Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers ilnrtl in ilm t iYrv . V - Inn, for a Family P;,;AiLhe'EPert in.- ...v. I i Many famines whu u ac-,red the habit ,of going on ,'Illc and who had to devise ';i0f Wiiys of amusenient be-"use of gas rationing, -will be Ulng plans to go on more "nic, now Victoria Day la iatly the date fl'xdd for .the ,it picnic and every -member the family looks forward to Ith the hope that 1t will1 be .lcrloufi day such as 1t-was In nee Itupert this year. Picnics appeal to many per-because they offer an ex-, e to get out of the city,' en-i. the open spaces, and relax iake part In simple fun. It i a..o an opportunity for the a,, to go out all together. Hrmemakers remark every ,r that picnics are grand for rbedy but then since they . the ones who have not' only the picnics but also pre-:e them. This, in many in-i:ei, is true, but why not i picnics In which every , Ko nf thp famllv will hfln ;re the food? Everyone ag-1 ( a picnic Is not a picnic I 'jt food. In fact, It Is the : mportant part of the plc-ihe youngsters. a:.adians are asked to con-ie bread, meat, eggs and i-c:e so that more of these ic can be sent to the hungry 'K!ej of Europe. Ways to save ad when preparing picnics ; be appreciated by the house-;e who. In the past could .al-:,: fall back on sandwiches e: other Ideas escaped her. tead of making quantities of dwi.-he:. which, by the way, i strain on the butter rail, two slices of bread may be wed per person. Various :S: peanut butter, relish, i etc carried in Jars, will e bread and also work for .ousewlfe, since each mem-' the party can make his ! : own open -faced, sandwich, laed beans, chowder or 1 ve-jetable casserole dishes, -l.ittl or macaroni, kept hot. wbstantlal salads, are very ' a picnic and will satis-k:i the most ravenous ap-For good meaure, fresh 'Mes, like radishes, green 1 onions, celery, cucumbers or tomatoes might well be tucked Into every picnic .basket. Whole wheat or :bran muffins may be used Instead of bread. These cereals contain parts of the grain removed in milling white flours. A more general use of them in Canada will help to save wheat if or overseas. Rolled oats or 'flrie' oatmeal used to partially replace flour in bis-cults also serves this purpose. Tomato Meat Spread 2 cups ground cooked meat 2 tablesspoons grated onions V2 cup tomato Juice Pew grains cayenne 1 tablespoon chili powder Salt and pepper to taste Combine Ingredients and cook, stirring constantly until mixture Is thoroughly blended and reaches the boiling point. Cool and store in covered container. Yields about 2V2 cups. This filling keeps 2 or 3 weeks In the refrigerator. Picnic Salad 1 teaspoon prepared mustard cup salad dressing 1 cup sliced or diced ripe banana 2 cups- shredded cabbage Vs cup chopped sweet or dill pickles V4 teaspoon salt Combine prepared mustard with salad dressing. Slice or dice bananas into first mixture and blend only enough to coat fruit. Mix together the cabbage, sweet or dill pickle and salt. Add the first mixture and toss together lightly. Six servings. Oatmeal Tea Biscuits 1 cup all-purpose flour (sifted) OR 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons pastry flour (sifted) 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 34 cup fine oatmeal 3 tablespoons fat 23 cup milk Sift together the flour, baking powder -and salt. -Add the oatmeal and cut lh the fat. Add milk and let stand 2 minutes. Toss lightly on a floured board and pat out to 'i-lnch thickness. 4fb MMl' you take water WHETHER. sports seriously, or make a fetish of sun tanning without benefit of aqua pura we've sunning and swimming suits whose lines .have been composed to every lady wearing sizes twelve to twenty! White, black and a 'gamut of colors worthy of "an artist's palette in monotone , and print. BUY ON BUDGET 1 PLAN . No Carry Charge. No Interest. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. By HELEN BANNERMAN Canadian Press Staff Writer CEREALS ARE PRECIOUS Cereals are one of our most precious foods these days arid the less bread and white flour used in our homes the more these will be to send to Europe. 10 help prevent waste we can purchase cereals in smaller! quantities than formerly and take particular care to store it well in the hot summer months. Any cereal, especially those containing the germ of the grain, require good storage in hot weather. Weevils develop readily in warm weather unless the cereal Is kept cold and dry In those which contain the germ the oil may turn rancid. The home economists of the Agriculture Department Con sumer Section suggest a tin. with closely fitting lid as an excellent container for cereals and It should be stored where it will be kept fairly cool. To reduce the bread served, scones, biscuits and muffins made from bran or rolled oats make .good substitutes. Those Honey Bran Muffins make an excellent accompaniment for salad or dessert or to take on a picnic. The recipe for Honey Bran Muffins which yields a dozen medium-sized muffins requires l'i cups sifted all-purpose-flour; three teaspoons of baking powder; 34 teaspoon of baking soda; 3,i teaspoon of salt; IV2 cups of cooking bran; 4 cup of honey; one egg; 1 y4 cups sour milk or buttermilk, and two tablespoons mild-flavored, melted fat. Sift tire flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add bran, mixing thoroughly. Mix honey, well-beaten egg and sour milk and add with melted fat to the dry; Ingredients, mixing .quickly and lightly. Turn Into, well greased muffin pans, filling them 23 full, and bake In a hot Cut with biscuit cutter and bake-on greased baking sheet In a very hot oven, 450 degrees F for 15 minutes. Yield: 12 medium biscuits. - "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" 1 Jib 4 C3 , H3 oven, 400 degrees fahrenhelt, for 20 to 25 minutes. BETTER 2ATINQ HABITS TheFood Information Committee supplied these figures about how Improvement In our eating habits can help the less fortunate parts of the world. One slice of bread saved each day by each Canadian would release sufficient to increase the dally ration of 900,001 hungry people by 1,000 calories. A single slice of bread wasted by each household in Canada adds up to more than 117,000 loaves, or 634 barrels of flour or 2,800 bushels of wheat. A one-ounce reduction In the amount of meat you give your family would not be noticed either by you or them, if eacn family used Just one ounce less of meat each day, the national saving would be more than 600 tons of meat in a week meat that would find its way to people who live with hunger. Do you know that you may throw away the equivalent of one egg white in every dozen If you don't thoroughly scrape out the shells? Tlie committee also contributes these bits of advice: Make clean plates the vogue of the day In your household; Become an accurate Judge of appetltles and don't cook for six when there are four to be fed; If you have left-overs make Interesting use of them as promptly as you can; cooked foods particularly vegetables rapidly lose attractiveness and nutritive value on standing. No wasted time, no extra steps. Full-strength Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast goes to woik right away. Makes sweet, smooth-textured bunsthatmeltin your mouth. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO May 28, 1921 Dale iL. Pitt, manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co., announced that the mine workers had returned to work after a brief strike and that the company was seeking to employ 50 more men at $5 a day. Local sport Jans were, advised that Babe Ruth had made his I fourteenth home run of the sea son, bringing his total home run score to 117, equalling that of Clifford Cravath. Capt. Holmes Newcombe of the fisheries protection s t e a me r Malasplna reports that he had captured and sunk a Japanese sealing vessel while on patrol to westward. School Inspector Commanded Unit SEATTLE (Cft Brigadier John E. Sager, British Columbia school inspector, who died in an auto court here Saturday, enlisted In 1039 and went overseas as commanding officer of the Westminster Regiment. Later he was commanding officer of the Cana dian reinforcement unit In Eng land during most of the war. JAP NATIONAL BEVERAGE In taste, sake, the national beverage of Japan.,, resembles madeira or sherry wine. It is made from fermented rfce. simply delicious RAISIN BUNS Mad. in Canada :h Ana malces them fast. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, be sure to get Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. You can depend on Fleischmann's Canada's favorite yeast for over 70 years. Always fresh .at your grocers J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sot Smith Block Green 995 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Announcement . W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and Is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would be appreciated 536 Seventh Avenue East PHONE AW2 COAL! Have you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN Be WISE now! Be WARM next winter! PHONE G51 or 652 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A, Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine 'Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 807 .236 Second Avenue West BEEF WHOLESALE, CEILING RAISED OTTAWA ) In an effort to' facilitate movement of cattle and provide better beef supply during the present seasonal shortage, wholesale price ceilings on two top grade red and blue brand will be temporarily suspended from May 27 to July 20. Retail prices will remain IN THE SUPREilE COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP LEONIE MORIN, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS LEONIE MERRY. DECEASED TESTATE. j TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. Judge Fisher, made on the 10th day of May. A.D. 1946. I was appointed Administrator or the Estate of Leonle Morln, otherwise known as Leonle Merry, deceased, and ell parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to Tie on or before the 15th day of June. VD. 1946. and all parties Indebted to' the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED At Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 11th day or May, A.D. 1946. GORDON P. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 131 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering: - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St.. (Near the Post Office) The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Our Specialty Open Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 ajn. to 9 pjn. Located at Bulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience ... NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED VREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Prfntc Rupert DaTIp r3ctos Tuesday. "May 28, 1946 l BOTH DRIP &RGUIAR6RIN0T ijPffif 0 ' t III . 1 PRESTO COOKERS For . . . FASTER, TASTIER, HEALTHIER COOKING See these new pressure cookers, now on display at Gordon's Hardware McBride Street PHONE 31 We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits 1 Complete line of Groceries f OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily; We are ready to serve you f i'uc-viiuir uiciii, iuup ourj, etc., to lase out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY USI RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to. place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. anadian Fish AND Cold Storage" COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE' RUPERT, B.C., Just Arrived . Enamelware Double Boilers, Pots, Sauce-Pans, Pudding Pans, Dish Pans, Tea Kettles, Dippers and others. See the window display at TH E VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" T