Ir HTS OF EARLY SPECULATIVE CY RECALLED IN THIRTY -YEAR- "A" k SCOTTISH ARTICLE ON RUPERT e the Scottish 0.rt':oi, f u i copper copper smelter smeiter being rjeing esiaD established isnca of Geographical I copy Magazine Bt the time at aranby Bay away back m 15H4 as the Grand Trunk Pacific i(Anyox) are mentioned as im- ... nnni'tnrr pnmn ntirin mi a Imon ,mr... ..11,,1 Wily vtw ""h -"j'"v-vwu nun nivjii tuiai men 1 Hf KVinlp. fltV LresiSllrW. Jirif l nf n.ntirii1fii interest wl-uumj ui ii iwiKiny uiki iniemsungiy rated article entitled "The New City of Prince . 1 mi. . ii ..hiih it nni.:iin.x. iiir- - was written by II. M.i halibut and many other useful who :aid mat ne mo. not kinds of fish. tltHVt O VlAtlf I verus-ns " ---- JlOITi" t"---' ,U4 , ,.iAiint nr inn m- 11 .-.1.,-wtntnjl n mn if it- and f-eograpmeai per- f.. 1 1 i ( 11 n t lilo nit . . . 1 t 1 live ailliuue, iiuwuvi-r, mi. wa able to enthuse ov?r Rupert's future and, in ght 01 developments in the years and more since the ...-til... lilo . . ...... r.r4ict innr In I rin 111 11. . n,.iA if n fllu In Mia In I..AI Ifo .1 .. hnwA In; " cdvs ihn at. 01 U.ri'f ucuuuw ugu. 1.1. ..mi -trtt If Is Hao. iiim in nut. lb 11 111,1- doubt, to become a V IIII1JW1 hull V LI t IV. Him ..- V. . I . I . I . - ! . bUlU iiuiuuiiuiiwi, tun 111 ii:o youthful enthusiasm, 1 . I....I.W. rniirfAHnna as more than one perman- iircp 01 nveiinooa w iook f li ra IU lb tun juiuy lay 10 several distinct advan- Tiic sea terminus of what J become one of the great siitlncntal railways of aria bringing to the Pacific the fruits of a new A new Pacific seaport with Va new Pacific seaport with r.arKaDiy wen sneuerea na-harbor the largest and northerly haven on the coast of Canada, and also I furthest west, 500 miles fr Asia than any other idlan port. The natural centre and ttbutlng station of a great Industry on a coast Bin with salmon, herring. WINNING SATISFACTION ''very cigarette smoker wants a Mend" "4. The centre of tremendous tract of uncleared forest land with several different species of timber of commercial value. "5. An attractive resort for tourists, summer visitors and sportsmen In search of fresh air, good scenery, boating, fishing and game." Tlien the article becomes somewhat enthusiastically feaiful lest "it would be a public calamity if Prime Rupert were ever to grow into a dense seething mass of humanity, packed together like herrings In a barrel, after the pattern of New York or Chicago: Tli is is apparently what will take place before lone if the prices Hint are already heinp asked and given for real estate give any criterion to go by. Kven now a grand hotel is to lie fifteen storeys high and tall buildings will soon be the order of the day on other expenslve-sites." The article gave examples of some land values-t-one lot at Second Avenue and Sixth Street, 50 feet wide and 100 feet Ions, selling for $55,000 and the Dominion government paying $98,-000 for a 100-foot square Post Office site. iThlrd Avenue across from the present Post Office). With a municipal debt for street and service development already mounting to $2,000,000, the construction of a $3,000,000 that iivcs winning satisfaction in quality and tastel That's why Windier cigarettes have lasting appeal. hrcc f the world's choicest. cigar' ce tobaccos, Turkish, Virginia and ""ley, Wended Right" give a cool, '"'Kith satisfying smoke every time. That is why Winchesters arc Jefin-Uc'y champions year after year. "j" ,., dry dock under way and the i great hotel about to commence, the article describes these as "only secondary' to new and large developments of original local Industry. It is to the growth of such primary industries that Prince Rupert must look for a permanent source of revenue and prosperity In the future. The first and probably the most important of these Is agriculture and the wheat raised in the l-ftlDOrstn A -.if t and the Rocky Mountains In the territory to the north will have Its western outlet at Prince Ru-r cmfwy mfw m m mm pert. With this In view, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway has announced Its Intention of building an elevator with capacity of 10,000,000 bushels. Erection of the six-storey con crete plant of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.nd the great portant industrial developments. Heights of predictive fancy are reached as the article forecasts that "Prince Rupert will, no doubt, like Vancouver, burst Its narrow limits and throw offshoots on the other side of the harbor or produce suburbs in the neighboring valleys and at the back of Kaien Island reached by ferries of lines of light railway worked byelectrlclty from the abundant and never-falling water power In the mountains that Is waiting In many places to be harnessed for the use of man." And, In conclusion, the article says that, by the time a Peace River outlet . reaches Stewart, Prince Rujiert will toe 30 well established that It will not need to fear competition for, if the present rate of Canadian pro gress is not checked, there will doubtless be both ample room and need for several good trade outlets on the Pacific coast and the more the seaports are scattered the better will the country be filled and he less congested are the centres of population likely to become." Pictures which accompany this old article are quite as ln- terestlng as the reading matter. They Include early street scenes typical of the day. One old landmark, Wng since removed, to be shown is the "Ark" which years ago stood on a trestle foundation on Mcnride Street at the present site of Gordon's BACK IN ARMY TO FACE COURT KIRKWALL, Scotland W David Pirle Hay, 29, recalled from civilian life to face an army court-mat tlal, was sentenced to seven days' military detention for taking part in a disturbance at a Kirkwall dance January 12. He was acquitted on a charge of striking an officer on the same occasion. Hay was on demobilization leave when recalled. Army legal authorities said he was still sublet to army discipline until the leave expired. After serving his detention he vast district between Edmonton returned to civilian life. w -"-r;.-::.: 1 , Count Fleet was a very nervous high-strung youngster. In workouts he would break his stride to jump a shadow on the track. Put, he steadied down and later ran the fastest mile ever made by a 2 year old at 3 he outclassed all opposition. Winchester CIGARETTES ". nilllUUIILCIIItMtl ! Ch'ysler Service School will be held at the premises of "Pert ,Mni,.. ... 11.. . irnlnln? of our u.. i.iuiiiru nir 111c i. - " ' ' For three rrldav and Saturday, April " 2c'h and 27th our shop will handle only emrrcrnry 'i,T to fnalll- nun mt In nlirml (Ilk srliool. "PERT MOTORS LIMITED Chrysler Parts and Service Depot r Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Ladies Co-operate On Diaper Service PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. 0 The diaper service situation being what It is, this report on the lengths to which friendship Is carried in Port Washington should be of interest. A young married woman had been living with her parents here and using such a service for hef baby. Bhe moved away but another daugh ter and baby 'were due to move in two weeks later. To hold down rights to the service for two weeks, grandmother called on a friend, also a young mother, to obtain the requisite supply of soiled diapers daily. However, FOR SALE One 25 h.p. Canadian Fairbanks Diesel engine, complete. In good snape. write Crawford Transfer Co. Ltd., Stewart, B.C. 9C) FOR SALE Four-burner and oven General Electric kitchen range and annex: one con-goleum. rug. 1533 Plggot Ave. (93) FOR SAt.R fl-room rurhlshcd house. 742 7th Ave. West (112) FOR SALE McClary electric range, usedi $10.00; barber chair, fair shape, $35.00; small size coal and wood stoves, new, $28.50; new hardwood chairs, speclah $2.65; trl-light lamps, big assortment, used, from $5.00; electric and battery radio sets from $10.00; electric press Irons; hot plates, new, $4.75; drinking classes, new, ICc; slightly used kitchen set. $10.50; dining room set, seven pieces. In good shape $45.00. All kinds of furniture and hardware bought and1 sold at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Dressing' table, chlf- foniere, single and double beds complete, modern kitchen sink complete, small tables, stand lamp. Phone Blue 502. (tf) FOR SALE 10th Ave. East. 4-room house, fully modern, hardwood floors, furnace, garage. $2200, terms available. Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (95) FOR SALE Piano, new condi tion. 225 1st Ave. East. Blue 884. 198) FOR SALE Fifteen acres of) river bottom land, two miles southwest of Terrace; all fenced, ten acres In grass, i small orchard and buildings.' Price $1500 cash; $1750 terms. Box 1, Terrace. B.C. (103) DESIRABLE RESORT SITE on scenic Lake Lakelse, near Terrace, B.C., for sale or lease. Communicate with Frances Poe. 147 Linden Ave., Wllmette, 111. (110) FOR SALE New five-roomed house, hjtrdwood floors. Possession May 1. Cash or terms. Can be seen after 6 p.m. Apply 1093 Ambrose Ave. (90) FOR RENT FOR RENT Six room furnished house, comnlete with oil burn-1 ers. Vacant May 1. 210 4th Ave. East. Phone Black 729. (971 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and rooms. 344 Sherbrooke Ave, (98) FIRST OCCUPANT OP NO. 10 . London's famous No. 10 Down lng Street was first occupledby ' a prime minister in 1704".. ROMAN TRAFFIC CONTROL Julius Caesar conceived the Idea of one-way streets as traffic aids. that friend's baby was partly trained and did not produce a sufficient supply of used baby linens to keep both services Interested. So the friend enlisted the help of still another motKer and baby on the project. Friendship is like that in the suburbs of New York. THIS AND THAT "With that model, you can always tell which way the wind Is blowing." - - Classified Advertising - - mairieda: 2c ner word per insertion, minimum cnarge, 6O0; 60c. Birth Notices: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagemrni Annoupcemrnia; CARD OF THANKS May we express our sincere thanks to our many kind friends and to the doctors and nurses for their kindness and for the many beautiful floral tributes received during our recent sad bereavement. STAN MALANOSKI and MR. and MRS. E. P. SMITH. FOR SALE FOR SALE! White enamel stove, cheap. Call evenings; 333 8th Ave. East. 97 HELP WANTED WANTED Good, reliable, steady couple to work at sawmill, half-way between Rupert and Terrace. Wife to cook for small sawmill crew and run cook house as a restaurant; also catering to highway tourist trade. Husband to work In "sawmill operations, and help restaurant if needed. For par ticulars write George Little & Son Ltd., East Kwlnitsa, B.C. (961 WANTED Housekeeper fori small family; private room,! WANTED If! t , BUILT FOR PRECISION y s mi. s s ss s s y t- Wearing one of these beautiful, supremely accurate new Gruens brings a thrill all its own. It's the thrill of pridd you take in a timepiece superbly fine , . . fine in precision craftsmanship that means faithful timekeeping always . . . line in smarter, more taitrful style, whose leadership is attested by outstanding fashion authorities everywhere. iimi mil . mi oi or i WANTED Silent glow oil-burn-! .... hllv ,, er In good condition for range,, ' ' ' mortn hv Tmnerlnl Oil AnnW, UOVierS Box 107 Dally News. RADIO SKRVICh (92); WANTED Children's clothing and shoes for needy family, ages ranging from 2 to 14 years. For further Information please phone Mrs. R. G. Sutherland, Red 878. (93) RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction nhonn PERSONAL GRADE 9 BOY wishes TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machlnerj Company I'mlted. Vancouver B.C ff TENDERS chutes. Located at our Cold Storage plant, Falrvlew Bay. Innulre at the Cold Storage office for full particulars. Tenders must be In before 5 p.m., April 25. (95) WANTED Tenders for painting 1 large wooden frame build lain lit. act ioui j 1 w 1 1 1 1 TOUR GRUCN DEALER h a STHtM TNIII IS ONI IN IOUI DltTIICI AN OLD ENGLISH SONG (The words of an old English song I sang myself as a child Anonymous.) Underneath the gaslight glitter, Stands a little fragile girl, Heedless of the night winds bitter , AS they round about her whirl. board. $50 a month. Other ' inj,, 1V ,, 1,1 ti,r, r n-70 .While the hundreds pass un- In the evening's waning hours, Still .she cries with tearful There are many sad and weary Living In this world of ours, Crvln? every night so dreary: "Won't you buy my pretty flowers?" I ANGLING BEAR I The largest fisherman among animals Is the monstrous Alaskan brown or Kodlak bear. He 0 and an Associated Radio sometimes reaches a weight of Technician will call. McRa?il.5i pounds. Bros. Ltd. r- . FIRE PREVENTION TIP .. - .... I Check your chimney and make full or" sure the winter's accummula- part-time work during Easter tion of soot on chimney walls holidays, and after school ls amoved to prevent fires, later. Phone Red 728. (951 . -. . ' A TREAT FOR YOUR FEET! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (99) MACHINERY IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP LOUIS S1NEAU DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICR thnt hv Orriw nf His Honor. JudRe Fisher, made on I the 18th dAy ot April. AD. 1940. I was appointed Administrator of tho Estate of Loulrt Slneau, deceased, and all parties having claims against the raid estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 31st day of May. A.D. 1946, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the TENDERS WANTED for painting ?oV hwith amount 01 tneir inaeDteaness uj nw for the followine: One lnrce DATED at Prince Rupert. B C this ooden frame building, twol 18th hooTf .M small wooden frame buildings, Acting official Administrator, timAstn. 1i,a.1a . 1 r. ..... I).,. n r M20 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATK OP OEOROE TUTTLE. DECEASED INTESTATE Tiirt vrtTICE that bv Order of I His Honor Judge W. E. Fisher. Local lnir. 2 small wonrtpn frame T.,rtT. nt thu Bunreme Court of Brit buildings, wooden trestle works w. Columbia 1 and Ice chutes located at our trator of the state of George Tuttie, Cold Storage Plant, Falrvlew who died on It about the 7th day of Bay. Inquire at our Cold PJrt:biS Storage Office for full partlCU,ne ,mount of their Indebtedness to mrs. renders must De 111 oe me rortnwnn ana n claims against tne saia esiaw re re-ioic fore D S nm p.m., April Anrll 2S iit. 194B ,,,,. them with me property ROOM AND BOARD One-minute Office. 400 Black 965. walk from Post 4th Ave. west. (95) (97) .verified on or before the 31st day of May. 194S. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have heen notified. ROOM AND BOARD Single or , DATED at Prince Rupert . B.C.. this J...U1. . 1 it,A 18th day of April. AD. 1946. uuuuif room, duuiu 11 uwum. OORDON F. FORBES Acting Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 Canada's Finest Paint Cleaner Dissolves greasy soil without rubbing . . . Large ' 32-oz." Bottle Gordon Mcnride Street WjP!iteB CtTpolnled kitchen f tisS3"ar y,a, onj woodwork 1 Jfeir ' Me dusling. NiValtK 69? ML SfflSL-BFF Hardware Phone 311 Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NKYVEST AND MOST UP-TO-nATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FKp.M i I A.M. TO I A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. (o 8 p.m. CIIINKSK DISHES A SPECIALTV )YK C AT K U T 0 PAKTI E S ' i CHOI' SUEV CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE. ORDERS PHONE Utt 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNINO AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 P.O. Phone rrt.'l Evenings: Green 10.1 BUY MORE WAR, SAVINGS STAMPS Box 1381 X COMMERCIAL: HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN, Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 076 V 41