A certified rheaue fir hank draff In rhi vain rf tfr r,l thm tnA nrir made payable to war Assets Corporation, mutt be forwarded with the under in a scairq envelope plainly market : TENDER No. C-1-99 FOR MOTOR FERRY "CROSLINE" AT VANCOUVER, B.C. iddrnvd to the Secretary, War Assets Corporation. 4095 Si. Caihin Sirei. fc'eM, Mnnrreal 6, Qut., P.O. Ilo f,ny. Tenders will dine ai 12 n'cliick noon, Fastern Standard Time, Thursday, may 2, in&. Tenders received after closing lime cannot he considered. The highest or any lender. may not neauaril tie accepted. Cheques oc bank drafit mill be returned to unsuccesiful tenderers. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 4095 St. Catherine Street. West, Montreal 6, P.Q P.O. Box 6099 101: Yfluii Gordon's Mrltride Sheet I'lnmlring and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKftKS Barr&Anderson la I M I T K I) Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 JliPi Phone: BEIair 377 1 SPRING CLEANING NEEDS You will find in our varied stock of paint cleaners, polishes, waxes, mops, brooms and cleaning- materials, everything you need to make the Job as easy and efficient as Hardware Phone 311 KWONO SAN Q HINO ' HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 812 7th AVE. WEST (Nfxt to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 3 pjn. to 2 a.m. , Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 HOME OWNERS IT IS TIME FOR YOUR SPRING REPAIRING! We have now in stock a substantial quantity of Cedar Shingles. Birch and Crwl.nr . . , T , . ,poUing in a variety of finishes, Insul-Rnek, Building Tapers, etc. Phipott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. M'MflER AND IttTILDING MATERIALS Phones 651 and 052 CANADIAN-SOVIET FRIENDSHIP Editor, Dally News: I have Just seen your issue of March 27, which contains a let ter from August Wallln an nouncing the discontinuance of the Prince Rupert Council for Canadian -Soviet Friendship. This Is the first information that the National Council has leceiv-ed of such a step and for that reason I should like to comment on one or two of the points raised in Mr. Wallin's letter. I know there has been some difficulty In getting in touch with the people of Nogalsk, the Soviet city adopted by Prince Rupert on April 5. 1944. The resumption of regular mall services in completely devastated areas is no over-night Job and, in some cases, has taken longer than we foresaw. In most cases of adopted cities there has been a full and fcee exchange of cor respondence between individual: and organizations in the Russian ndopted city and their opposite members in the Canadian adopting city. There is no question a? to the messages from Canada be-in"; "permitted" to reacii their destination or about the Interest of the people in Russia in the help they have received from Canadians. It would be a great pity if difficulties in communication were allowed to prevent mm Steamship Service from PRINCE iMTirir OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICIt 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Pi - 13'rtitfc Rupert Saflj J3ctos Wednesday, April 17, 1946 OLD PEOPLE'S CLUB PLANNED Co-ordinating Council Would Obtain Quarters for Tlirm Downtown At a meeting of the Women's Co-ordlnaitlng Council last evening; at the home of Mrs. J. .1. aillis a committee was appointed to inquire into the possibility ot ..securing a downtown building or rooms tq be used as a clubroom for aged people. The committee ..was named lnithe persons of Mrs. T. J. Boulter and Mrs. Andrew Thompson. The Co-ordinating Council would assume responsibility for furnishings and equipment. Mrs. O. W. Rudderham olfered to make arrangements for an outdoor picnic about July 1 for the elderly people, other members to give their assistance. Former Rupert Man Dies in Victoria VICTORIA. tf:-John Alexander Miller, 70, who moved here 1 1 years ago from Prince Rupert where he lived for many years, died Monday. A native of Gloucestershire, England, Mr. Miller is survived by a sister in England. Military Orders 1st. (R) Bn. Prince Rupert Regt. MG) by Capt A. W. Burnlp AOC. 1. Parades. As Good Friday and Easter Monday are to be observed as holidays, their will be no parades on either of those nights. 2. There wlll be a miniature range shoot on Saturday afternoon 20 April 46. Those attending will parade at the Armories at 1330 hrs. FOR SALEBY TENDER MOTOR FERRY "CROSLINE" (Formerly used by City of Vancouver) War Assets Corporation offers for sale by tender the above mentioned Crown-owned ferry which is located at Vancouver, B.C. Built at Seattle, Wash., U.S.A., in 1925. DESCRIPTION: Wooden construction. Ungth HO'; Brant 4't Grmi Tonnage lisy.by. Mam engine: 6 cylinder Sumner 1000 M.M.I, dietel; in good mechanical order. Main deck and saloons accommodation for 1100 peroni. Veftsel is in good condition. Ihii vessel will he sold on in "as is-where is" basis. Inspection may be arranged through the Ships Division nf the Corporation at the address given below, or through the Vancouver Hramh Office. the growth of friendship between : Russians and Cana'dlans. I At this time, when lnteratlonal i relations are so disturbed, the National Conncll for Canadian-Soviet Friendship feels that its work is more important than ever. We plan to extend and expand our activities as much as possible, both along cultural lines and in the discussion of international affairs, I hope that at a very early date it will b.' possible to reconstitute the Prince Rupert Council for Canadian-Soviet, Friendship. I am also writing today to Mr. Wallin and to the Mayor of Prince Rupert to try to clear up any misunderstanding that has arisen. F. W. PARK, National Director, Canadian-Soviet Friendship. Toronto. WERE PREPARED FOR DISASTER I.ocal organizations such as Red. Cross. Salvation Army and Canadian 'Legion quickly offered tholr assistance -to sufferers as i result of the two serious fires luring the past week one at 'he Eventide Home and the other it Port Edward cannery, showing that they were ready to step !n with aid in disaster's face. However, the rity, to large extent .assumed the responsibility for ministering to its wards at 'he elderly men's home while 'he Nelson Rrns. Fisheries Ltd. 'onked after its people at Port "Vward and had them all settled by laH nighty IN THE SUPREME COtlllT OP MUTISM C'OLUMMA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" nncl IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JUSTUS HERMAN MELIN. otherwise known a HERMAN HELIN, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE thnt hy Ordrr of 'lis Honor, Judge Flshpr. made on llie 3rd day of April. AD. 1940. I was appointed Administrator of the E'ttate of Justus Herman Helln, otherwise known as Herman Hellu. de-:eased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of May. A.D. 1340. and all parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 3rd (lav of April. A D. l!4fl. GORDON P. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. II C. 92 ! CANNERY BUYS WAR BUILDINGS Nelson Mrns. Move Quickly to Keplare Uiirnrd Port ltd ward Structure Nelson Bros. Cannery at Port Edward has purchased three temporary apartment dwellings, formerly used by American civilian workers, to replace the large building lost by fire early Tuesday morning. The buildings, situ-itec' at Mie corner of Third Avenue and Eighth Street, were bought hy tender from War Assets In a last minute move I shortly before noon yesterday. Tenders for the purchase of the buildings closed at noon on Tuesday and, shortly before the deadline, H. A. Robins, Nelson Uros. Port Edward manager, submitted tenders In the hope of buying llie buildings to replace the last one. The bids were successful. A large quantity of beds, bedding and other effects needed to replace those destroyed In the fire were also purchased by Nelson Bros, from War Assets. In consideration of the emergency. War Assets' had waived its usual required time of two days I between acceptance of the ten-Ider and signing of ownership papers. War Assets manager I. M. McKinnon said. The transfer i was made yesterday. Immediately after the bids had been accepted. J Northwest Construction Co. i Ltd. has been awarded a con tract to tear down the building from their Xhlrd Avenue sites, move them to Port Edward and ro-erect them, It was learned from James Hutchison, president of that company. The three buildings bought by Nelson Bros, yesterday ore In addition to 29 Port Edward buildings bought by Nelson Bros; and IIC. Packers from Waf Assets last week. The downtown buildings, demolition of which was begun Tuesday afternoon, formerly housed workers of Bctehel. Price and Callahan, a construction company which did a large amount of work for the Americans here during the war. south i or discharge I TERRACE Harry Haugland, ! r - ,1 11.. rt tTnn1.4 of Terrace, has gone south for his final discharge from the Army. Advertise In Hie Dally News. "RI6HT OUT OF THE AIE ! te not ex439trtin9 when we say that ELEPHANT BRAND high analysis CHEMICAL FLf .L1ZER came out of the air. Here's the story: About 1928 our research chemists were given the job of finding ways to utilize the waste sulphur Sites from our smeltins operations. First, they look these gases out of the air and made sulphuric cid next they took nitrogen from the air and hydrogen from water and made ammonia. Ammonia added to sulphuric acid makes AMMONIUM SULPHATE, a valuable chemical fertilizer. The addition of phosphate rock makes AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE, the fertilize that has proven so good for Canadian fruit and grain crops. That, in brief, Is the story of the birth of a Canadian Industry which to date has paid out $13,000;000 in wages and salaries and now provides Jobs for nearly 1,000 Canadians. There is nothing unique about this story. It is just typical of what hundreds of others have done and are doing across Canada from the individual who decides to go Into business for himself to the . large company spending millions on a new plant. Both mean greater prosperity and more jobs. Both arc possible because the majority of Canadians believe in free enterprise. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTIPJG COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, TRAIL, B.C. Co"' Co..t .fl.incluiWe Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 y C9' j,d to ..r. V. M. 10R0MT0 Rifli A.M " L - c0nsult " i , r t l t " inn reservation s, any C T. TKAK5; NATIONAL oooooooaooooooooooooooooocaooooaooooooooooooKi J -L TjOMti KUSTCRAPT 3C t0 fl ' DIBB PRINTING ' COMPANY Office Supplies, Hookbtndinr, Prlntlnr, Statlonrrj Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Tens THIRD AVEXHl 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 OflOOOOSKI J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves --doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Fresh Local Rawrl Pasteurized MILKI VALENTIN HAW PHONE 857 We serve you nothlnr but the best Special Krd BrmdBl Choicest fresh Vegetables and Krults Complete line of drore ties OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DCRINO REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Ties, Koast Chirk". Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve r Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc, totak' out. Cooked with delicate taste anil quirk "vlre' THY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Royal 8 Third Ave. West - Next LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired I'plrtustrring - Slip Covers hrapes Expert saw ' filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre CEMTRAL HOTE MontW A Weekly and ..amlpnce 'I We Have Done For your cont""-NEWLY DECORA Transient Koom; Cafe In Connection. PIIONK IT! COME IN - I-ook ,orfk Seelne Is Hellevln ,rr "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards wim . Indicating one of ihe Uartalns of the i' f MllttANFM'C. FMNOMYP1 pnones IB ana i (Opposite Canadian Legion) paBol