4 :' ' I' '4 Prin fc Uupctt Daily ftctiisi ' Monday, April 22, 1946 5 PORE BOXLA DISPLAY AT CIVIC CENTRE Box lacrosse will make its debut in Prince Rupert tomorrow " night. Recent .efforts n bring the game to life here will have their immediate culmination in a demonstration game in the Civic Centre gym at 7:30 Tuesday and it Is hoped that this display will be followed by sufficient 'sporting Interest to create interme- . diate, junior and Juvenile leagues for the summer season. Allan Sheardown, recently appointed .secretary-treasurer of the Prince Rupert lacroise organization, feels that the game should find magnificent support in this city. - "Tills town was made for la- " crasse," he says. "It's a natural. Durjjig the spring, summer and fall, boxla can be played either indoors or In the open, and I . think that there will be plenty of young people who will take an interest in it." ; Tuesday night's demonstration :- game will feature intermediates, ' all of .whom have-had plenty" of experience at the game. Some are former players on championship teams in the southern part of the ' province. Following the game, those interested will have an opportunity to try out their ability on the gym floor under Instruction by the players. "I know lacrosse Is going to capture the interest of this cltv. and I would like to sec not 50 but 250 potentlonal players out to watch tomorrow night's demonstration," Mr. Sheardown remarked. Arrangements have been mad? with the B.C. Amateur Lacrosse Association for Prince Rupert players to purchase their equipment at cost, he added. A considerable amount of equipment ..is already on hand. Boxing Referee Charged Assault ., NEW YORK i Arthur Donovan, 54, boxing referee, was free on $2,500 ball today pending an -inquiry into the death of a Swedish glass Importer who police said was struck down by Dono- trapped ' Phone Blue 850 c u Grand fcor ( ' fc. s ?7;nsnia, rd Tf posh r ' gfrar SCrit A r'l"tt of C.n.fol food, Green & Corrins Builders and Painters All Interior and Exterior Work Basebail Scores SUNDAY American League Washington 1, New York C. Philadelphia il-3. Boston 12-0. Chicago 1-2, St. Louis 2-4. ' Detroit 3, Cleveland 2. National League Boston 3,1, Philadelphia 2-3. New York. 1, Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati 8-4, Pittsburgh 2-3. St. Louis 7, Chicago 6. Pacific ("oast League-Hollywood. 3-0, Portland 4-1. San Diego 2-0, Seattle 1-1. Sacramento 3-4, Los 'Angeles I'll. San Francisco 5-0, Oakland 2-4. SATURDAY American League Detroit 7, Cleveland 0. Washington 1, New. York 3. Boston 1. Philadelphia 2. National League Pittsburgh 2, Cincinnati 1. Pacific Coast League I,o.s Angeles 7, Syracuse 1. San Francisco 2, Oakland 1. SHORT SPORT Uy tlm CnrnirUnn Press Hamilton Tigers of Big Four rugby fame 21 years asro today signed Pep Leadley. Canada's! outstanding drop-kicker of hii i c!ay. In the following season Leadley proved as big a cog In the Tiger machine as he was in the famous Queen's University team that won the Canadian championship in 1922, 1923 and George Sutton, who nlaved In the world's first 18.2 balkllne billiards tournament at Paris. died at Chicago 16 years ago to morrow. Resident of Toronto years before, Sutton won the 18-1 balkllne championship from Jake Schaefer in 1907 and the 18.2 from George Slossom In 1908. van on Fifth Avenue on Friday. Donovan was arrested on a felonious assault charge before the importer, David S. Corcorin, died In hospital. The charge will stand until Donovan comes up for hearing next week. Buv War Savings Stamps P.O. Box 1404 Free Estimates and Prompt Service WINNIPEG IS WINNER WINNIPEG Victoria Doml- noes defeated Winnipeg St. Andrew's 44-42 to win the Western , Canada men's basketball cham-i pionshlp In two straight games. Tlie Dominoes now meet Assumption College of Windsor, I Ontario, for the Canadian crown. HUNTING PARTY ALASKA BOUND A party of three ;Iew Yorkers bent on shooting a Kodiak prlzzly bear for a sporting trophy were among the passengers on the Canadian Pacific steamer Prin cess Louise which docked here thU morning on her first north-! bound trip of the summer season. Carrying 255 passengers, the Princess Louise was under command of Capt. Graham O. Hughes. Only three of her passengers disembarked at Prince Rupert. During the summer months the Princess Louise will complement the Princess Nora'n on the Alaska run from Vancou ver. In quest of at least one Kodiak bear, the fiercest species on the continent and the typo most, covetted by big game hunters were ur. and Mr. M. Oreer anu Dr. C.'Van Wegel or New York Cly, wno were desnned for Juneau where they will head Into the wilderness. Other passengers ror the north Included Fred Dawson, Dominion .government architect, who Is on his way to "Whitehorse, Mrs. Rogers. iylfe of the general manager of. the White Pass and Yukon Railway; Mr. Gordon, marine superintendent of ths White Pass and Yukon, who is In charge of the river steamboats operated by the railway, and Mr. and Mrs. Drewery of Skagway. KASKKTKAMj EDMONTON Edmonton Mortons defeated Vancouver Hed-lunds 33-27 in the first game of a best-of-three series for Western Canada's women's senior basketball championship. Hockey Scores Memorial Cup Winnipeg Monarchs 4, Toronto St. Michael's 3. The best-of-seven series is now tied two-all. Allan Cup Hamilton Tigers 1. Calgary Stampeders 6. Calgary now leads the best-of-seven series 2-0. FOUR STAR TRANSFER "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" Phones: Blue Res. Green 820 Prop., L. Chrlstopherson (ExrNaval Vet.) THIS AND THAT ' V S'' h 4-t r "Would you two please move? Nobody's watching the show anymore!" MOON'S MIGHT The tide-producing power of! Liu- iiiuuu upon me carm s oceans is more than twice that ' of the sun. I UNDERWATER SOS now be located by means of an underwater sound system capable of detecting the explosion of a small T.N.T. rescue bomb 2,000 miles away. Britons Migrate To South Africa JOHANNESBURG Hundreds of British ex-servicemen, most of them skilled artisans, are making every -effort to come to South Africa to settle. Tlie London office ol the 182U Memorial Settlers' Association has become so busy that a man from the head office In Capetown has been sent to England to help with the rush of work. At least 500 former members of the R.A.F. who left their South African wives in the Union, will be arriving in this country in batches as shipping become!; available and .will all 'reach the Union long before the end of this year. Apart from these 500 men, there are hundreds of British ex- -servicemsn engaged to South Af rican girls, most of whom havo Jobs to come to. and they too are trying to get to the Union as soon as possible. "OLD SODBURY" NEVER DIES CHIPPING SODBURY, Eng land J -Music hall comedians always found Gloucestershire's Chipping Sodbury good for a gag but now, with the amalgamation of Chipping Sodbury with" the nearby parish of Old Sodbury the village will be known officially as Sodbury. No villager, however, has any intention of allowing the full title to die. Said Murray Dowd. In?, local antiquarian: "It is nonsense to suppose we will let ,thc old name go. Old Sodbury the mother of all the Sodburys Is menv.oned In the Doomsday Book and you cannot destroy a tradition like that." GEO. J. DAWES The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday W'F. SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free" PRINCE It II PERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre BIdg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue I I." Res. Red 117 Ask for George Annouiuvnwnl . . . W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and is now, operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would be appreciated 53G Seventh Avenue East PHONE 11)11 . omiies 1 ; , 1 Guest (to waiter) "I cant eat this. soup Walter takes It away and brings back another kind. Oiicst -"I can't eat this soup." Walter, angrily but silently, for the second time brings another kind. Guest lagalnt "I can't eat this soup." Walter, furious, calls the proprietor. Proprietor (to puest) "Why can't you eat this soup?" Guest iquletly) "Because I haven't any spoon I" n i 1 '( I I I I Inr lltMtt mfttfl t If"' J.00 1 l Mticxiaa iimii I H.i.v-1 I 11 lomt noun I iritf iitocH VvIVJ ' . u - J I I naovnxjL 0.40 i BRIDAl WREATH Mi M 1 :::f' mr m 19.50 I oy , John Bulger limited M Third Ave. Phone "122 J? This Is Our Husinoss v. mmmmcIEEEB Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage Is - under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has h.id many years of experience In car and truck work. CONSULT US! Terrace Machine Shop And garage Terrace TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SEltVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 1G7 TERRACE ImVrirm 8AILING3 FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala, 1:30 pjn. Frlday-BS Cardena, 10 p.m. Railings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. 1 1 DE LUXE ORANGE PEKOE Kwong Sang fling CHOP SUEY HOUSE Re-opened Thursday, April 18 Phone Red 247 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.'.' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY 0 at CENTRAL HOTEL Will Kc-open Saturday, April 20th We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME A.V ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD York' General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSU L smd,intf New an(i hf m Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It urn Mttn tmt rttt-n lim PAW IflKK A TM I 1 nt.V Phone Black 126 Day Phone Orrrn 937 Kvenlnp We serve you nothing but the best Sprcbl Bed Brinit M Choicest fresh Vrjf tables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATES8EN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURISO REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pics, Knast ChlrKcn. Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to srrie J Chinese dishes Chow Meln, C.hop Sury, . ," ,ake out. Cooked uitli delicate taste and quick wrvli RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone21 Third Ave. West LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering Slip Covers Drapes 'Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre We Have Done Seelnp Is Relieving COMF.'lN - ook '', Jrro "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with 'e 6' Indicating one of the Harjalns 01 me "-' MIIAIIFM FfONOMY S wwrBaai mm w w (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phone S68 niuiies 10 ana in TRY US! 012 Seventh Ave...: We if Next ko)' " CENTRAL HOTE Weekly and MontW For your convening NF.WLV DECORATE Transient H"" Cafe In Connection L,CENSEDrflnSi3 (Kenovatrt' PIIONB 51 IT