t lrinrc Rupert Daflp J3ctos Tuesday, May 28, 1946 Activities of KiqRec WORLD SERIES MOVIE To night at the Centre auditorium the long-alwalted showing of the - 1945 World iSeries .games be-' ween Chicago Cubs and Detroit Tigers at Wrlgley Field and Briggs Stadium mill take place The plctuTe is next best to toeing in oh the real game and should not be missed by any of Rupert's --ball fans. Following the main World Series film, there Is an amusing baseball cartoon. There will be no admission charged to see these pictures but a silver collection will be taken to help defray expense of bringing the film here. Immediately follow-ine the baseball pictures, the National Film Board movies will be shown. Mel Harper says that he has -Wire excellent pictures " fdr .tonight's program. SOFTBALL. MEETING Also, S-iight after the World Series film, -the organizational meeting for ;r-' Softball Association will take '.'.pjace. A one hundred per cent -"turnout of all players, coaches, rr?'fans, etc-., is hoped for. RUP-REC MIETING Rup- - --;Rec Instructors and leaders will 5" r meet tonight to discuss plans for TTthe leaders' party, to 'be held the following evening. BOXING Benny Windle asks us to -announce via the column that all boxers wlu are -appearing on the fight card for June MEET AND an illustrious general, famous, accessible old Mt. Castle in our neighbor province of Alberta was chosen. Nowhere was the gesture understood and appreciated better than in British Columbia, where the grandeur of- mighty mountains, great river and the fertility of fruit and farm lands makes -this province of abundance the favorite of travellers from the world over. British Columbia's tourist industry has a potential value to every citizen that is difficult to overestimate. Mr. E. G. Rowebottom, our Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, states that it will grow to a $50,000,000.00 business in the next few years. ' It 'i big business, good business and everybody's business. Everyone is asked 'to do their part in extending courtesy . and friendship to these welcome guests within our borders. Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free Prince rupert AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 145. Res. Red 127 Ask for George 13 are asked to be in attendance tonight at the Centre for training. KHTADA GIRLS' PARTY The Kh'tada Girls' Club held a very pleasant whist party for members and their friends In the ladies' lounge at the Centre last night. It Is not widely known that the Khtada Girls' Club is the Junior Auxiliary organization to the Civic Centre and its members have taken on, as a regular project, the supplying of a receptionist for the "desk' at the Centre every evening from 7 to 10 p.m. In addition, the girls have helped out in all sorts of ways, acting as hostesses at dances In honor of visiting "firemen", as usherettes at the Rup-Rec shows, in the canteen in short, wherever their assistance is needed. Robin Hood Craze Hits Old London LONDON, P Robin Hood and his merry men have stolen th; thunder of the atom bomb. In every suburb in London, on the commons and in the parks, children are playing with bows and arrows. Trees in gardens of bombed houses are being stripped of their branches for weapons. The craze may have been Inspired by a recent film. PUBLIC MEDAL CAPETOWN fh A peace med al, for sale to the public, has been struck by the South Afri can Mint. Available In either gold, silver or bronze, the medal carries the Union coat of arms, and on the reverse a dove in flight with an olive branch in its beak. MIX FROM CO SHORT SPORT It is not often that the continent's oldest horse race has ever been won so easily as was the victory of the Parkwood Stables' grand colt Kingarvle in the historic King's Plate Saturday at the Woodbine race track at Toronto. Governor-General and Lady Alexander were among 33.000 persons who saw the eighty-seventh running of the race. The $50,000 "Bunion Derby-ended in New York 18 years ago yesterday with Phil Granville of Hamilton finishing third behind Andrew "Payne and John Salo. Nearly 200 runners started the race, organized by C. C. (Cash-and-Carry) Pyle and the survivors covered the 3,422.3 miles In 84 days. Few of the runners got more than their expenses. Barney Ross and Jimmy Mc-L'arnln provided 31,000 New York boxing fans with one of the bitterest battles in years 11 years ago tonight. Defending the title won from Ross eight montns previously, the belting Vancouver Irishman went down to defeat after 15 rounds. Australia Plans Permanent Forces CANBERRA, O) Australian service departments are considering proposals which will provide a permanent Australian Navy, Army and Air Force of 60,000 strength. Figures under consideration provide for a standing army of 35,000, and atr force of 15,000 to 20,000, and a navy of 9,000. AST TO COAST IN CANADA Z' flrftS?. UNITED DISTILLERS LIMITED VANCOUVER Are you going Build or oair: A N D to Consult us if you have plans along this line. We will endeavour to meet all your requirements in the building line . . . large or small. GREER & Builders and Phone Red SGI BRIDDEN Contractors P. O. Box 721 home ywW : BBBBiSARDENa QUICK GROWING In most parts of Canada, it must be admitted, It Is often Impossible to get much actual gardening done before early May, but we have great advantage over our southern netglrboTs in the fact that once spring does start the long hours of sunshine bring growth along at a record rate. Indeed flowers and vegetables planted in northern gardens in June will often catch up, because of the longer days, with stuff set out weeks before farther south. There Is a double advantage in this extra sunshine. First We can plant very late in the season and, secondly, because they jjrow more quickly, these late planted vegetables will, be tender. The whole secret of vegetables is quick, unchecked growth, and that is exactly what we get with anything sown or set out after the weather has definitely turned wr.m. I is not a, bit too tot? and it will not be until the end of June, for a whole Jote of fine vegetables and annual flowers. CaiTots. beets, beans, etc., can be sown at regular intervals right up to July in many parts of the country. It is good business even In the early .sections to make several sowings, thus spreading out the harvest. SUMMER CARE After the garden is planted and up, about the only summer care needed will be thinning, weeding and This message is the fourth of a series supporting the efforts of our Government's Travel Bureau and Provincial Tourist Associations. Offered in the public service by . . . GRIMSBY Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals! cultivation. If the soil is very dry it is; advisable to wate:. With the latter job one should bear in mind that one good soaking whether with vegetables, flowers or lawn. Is worth" a dozen sprinklings. Sprinkling only sit ties the dust and has a tendency to bring root growth too close to the surface where the sun is liable to hurt it. A little chemical fertilizer applied carefully according to directions is also a good thing at this time. It will hurry along growth and increase endernea. IiAEOR SAVERS-Good sharp tools wlli save a lot of hard work. A dull spade or hos never do the work efficiently. A few of the special tools, too, will prove helpful things like Dutch lroes, hand cultivators and long-hanrilwi s-Midders to Pret out the weeds. Under tht general head-Ins; of albnr savers will be weed killers like live new 2-4-d and some of the DDT inspect pray or. dust. These do the Job with little effort. STRATED PLANTS It Is not too late to st out started or bedding plants. Among the flowers will be petunias, cosmos, zinnias, calliopsls, phlox, and a score of other hardy annuals which stand transplanting well. In the vegetable line, in addition to the regulars like cabba.ge, peppers, tomatoes, celery, -etc.. there CANADA PHONES 116- 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Floating Airstrip Invented in India NEW DELHI, Iridia The floating airstrip, a wartime discovery of great potential value to peace-time aviation, Is the direct development of an experiment carried out 25 years ago by a young sapper officer In Iridia. The test began at the headquarters of King George V's Own are also available In the larger titles such things as onions from seed melons and cucumbers. Time can be saved now by using these started plants. Experienced gardeners will choose sturdy, dark green plants rather than the taller and possibly more advanced ones. In transplanting, which Js best done on a cloudy day or In the evening, press soil closely about roots, water if possible and shade from the sun for a day or so. Set out in the evening after the sun has one down. Business and W. H, CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIKDNKR'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and cement worn PHONE GREEN 482 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green D55) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 653 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERH ANG ING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) MORITZ & BROTHERSTON General Contractors Building - Repairing Wrecking and Foundation Work We also move buildings. FREE ESTIMATING Phone Black 943 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada H. r. I.OVIN. Phone Oreen 874 Representative Box B2 117 2nd Ave. W. Oppoelte TUOA THINCK RUPERT, B.C. FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SEMKI mail if our qUitM to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP aMimiaiiV4iKovvu.i. Bengal Sappers and Miners when Capt. D. W. R. Walker, designed a bridge of floating planks. Laid across a deep, swiftly-flowing canal, it was able to take the weight of a moving vehicle. The "floating mat" principle was advanced a stage further In 1939 with the Incorporation p'f canvass in Its design, Vehicle ; could stop In midstream. By 1941 it had been adopted for use by the Indian Army. It was not until 1945 that the principle was successfully ap plied to aircraft. The young sapper, now Col. Walker, R.E and his plans were rigorously tested by the Royal Engineers and the Royal Navy at Lamlash tn the River Clyde, Scotland. Not only did "Clover." as the LONDON, P Maurice Lambert's equestrian statue of Kina George has been erected in the yard of BurHrtgtori House, off PlccadlVy, as a Royal Academy exhibit. Professional MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Oreen 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners phone Green 486 Evening Green 337 Train Schedule For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. yf Uubber Bottle Caps .. 10c I Lined Diaper Bag .... $1.50 ' A ,,yrex ,5aby Uott,es - 10c &ffltfZrU9U)r (OZ Tuffy Caps, glass 10c pT) n P J D D J) Johnson's Baby Powder - 28c arid 55c Johnson's Baby Oil C0c and $1.10 Johnson's Baby Soap 15c Baby Bottle Nipples, from ... 5c Rubber Crib Sheeting, from 9'c Baby Pants, finest quality 40c High Chair Pads, consisting of padded scat, back and arms $2.50 OrmesLld. "Jha JHonccr Druggists Prescription Chemists Phone 81 Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Members only on Sundays) "floating u. lt) enable iiiv. r land on .. .. deslro enable i ti) ' thp rnnrio f .... ; -' "v amnion u i i mi 1 1 iin nurLKi nu UK LIMITED ciiursLF.u DiSTumnor. PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS We do save you mcner. See our wallpaper sample "Lest lou Forget" till. ooe r . i i !.... MM Take advanta?s many year- ;:l ar' general machine repi perlence. The Terrace Mich!;.: and Gararre is undtf management of Bill u and nas securea wr k. many year in car and truck worlc. CONSULT US m I PI . bllUWI, '.- AND GAKAGE Terrare TERRACE aAKAtftVAMA 111 I 111 I III UIU Storage MFirr ALL TRAR KKHVll 1. 1 U nil IN THE DISTRICT. (II, EMIOT n f i unr iiw - J.H.Mai Audioneet SALES AUBAXCIP and Conducted t Your Convenience n I II I 171 Ihira I-hone ISlack 15 gjeivig General . ..,u fonrPS. SIU1"- Demolish or raov. - 100 Satisfaction .,MlEfll I ALU - -t ... Oil V'