si Monday, April 22. 1946 PubUs&od every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Llmttet,.Thlrd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Per Month Per Year ' By Mall, per month Per Year ' : J .40 4.00 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "I left my car to be fixed;" i 2. jWhat Is the correct pronunciation of "conflict" (noun ' l i n unu vcru; t 3. ;Whlch one of these words is misspelled? Restorative, resurrect, jresusitate. 4. !what does the word "mls-ogamlst" mean? i 5. ;What is a world beginning with ie that means "to congratulate!'? Answers 1. Say, "I left my car to be repaired." 2. Accent noun on first syllable, verb on last syllable. 3, Resuscitate. 4. A hater of marriage! (Pronounce ml-sog-a-mlst, both i's as in it, o as In of, accent second syllable.) 5. Advertise in the Daily News. MEMBER A.B.O. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa). An U njustifiable Closing Down Hon. Colin Gibson, minister of national defence for air, has been talking about the future - minded policy of his department in connection with the development- of aviation in Canada not only as an arm of national defence but also from the standpoint of commercial utility and 'service in the postwar era, An example was a recent speech delivered in Toronto entitled "Air Power in Canada." The Department of National Defence for Air may have some progressive ideas about the future of aviation in Canada but they certainly do not appear to be evident here in Prince Rupert. " There is little compatability to be seen between a forward looking Royal Canadian Air Force policy ior Canada from a national standpoint and, the complete closing down, as scheduled to take place within the next few days, of the million-dollar seaplane base at Prince Rupert, a point of vital strategic importance in one of the newest and most potential parts of northwestern Canada' from many standpoints certainly as far as aviation is con- ; cerried. If there could be any more important point in Canada for the centering of military and commer- rial, aviation than Prince Rupert iti would be interesting to know where it is. If there is any air base in the country the closing down of which would seem to be injustiable it is Prince Rupert's. Of course, it is completely in'line with what appears to be a fixed policy on the part of the federal government and anything with .which it is connected to neglect and "brush-off1 this part of the cguntry. Support Civic Centre Now Prince Rupert's fine civic centre has: now been operating for over a month and its usefulness and popularity is becoming increasingly evident in many ways. Possibly, its most important function is as a gathering place for the young people of. the city who, at long last, have a place for healthful exercise and wholesome recreation in a congenial atmosphere. It is also providing a meeting place for several institutions and, as time goes on, will be I Better English I By D. C. WILLIAMS utilized to even greater extent along these lines. In these and many other ways the Civic Centre is justifying itself and fulfilling the vision which we had of it for so many long years. . Now we have the Civic Centre with all its benefits, wre can be expected to do our part in financing it. Strangely enough, the people of the city have so far.not b$en rallying in the way of membership subscriptions to the degree that might have been expected. In other words, now the time has come to pay, they are not responding. Possibly, a lot of it has1 been due to oversight rather than unwillingness which is for all of use undoubtedly an obligation. A special appeal might also be directed in this connection to sorne of the business organizations with staffs here whose residence in Prince Rupert is made the more congenial through the existence of the Civic Centre. Possibly it may need nothing more than a reminder like this that their minancial assistance as patrons would be appreciated by the Centre and would also repay these organizations themselves in benefits indirectly realized. Control of News The Premier of Saskatchewan, addressing a gathering of newspapermen in Regina this week, came out against government control of news, declaring that an independent press and independent news were essential. He voiced the complaint . that the tendency of "many newspapers was to become the voice of their owners, their news columns becoming too often the medium of editorial comment. Mr. Douglas, the head of Canada's only Socialist government, possibly may not realize that the so-called "news"paper organs of his own C.C.F. party are possibly the worst offenders when it conies to being the voices of their owners and the mixers of editorial policy and comment in coloring their news reports. As far as the editorial columns of newspapers are concerned, it would be interesting to hear whose Views might be expected to be reflected other than those of the interests who own or control them. But, as for fairness and impartiality of news columns, it must be conceded that the so-called capitalistic press of this country sets an admirable example. There is much these newspapers publish in their news columns that might conceivably be considered inimical to their own "selfish" interests and which it would be easy enough for them to suppress if they were not free, impartial and generous in news column policy. EARLY SCHOOL ACTION SOUGHT I-T. Association Prods School Board Regular Meeting Wednesday Night Early action In the bulldlns of new schools was urged upon the board of school trustees by the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher Association. Wednesday night. The speaker of the evening was C, II. Insulander, manager of ra-diojstation CFPR, who described the process of voice recording. Eddie Ciccone played delightful selections on his piano-accordion. A vote of appreciation was extended to Manager J. II. Black of the Capitol Theatre for arrangement of specially selected programs for children Saturday morning. A nominating committee consisting of Mrs. George A. Hill, Mrs. C. H. Insulander and Mrs. J. C. Oilker was appointed to draw up a slate of officers for the coming year. $50. 75. 100. 150., 500. 12" 16" 25 4o - 6 - 8" - 12 - 84' 43" 22' 1.000. 169" 86 04 44" AT THE LOWEST COST SIC THt MAKiCtR Of YOl'R NEAREST IKAKCH LETTERBOX Editor, Dally News, I wonder If any of your readers really understand what an "entree" is. Well, those in the catering business might be interested In this Information. An entree is a small serving of food which could be in the form of a shrimp or cheese souffle. It is served after the soup and fish and Just before the main course. Therefore, a seven course dinnertable d'hote would be hors d'oeuvre, soup, very small serving of fish (to save time the waiter could brlns the two at once, often the customer will or der soup and fLsh together), en tree (which could be anything mixed up and served in small portions), main course, dessert, fruit. I suppose finger bowls are out of date now but they might contain a rose petal. With them goes the demi-tasse. BRENTWOOD. I :!ir Nil W II IUU I IHNMriT TJtSOJVAZ mw 1 A MONTH ton a $too loAn "UrATAlU tM'ii tZ toONTHU fWJtAtMINfl t tnlcrt t ptt anAwn THCK it NO OTMEU CHAflOE lARGIK 10ANS At MOPORTIONATI COST SLOGANS A-PLENTY Fifty-seven Interesting Suggestions Made in Recent Public Relations Contest Many interesting suggestions for a permanent slogan for Prince Rupert were offered In the contest recently conducted by the Daily News for the. Prince Rupert Public Relations Council besides the winners which were: First "Prince Rupert, Key to the Great Northwest." Second "Prince Rupert, . Port of Promise." Fifty-five other suggestions were as follows: Prince Rupert, Alaska's Canadian Doorway. Prince Rupert, City of Natural Beauty, Industry and Recreation. Prince Rupert, Gateway to the Orient. Prince Rupert, Gateway to Alaska. Rupert, Prince City of the Pacific. Prince Rupert, Nearest Gateway to the Orient. Prince Rupert, City of Hospitality. The City of the Northland. Prince Rupert, Port of Promise Feather Your Nest in Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert Where Ship Ccme In. Prince Rupert, The Evergreen City. Prince Rupert A B-Llne to the Orient. Keep Your Head Above Water in Prince Rupert. ' Prince Rupert, the Gateway to the North. Prince Rupert, the Little City With the Big Heart. Prince Rupert Raises Kalen. Welcome to Prince Rupert. Al aska's Nearest Neighbor. , Spearhead to the North. Winter Paradise. Where the Ship Meets the Grain. ... Eyevlew of the Pacific. Springboard to Success. Fisherman's Paradise. se. Vs- Sea of Miffhty Salmon.- - Where the Fish Meet, stile Qraln. " ,e Port of Sunrise. , v. Outlet to Alaska. ,;. Canada's Western Water Frontier. Prince Rupert, Hub of Northern ' " Empire. Prince Rupert, CaViada's Western Waterfront. Prince Rupert, City of Sea Riches. The City Above the Snarklln? Harbor. Prince Rupert, Portal of the North. Gateway (o Terrace. " ' Where Win? and Water Meet. Prlncfi Rupert, the Garden of Tntem Poles. Prince Rupert, the Threshold if Canada's West. The Key t0 the Great Northwest and the Open Door to Al- vka. The Gateway of the North. The City of Peace. Prince Rupert, the Cllv of Jrautiful Sunsets. The Hope and Future of Northern B.C. Prince Ruoert. Prince Rupert, the City of Gorgeous Sunsets. Prince Rupert, the Gateway to the Orient. , The future Is rorThose WhJ Struggle. Prince Rupert, the Harbor of Oold. Prince Rupert, the Oateway to the Orient. Unity for Progress. Prince Rupert, the Rainbow City. Prince Rupert, Where Nature lid You Welcome. Prince Rupert, Gateway to Alaska and the Orient. The Hub of British Columbia. Progress With rrmce Rupert. Tlie Pacific Port of the Future. Prince Rupert, the Key to Canada's Future. Prince Rupert and the Future Beckon You. LONDON, Oi capt. Edward Harry Temme. 41, only man to swim the English Channel both ways, was appointed Hampstead Baths superintendent. O-JELVIO General Contractor We do basements, reshlngllng, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings 100 Satisfaction Guaranteed CALL BLUE 010 and we will give an estimate P.O. Box C54 HURT BY WAVE MONTEREY, California W Hospital attendants said that actress Greer Carson, who was swept off a rock by a high wave near here on Friday, was rest ing comfortably today but X-rays would be necessary to be sure she had suffered no serious injuries. Miss Garson was standing on a rock on the coast six miles south of here while working on a film when a wave swept her Into the surf. THIEVES STEAL PRICELESS GOODS MAIDSTONE. Kent Oi A great police net spread throughout Britain today for armed bandiU who escaped in a RolLs-Royre car after stealing priceless-historic "k Sunday f'J M "ever Castle hJ , wad JJJi, r me. am... . weU he stolen a&l Calvert -1622 Mejv ofVisiojy jAgLaurier-1881 mm ii ir i ntwAMf . ' ! .1 . . . . . In 1887 LAURIER said: "Form a great nation Kr4avrr i irura ivm iur lue inn nil) parish Dtrisht tl it ii kjut tttc to we House of (-ommoniiift J WillnU l-aurirr irud an unwavcrini pd I towards a uniied Canada. Ardtnt chaatl of uniijr, Lauritr the youth ijn hit rrjl idJresi at MiGill University in lH64iiMl for understanding between all Cinjf.1 Years later, Sir Wilfrid Lauritr .fat fit I Canadian Prime Minister of f.anadi. ,tn tied to foster unity with inspiration. raiJ and integrity. There was a turn cf iiul ilrar-beaded Canadian. PUiB.LISHED -IN THE INTEREST Of NATIONAL UNITY BY CALVERT DISTILU In 1622 CALVERT it HOME OWNERS IT IS TIMK FOIt YOUR SPUING HKI'AIHINti! We have now in stock a substantial quantity of Cedar Shingles, Birch and Cedar Panelling in a variety of finishes, Insul-Brick, Building Papers, etc. Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. LUM AND nUH.DINO MATERIALS Phones 651 and 052 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. anadian Fish - AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCK RUPERT, B.C. said: " Prepare for the future" Far hack in the 17th century Calvert wrote of the New World: "I see the future. Fair dealings will lead to union and friendship." Famous English statesman and Secretary of State to King Jame,s I, Calvert founded historic colonies in Newfoundland and Maryland in the early lfiOO's. "I came to build. I intend to remain," said Calvert, "It is a good country," Man of vision ... clear-headed pioneer of unity . . . Calvert may well have foretold, three centuries ago, Canada's unbounded future. Every Canadian can he a man of vision today , . . help "form a great nation." Upon unity of purpose teptnJs tit full measure oj our stature as a nation'. There is only one Canada for cltar-leaded Canadians. Clear Meads Call for. . . a United Ctvunia Calvert DISTILLERS (Canaib) Limited AMHilSIIUtC ONTAIIO An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT- LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - . . . HA.M.TOSfJ' . . . 1P.M. TO I Ml This is a service for your convenience are invited to take advantage of it. Operator-FRANK MORRISON Keep your Orders well Ahead ior our Quality Coals! PHONES 116 1" ALBERT Mc'CAFFBf