Classified Advertising I . i cart Ion minimum rharco fiA. di.v. ti L lSnto. Death Notice. Funeral Notices. Marriage r . v- g.Bp - 'fob sale I;, inom house plus 2 III -e at rear i0t" ip $45 month. I j h We -v Kal Hilton -.. ? Pontiac sedan, W) 4:30. L..llHns Intt I. IP l'i UUUUHij I j on 1. 0en 902. hi Man's bicycle in jiH"n rnone uiccu at) 21 -.-oiler "D.D." Anply 1000 7th (281) hjJ .MocK'ni five -room . - to (.own z room 1 lr u p excellent '. , $3700 Armstrong ' PMn: 342. 2UC) I iip Mcaern -iuu:u . ,; " oa 'n exceueni :rete basement - -re 424 8th . West, ,pr;V, 894 ( 283) New and used fur-- 10E- C;:d tables $4; beds. le't 'ram $10: hassociu :; or drawers $9; a . fl ( 2i ana wooa; on Is r: i - curner; electric Kit -pe floor lamps, js rouches 57, I,, 1 i oc :t condition, ; t:::ke' all-wool; ! e::h new mat- r. i::bv halr $25; an- wrenches, cable - lowest prices. l :r? Co. Black 324. (tf) I.OE -Sc-led tenders will .) by the under- -'j i.ssn of Satur- k :-t:: 30. for the pur- l:i 52 Block 14, Sec- : Prince Rupert, IS ha t."i two-storey frame thereon and Irr -..leafs therein be ll ") the estate of An- k .n Premises may -'a! ddly after 2 pm. 44 Summit Av- I, Pf Rupert, B.C. H a: :v tender not n ar-rpted Terms: ,h Gordon F. kiziK.. Mtrator of the It i Andrew Sorenscn, si (278) PIKSOX.U. " :o" wouWlike .: f ind.iy. Share is Green 894. (230) 5 TABLETS are effect- ! " fc. ;:unnly $1, 12 h to. at i.ll druggists I mom and board (280) pa FULLER NYLON 1 w" '-f Now available. hCier, 873. (278t I AND n O A n nTnble Hcme away from home preferable. 622 Fraser MACHINERY (dl3) IW better lumber more Fwiically, use the modern t Sawmills, manufac- lly National Machinery im Limited, Vancouver, (tfi 4 r. , lime no extra steps. stngUi Fleisdimann'sacrve I '-.ftlakes sweet, smnnth.tex- rDunit,- m " meit in your moutn. FOR KENT FOn RENT Comfortable bom. 427 5th East. Pnone Blue 807. (284) FOR RENT 6 room flat, partly furnished. Apply No. 1 Helger-son Block. (280) FOR RENT Four room furnlsh- ed flat-bath toilet and oil range. Apply Phone 422, (2'i8) WARM SLEEPINO ROOM for rent, reasonable. Apply 80G Fraser Street, After 5 p.m. (281) FOR RENT 2-room apartment. 221 5th Ave. East, 279) FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Private entrance. 200 5th Ave. W. Apply Helgerson Block, suite 1. (278) FOR RENT Single or double room, meals if desired. Men only. Two minutes walk from Post Office. Phone Black 965 (tf) FOR RENT Suite In Bay Apts. Phone Blue 815. (tf) WANTED WANTED TO BUY 4 room house with bath. Full plumbing. Centrally located. .Box 183 Dally News. (280) WANTED Man's bicycle, preferably double-bar. Write Box 182. Daily News. U) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Reliable hi?h school girl wants store work after school and Saturdays. Phone Red 634. (278) FOUND FOUND Monday morning, Bor den St, gold earring. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. Uf IX) ST LOST Wallet, containing $22 between Booth School and Lutheran Church, on 6th Ave Tuesday afternoon.' Find; please :eurn to Dally News. itf) WOMAN MAKES VtYlNCfTRIP SYDNEY. Australia, 0.--A Sydney woman has flown to Vancouver. sDent nearly a fortnight there with her molhf r. and flown home asrain In about the same tim it '. ikes her marine en gineer husband to sail from Syd ney to Vancouver. She is Mrs. Alan A. Mclntyre, who returned to Svdnrv on Octo-jcr 9 by Aus tralian National Airways' trans- Pacific Skymaster Warana. Mrs. Milntyre. who is the wife of the chief nglncer cf the steamship Aorangl. Is believed to be the f'rst icrsorv to make the return flight on the recently-established Sydney-Vancouver service. OXFORD, England O Oxford University has decided to establish p. post-graduate degree of Hnrhoirr nf nhllosophy, to cover students of "ph!ls0Pny Plltlcs and economics. ASTHMA SUFFERERS welcome relief from the wlieeilns. .neezinx. gasping iiruggle for breath cautcil by Artlima. Tuke RAZ-MAIi. ipeoully made to relieve itchy, "treaininc eye cl.oked-up bronchial tubes, diflicult breathing and harassing coughs caused by -Asthma. Chronic : Bronchitis. Hay Fever. At drugsists 50c. 51. iw simply delicious RAISIN BUNS WW itir. aw..?' A V. ft- Htti,""" Mods In Canada i.1BKE AT HOME, be sure to get ndschrnann'ii "fe Fres , v ... .. ' . ... n... iiv1. You can (Si Fldschmann's-Canada's favorite yeast for over Nys fresh. at your grocer's realized. Francois Lake News The dance here on Saturday In aid of the Burn Lake Hospital went off well with a real crowd. A beautiful quilt made by Miss AUin, matron of the hospital, was raffled off. The winner was Bruce Kerr of Burns Lake. The orchestra (Mrs. Reg. Partington, Mrs. E. Deeder and Jim Beatty), donated their services and lunch was provided by the Burns Lake ladles. The Francois Lake Farmers' Institute loaned the hall so that there was no expense and $92.30 was John Haraeonic has -returned after a serious Operation in the Prince George Hospital. He Is feeling much better. Four men have been working on the telephone lines for some time. The Galbraiith family have moved back to North Bulkley where they have a sawmill. The Hamre & Waale Sawmill has disbanded for some time. Nils Waale Ls leaving for his native Norway for the winter. Hans and Peter are now at Dan-skin, also Mrs. Holtz, and George pnd Ruby Holtz are In Prince George, also the latter' brother, Norman Cross. Kitwanga Plans Christmas Tree KITWANGA Tills .Skeena River v'llage is planning a real community Christmas Tree in which adults, as well as children, will take "art. The villagers are "ow bury raising funds to that end. The Christmas Tree com mittee, with Mrs. Fanny Williams as president and Mrs. Gordon Johnson as vice-president, has appealed to all residents of the village who are away to return as soon a.s possible to .take part 1 the Christmas preparations The seed cleaning plant has started working on the timothy seed, with Lee Copper operating and Jack Nelson assisting. Captain Mackinnon is iway on rick leave, leaving Captain P. Lalng in charge of the Francois Lake ferry. Coyotes pulled down and killed a calf at Colleymount. Timely TERRACE Topics Hospital Building Purchased Villaje May Purchase Drill Hall TERRACE The Red Cross Society has purchased the build ing known as Brigade Head quarters Officers' Mess. Tne building ls to be used for a Red Cross Outpost Hospital. Mrs. Cummlngs, mother of Mrs. Grace Mile, arrived on Tuesday night's train from Mc- Brlde. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. D. G. Little held a surprise shower In honor of Mrs. Kenneth Kerr. A meeting of the ratepayers was held Tuesday night to pass an opinion as to whether the village commissioners shall sud-mit a money bylaw for the pur chase of the drill hall and of ficers mess adjoining it. These are situated in the main army camps. The cold snap here has ended after three days of clear skies, and cold winds with minimum temperature around ten above. HUGE RIVER BASIN The Amazon river basin is almost as large as the United States. I GF5S S FASHION FAVORS LEOPARD SKINS South African Native Trappers Making Small Fortune JOHANNESBURG, P) There is a bit of a boom in leopard skins according to a leading Johannesburg furrier, and na tives who are fortunate enougn tn patch nni nf Ihp animals in a trap are getting nearly 10 times! the price they got before the war i from traders and furriers. Furriers say native trappers are making small fortunes and that "there are 10 buyers for every ?kln. There are plenty of leopards still at large that could be made into fur coats but too many women are waiting for them. Before the war a ;ood leopard-skin coat cost $480. Today the same coat costs about three times as much. The skins are used not only for coats, but widely for hats, bags, capes and so on. The best variety cf leopard skin comes from Italian Somali-land, but the South African Former Terrace Woman Passes In Vancouver TERRACE Last week Mrs. V. C. Crego. sister-in-law of Mr Crego of Frank Road, passed away at her home on 3636 W. 3rd Ave., Vancouver. She ls sur vived by her husband; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hugh- son of Vancouver; a sister, Mrs. Eddie Williams of West Vancouver: a brother. Jas. L. Hughson of Vancouver. At one time the Hughsons lived in Terrace artii Mrs. V. C. Crego, then Mable Hughson, attended school here. Her passing is much regretted by her many friends. Best-Known s; .CVv home rpmpHv for V "Uevlne miseries of yjv cauarem coias. iVICKS 'V iirs Uncle Joe was just liaek from t lie Boer War and we were cclcratm? with a day on il.o nnnil. wlipn sDinrliodv mentioned that new cereal with the wonderfully different flavor-malt y-rich, wcet-as-a-nut Grape-Nut. Jimmy couldn't resist running home for a dishful. 2 Two grains wheat and malted barley specially blended, baked and toasted, achieved that one and onlv flavor Jimmy and all of us were to crazy about. Today you find it also in that honey-golden flake cereal Post'. GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES. Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes have that up-and-at-'eni nourishment, too. Carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth and bones; iron for the blood; other food essentials. T.a,l nn Inninr'n ilciirh with - ' . ..r.1 nna. r f Pn.f. Grape-Nuts Hakes next time you re down at the grocer's. They slide down easily 1 n Posts M liMn U Ml variety stands high on the list, j From-six to eight sicins are need ed for a full-sized coat. smith Africa makes her own coats from leopards trapped in Bechuanaland ( and Rhodesia, and also from the skins of the leopard cat, a wild-cat whose markings are very similar to the larzer antaial. The leopard-cat makes a. better, softer coat than the leopard itself. South African women are also wearing coats mace from the skins of jackal the South African fox. The skins are rather coarser than the European variety, but silver Jackal, attractively marked with blacl: streaks, and with a broad silver stripe down the centre of .the back, makes one of the most attractive coats. B.RFAK FOR CHURCH-GOERS NEW BARNET, Hertfordshire. Enaland Oi Rev. A. F. Osborne chann-cd the time of morning service from 11 am. to 9:30 be cause "I want to give women a rhance to cook their Sunday dinners and men to have their round of golf alter they've been to church." "Build B. C. Payrolls" GET THE PACIFIC MILK HABIT! V'jRADlATjV This is one habit that's good for you, and so satisfying! Use it for baking, cooking, as well as drinking. It's ideal for everything! Yes. Pacific Milk Is good. Try some today. At all grocers. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Prfntc Uuucrt Dailp MM Thursday, November 28, 1946 II 111 1 f ' ' yV rX Fitted black wool with a smart turn of shiny p h,afk rersian- Jsote tne f,DfV- double breasted effect. THIS AND MANY 0TIIEns KES IF HB 1 1 USE OUR BUDGET PLAN L UrapedNuts Hakes 1 Jr A Product of Otn.rot fttoJt No carrying unarges no unnrai. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. "ST" 3E2 EES G3 SEa , MRS. DOWTIUIR AND MISS WATSON at the DRY GOODS & NOVELTY Have done their best to obtain a Christmas-stock for you. Some lines are short, yet we think you could find an acceptable gift here . . . Call and see us anyway 1 BESNEB BLOCK THIRD KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOPSUEY HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE UVt We Serve You Nothing . AVE. 5 REX CAFE 1 SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPEnr HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our pecialty . - Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE I7 -V? i33iSl.a5!ilaJ:iiass.s:.5lXS''ai3:JlS'3,SlS:5i, But the Best ... SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken -Meat Pies and SaladYj)ailj RUPERf BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ater. West Prince Rupert Bottle Collector also messenger service Phone Blue 737 We buy ... all sizes' Pcrfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and " Bottles Bottles Wine Bottlesi PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE , t ALWAYS . . . r WWW W Bulkley Market Geo. J.Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus Blue H." Res. Red IS7 Ask for George WE DELIVER DAILY Jrd Avenue Phone 178 We do not need to tell you That the fuel situation is by no means easy Please keep your orders well ahead so that we may be able to keep you supplied. Fuel stocks are by no means unlimited. Philpott, Evitt , & CO. LTD. Fuel and Building Materials Phone 651 and 652 lSiSI NFW EQUIPMENT , COMBINED FOR A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SFKVIIX WE CAN . RE MAKE I'AIlt VI.AC.F. ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS, PHONE BLUE 126 EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works ICO East Third Avenue (Next to McMeekln's) i 1 i