ii 51 2 prince Rupert Daily JZltXw Tuesday, May 28, 1946 Congratulations... Beverley Matson You Did Your School and Sponsor Proud on May Day. We Were Proud of You Also in Your Hi-Girl Teen-Age Dress RUPERT PEOPLES STORE r Phone Blue 850 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. "Third Avenue We Have D 430 Bowser Street IBehtnd 137 Fifth Ave.) Phone Black 169 P.O. Box 302 HnHBBJiBBH P.O. BOX 1464 Green & Kermode All Interior and Exterior Work Builders and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service Britain Delivers the Goods! MECCANO is back again Set No. 0 .$1.95 Set No. 1 : $2.60 Set No. 2 $3.50 Set No. 3 $5.25 ALSO MECCANO DINKY TOYS Triced from 'Joe to S." We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Seeing Is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow Indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 AWNINGS . . . SAILS . . . WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 York General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL Something New and the Best Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUK OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 126 Day rhone Black 731 Evenings SEEKS HOTEL SHARE STOCK Dong; Sinff in Court Battle For Remembrance Bequest A claim by Dong Sing for 100 shares of Prince Rupert Hotel stock, allegedly left him by the late J. C. K. Sealy of Smithers who died August 9, 1940, is being heard before Mr. Justice A. M. Harper in assize court today Defendant in the civil action is the government agent at Smlth-cr.s, administrator of the Sealy estate. According to evidence Sealy died without leaving a properly attested will but had set the shares aside for Sing, who he "wanted to remember," a short time before he died at the age of 76. Mrs. Marian Katharine Bates, Sealy's housekeeper, told the court how Sealy had Instructed her to divide 500 shares of Prince Rupert Hotel stock, which she did, attaching notes indicating he name of the person for whom it was intended and the number of shares. Scaly was a partner of the late II. B. Rochester in the hotel ecmpany. In the division, according to the nntcs attached to the certificates presented in court. Dong Sing received 100 shares, Mrs. Agnes Rochester 25 shares, William J. Kurtin, Sealy's ranch manager. 61 shares; Mrs. Marian Bates, 100 shares; Mrs. Sealy, deceased's widow, 143 shares; Mrs. Lily Preece, a former .housekeeper, 15 shares, and Robert Gercw of Burns Lake, 53 shares. Mrs. Bates, under questioning by plaintiff's counsel, C. K. Guild, told how she had divided the shares in July, 1910, at the request of Mr. Sealy who had suffered a stroke the year before and who was in serious 111 health. "You folks should be satisfied now," Mrs. Sealy told Mrs. Bates after the shares had been divided. Mrs. Bates recounted to the court. She had been Sealy's housekeeper from December. 1019. until the time of his death. Mrs. Bates said that Sealy had PRINCE GEORGE After hearing an appeal by Miss Jessie Robertson, the lady superintendent, Prince George Hospital Society, at Its meeting last week, went on record as viewing with sympathy the aim of Fort George Chapter, British Columbia Registered Nurses' Association, to obtain collective bargaining rights. Miss "Robertson expressed hope that It would not be necessary for nurses to turn to labor unions ifor help: It was. against their precepts to go on strike, said Miss Robertson, but it might be found necessary to do so The Prince George "Conquer ; Career" campaign, under the chairmanship of A, M. Patterson, had realized $1272 of. the iMEnn K4 at Inn K frViAioltn r I of last week. Miss Mary Zim-maro was leading the district campaign workers. John Corless has been recommended by the local Canadian Legion as commanding officer for a proposed new militia unit here Dr. L. T. Maxwell, recently discharged from the Royal Canadian Medical Corps with which he served in Prince George dur ing the war, has taken over the ( medical procticc of Dr. Carl Ewart who has retired and will reside In future In New' told her that "he had alwayithe greatest regard for Sing and wanted to remember him" when he allegedly named Dong Sing as beneficiary of the 100 fhares. The late Mr. Scaly left a 1.700-acre ranch at Smithers and property In Smtlhers, Prince Rupert and Vancouver. The ranch was divided equally between Mrs. Bates and William J. Kurtin whom, Mrs. Bates said, Mr. Sealy had brought out from England as a young man in 1914. Counsel for the defendant Is J. T. Harvey. WOLLASTON. Eng.. O) C Hoddle. 81, walks 20 miles to watch his favorite soccer team, Northampton Town. CP n D Kadio Dial I I IV 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M. 4:00 Swing Carnival 4:30 Junior Concert 5:00 Marek Weber 5:30 This and That 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 CBC News 6:15 CBC News Roundup 6:30 Leicester Square , 7:00 Young Women's 'Musical Club Choir 7:30 String Orchestra 8:00 Feidler Conducts 8:30 Muslcana 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Books for the Times 9:30 Pacific Pianoforte 10:00 Opera Time 10:55 CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather and Fisheries News (Local) 11:05 Silent WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music For Moderns 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:3ftThe Violin 9:45Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Mornlne Visit 10:15 Thoughts for Tddoy 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Women's Forum 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume 11:30 CBC News H:45Weather Forecast 11:46 Message Period 11:48 Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Tunes for Today 12:15 Henry King's Orch. 12:30 Musical Program 12:45 Music Styled for Strings 1:00 From the Classics l:15Women's News Commentary 1:30 Fairy Tales 1:45 Downbeat 2:00 Messer's Islanders 2:15 Homemakers. Program 2:30 Serenade 2:45 BBC News and Commentary 3:00 Jack Allison Show 3:15 Salon Orch., Ottawa 3:30 Doris Veale at the Piano 3:45 Stock Quotations' MAYOR TO GO TO CONFERENCE Mayor H. M. Daggett will be the city's delegate to the annual conference of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Muni cipalities to be held in Vancou ver June 24-27. City council last night approved a motion by Alderman Rudderham authorizing the mayor to represent the city at the gathering. Mayor Daggett has been asked to speak at the conference on its final day CANNOT PERMIT LOG DELIVERY VANCOUVER B A spokesman of the International Woodworkers of America stated yesterday that it could not permit the delivery of logs to the Powell River Co.'s mill. m OnC I I 0 IP V w Wli lUP normal, your B-A dealer is now endeavouring to H fti Wv Eive vou better. Quicker and more efficient service. H nL i When he services your car, he brings to you the accumu- I ill ys. s"' lated experience and research of a nation-wide Canadian H organization whose products are unequalled in the petro- . IB y leum field. Once tried, you'll always return for his friendly mm nx help, knowing that your business is fully appreciated. H f IS ilsL Next time, and every time, for the best service and the finest . m& NIS , ...... r.S.-j... a J..I-. H j M TSNsN5Trm thousands of other motorists, you always buy with conn j pe at the sign of the Big B-A. I Ip I 1 TODAY AND WEDNESDAY RUASIO 1 UNHID I V I A1IISIJ AltlStJ 3 Sam Nona -MAN AND WOMAN. BODY AND SOUUone Here is devotionlj scorns temptation, defies hunger, storm danger! In iov. in isorrow! Their love - ,'r-AH CARTOON SB em Tasti Perfect mates! ZACHARY BETTY SCOTT FIELD IN DAV0 L lOEVV'S . ,r ill QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES jNi tvws ri -s-JTRATOSPHERr I S ' fn, , Waterproof s Kt 1 Shockproof v J Dustprool Non-Magnetic 0 fr 17 Jewels W I Guaranteed IjQjQ Dependable John Bulger Ltd. n JEWELLERS 1 Third Ave., opp. Posf Office HAIDA QUEEN" Super Marine Stanracr Fly in j; weekly passenger, air express and air freight trips from Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands to Vancouver, H. C. . SERVICE TO AND FROM ALL COASTAL POINTS Plane leaves 8 :IiO a.m. Thursday. rnone -Agent, u. h. stajnukiuui,, rrnt Rupert Hotel, for rates, space reservations and information. pi lone SEE US I'Oll ALL II E( ( U I It EM ENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in alt typei of prlntlr.j wark Everything in high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens niDD nniMTiMf. roMDAHl 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENXE aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOaDavuuuuuvu. NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE Third Avenue and First Street STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS General Tires and llattcrles Ilillman bales anu " UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT'-' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks nnil flhinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS - LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED Phone fifl.1 Evenings: Green P.O. Box IrtJI .f rOt PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS- .CIRCULAR"