l?rincc Kupctt Daflg f3cUis Monday, April 22, 1946 ; Modern Etiquette 1 By ROBERTA LEE Q. If one Is entertaining with Just one or two tables of bridge, should a prize be given for the rjlghest score? A. This is optional with the Eostess. Quite often a prize is lio( given unless there are three or more tables. Worry, Mom Got It at Peoples." I Concentrated CT 2-4- lost Economical &Sti? S3 Q. Why should a wife visit her husband's office as little as possible? ' A. Because it embarrasses him not to show her every attention and therefore distracts his mind from his work. -x iicik uucs pvuv puis sistJj iiicaiu A. Small peas. Buy War Savings Stamps (NOTE: Of Course It Couldn't Happen Here!) Oi Sis! Raining and My New Coat, Too!" AT- At I mo nt'eu to mr mm . Ajfew ilk I GIRLS' SPRING COATS j J At PROTECT WHAT YOU HAVE . . . Before storing your winter garments, come In for moth preventatives. Wc have an ample stock ... we also have materials to clean those spots, so you can have everything spic and span before storing. You'll like the wide variety of things you need, at budget-pleasinf prices, when you come to The Variety Store. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" EASTER CARDS By . . . . . . RUSTCRAFT Ranging from 5c 25c DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THUID AVENUE iOOODDODDCHJOOODOODOOCKHlBOaOODaOC y o ooooooo no chch REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERr HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. r PHONE 17 , ii RUPERT PEOPLES: STORE : S CONCENTRATED""""" mm mm. mm I T MM WMm I Highly I l Wee INon Corrosive Hon Toxic This is it! The new wonder chemical (2-4-D) that completely destroys weeds without affecting grass or grain. Dc-Wced contains .(concentrated 2-4-D in a form that is readily soluble in water. Just . spray it on and De-Weed dofs thq work (1 oz. treats 800 to 1,200 sq. ft.). lie-Weed kills weeds permanently; yet does not harm the lawn. Broad leaf weeds such as Dandelion, Plantain, Thistle, etc.. and bush pests such as Blackberry, Willow, etc., are completely eradicated. Economical De-Wccd is the modern, scientific way to easier weed freedom. Get De-YVrcd from your Horticultural or Agricultural Supply Dealer. COMMERCIAL CHEMICALS LIMITED, Vancouver, Canada IMPROVEMENT OF TERRACE . Young: Business Men Get Together "Clean-up" Is First Objective TERRACE The newly organ S of younger public-spirit ed men of Terrace, who have banded themselves together for the purpose of achieving various types of public improvements, have set out on a "Clean-up, Taint-up" campaign as their primary activity and started the J ball rolling yesterday whrn the B members turned out in order to tidy up the ball park. The cam- paign will Culminate in the call- " lng of an intensive clean-up aC&s j n'eck tr n "whole village com-Y""Bmenclng May 13. and byways and the brlghtenina up of the community Generally is not, however, the sole activity of the new organization but It is also interesting itself in pointed to go into the possibll-Hy of sponsoring a ball club. The officers of the club, non-political, non-racial and non-sectarian, are: Chairman Harry Stetson. VIce-Chalrman L. H. Smart. Secretary John McLcod. NEW HAZELTON The highway between New Hazelton and Terrace Is getting better every day as a result of the work of the provincial department of public works. "Shortly It will be a real pleasure to make use of It," says the Omlneca Herald. ! Saying- that he had never seen j so much rain in his Hie as that which he experienced in Van couver, uust iiuaebrana returned home last week from a trip south. Hon. E. T. Kenney. minister of lands, expects to pay a visit to his coastituency about thj middle or end of May, depend ing on when Premier John Hart and his party return from the (conference at Ottawa. Peter Ober, one of tlie real p!6ncers of Hazelton, having been there since railway construction days, died recently. He was a native of Germany. loss by diseins the soil when it Is too damp. In clay that will result ln mud and, later on, lumps that may take weeks of hard work to pulverize. If one can walk through the garden without getting the chocs muddy, I he soli can be worked safely, but not 'before. If It crumbles when released,. It is safe to proceed with digging or plowing; but 'f It compacts into a ball then the experts say to leave it alone for a day or two. Beginners are cautioned, too, against planting all the garden ln one afternoon. It Is far better to f pread out the planting. Beets, carrots, beans, spinach, lettuce, radish, etc.. can be planted every other week or so right up to late June and the harvest will bp epread accordingly. Flowers, too, cjm be spread iver several weeks. Some things, however, like grass seed, nursery stock, garden peas, sweet peas, are est all planted early. Bedding plants like petunias, zinnias, stocks, spider plants, tomatoes, cabbage, etc., should not be set out until all danger of frost is over. Tender things like gladiolus, cannas, melons, corn, 6quash, etc., also come in this category SMITHERS The Smithers and District Chamber of Commerce is Working on the possibility of enlist'' lng the co-operation of the provincial government In establish ing a pumping plant in connection with the power plant which it is proposed to lnstal near the river below the Bulkley Hill. Thus .might be solved Smithers long-vexed problem or inadequate water supply. Robert Clark c Forestdale has bren appointed lineman of the Government Telegraphs for the district between Houston and Hazelton. The office of assistant super intendent of the Canadian Na tional Railways here has been closed. O. F. B. Mlddleton is being transferred to Melville, Saskatchewan, and E. N. Stewart of Prince George will combine the duties of master mechanic and assistant superintendent. A passenger and express stage the sponsoring of sports and service between Smithers and athletics and. with that end in I Prince George has been lnstitut-vicw. a committee has been an- by Harold W. Smith of Prince George. Seven-passenger cars are used and there are three trips a week. Churches Filled As City Oberves ! Peacetime Easter Prince Rupert attended church ln force yesterday, observing the anniversary of the Resurrection of the Prince of Peace for the first time in seven years In a world -which was officially without war. Services in local churches were wel? attended in spite of the absence of bright sunshine usually associated .with Easter Day. Special Easter music' was de livered by lh? choirs in all city churches, complementing the fcrmons of the Resurrection and its present day slsnificance delivered by the ministers. Weather during the day was dull, with occasional rain which somehow did not mar the striking newness of the Easter hats worn proudly by the ladles at church. At some churches Holy Com-munlon was received by the worshippers while at others the regular Sunday schools were cancelled lor the day to encourage the children to worship -with their parents In a family service. In all churches the significant Hazltos first war bride. Mrs. r -Wrth en- Violet Simpson, wife of Hunter Simpson, has arrived from the Bahamas where she was born and spent all her life. Advertise In the Dally News hanced by profusions of spring flowers which decorated the chancels. Classified Advertising pays. Advertise in The Dally News. rAEDEN 'NOTEB No Rush Yet Jiven about 12 ; Seed Is Cheap but Important I hours of sunshine and a little 'No matter how favorable the warm weather at this time of the year and the average man or woman is liable to get In a dither about getting the garden planted. This Is a natural reaction after a cold or tough winter, but experienced garden- weather or how rich the soil, re- ; suits are going to be disappoint- ! ' lng unless one uses good seed. This costs but a few cents & packet but it Is vital to success. Not only is It important to use good seed, but also seed that ii suitable for Canadian conditions. Krmipthintr ihat. mlTht. rrivi n-nn. crs, and the medical profession j.dcrfu rclts ln Engiand or th too, advise caution. There is no need to rush the season in mast parts or Canada. True; early, hardy flowers, all nursery stock, grass .seed and some of the first vegetables can be planted just as soon as the soil is fit to work. And fit to work is important. Southern States may be no good at all when planted In Canada. On this account it is advisable to stick to purchases from Cana-o'lan seed houses which only carry seed suitable for growing ln this climate. There is nothing to be gained rroiwr timiIs A few snorint and sometimes there is actual . tools will make gardening easier ! and much more enjoyable. In this category arc the three and five-pronged hand-drawn cultivators, dutch hoes, narrow hoes, weed spudders, edging tools, digging forks and others. These are designed to handle special jobs and get Into corners and close to growing plants. With Ion? handles, too, they will save the back. Tools must be kept reasonably clean and sharp. An old file will do both jobs. Some .gardeners keep a pafl or bushel basket rilled with sand into which some old crankcase oil has been dumped. Shoved Into this the tools will keep clean and free from rust. Transplanting Watering I; one of the secrets to successful transplanting. Boxes of bedding plants and nursery stock should be kept moist .and when contents arc set out, water should be added. Roses, shrubs, vines and trees should be watered thoroughly In dryish weather soaking the ground at least once a week until growth Is well started, To conserve moisture cultivate ornamental trees thrfcc ! feet all around until mid-sum- 1 mer nil I R V " 11 ii x rasnion r If lK "GYPSY WILDCAT" V CC n D Radio Dial I I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) MONDAY PM. 4:00 Jack Allison Show 4:30 Stock Quotations 4:43 Weather Forecast 4:45 Top Bands 5:00 Story Time 5:15 Songs by Judy Wright 5:30 On the March 5:45 Rhythm and Romance 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dick Todd 6:30 The Novochord 6:45 To be announced 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 CI wy Street 7:45 Recital Time 8:00 Feidler Conducts 8:30 Scandinavian Melodies 9:00 Summcrfallow 9:30 CBR Singers 10:C0 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Neighborly News 10:30 "What's on Your Mind?" 10:45 Ople Kate's Orch. 11:00 Blltmore Hotel Orch. 11:30 Milton Charles 11:45 Chris Crossley's Orch. 11:55 CBC News and Interlude 12:00-Silent TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song kgmMd pet IHDICCSTI0H Http cltan up insidt with sparkling I.IVII Itl inwTlfV lfr fie: Ortlflcut of Title No. 225D8-1 to Lot Thirteen 113) Block Fourteen 114). Towuslte ot Atlln, Map 1 078. WHCREA8 Katlsfactory proof of lots of the bbove Certificate of Title lsituecl In the name of William Arthur Doclil has been filed in thU office, notice Ik hereby given that I shall, at the. expiration of one month from the ' date of the first publication hereof. I iiwue a provisional Certificate of Title I In lieu of said lost Certificate, unleiw in the meantime valid objection be ' made to me ln writing. DATED at the Land Keglstry Office. , Prince Itupert. B.C. this Bth day or April, 1946 AD. ! ANDUEW THOMPSON. Deputy Keglstrar of Titles. "GOVERNMENT LlQUOK ACT" NOTICi: OK AITI.K'Ai lON I OK I'ONKKXT TO TUANM Ut OF III I K I.K KM'i: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tliut ou the 10th dav of Mav. A n nun the undersigned intends to apply tti the Liquor Control Board for consent w waucivr vi ueer wcence wo. Issued ln respect or premises' belns part of a building known as Knox Hotel, situate at First Avenue lu the Cltr of Prince Rupert. Province ol British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots numbered Thirteen 113) and fourteen (14) of Block Two 12) of Section One (II Prince Rupert Land Registration District ln the Province of Brltlnh Columbia, from BEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. to KNOX HOTEL CO. LTD.. of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the Trans-teree. DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this 26th day of March, A D. 1046. KNOX HOTEL COMPANY LTD.. By J C. LABEIXE. President, Applicant and Transferee. 101 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF" BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and-IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ELLSWORTH OAR-LAND (otherwise known as John Oarland ) , DECEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor, Judge FlsLcr, made on the 12th day of Aprllf A D. HI46. I wai appointed Administrator of the Estate of . John Ellsworth Garland, otherwise known as John Oarlund deceased, and all parties having claims against the sakl estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly vrlfled, to me on or before the 22nd day of May. A D 1946, and all parties IndebUU to the estate are required to pay the amount of bucir luucubvuuuw mj me lortnwith DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 12th day of April, A.D. 1946. GORDON F FORBES. Actln -Official Administrator, Prince Rupert B. C CAPITOL 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Art Van Damme Quintet 9:45 Pops on Parade 10:00 Sketches in Melody 10:15 Vaughn Monroe and Orch. 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Lud Gluskln's Orch. 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Thoughts for Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11 :45 Dancing Till Noon P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Hit Revue 1:15 Interlude 1:18 Ethelwync Hobbcs 1:30 Modern Musicians 1:45 Artists of Tomorrow 2:00 Classic Hour 2:30 The Robinson Family 2:45 Downbeat 3:00 Western Five 3:15 Pedals and Stops 3:30 Magic in Spring 3:45 BBC New.s and RADIOREPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! II nerves --doubly sol Smith Block Green 005 AWNINGS . . . SAILS . . . WINDOW lil.INDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S 430 Uouser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) Phone Black 160 P.O. Box 302 J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALLS aiikanci;d and Conducted at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Black 150 araoe on tin: stagi: TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 8:13 P.M. Fifteen Lovely Models . . . GEOKGEOUS (JOWNS, SUITS, HATS AND SHOES ALSO SIX IJEAUTIFUL FUR COATS Supplied liy SWEET SIXTEEN LTD. & FASHION FOOTWEAR on tin: screen AT 1:00 - 2:35 - 4:40 r G:43 - 3:45 MARIA 3IONTEZ - JON HALL - PETER COE with ... nh;i;l kkice leo cakkm.i.o (jai.e sondekcakko. mm ft a - v . V- k Mlt.llVUI V'll-UJ I1VIIIUIIVV l VlHIIIVulUI NO ADVANCE IN I'lMCHS No Children Admitted After 5 I'.M, 1"'XliM -A , Oil Burner Installed Wrl -fin , Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEA1G REPAIRS AND ALTERATION'S ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Black 8111 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ET WEJT AUCTION SALE ,2:30 p.m. THURSDAY and FRIDAY N April 25 and 26 I'-avourea with instructions to sell conti ' i 62 Eraser Street (NEXT DOOK TO SAVOY HOTEL, conslstlne ln Dart as follows Small Me Restaurant Range (like new) wiih hot nr tank; while enamel Kitchen Sink with metal rovcrfd ba Small Cash Uefister; Radio (.Mix-master) Klectric ToasW Dishes; Pots; Pans; Studio Couth; Chesterfield; Eir Washing Machine; China Cabinrt; 1 large Wall Mirm 3x11 Rug; 3 Oil nurner Heater; 15 Dressers; 14 ctmipltf Beds; Smoking Stands; lied room Suite- walnut, 4 pine 2 Wardrobes; 3 Chests of Drawers; Restaurant Tabid uiiairs, eic etc. Good on view Tuesday and Wednesday April 23 and 21, 2 P.m. to 5 p.m. only J. H. MAIR ACCTIONLI'R Phone fllack I 99 Moths F R S T The season Is rapidly a'vncil' Ite sure to take the nfl precautions in time. JUST AKKIVLD . . . ELKAY'S MOTH KILLER and MOTH CONTROL LIQUID WITH DDT Wili Not Injure Fabrics 16-oz, bottle- 7."f Ormes Jtui Pioneer Druq9t3U THE ItllYALL STOKE ALL PERSONAL INCOME TAX KETURNS MUST BE FILED BY APRIL 30 Take your tax problems to S. G. FURK Itoum 0 Stone Buildup Open all day and evenings. PHONE 563 rrestrijili-" Siw The Seal of HRTTISH COLUMBIA'5 .::,SmiJm FINEST S 1 I IVIL"