ICE Will GERAMIU . i rarry , c ,-y. e y nouncmg Kiln Berne Out .,' Work With Pi i if an rterv i Mined : !' J.? nriital trried : iv on . 'oeen ... well , - In- nllp Of being s ulable Leaving Terrace Rt Will Return WCCJW Or SU nun A-CAiawv -o - one of its esteemed residents o flowers. Mr. Willie plans to visit here for" a short time with Ed. Whalen be (ore leaving for Winnipeg to join Mrs. Willie who Is now at Winnipeg Beach after having been in hospital in Winnipeg. Then Mr. and Mrs. Willie will go to Victoria for the winter arid return here in the spring. OPENINO OF PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, IJ.C. -HOI SI FY CHOW MEIN 7:00 a m. to 11:00 p.m. lollywood Cafe I'RIXCE ItlTEKTS NEWEST AND MOST IT TO-DA1 E RESTAURANT ULL-COURSE MEALS I l!()I 11 A.M. TO 8 A.M. hial Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnor sukv hnany years' standing in the per son of Bmll P. Willie, who rev cently sold out the Terrace Hotel to Steve Kohut of Powell River. .However, Mr. Willie admits that his heart will, probably remain in Terrace and he expects to be back here next spring to estab- CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE I'M '35 THIRD AVENUE WEST 1BERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and U 7 ie Wood for Sale! INW available rmt immijiiatt. DF.LlVF.liV 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber 1 class H -inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord N class trimmings up to 14-inch lengths, $8 per cord tlass, various lengths uncut $6 per cottl FOR COURTEOUS. AND RELIABLE SERVICE EMMONS TRANSFER Phone Rlack 15C Office: iht Phone: Black GG5 . J. H. Mair's Auction Rooms Box 1(31 Station D Third Avenue East PS AY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE IMished 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. P1! QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 fruv e Rupert Bottle Collector fcrfex tottlcs Phone Rlue 737 ALL SIZES Recr Whiskey, Gin and Rottles Wine Rottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE TERRACE SCHOOL TERRACE - in a couple of POPULATION HIGH 1 - - - -w i- - r- Mnnf fawn tirill Inea Largest Number of Pupils On Record Expected TERRACE--Due to the influx of new population to this area, Terrace will have the largest school population in its history at the reopening this fall. There were 255 pupils at the closing, in June and there may be even rlsh ,a permanent lljtle home for I more at the reconvening. There himself where be will be able to be two High School divisions "potter" about with a garden and iantI x public school. The old stiiuui pitiiiises io me west oi town on the Kalum road having been already overflown, one class had been housed In the Canadian Legion Hall but this has been given up. Uy the reopening of the fall term, it is expected two of the Army camp buildings will bs available. " Bruce Barr will again be in charge of the High School as the new term opens with F. L. laird of Prince Rupert taking ever the nsslstantship In succession to Miss Freda Hall resigned. Miss Annie Lips will be back e.s public school principal again. Qthsr members of the staff will b: Division 2, H. K. Noakes of Victoria, succeeding Mrs. Mary Mlnchln, resigned; Division 3, Miss Myrtle Johnson; Division 4, Miss Freda L. James; Division 5. Mr3. Ella Hamilton of Victoria, ucceedlng Miss Joan Macdon- r.ld. No teacher has yet been ob tained for the sixth division. Terrace is also the administrative headquarters for several other schools in the district in cluding the following: Usk Mrs. K. E. Chapman of Sm'.thers, newly appointed. , Copper City No successor as y. ' nnmed to Mrs. L. E. Wisart, resigned. Cedarvalc No successor to M' June Chapman, resigned. New Hazelton No successor to MKs Jenny M. Richards, resorted. South Hazelton No successor to Miss Emily Backmeir, resigned. KLsplox D. R. Neil to succeed Mrs. R. J. Griffiths, resigned. Pacific Mrs. Hutchison of Usk, succeeding Miss Irene McAuley, resigned. Hazelton Division 1, no successor yet to Mrs. T. Labelle, resigned; Division 2, Miss E. L Robson: Division 3, Mrs. Grace Lunn of Armstrong. Sixth Street Red 808 W. H. COKMNS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 P.N; Kllborn W. Peterson HERTS TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls, Qreen 977 Prince Rupert If it's a Rock Job- Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Given On All Worlc Phone Green 417 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Grten 486 Red 894 UOVr.USMF.NT I.MH'OK ACT" (Section 28) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE Notice ts hereby given that on the 10th day of September, A.D. 194H, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7350. Issued In respect of premises being part of the premises known as the Commercial Hotel situate at the corner of First Avenue and Eighth Street, .u- - pi-inm RuDert. FroV" Ince of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Th rteen ( is .,h vmiriMK fill In Block Nine (B) fwtinn nne Ml Mau 023. Prince Ru pert Land Registration District, from Prince Hotel Limited to Panko Mlch- alczuk, of Prince Kiiperi, u ... DATED at Prince Rupert. B C, this 2nd day of August, a".'""- PANKO MICHALCZUK. Terrace Children In Swim Classes TERRACE Sixty Terrace chil dren have been receiving the ad-Vantage this summer of expert swimming instruction from A. Ycxall who takes loads of kiddlej out twice a week by truck for lessons at Lakelse Lake. Thirty-five youngsters between 9 and 12 years go out on Thursday evenings and 25 from six to nine years on Sundays. It is a fine public-spirited service that Mr. Voxall is rendering and parents and children are alike appreciative and enthusiastic. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I went past the post office." 2. What is the correct pro- case a xaller may be surprised nunciation of "cajole"? by the robot, it waits 12 sec- 3. Which one of these words onds to give him time to re-is misspelled? Fateeg, Fahren-. cover, then asks again for the heit, facsimile, message. The inventor says the 4. What does the word "cavil" ; device can be connected to an mean? v ordinary telephone and firms 5. What is a word beginning using it in Switzerland pay 8 with ob that means "disused; ($32) a month. In Britain at -;ut of date"? jtachments to telephones are for- ANSWERS 1. "I went by the post office" is preferable. 2. Pronounce ka-jol, a as in ask. o as in no, accent last syllable. 3. Fatigue. 4 To make frivolous objections or criticisms. "There is always a disposition, also to cavil at the conduct of those in authority." Irving. 5. Obsolete. Advertise in Trie Dailv aws. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT"' and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP RAGNAR N, FREDRIKSEN otherwise known as FREDERIKSEN and FREDRICKSON DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor E. D. Woodburn. Acting for and at request of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day of July, A D. 1948. I was appointed Administrator of the 'Estate of Rag-nar N. Fredrlksen. otherwise known as Fredcrlksen and Fredrickson. deceased, and all parties having clafms against the said estate are hereby reaulrcd to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 18th day of September. A.D. 1948. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of August. A.D. 1948 GORDON P. FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, BC. 209 Business and Professional JONES NEWS STAND Eastern, and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN CHIROPRACTIC R, J. PARKER, D.C. (Palmer Graduate) Suite 6 Telephone Smith Block Green 995 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement work PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVKI mall sour Jti( to COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.L IK. WUtCOUVULU. I.NT RFOISTKY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 4941-1 te Lot Five Thousand Four Hun dred and Sixty-one (5401), Range Five (5), Coast District, said to contain Ten and Fifty One-Huiy dreths (10 and 50100ths.) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate or Title, is. wed in the name of Alexander Noble hna been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the Aate of the first posting hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title, In lieu of said Lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid obpectlon be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Prince RuDert. B.C.. this 16th day of July, 1946, A.D. ANDREW THOMPSON. rvmitv nfulatrnr of Titles, r ' -A17 PHONE MESSAGES TAKEN BY ROBOT Swiss Device Recoids Calls For Absentee Householder LONDON Ji A gadget that will answer the telephone and take messages 30 minutes long has been developed in Switzerland, say reports reaching Lon don. The inventor claims that to the vulnerable sections of the if no one is home when the population. phone rings his gadget answers, gives the tenant's name and asks the caller to speak. The message is then recorded. The tenant need not go home to hear the message. From an outside number, it Is said, he can ring his own house and utter a code word; the gadget then reads him the message. In bidden by the post office unless they have first been approved by post office engineers. Sec. Sec. 1 Sec. Sec. MILK POWDER FOR BOMBAY BOMBAY V The government of Bombay has ordered a quantity of dry whole-milk, . full-cream powder from the United States for use in the scarcity districts. Eight hundred tons of this powder have already arrived and the powder will be reconstituted into liquid milk and distributed free of charge IN THE SUPREMfc COURT OP BRITISH COLOMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE 'ESTATE OP ROBERT HURRAL OAMMON ' otherwise known as ROBERT HURRELL GAMMON DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order Ot His Honor E. D. Woodburn. Acting tor and at it-quest of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day or July. A D. 1948. I was appointed Administrator :of the Estate or Rod ert Hurral Gammon, otherwise known as Robert Hurrell Gammon, deceased, and all partler hating claims against the said estate are nmoj required to furnish iime, properly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of September, AD. 1946, and all partler Indebted to i the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED ii.t Prince Rupert. B.C., thlf 5th day of August. AD. 1948. OORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 200 Prince Rupert Horticultural Society AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY AND FLOWER SHOW CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL AUG. 17-21 For Amateur GardeRers No Entry Fee Cash Prizes Flower Show Two Nights Thursday and Friday, Aug. 22 and 23 Prize List UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED: FIRST PRIZE $1.00, SECOND PRIZE 50c In each Section CLASS 1 ROSES Sec. 1 Three Red. Sec. 4 Three Polyantha. " 2 Three Pink. " 5 Three White. " 3 Three Yellow". "v 6 One Rose (any). Best Rose In Show (any variety). CLASS 2 ANNUALS Sec. 1 Six Calendula. 2 Six Marigold. . 3 Ten Nasturtium, (single). 4 Three Stock. - Sec. 5 Ten Nasturtium. . (double). " 6 Any. " 7 Other. 8 Annual. CLASS 3 ANNUALS DAHLIAS iF.i!rM coltness Mlxed.Sec. 5-Three Hybrid Cactus " 2 Six Charms Mixed. " 3 Three" Poms Mixed. 4Three Cactus Mixed " or One Variety. Mixed or One Variety. 6 One Decorative, (any variety). 7 Six Peony Mixed or One Variety. NOTE: Any of the above listed dahlias may be entered with or without buds. Best Dahlia in Show (any variety) CLASS 4 ANNUALS SWEET PEAS Twelve Spikes One Sec. 2 Twelve Spikes Mixed. Color. First Prize $2.50. Second Prize $1.50. CLASS 5 ANNUALS (iLADIQLAS ... , nl.U.. r I r 1 Three Stalks one sec. z inree ouiss Variety. CLASS 6 BIENNIALS AND PERENNIALS Sec 1 Six Pansies. " 2 Six Violas. " 3 Three Astllbe (splrea). 4Two Delphinium. " 5 Three Iris. 1 Geranium. 2 Calceolaria. 3 Begonia. 4 Coleus. 5 Fuschla. Sec. 6 Six Campanula. " 7 Three Sweet William. " 8 One Canterbury Bell. " 9 Six Pinks. " 10 Three Llllies. " 11 Any Other B., P. CLASS 7 HOUSE PLANTS Sec. 6 Cactus or succuieni. " 7 Hanging Basket. ' 8 Any other foliage plant, " 9 Ony other flowering type. CLASS 8 MISCELLANEOUS Sec 1 Best Display of Flowers 1st Prize $2.00 2nd $1.00. " 2 Bouquet of Flowers for Table 1st Prize $2.00, 2nd $1.00. " 3 Most Unusual Display (Flowers, Berries, Foliage) 1st Prize $2.00, 2nd $1.00. " 4 Best Display of Rockery Plants 1st Prlz,e $2,00, 2nd $1.00. " 5 Corsage Bouquet 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd Prize 50c. CLASS 9 CHILDREN'S SECTION 15 years old or under only Sec. 1 Best Collection of Garden Flowers (Named) 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd 50. " 2 Best Collection of Wild Flowers (Named) 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd 50c. " 3 Best Collection of Grasses 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd 50c. Sec. CLASS 10 VEGETABLES Number and manner of display optional 1 Garden Peas. sec. 6 Chard. 2 Carrots. .. 7Rhubarb. 3 Beets. 4 Turnips. 5 Onions. " 8 Lettuce. 9 Any other type. EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE Care In arrangement of blooms, harmonious blending, etc., will be considered. Crowding of blooms In containers constitutes a fault. Other faults are stale flowers, malformed blooms, spotting and streaky coloring. Entries from Wednesday Evening, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Thuisday Morning:, 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. CLIP. THIS LIST FOR REFERENCE 1 IptUuc Rupert Daily rectus Saturday August 17, 1946 Foresight is indispensable for security.' Never in history has it been so necessary to take care of tomorrow with the resources of today. And that is exactly what you do .when you become a policyholder of the SUN LIFE OF CANADA TOM McKEOWN G21 Taylor Street, Prince Rupert Box 1280 Phone" Blue 216 PRIME mm FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre AMD TASTY BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE PHONE 178 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken' Meat Pies and Salads Daily ' RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third AVe. West $od Food! . ; ' stock. You'll find healthful foods 9il5T;Ki for delicious summer menus. All ' lIMS" orders delivered to your kitchen r-. i i t uuur, MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Bbk 575 Terrace Corner Snack Bar MRS. FLAMBLY HOME-MADE PIES SANDWICHES CAKES LUNCHES FOR TRAVELLERS On the Main Highway TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday : Charter Trips to Any Part of District P.O. Box 167 TERRACE In TERRACE... Shop at Skeena Mercantile A MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE Groceries - Ladies' Wear - Dry Goods - Shoes and Men's Wear TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING', DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS ; ' For minor repairs and gas if