Vancouver Canucks the only Canadian teams in the Pacific Coast circuit have announced their intention of affiliating with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association to allow them to enter the Allan Cup playdowns. The leading scorer of the A.H.L. Buffalo Bisons, Miirdo McKay, has been traded to the Montreal Canadiens of the National loop for centre Jack Adams and left winger Joe White. McKay is scheduled to report to Canadiens immediately, and Adafns and White, both recently discharged from the Canadian Army, are expected to be on the Buffalo lineup in Urn? to oppose Indianapolis Caps in Buffalo Wednesday night. The N.H.L. Chicago Black Hawks have legal worries today. Warrants charging four of Iheir members with assault and battery on a fan during Saturday night's game have been issued in Boston. They will be served on the Chicagoans on their next trip to the port city. The warrants name three Hawk de-fencemenJohn Mariuccl, Joe Cooper and Reg Hamilton and trainer Edward .Froelich. The complaint .grew out of a mixup near the Hawk bench during the second period of the Saturday game. Richard Nathan Spccr died In nn Edmonton hospital Sunday night at the age bf 59. Announcement of his death was made last night. The sportln? fraternity knew Dick Speer well. He broke- Into organized baseball with St. Joseph, In' the Western League, pitched another season with WUchita in th? same circuit, then attracted the .attention of Detroit scouts and moved up into the big league to become n member of the pennant-winning Detroit Tigers lji 1908 and 1909. Team officials have announced that Dick Wakefield, of the Detroit Tigers baseball club. Just recently released from the navy, .has signed a 1946 contract. Wakefield's stipend, is not disclosed, but General Manager George Trautman says everybody's happy. i 1 WOMEN ACTIVE ! HAMILTON, Bermuda tCP A committee of women appointed in Bermuda to consider ways of arousing the interest of Bermuda's women in civic and po-, lltlcal affairs lias presented a ! report in which it Is proposed ' that a new organization, 'The Women's Civic and Political As- soclatlon," should be formed. Genuine aspirin is MARKED THIS WAY CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates-For your convenience . . . Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 THIS AND THAT "Before you question my ability on how to prepare food, I'd like to question your ability on getting it." SHORT SPORT An interesting question in big league baseball was who will be next among Sam, Breadon's many St. Louis Cardinal stars to leave the home grounds of Sportsman's Park. Shrewd Sam opened his 1946 business year by disposing of catcher Walker Cooper to ,the ,New York Giants for $175000'- and second baseman TtmiYli. TJrrtttrn (n (ha T3iffo burgh Pirates for an estimated $0,000 to $40,000. Although he still has enough players left for two formidable major league entries, Brcadon said he has no other deals pending at the moment. He indicated, however, that shortstop Marty Marion was the only one of the more than GO Red Birds: who definitely was not for sale, ! "Marion will be with us this j year," the Cardinal owner said He would not say as much for a!ny of his other players. The Copper and Brown transactions were expected since It had been a 'loosely-kept secret for more than a month that the deals were In the making. Twenty-one pitchers with winning major league experience are on the Cardinal roster and undoubtedly some of them will be parted with for fancy sums. Fourteen are on the active iht,, seven in service. More rumor had the Giants bidding for ajeft hander, probably , Max Lanier or Harry "The Cat" Bre-cliecn, along with Cooper but neither Breadon nor the Giants made any. mention of such a possibility. Providing former stars come up with -service discharges, Breadon will certainly be ready to do a booming business In outfielders. Johnny Hopp, Buster Adams, Red Schoendienst and Augie Bergamo are left over from the 1945 squad and Stan Musial, Enos Slaughter, Terry Moore, Harry Walker, Danny Litwhiler, and, a couple of red ho, minor, league prospects are In the armed forces. , .. With the trading gates open, offers are expected to pile up In the Cardinal office. The Red Birds will be .watching how much they icontribute to the strength of their opponents, but with so many players to be sold they probably will listen favorably to the rustle from any big bankrolls. AID SICK CHILDREN LONDON ffi-On behalf of 30,000 part-time London N.FJ5. men and women, a 1,000 ($4,500) cheque to maintain a cot has been given to the Hospital for Sick Children, Great. Ormond Street. Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Dally News Is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and womei returning home from the war. Accordingly, it is requested that information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been identified, in what theatres of war, If wounded, ill, etc. If Inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned in. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Pos-taf addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. BASKETBALL January 15 High Schools vs. Macey's, Intcrvets vs. Co-op, January 17 Intervets vs. Macey's Co-op vs. High School. January 22 High School vs. Intervets, Macey's vs. Co-op. January 24 Co-op vs. Intcrvets, Macey's vs. High School. January 29 High School vs. Co-op, Macey's vs. Intervets. January ,31 Intervets vs. High School, .Co-op vs. Macey's. February 5 Intervets vs. Coop, High School vs. Macey's. February 7 Macey's vs. Intervets, Co-op vs. High School. February 12 Co-op vs. Macey's, Intervets vs. High School. February 14 High School vs. Maceyss, Intervets vs. Co-op. February 19 Co-op vs. High School, Intervets vs. Macey's. February 21 Macey's vs. Coop, High School vs. Intervets. FIVE PIN SCHEDULE Jan. 16 Fraser & Payne vs. C.Y.A. Jokers vs. Head-pinners. McMeekln's vs. DeJong's. Midgets vs. Post Engineers. Jan. 23 C.Y.A. vs. Pose Engineers. DeJong's vs. Head-pinner. Jokers vs. McMeekin's. Fraser & Payne vs. Midgets. Jan. 30 McMeekln's vs. Fraser & Payne. : Midgets vs. Jokers. DeJong's vs. C.Y.A. Head-pinners vs. Post Engineers. - NELSON ANTIQUES NEWCASTLE, Eng. P Two silver sauce-boats, originally presented to Nelson after the Battle of Copenhagen, have been given to Rear-Admiral Sir Welhvood Maxwell by .shipbuilders, repairers and engineers of the Tyne and Tees on his re-linquishment.of the post of flag officer (Tyne area). , MEDIEVAL RINGS Women began to wear signcl .rings early in the Middle Ages, Welding and Body Repairs No job is too large or too small for us. Our mechanics arc experts in body repairs. MACHINE SHOP GARAGE V TMiinTTP 1 1" T- - k -a - -i m 1 CKKHLt & W. C. OSBORNE BOX 202 Quality MHI IWANTS CHURCH TO ACCEPT BROAD FIELD OF SERVICE By the Canadian l"ress A series of addresses .by Very Rev. George C. Pidgeon, former Moderator of the United Church f Canada, are contained In an. inspiring book, "The Vicarious' The sermons, given from the I pulpit of Bloor Street United Church, Toronto, set forth the substitutionary theme as tha cpntral principle of Christian Life. In the course of the addresses Dr. Pidgeon reviews the develop- I meni oi me vicarious priuciiu? from the ancients' conception or a God demanding, propitiatory sacrifices to the New Testament emphasis on love and mercy, with the Cross the crownlns manifestation of God's love. ; The author who has just completed a ministry of 30 years at the Toronto church says In a preface that years ago he felt ! keenly the need of a restate-! ment of the central principle! of Christian obligation. That j principle, he says, Is "based on i Christ's self-giving for man's salvation, Ideas of religious lifej that do not branch out from I this stem cannot be considered I distinctively Christian." Developing the theme of unselfish service 'on behalf . of the higher interests of liie "community, Dr. Pidgeon says: -"This Is the perfect social Ideal the individual giving himself to his people and for. them .' . . Jesus makes that spirit of seif-for-getful devotion, which formerly was required of the few, I he duty of all . . . Every person has a contribution of incalculable worth to make to his world." Referring' to the fact that) newer Canada has brought the! note of community into church life, Dr. Pidgeon is critical of the church's attitude toward the challenge. He maintains that i the church as part of the community must give herself to the service of the whole, and assume iesp6nsibility for its welfare'. "Our chief aim," he says, "is to save men in Christ Jesus; but, if men refuse this supreme g6pd at our hands, we are still' boilnd to give them, any good they will accept. It happens often our best churches ignore this law. They seek earnestly the salvation of men; those whom they win they serve in every way open to them; but they allow the world outside to drift along as lt will." LUMBAGO (Lame Back) Can't rtT.!(;littn up? Hack too ft iff end pore to touclif If that's liow Lumljago (Lame Hack) affcrlfi you, do what, thousands have done and net quick, sale relief. Take Tcmnlclon'a T-K-C's, the remedy specially made to help you. Don't sutler a day more than you have to. Ot Tcmplcton's T-K-C's today. SOc, J 1 . T-2 1 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE Dependable , . , prompt service. TERRACE ARROW SHOES FOR MEN . Quality and Style at Popular Prices Now Featured at the Cut Rate Shoe Store TODAY ANDWED.----4,.,, mm WJ'Vkrv aj mr mm sssk "Back to Jobs" ll'flitSli L CARTOON NEWS I MMBlfjl AUCTION SALE Thursday, Jan. 17, 1946, 2:30 l:J0 Sixth Avenue West Favored with inliuitions from owner, J. l.ati)vin, sell by Public Auction the contents of his wcll-furnlslicd home. Consisting in part as follows: Wine Velour Chesterfield Occasional Chairs Two 9x12 Congoleum Squares End Tables Smoking Stand Liquor Cabinet Trllight Four-piece waterfall design Bedroom Suite; Slumber King Spring; Inner spring Mattress like new ALL GOODS IN PERFECT CONDITION J.H.MAIR Terms Cash Trappers Attention SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SMKIABKIU; B.C. FURNITURE LADIES We are giving you a chance to bo: coat at a real saving! EVKRY COAT IN THE STOKE IS C.OLYG S A IF FUR COATS AND FUR TRIMMED A 1 1. till M m 1 I mmt nn ill. Specializing in McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Avenue at Sixth Street LING THE TAILOR We are faklnjr cleaning and pressing and steam pressbf while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street ,M(iMi(lhik SV&NEVfHer1' PS LOUIS ARMSTROfc TSirlt T)rrlc ,..fl. Mattresses Chests of Drawers Single Bed Odd Chairs Slx-plccc Dinno Su.v Pictures, Dlshe Po f McClary Ranee cat with oil burner Garden Tools Other items too r.jE to list Audio. Highest Prk Paid for Vo FUR: Phone Black .'KM LADIES 1 25 i OFF CLOTH C Vi PRICE 5G m h . ntl lll.'i ICTF! III.' '.IIIJI"' -. . tinT K Vf OF FILLING PKESCIW TIONS You can on us- 1 . . -fluff ntAl.n invlfrnia' baths and maaagej that urcu . - f V K. I . w' nrarluate i Reducing, Facia'"" .Phone r.reen'- for apH"-- 937 THIRD TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS- THEY GET fit"-