ilTHERS IN CK SWEEP L..,i Six (James in Prince LrSe and Vandcrhoof lllioiit Loss rrinrns sntthers senior ;ev team made a five-day o prince George, playing . ' nr; tn Prince George v in Vanderhoof for a throughout the i awsep Tho i.Tst '--ame played Bat- h Prince George ,y m f. wt :l ;,. a 5-ali tie wnicn was lr '-n by ten minutes overT Tiie ncond game played 1 1 -i i W; v u.vrnnon resuuea in a , i ai Smithers, the third l:Sjved Sunday night in a ry for Smithers. n m a." vanucijjuui ic- o m 7 4, 7 -3 and 8-4 scores r ics for emitners. f ..',hcvs lineup was the : plnyd in Smithers p .i".c George visited here 'v Thi.s was: J. Trew U p nnymond. w. wat- T Jonrs, K. Warner, B. li A Leach, J. cnapman, 13. Dunlon. nrrs were three casualties to 0 Box 13GG the Smithers team when Raymond .got two cuts on 'the face requiring stitches. Trew had his mouth cut and Arnold received a hasty cut on the top of his head. The games were very well patronized, there being around COO spectators at the Prince George games and about soo at tho Vanderhoof games. Prince George players were: Strabekt, Pascoe, Gabriel, Bar-rie, Henderson, Mcjntyre. Wlth-lam, Crownchuk, Beech, Reb-rnan, Anderson, Tlngley, Sugden, Corliss 'used part time). Vanderhoof players were: Borsnk. C. Steele, G. Steele, FJn-ie. Silver, Mitchell, Wall, D. Steele, Stokes, Smithers, Lee, Holmes, Price. JOB FOR MAP-MAKERS Th,ere are many mountains on islands In the South Seas that never have been surveyed. HANDWRITTEN BIBLES There are 170 known copies of John Wycllffe's handwritten Bible. BIBLICAL B.HD There are more than 55 bibli cal proper names in Shakespeare's first folio edition. Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs and Alterations IL UUKNERS INSTALLED, SERVICED AND CLEANED rorner Second and Seventh St West Night Calls Green 787 Black C61 Blue 170 ve serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING "D. REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take nut. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US t RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Avo West Npvt. Pnvnl TTntel yd BEAUTY COLOR CHARM your walls, furniture and accessories iff nr r reca ransrers EASY TO APPLY . . . ALL YOU USE IS WATER! Now on display at Gordon's Hardware lr,5rile Street Phone 311 APPEALING TO "FITNESS" HEAD FOR SKI CABINS An appeal to Major Ian Elsen-hart, national "Fitness First" fiirector of the Department of Health and Welfare. Is being made by the Mount Blain Ski Club in its effort to take over the army cabins on Mount Hays following correspondence with War Assets Corporation which indicates that the buildings are not yet up for formal disposal Ski Club Secretary Allan Armstrong feels that the "Fitnes3 First" director should be a strong ally in the move to make the army cabins a community outdoor centre. According to War Assets Corporation, Montreal, disposal of the cabins will be subject to priorities by the federal, provincial and municipal governments and will then be held open for pub lie tender, which is the usual disposal method. The ski club is seeking faster action and greater assurance of getting the buildings than the War Assets Corporation now offers. BUCKINGHAM - WINGS CIGARETTES C2GARETTES ON FEBRUARY 28, 1946 THE OVERSEAS CIGARETTE PLAH WILL BE DISCONTINUE THE PLAN whereby Buckingham and Wings cigarettes can he sent to members of the Armed Forces overseas will be discontinued February 28th, 1946, after which date no more orders can be accepted by Tuckctt Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. The Canadian Armed Forces overseas will be supplied with cigarettes, at the present price of 300 for the equivalent of $1.00, from the Canadian Tobacco Depot, Overseas, but only on direct orders from Canadian Forces personnel still serving overseas. The Canadian Tobacco Depot, Overseas, will not accept orders from Canada, so therefore do not send any orders to them at any time, nor to us after February 28th of this year. TUCKETT LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. SCOTTY'S Old Country ITNESSi RUP-REO SHOW Last fall ! September IB, to be exact the following Rup-Rec news appeared In the local press, being part "of an article on the training of leaders: "As well as being lnr structors, the trained leaders will be called on to put on gym- nastic displays for the benefit of the citizens. . . . These displays, have proven popular both with, the gymnasts and audiences In other cities." In November, bigplans were laid to hold the display and practices were under way. Then these plans had to toe cancelled on account of temporary banishment from, and then curtailed use of, the "Y" gym. This was a big disappointment to the boys and girls who were working hard towards putting on the show, especially as there seemed no possibility, at that time, that there would be a large enough gym available for such display iii the future. However, all Uiat Is forgotten now for It looks as though the lung-awaited Rup-Rec display, bigger and better than previous--ly planned, is going to become a reality, and in the near future, too. March 8 is the date set and the place will be the new Civic Centre gymnasium. We have been privileged with a preview of what is to come, and we can promise y,ou that you will be surprised and thrillr ed at the demonstration of tal-lent-on-parade on th 8th. The prorram includes parallel bars, mat acrobatics, maf tumbling, springboard tumbling, pyramids, fundamental gymnastics, singing, dancing and various other Interesting events. It is impossible, In this column, to do Justice to the smooth performance these young people put orv In -addition to bein? a good show, this will also bo a BASKETBALL POSTPONED Owing to the Armory being in use by the military authorities Wednesday night, Intermediate and Junior Basketball League games, scheduled for Wednesday night, were postponed. The pext games will be played Tuesday night of next week. Advertise in The Daily News. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone ."SOU Evenings: Green !: J.H.Mair Auctioneer mm ii i SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. Railings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8G1 WHAT5 DOING AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL CYM5 by J I M NAST free one and it is suggested that people come early in order to. get a seat. All Prince Rupert will be proud and perhaps a little amazed at the skill shown by their Rup-Rec friends but It is felt that parents will be espec ially interested in seeing this display as Jt not only demonstrates the type of activities to be taught to the children but gives an opportunity to meet the people who will be instructing the boys and girls. Remember: The time 8:00 p.m. Th,e date March 8. The place Civic Centre LEGION MEMBERS ENJOY SMOKER Two generations ol Canada's Ex-service Men Together The spirits of tw generations ol Canada's ex-servicemen were joined in good fellowship last nlKht and the Canadian Legion Hall took on Ihe gay atmosphere of an English music hall as more than 209 gathered to enjoy one of the Legion's smokers. Running for nearly three hours, the evening provided a continuous variety of entertaining stage talent Interspersed with community sirujins; which made the room echo "with classics of both the First 'and Sec ond World Wars. i High on the list of popularity 1 were four sonss by Capt. J. A. Tens of "the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment, who saw? "I .Shall Meet You." "Drink to Me Only." "In Flanders Fields." and ''Boys of the Old Brigade " The evening 'began with an address of welcome by Legion President Hugh Killln. His rjromLse of first-rale entertainment was sustained by the artists.' " ' Andy McNaughton was accompanist for the singers and ied the community singing, joined several times by an Instrumental quartette composed of Charles Mundy, David Jones, Lome Stevens and Bill Duffus. Dave Jones's vl tuoslty on the harmonica received solid applause. J Reg Kings came through nobly with several monologues and Leslie Parkes, a level-headed gentleman, repeated his act of balancing a glass of brown, foaming fluid on his head while he went through a dance and acrobatic routine. Four songs by Sam McPher-son received the undivided attention of the audience. Master of ceremonies was Walter Smith, and special guests included Mayor H. M. Daggett I. G. Archibald, M.P., City Clerk H. D. Thain, Col. Hamilton Grant, Capt. S. Burrell and J. Scott. USE AUTO MOST Doctors use their automobiles more than any other occupational group, except travelling salesmen. SHARP LIFE JACKET The porcupine's air - filled quills keen him afloat even If he should fall asleep In the water. Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) F X P E It T RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 RECREATION BEATS REX Inter-Club Bowling Match Thursday Evening Between Pick of Two Alleys Fifth Avenue Recreation Club defeated Rex Bowling Alleys in two seta of Inter-xlub bowling Thursday night, one by the decisive margin of 2885 to 2298 and the other by a scant 2917 to 2907. The individual scoring In the two match games was as follows: Hex II. Black 181 213 155 549 A. Morgan 142 96 176 414 R. Anderson J12 274 125 511 T. Lunn UP 101 151 362 Tim'melster 174 157 131 462 719 841 738 2298 Recreation R. Rennle 239 1159 291 699 F. Hemmons 129 269 136 534 F. Lldstone 150 178 212 540 A. Taylor 153 171 158 482 E. Freeman 104 254 212 630 835 1041 1Q09 2885 Recreation A. Lawrence 171 194 173 538 R. Johnson 256 202 162 620 J. Robertson 192' 210 229 631 G. Taylor 108 171 196 475 J. Paul 245 211 197 653 972 988 957 2917 Rex N. Kinslor 140 169 197 515 EJenklns 219 274 195 638 A. Slater 237 217 259 713 E. Woods 142 113 130 385 D. Wick 180 222 204 600 927 095 985 2907 IRISH SEPARATION The Irish Free State was separated from Great Britain in 1922. FEATHER. TIP Never leave pillows in strong sunlight as heat will dry out the natural oils of the feathers. GENUINE ASPIRIN 15 tV MARKED THIS WAT I t.ovi:kxmi:nt i.iqrnic act" NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on ttie 5th day of March next the undersigned Intends to apply to the Llauor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 73S"9 Issued In respect of premises being ! part of a building known as Knox Hotel, situate at f irst Avenue in tno City of Prince. Rupert. Province of r.'ltlsh Columbia, upon the lands described a Lots numbered Thirteen (131 and Fourteenth (141 of Block Two (2) of Section One (1) Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, from Knox Hotel Company Limited to Eeaucloln Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 29th dav of January A D. 1946. BEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. Jules Vanderbeck. President. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY STORAGE SPACE; AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or tbe entire furnishings of your home Is convenient aiu Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, pnoNE 00 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd ana Park Avenue Ptfiife Rupert Dnflp lottos Saturday, February 16, 1946 "It's all your fault! You would give thaf tramp yesterday a bowlful of crunch, delicious Grape-Nuts Flakes!" "Sorry, Dear I should have guessed that he would tell his pals about that malty-rich, sweet-as-a-nut Grape-Nuts Flakes nourishment, too. Why Grape-Nuts Flakes supply carbohydrates for energy, nroteins for muscle, phosphorus for teeth and bones. Iron for the blood, and other toad essentials.'' . "He never realized that two grains wheat and malted barley could be to skilfully blended, baked and toasted to make one grand cereal. And hi found Crape-Nuts Flakes soeasy to dinest." e- "Let 'em in. Ill hike over to the grocery store for a few giant economy tke packages I" onnacona WALL BOARD We have a carload on the, way ORDER NOW :: ; 1 TO ENSURE EARLY DELIVERY I k rx6 4'x8 il'xO' ancU'xin KtTi PHONES - 117 ALBERT ANI 5 $65.00 per M sq . ft: PHILPOTT EVITT AND CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Building Supplies Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals! McCAFFERY We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS' SMOKED ALASKA SLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON , Try them today from your Butcher ' or at your favorite restaurant.,' Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.