m - V3 U 1 IS fcrfncc Rupert 'Daflg J3ctoj5 Tuesday, May 28, 1946 A da 11 V newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Muport and all the communities comprising ' northern and central British Columbia. Published eyry afternoon wept Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News LtalteS, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, !. British Columbia. O Ai HtTTrrKR.-Managlnir Editor. II. Ct'PERRT. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per. week 15 Per M&nth." . .05 Per Ifear ,W-. . . 17.00 By Mmi. per month 40 fer Tear " 4.w SEA CADETS TO HijVE WHARF An; application by the Prince Rupart branch, Navy League of Canada, to UuAd a mooring float on jeity-owned waterfrontage Just Rest 0f 'the government dock for ijie by Capt. Cook Corps of Sea ftadets was approved by city counjni lasj. night on condition that aj,he wharf be ooeji to the publijj and subject to lo days removal notification if the city de-fiires'ttie frontage for any other WJiifflets From The Waterfront 3 C.P,.R. steamer Princess Ade- laldej has had .a change of masters with the transfer of Capt. FredjMcGraw to her command. Capts McGraw. who was former ly master of the Princess Mary, has feucceeded Capt. R. C. Mc-Geaqhy whorhas been In command of the Adelaide for a number bf years. Capt. McGeachy Is nfaw master of the "night boat? Princess Elizabeth on the VancouyeiiyictorlarSeattle run. MEMBER . ABC. (Authorized -as Second Class Mall, Post Office I 'Department, uuawaj. WlNrlNGTON-INGRAM Rt.Irev. a. f. winnington-IIvGHAM held. the see of London, the third "highest office in the Anglican! hierarchy, ranking next after the Archbishoprics of Canterbury and York, for the longest time since the 17th century. Although Bishop Ingram was an out-jind-out High Churchman he endeavored always to be fair between different schools of thought in the bestjnval of the considerable amdlmt of patronage which his office yielded hjm. E'r. Ingram made no pretension to erudition. This deficiency of high scholarship 'caused not a few church-meni'of hifluence to view his appointment to the great see of London with fomj misdving. Of his boundless feelfngs of charity towards men of all -creeds and classes, however, theije was never any doubt. Indeed, in.ljis relations with certain of his clergy he was sometimes accused of being not .merely charitable but altogether too easy-going, and the lack of discipline in the great unwieldy diocese of London often caused a wagging of heads. 0n certain points, however, he was uncompromising. Despite his obvious leaning to the "Catholic" school of Anglicanism, his Lordship's . addresses were generally of the simulesLand most homely ? : APPRENTICESHIP APPRENTICESHIP is education in r tade. The right of any boy or girl; to lejffn or erigage in any trade or profession for which he or she can qualify, is a fundamental right to education which must be ensured in any democracy. Canadian boys and girls are being tlenied, education in some trades by nnion agreements which prevent an Jemployer from training more appventices, than the union restriction permit. In some cases industry itseff is not encouraging apprenticeship Unions have monopoly of labor in t(ie industry and the employers a monopoly of trade. Industrial peace hasbeen purchased at the price of inalienable rights and progress. Returning men and women are prohibited' from learning trades by citizens who have assumed function? abdicated by the educational authorities. There should be no permitting of conspiring , to prevent others from learning, or engaging in, any trade. It ik an offence for an employer to attompt to dissuade an employee from joining a union. The only democratic test that can and willing to train as many apprentices as they can employ economically. Where industry cannot offer opportunity to learn, the schools should provide instruction. Collective bargaining may be essential in modern industry but the collective suppression of educational rights is an intolerable privilege that should be removed at once, to permit Canadian youths to Ifuild futures of their choosing, tice, is the value of the work produced. Employers should be free be applied to the work of an appren- SAVE THE CHILDREN H. HALTON, Canadian MATTHEW journalist, in an impressive message from Germany prepared for the Save the Children Fund f Canadian Committee) writes: "Never before in Europe's long history of blood and tears have so many children been doomed and disinherited from love in the sun as there are today. Of the dead and murdered we need not speak of the thousands killed by the' bombs or exterminated by the Nazis in their mass exterminations of the tens of thousands who died of starvation, and the scores of thousands who were born who never caught the first breath of life because of prenatal starvation of these we need not speak. But of another legion of children we do speak and must act. The vast- legion of children in Europe, who at this moment, now, are friendless, or orphans, jor dispossessed, or disinherited or stateless, or homeless or diseased, or starving and these are to be found in their several millions all the way from the Baltic to the Isles of Greece. For these children there is still hope if the parents of more fortunate ones will act in time. That means today. "Here In Germany I am among these children. I have visited ' many of them, and I say that pity herself could not measure a child's suffering in our time. The worst thing of course Is hunger. Have you ever seen a starving child? The rlakety legk:and .the bloatedc'beilies ihre appalling enough, the pasty cadaverous faces and the burning eyes are worse still. But, there is something else every so often there is a look of cunning which distorts the little faces more than hunger or pain. The starving child Is the one who learns to He and steal and betray to do anything for a bite of food. Many European children have learned everything there is to learn in the lore of iniquity. From the child gangsters' In the rubble of Warsaw and the Ruhr to the child prostitutes of fifty towns yes hunger is the worst thing. In Vienna for example, of every thousand babies born, nearly three hundred die at birth, be- cause their hungry mothers cannot nourish them in the womb. Thus Europe loses her future. "Besides these, there are all the other children, homeless and parentless. In France alene, there are nearly half a million children whose parents went Into German bondage and never came back. In a large camp in Germany, I was among imported women workers, who had. born children to their German masters, chll--. dren now without a father or a home. In Frankfort I saw 400 motherless, fatherless, Jewish children in one party to be taken to Palestine for adoption. They now had a hope after years of nameless terror but others have nothing. Millions of children In this grim continent have been broken to every known misery." need. The Sea Cadets plan to use the wharf for mooring their whaleboats and cutters and to build a storage shed for gear on it. Classified Advertising pays. Advertise in he Dally News SUFFRAGETTE LEADER DIES DUBLIN, R Mrs. Hannah Sheehy Skefflngton, an early Irish leader in the suffragette movement, died at her home here. Her husband, Francis Sheehy Skefflngton, was shot In Dublin during the 1916 Easter Week Rebellion, Serving an UNRRA lunch at the Comensoll School at Pietralata, near Rome where 660 children are assisted by UNRRA. (UNRRA Itay) TOTEMS WILL BE RESTORED Charles Dmloward to Carry Out Work for City and Public Relations Council The city's faded and decaying totem poles are to be restored to their original native coloration and physical soundness this summer by Charles Dudoward, Port Simpson native who has agreed to make the 11 totems "OK and in Indian fashipri." Speaking before city council last night, Mr. Dudoward said that he was still prepared to undertake an offer to replace decaying parts of the poles with sound wood, recarve' damaged fieures, and repaint the poles for $7C0. He stipulates that the city put up the scaffolding. Major tourist attractions, even in their nrecent dilapidated condition, the poles have been under the eye of city council for a recondition job for the last three years. Individuals and organizations have continually urged that they be restored. A second offer by an',.un-naroed native to recondition the poles at a cost of $25 each was turned down in favor of Mr Dudoward's offer. Mr. Dudoward has agreed to finish the poles with a coat of boiled linseed oil and two coats of paint, in colon similar to Ihe original native dyes which colored them in their original Queen Charlotte Islands settings. The worK will begin "as soon as -possible." Mr. Dudoward recommended that all the poles should be covered at the back by thin sheet metal similar to that which covers two of the poles, to protect the backs from the ravages of weather. He aiso recommended that they be painted once every five or six years. The poles are said to be among the .last of the really magnificent Queen Charlotte Islands totems and have been a high point of tourist Interest since they were Installed In Fraser Park and near the city hall by Commissioner W. J. Alder more than 10 years ago. Mayor Daggett told city council last night that the cost of restoring the totems would be considered the city's contribution to the Prince Rupert Publicity Council to which the city has pledged financial support. INDIAN AIR HOSTESSES NEW DELHI, India, D India far he first time is to have air hostesses. Miss Gennell Moots of the Trans-World Air Lines of America has arrived in Bombay to train the first batch of 25 Indlap girls for Tate Air Lines. What City Council Did Council approved an applica tion by Cambrai Chapter I.O. D.E. to hold a tag day on August 16. Council approved the creation of a special committee consist ing of the city engineer . purchasing agent and the Mayor to make the necessary purchases for the Pioneers' Home. An application by Fred Scad- den to erect four billboard panels on vacant downtown lots was granted by city council. The aldermen, however expressed themselves as desiring to have it remembered that erection of such signs was subject to the approval of council and could not be done solely on the approval of the building Inspector as ls the case of other .V.V.VAWW.W.W.W.V TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston' Co. Ltd, Vancouver Hralorne 13.60 H. R. Con 14 B. . X. .14 Cariboo q'uartz 3.30 Dentonla '. .43 Grull Wlhksne 1414 Hedley Mascot 1.80 Mlnto 05 Pend Oreille 3.90 Pioneer - 5.60 Premier Border ; 03V2 Premier Gold 2.10 Privateer 52 Reeves McDonald 1.85 Reno 162 Salmon Gold .19 Sheep Creek - 1.33 Taylor Bridge 71 "Whitewater 03V4 Vananda .40 Congress ' M3A Paciflo Eastern 17V'2' Hedley Amalgamated .. .12Vi Spud Vallev 20 Central Zeballos 18 Oils A. P. Con .12 Calmont 33 C.ttE:..! 2.05 Foothills Home Aumaque Beattle ... Bobjo ....... -Toronto 1.65 3.15 .91 1.25 .19 , Buffalo- Cdn. 27 Con. Smelters 10050 Elddna 68 'Alder .' .93 Giant Yellowknlfe. 7.15 Hardrock : .83 Jacknife .20 Jollet Quebec .74 Little Loner Lac 2.35 Madsen Red Lake .: 3.75 McLeod Cockshutt 2.30 Moneta :. 67 Pickle Crow 3.65 Omega 31 , San Antonio 5.00 Senator Rouyn 90 Sherrlt Onrdon 2 85 Steep Rock 3.35 Sturgeon River ,29V2 Lynx .32 HOW smom This young lady fienJj her time getting the right answers to that question by breaking yam on her machine. Vi'e attained the lu'gh etandardi of quality vthicli you are acruttoined to receive from our Company because we rely. on modern equipment, competent workers and technical ''Lnow-liow". We are doing our utmost to catch up titli present unprecedented demand while maintaining these quality ftuiulardj. IS A THREAD?. DOM3NBON TEXTILE I I THIS COMPANY IIMITID CoAm fruluthhr All ir laJmiruWut, im '-. MAGOG FASTEST Mill ICS CO10NIAI SHIMS flUt TUNS HUGE SAVINGS DEPOSITS NORWICH, Eng., Pj -Sir liar Did Mackintosh, chairman of the National Savings Committee, speaking here recently announced that nearly $45,500,000 had been raised in savings in the United Kingdom, nearly half in small small savings. savings. ""Ill IV bk HII H..JIL.' ir ..- i ... .. AMD CHECKED AViCAR. 1 1 WOUIDH'T BE PLONKING I BPP 1 , 'N i , : MM t Vi. . , rUBLIS II E D T'r'-,'TV'r"'"" ) . SI), f Y T, : l r if' m WdJ?'ft?& , HUMH I Jf M Kim-Wi A -Wm eUUon of Cine" riS ST R AT H CO N A a n d M(3UNT ROYAL 1 X mv ... . .. . - , , Phone 37 MiA'WV L r;..... Governor of r.u. the IN 300 Years Ago AlCraigtUacb'u, high in the Rockies.in 188 J, Donald Alexander Smith drove home the golden spike to complete the Canadian Pacific Railway... and thus was Canada linked from coast to coast. Parliament,, Canadian High Commissioner, this great statesman dedicated his life to the cause of unity ..Well may it be said . . . there wa a man of vision, a dear-beaded Canadian. CALVERT United Two Continents IN 1622 CALVERT, famous English statesman and Secretary of State to King James I, helped to unite the Old World and the New. Founder of colonies in Newfoundland and Maryland, Calvert's ideals of unity did much to foster understanding and friendship between two great continents. Man of Vision, Calvert, early in the 17th century, said, "Pre serve unity ... prepare fox the future" . . . and he set the example by his own actions. Calvert's ideals of unity have been shared by all men of vision since Calvert's time. Today... let each of us be a man of vision ... let us work earnestly for a united Canada. . Upon unity oj-purpose Upends the full measure oj our stature as a nation. There is only one Canada Jor clear-beaded Canadians. Clear Meads Call for. . . a United Canada DISTILLERS (Canada) Limited AMHERST1URG ONIAI.O THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL UNITY BY CALVERT DISTILLERS PRASRIt STHI'ibi Prince Rupert 1 1 ,. J tf .nRWI Am 1 Hudson's II. .. I. Uay Il. Company, Member M.m lor.iTPir of Ii. BMBBnw- II NEW iiq ARMY HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS PRICED B E LOW CEILING hvamFDIATE SHIPMENT Stutlebaker w Ii c c 1 - I I l.n anil Unit .i 4 nil. J" " 1 - mot"' cules ,iv. traction all 10 br ; draulle vacuum Garwood wh'f" Arceuries l"',,l,,r Write for dt f1 literature -'d u S.H.LEVENTHA &CO. ATi,:Prv Dealer i.r V I rl'i