prince Rupert Daflp r-Jetos Tuesday, July 23, 1910 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all the communities compiling northern and central British Columbia. Published every afternoon except Sun-lay ,bf. Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. a.A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. II. 3. PERRY, Managing Director. f j SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By aty Carrier, per week . 15 Pn Month V- 65 Fei Year 17.00 Ey Mall, per month .40 Pel . Yrir 14.00 MEMBER ABC. Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office J , Department, Ottawa). 1 A SERIOUS MATTER IN -WASTAGE of valuable and much 1 needed food product the incipient strike oafish handlers at Prince Rupert has1 already made itself felt through fish having had to be dumped because the fish handlers refused to touch it Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Next Monday, unless there is a, settlement of points in disputq and; a calling off of the strike in the meantime, the full force of the strike will; be felt at Prince Rupert not only in jvastage of food but in widespread loss of work and a crippling generally of the community's most important, industry. All of which empha-sizesf the serious responsibility of thdsd who permit such a tie-up to evintualize. !Aj strike in the fish handling industry would constitute the most wi$epread industrial tie-up Prince Rupert has ever had. It would affect every business and activity of the city. It is very important that all those concerned with the dispute should exhaust every reasonable effort to reach ground so that such a t$e-up would be averted. i When you mix genius with a little sweat you've got about as good a recipe for success as there Is. AiR TRAVEL TAKES A NOVEL CEREMONY at the Seal A. Cove air base yesterday afternoon when the christening took place ofSthe Skeena Queen, second of the aiij liners to be placed in service between Prince Rupert and Vancouver, served to accentuate the fact that the pioneering of Queen Charlotte Airlines in commercial aviation from here has, in its so far brief spain, done much" to make Prince Rupert and its people air-conscidus. We have long looked for the day when Research Outlined Fqr New Laboratory JljEW DELHI 0) India Is planning to establish a national chemical laboratory upon a 430- such a regular service would be available here. Now it is an accomplished fact. All that is needed now is a reduction of the rate tariff to a more reasonable figure to make air travel between Prince Rupert and Vancouver as well as other points on the coast an accepted thing which will demand a much more frequent service than the two regular flights a week which have now been HIGH SCHOOL DOES WELL r ONGRATULATIONS are due staff Vand pupils of Booth Memorial High School on what appears to have been a very creditable record of .achievement in the matriculation examinations, results of which we published at the end of the week. There were 23 candidates and of those it is already known that fourteen were successful in passing clear in all subjects. No doubt, when the detailed results are "transmitted here, it will be found that of the remaining candidates several have obtained substantial partial standing and, with the writing off of a supplemental or two before fall, will have qualified to proceed with academic studies either here, if. the Senior Matriculation course is instituted, or in the south at university or Hitjh School. Prince Rupert High School has made a gratifying come-back and it is a matter of satisfaction for all HOME-MAKING VITAL HOMEMAKERS are in a peculiar position. They contribute so much to the family, community and state, yet are classed roughly as non-workers because they appear in a column of statistics headed "not in gainful occupations." One homemaker has kept a scientific record for 15 years. She has proved to her own satisfaction that the average woman who prepares meals, cans, preserves, produces substantially the equal value of the man's economic contribution in industry. Men who think back over the past six years will realize the wonderful job their womenfolk have done in spreading thin and making ends meet. A plow-horse never won the Kentucky Derby. But If all farmers owned racehorses lots of us would be lots leaner. chemistry; chemical engineering; survey and Intelligence; the chemistry of high polymers; and organic chemistry. Among the immediate problems of national importance which the labora- acre tract of land at Poona at tory will study are surveys of a cost of about $2,500,000. The! raw materials and their indus- majn divisions projected ire: Incfrganic chemistry, including analythlcal chemistry; physical chejnistry, including electro- trial potentialities, utilization of by-products from existing industry and the development of key industries. Notice As ILM.C.S. Uganda and Crescent will be In Prince Rupert from July 24th to 29th, I urge all business men and citizens to assist the committee in charge of the entertainment of the Officers and Personnel In every way possible. I respectfully request that you also show your co-J operation by decorating your stores and business s places. ! II. M. DAGGETT, Mayor. JWe are pleased to announce that conditions how permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON "try them today from your Butcher , . or at your Favorite Restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Better English 1 1 By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Look at it from this standpoint." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "species?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Musculer, smuggler, reveler. 4. What does the word "de-. lusion" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with tr that means "savaseness. as of manners?" Answers 1. Say, "Look at it from this point of view." 2. Pronounce spe-shezC both e's as in me, accent first syllable. 3. Muscular. 4. A misleading of the mind; false belief. "It was nly a delusion, not based on facts." 5. Truculence. "DENS OF GLOOM" EASTBOURNE, Zns., British railway ,'ltations are "dens li ning up, said a speaker addressing the "Association o Health and Pleasure Resorts. CRAWLER CRANE FOR KENT Crawler Crane, '2-yard shovel attachments, dragline, 30 ft. boom, available for day use with operator and oiler. Call Highway Construction Co. Phone 631 (172) EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. ALCOHOLICS REGENERATED Members of Alcoholics Anonymous Help Themselves and Others By JACK RUTLEDQE DALLAS (AP) Two hundred veterans of the struggle against alcoholism leaned forward tensely. The auditorium was quiet as the weekly -meeting of the Alcoholics Anonymous was called to order. "Folks," said the speaker In a husky voice, "tonight we're celebrating two birthdays. Bill is two years old, and Mary is one." The crowd broke Into cheers. Bill and Mary stood up, beaming proudly. Bill hadn't taken a drink for two years, Mary for one. "We'll hear from Judge Joe Hill, who handles drunks by Jhe hundreds, later on," the speaker said. "But first well let Bill and Mary say a few words. Now, you don't have to give your last names unless you want to," he said. The man spoke first. He was; frank and unashamed. He gave his 'name and occupation. He told of the lives he'd wrecked, of the happiness he'd blasted, of the physical damage his drinking has caused. "Preachers preached about me, my mother prayed, and my wife cried," he said. "I jhst couldn't stop drinking. I know now that it's a disease, Just like! diabetes. Alcoholics Anonymous cured me. "It's . the most exclusive club : in the world. Only reformed , drunkards, can Join. It doesn't cost a .cent to belong, but It costs a fortune to get in. I figure t cost me at least $50,000 money I've lost because of my drinking." i Then Mary spoke. She was a , beauty parlor operator. She had j lost most of her customers be-j cause, they Just didn't like to have a drunken operator, maul-! ing over them. But now j "I don't say I'm cured for I keeps, I saw an alkie boast that he was on the wagon for life, 1 that he'd never touch another drop. The next night he was drunk and in Jail. I know that I'm Just one drink away from being a drunkard. All I can ,sav Is that I'm sober tonight, trial I have been for a year, and l I Just stay sober a day at a time, and let each day take care" of itself, I'll be okay." "I used to think drunks were fhnny," Judge Hill said with a grin. "When I first sat on the bench, I handled a hundred or so drunks a day. After a whUe I began to learn things about drunkards and alcoholics. There was the character who appeared time and time before me, and I finally lost patience and told him he Just didn't have any will power. "This fellow told me with a sort of pitying look that I didn't know what will power was. He said he had become so desperate for a. drink that .he got a pair of pliers and pulled the gold fillings from Tils teeth to trade for money, and drink. "Judge, could you do that? You got that much will power?" The Judge went on to say that of all the people he knew, he liked alcoholics best. They are the most honest men in the world, he said. While most people try to alibi for mistakes, an Alcoholic Anonymous member who has taken the pledge has, first of all, "got right" with .himself and admitted he was an alcoholic and. could not handle his liquor. Then, said the Judge, BLACKHEADS Imp! diMoIv nd disappear br IMt iraple, aaf and aura method. Cat two ouncei of peroxlne powder from anr drug-itore. sprinkle on a hot. wet rlofli. and tpplr wntl every blackhead will ha groa. REPAIRS On All Radios PHONE 644 Whether your radio Is console-size or fits into your pocket . . . our experts will repair it to your complete satisfaction. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC We Pick Up and Deliver THIS AND THAT "What else can you expect when they sell these homes before they're completed I" OPPORTUNITIES ARE SEEN HERE I Prairie Visitor Cannot See I Why Prince Rupert Should ( He friactive 'find Run-down "It certainly seems a pity to us that a town like Prince Rupert, with its great possibilities, its wonderful setting, its natural toeauty, its supeifo weather and so many attractions be shipped away, say to Van- they are the most sociable bunch 'In the world. I The A.A. program has 12 steps i but can be boiled down to fivr overall steps: Admission of alcoholism, personality analysis and catharsis, adjustment oj personal relations, dependencf upon some higher power, and working with other alcoholics. Just 11 years old, the organization has 27,000 members. And it's growing fast. Holiday Trippers SUMMERIZE your car now! Let us check your car before you make that long vacation trip A motor tune-up, lubrication, and tire inspection may save you time and money on the road. Phone S3 for an appointment S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealer. The Home- of Friendly Service B ATTI P I'KINCE till Lb UUi'EKT COLLECTOR w Phone niue 737 We Buy PERFEX Rottles PROMPT AM) COURTEOUS SERVICE couver, manufactured there and then shipped batk. He did not see why lctial enterprise did not embratc the oppotturwtlca -hat offered here. J. II. Oammon Is a locomotive engineer for the Canadian Pacific Railway running out of Wllkle. E. IL. Gammon Is a retired locomotive engineer. LONDON O; Chiefs of the "Big Pour" main-line British hould be i railways sent 840,000 tockhokl- so Inactive and run-down," agreed J. H. Oammon and E. II Oammon, railwayman from Wil-kie, Saskatchewan, who left by last evening's train on their return to the prairies after having been culled heie to attend the funeral of their brother, Robert 11. Oammon, a local railway employee, ho died suddenly last .week. "If I had $3,000,000 I would ecme right back to Prince Rupert and start an industry for ycu," oaid J. H. Gammon. He saw opircrlunily here for the manufacture cf lumber and products such ss saihes and doors, etc. Speaking generally, he did not see It economic that the natural resources ot this district should ers a printed postcard asking for a clear mandate against nationalization cf the traruport In dustry. "This with health." year what City Counci An alleged unauthorized trip by the city ambulance to Terrace on Sunday in which It carried a sick woman to her home at the interior town was discussed briefly at city council meeting last night andswas referred to the ambulance Accounts totalling $60,996 for the month of June were authorised far payment by City Council agreed to a recommendation by finance committee that F. M. Hill be offered lot C Cow Bay subdivision for $1,340. Four business licenses granted by Licensing Committee were approved by Council last night. They were: to Mrs. Marie Richardson, massaging; Chin Jon, piggery and slaughter house; J. Stewart, cabinet making; Lee Chon, variety goods. Authorization by the Board of Works for the City Engineer to make the following purchases was approved by council: 200 tons of smelter slag from Anyox. Scow load of torpedo gravel not exceeding $1 a yard. To submit rn olfer to War Assets for a high-loader for $1,500. Council approved a utilities committee recommendation that $1 be charged fo reach oil burner permit Issued and that commercial oil burner permit licenses be $2. Council passed a recommen- datlon by i anyone appj. . nection at a water i: m t. that no sei..; until arrear arrears are owner of Lie Selection ct annual conv. of B.C. Mur,:r son Hot Spr and 25 wr the convrnt. Association - JL, An appiic , Centre Car ,.., Ing to have - , Street clo ; week, Aupu. ' c-1 ed by city The portion cf the Civic Cam t An applicru... j v 1 ,1.1. . parking rinhr 1 Street for exr '.i mittee by c : scheduled t ; o? r.: Quality Repairs Economy Prices HI i I' J PRINCE RUPII SHOE REPA1 3rd fit (Near the Per there's beauty t in our budget "Look at the difference in Gladyi already," said the mother proudly, "She's ju;t h: Jjl "Yes, this year there's beauty in our buJget," said Hugh. "Another six weeks of thu t wonders for you and the youngsters . . . and long wetk-ends here for me . . . it's swell!" "But it's not really in the budget, Hugh." ; ; t . "No. It's over and above the budget, certainly; bur it's the budget that enables u:t ab 1 (his cotrae without worrying. Once ws tsett-tl 4M Lv-lIX'., M CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Itates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 our year-round expenses and our life i- I premiums, the rest is surplus. We can be trv gant with it. Until I had enough r tabl WE INVITE YOU To drop in and see our selection of "Sunworthy" care of the future I always k'. :t; i guilty about spending in thj 1 But now my mind is at Y..t-1 Tom and Gladvs are D.' ::e.T. H - j , long as we don't dip is: needed for that, we don't ntaiil worry any moie." : mtMTiyi& ? vy When life insurirrm r - if?J& CJrfe taken care of in the..:: p mm 3 v nrd wi,h c"tiJ c 1 ffl i tHj- fi jL prttfection u of firsi c; ( K 7ir.Mi.: :&m'4-. m Once -that is insnrtJ VWM ' tourct f worfy k B J glfjjRp J'jiM1 acllr r.:0'.? , ...m v. :urpri i. . ... ... . . onprslot,i wiiai, aniaii a COSl JOU can DUy Deaumui yitf--- rooms. Gord JMcIlride Street on's Hardware piiotf1