H V . ? B w it V V V V V f V Y V prime Unpen Daily J3cUi Thursday, November 23, 1940 GLOVES a M n w H B n a H B a B B B B B B B B n B B B B B E B B B B B THE PEOPLES STORE WAY BCBBBBBBBBBBBBBI GOLDBLOOM'S i(MN(i OUT OF IHJSIINTSS For Coat l'lilCLS CI'T AWAY IKHVN! No. 1 Uluskrats, $150 to $S.rll Coney Coats, $175 to $125 Sitter Foxes, 35 Percent Off Slink, Marten and Sable, 25 Percent Off NOTHING HliLH! Conic In and Luok-No Time to Wait. GOLDBLOOM'S FOR FURS IBUL.M ttiBS&SmCSBZSiBSBa IHIBBIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Look At Your Hands. Everyone Else Does! Dress uj those hands with smart gloves the Peoples Store way. Choose from cloth, chamois, suede's, kid and pigtex. All colors and styles RUPERT PEOPLES STORE FUKNITUKK Ittil'AIRlftG Upholstering- - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Kcpairrd and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP l'lionc Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port r.dwanl, IS.C. CHOI SUEY 0 CHOW M K 1 N 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 p.m. DON'T LET CHRISTMAS PUT YOU "IN THE RED" , . Nobody wants to be exliwagant this Christinas .which is just one reason why wise shoppers are heading for Till: VARIETY STORK! You can get gifts for everyone that are practical, wanted, and useful. There arc all the festive wrappings, cards, seals and tricks that make your pacages look so wonderful, too,- all right here. We couldn't possibly begin to list all the many things you'll find here to solve your Christmas gift problems, so why not come in Just to look tll'OUMCi, THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS'' ca.a.3Aaa,aa.aaaaiala.ai,laaj,j,a3,a,aiA3,,3,.a.3...a,- BLONDIE ft A A A A A A A fi A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Daisy Is So Impulsive! f .it r.-: . GYRO CLUB IN SESSION Election of ((Mirers and Installation of New Members Last Night Election of officers for 1947 and Initiation of new members cannrised the business at a sdc- cial dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club last night. The new officers were chosen, i' s follows: President. C. G. Ham. Secretary, Alf Rivett. Treasurer, Maurice Brydgcs. Directors Orme Stuart and Dr. R. G. Larse (two years). A. J. -'.Dominato and David Allen (one a B B fl B year). Past President, W. D. Lambie. The Installation of officers will be conducted December 13 at a special dinner party with International President Greg Yorkc of Vancouver and District Governor Fred Hawcs or Victoria officiating. The initiation ceremony for George Murray, Nelson Young:. Elmer Clausen and T. II. Wll-ford. latest new members, was conducted by Dr. R, G. Large, assisted by W. F. Stone and W. J. Scott. The resignation from membership ff James Parker, who Is leaving the city, was received with regret. A. S. Nlckcrson was n guest. Eyesight which requires cor-icr.tion may account for iwor grades obtained bv some- schnnl children. ' Itl.dli. irmv Miiiki it miction in' tin; hichm av i r i;-c ii l.i 1 1 n Trurrir on No. KllMiniK-.ski-riiii (ro-vlii; Uu.kI Thn lltirlf.clfTrtnt - uuthorlwcl by Uic Minister of Public Works In writing to rxerclsp tlio jmwrrs vested lii the said Minister In Pari fl nf uiv..nH . bolnt; of the opinion that portions or the following road win ii i,v- passuble due to necessary com.lrttc- tion. hprrhv in a l-rt tl.n fii. - roRUlutlon pursuant to Section 3a of the "Hlirhway Act". No. 01 Kltsc(uekla rtlver Bridge on No. 33A Kltwansa - Skeona Crowing Ilond Is ckmed to all traffic from December 2nd, JUKI, to December 15th. 1010, both dates Inclusive. Dated at Sml there. n.C. this 25th day of November. 1940. D. T. WILLIS. Assistant District Engineer. (It) IN THE KUI'UKME COUIIT OI" liUITISH COLUMBIA IN rnOHATK IN THE MATTEIl OP TI1K "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ANTON AMBHOZIAK. OTHER. WISE KNOWN A8 ANTHONY AM-BROZIAK. DECEASE! TNTFKTATv TAKE NOTICE thnt by Order f nr. jiitiiuur jutiirr w. f, p'lpner. wieal Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 27th day .... . . nf Hnvnmhnr i .1 mlnistrator of the Estate of Anton nraunKiui, oinrrwise Known as An- I.I1011V Amlirfiv.lulr n-lm ... alMiut the 3rd day or September. 1010. All DrrKiitlfl Inlrlitorl tr tUn aotfi rtalc arc crqulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claim acainst the said estate arc required to flic them with jne proiwrly verified on or before the 31st day of December, 1940. falllnir which dis tribution will be made havlnc re gard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 27th day of November. 1040. uuitijun r. ruuMiss, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. 205 The Hen They Worship parrots, cats and dogs, They ration mutton, beef and hogs. Hut what about the Hen? She lays an egg near every day, The devil says she's got to par. She never has a word to say. The Hen. They cat her eggs boiled soft and hard, They're poached and fried in butter and lard, She never sees a ration car The Hen. Her eggs arc in the cake and pie, In gin, In rum and even rye. She labors hard and wonders why. The Hen. They throw her fruit In noodles hoc, You find them In the coffee not. They rob her of every cgij she's got. The Hen. You find her eggs in sauce unci salad. There are eggs for. every taste and palat, I wonder who should have the ballot.. The Hen. There arc eggs in every meal you cat, There arc eggs where e'er you chance to meet, And who's the one gives us the treat? The Hen. She cackles when she goes to lay, She cackles when she cocs awa- She's honest, lets you know the day. The Hen. If she should cease to lay her eggs, Off comes her head, off comes her legs; Regardless of how loud she begs The Hen. There's chicken fried and chicken roast, There's chicken and gravy on the toast, I wonder what bird suffer moot The Hen. There's chicken boiled and chicken stew, For wliickcn hawks like me and you, Even the bones the dog will chew. The Hen. They tell us that the war is won, nut wnos the one-that Just be gun. To lay, that wc might live. Hy Gum. The Hen. If there's a prize now who should win? The hair or feather, wool or fin The rooster crows and throwj a grin. At the Hen. E. E. YAGER LCOPIN C J A6GE.R8 SCRIES ore 0" , to0Pots. ieUponi boo ...A trrrtL C it V 1 t. . Inuno . ....otVboo'-. - number'- d b of 4. By Chic Young -dif m j j; Kznnmi 11 toNESSlW rJ 'Al BELOW f I ld L-r tfny A oirj An Mf 1 bulb k 6n m J of-s 4 JV ,,' WSJCH BIG iS' WORDS (DAGWOOO DR. KNIPE IN TORONTO NOW Former Director vf .Local Health Unit Joins Health League of Canada Dr. Roger G, Knipc, recently ol Prince Rupert and Langley rralrie, has Joined the staff of the Health League at national headquarters In Toronto. Corn In Wlnnlprp, Dr. Knipc is a -'raduate of the University of Manitoba (MJJ.i. He later ob tained his DJMI. (Diploma In Tublic Health) at the University of Toronto. For seme years he was director or the Prince Rupert Health Unit and, as such, .health officer . for the northwest section of Bri tish Columbia. More recently he was engaged In private practice at Langley Prairie. Hotel... arrivals Trince Rupert Mrs. J. Brown, Port Esslngton; Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Macdonald and son, Port Simpson; W S Willlscroft Terracn. Mr and Mrs. L. L. Chamber , Vancouver TODAY 'til SATURDAY British National Fitmt present THE ROYAL CANADIAN Terrace; W. D. -MsAra, Wain-wright, Alta.; W. T. Hlckmore, Sntlthcrs; Mr. and Mr. B. J. van Rhyn, Carlisle; F. W. Peiifold. Edmonton. Advertise lu 7w Daijy New. NAVY SHOW THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SHOWS 2 30 7:00 - 9 11 SATURDAY 2:00 - 4.27 - C:54 - 9:05 D. II. March, Vancouver; E E t LONG TTIP FOR CEREMONY Glllcirwatcr, Ketchikan: R. A.I BEDFORD, England O' --Men Bartholomew, Ketchikan; Roger; of the Bedfordshire and Hert Elliott, Ketchikan; Sgt. and Mrs. kordshlrc Regiments made a spc-L. A. N. Potterton and daugh- I cial rlp to Bedford from Greece ter, city; Mrs. G. N. Machines, to Join their comrades civini? the regiment the honorary freedom or the borough AIR YOUR CLOTHING Clothing abs irbs pcr pirat oii bodv cdor nnd sht uid br up ta air .honu U ? v 1 nti NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LAROE OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estbnutcs a STONE BLOCK I'liuiic SG3 I VJ- - . . P.O. BOX 1381 Lvcnincs: Blue 370 'issue wts El V 4r I f Mr .rati W M ibi tm h WW m . l . m a .ffTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I W.0.T.M : BENEFIT DA Arniiuiric Pi Uial ill Tin .11111 1 dliristin C E y evrr Ii: ur hr I .. n ... .1:... a: .iircil (hii wr h. Our ,tn(k i c flinii faiir lu ii:ik WW it Is x r m tvl r I II II tAr I X, STOMi KMt'K y y li Wc arc licre to serve you ana ; naranicc you ,vill he plea ;ed, I'KKK IIULIVLKY OF ALL OK "IKS BLAIN BROTHERS rnoNi: 517 HOUSE OF FINE FUOt mh Hri f orrii t n I Selections 0) CHRISTMAS TMlm W !r?lJl' IW the first llnic in a l(.nK time we can iinliesilatiiiRly say . . "rli'-'W lMcr 1 5j? .M" Clirislmas Bifls," liecause wc have a select ion of which we can lie very prm'd- I "H V U It Y THING FOR TUB II OM tiff rl fM(r"W Gordon & Anderson T, r Tlie Newest and Largest Store in N01II1 Cciiirani-t- p pgtg'l'