.ocal News Items LLong trips or short, day or ight, 93 Taxi at your service. (tf) i. I.C.O.F. All brothers are In- ited to attend lodge Tuesday, uly 23, for installation of of- lcers. (171) Mrs. J. L. Mcintosh returned o the city" on the Princess Ade- hlde last evening from a trip o Vancouver. J. O. Garrett, provincial as- tcr, called this altcrnoon on he Catala for Namu and Riv- rs Inlet on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Collins ar-ied on the Princess Adelaide i:t evening from Victoria to pend a holiday with Fire Chief hnd Mrs. II. T. Lock. Mr. Coi ns is in the employ of the ip.lt. Miss Jean Redlnchuk arrived n the city on the air liner Skeena Queen yesterday afreT-lcon from Vancouver, being. ailed north because of the serl- bus illness in the Prince Rupert peneial Hospital cf her father p. member of the Canadian Na- icnal Hallways B. and B. De partment here. Appetizing CLOVER LEAF ROLLS Mad in Canoda I A For that Port Edward Trip-Tommy's 77 Taxi. Grotto, (tf) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eden-'shaw of Massett are visitors in the city. J John Haaland, Terrace nfov- ing picture operator, is paying a dici visii 10 me city. James MacKay jr., C. M. Adam and Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-Adams left last evening on their irtwr to Terrace after a brief business visit to the city. Mr. and. Mrs. R. E. Denson returned on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver. They also visited Trail, Nelson, Revelstoke, Lake Louise, and made a boat trip up the Arrow Lakes. Mrs. Benson went as far East as Win-nlpeg and Brandon. 5. J. Jabour arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide last eve ning from Vancouver in the course of his periodical insurance business trios. He expects to leave on Friday evening's train for Prince George. Later he will be going to Murray Bay, , Quebec, for a Sun Life Assurance 'Co. agents' convention. ) m Yes, Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast helps you bake fluffier, tastier Clover Leaf rolls. Fleischmann's works fast because it's full-strength. It saves you extra steps. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, you'll want Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast the Yeast cake with the familiar yellow label that has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Order some today! Always fresh, at your grocer's PLASTICS . . . Kitchen and Home Accessories in a wide variety and assorted wswsk colors now on display in our show windows and inside. SEE THEM TODAY AT THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" prime mmf AMD TASTY e&rs BULKLEY MARKET WK DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE PHONE 178 Hollywood Cafe WINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE V.i'.l 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Dr. L. W. Kergln and daughter, Dorothy, left today lor a motor trip to the Francois Lake country. Mr. and Mrs. If. M. Carter returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from a holiday trip during which they motored to Vernon, Ellens-burg, Washington, the Olympic peninsula and Vancouver. They were away for three weeks. Driven in by Larry Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Harry LaBarre of Terrace, arrived In the city last night from the interior town. They brought their Infant son who is selously ill and has been admitted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Jack Stepler of the Vancouver Province reportorial staff was in the city overnight, having flown ncilh to cover the christening cf the air liner Skecna Queen. Mr. Stepler served overseas for to and a half years as a flight lieutenant with the Royal Canadian Air Force, engaging In antisubmarine flylns in the Battle of the Atlantic. HOW CAN I ? By ANNE ASHLEY T1 Q. How can I remove all dirt and grease from the hair? A. Wet '.he hair with warm water and then rub into the scalp the juice cf a lemon, Instead of scap. Rinse the ha.r thcrourhly and dry with a soft towel. This will leave the hair suft and glossy. Q. How can J keep oranges fcr any length of time? A. If oranges arc bought In quantities they will keep better and longer if wrapped in tissue paper, so that they do not touch each other. Q. How can I prevent damp cupboards? A. All the moisture In a damp cupboard will be absorbed in a lew days' time if a box of quicklime is placed in it. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, lit 15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. July 24, August 3, 14, 24 ss Princess Louise, p.m. July 17, 27, August 7, 17, 28 ss Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert. 7 p.m. July 24, August 3, 14, 24-Prin-cess Louise. p.m. July 17. 27. August 7, 17. 23-ss Princess Norah. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. midnight. July 19. 24, August 9, 19, 30 ss Princess Louise. July 22, August 2, 12. 23 ss Princess Norah. DEVELOPMENT PLANNED ADELAIDE. Australia, tt A great new development plan for the southeast area of thc state of South Australia provides for settlement of 70,030 people with in the next few years. A dcepsea port at Rcbe. more than 300 miles from Adelaide, and railway extensions and conversions to cost about $4,000,000 are Get All the Viiamins you need CONTAIN VITAMINS A B( B C 0 plus IRON and LIVER CONCENTRATE rTiX??.!.!la W ITTTTTTT1 Wnl I7IIT1 MULTIPLE CAPSULES Don't be confused as to which Vitamins to buy. When you take just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsules (one of the golden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins In your diet needed for normal health. Twenty-five day supply for $1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VITA-VIM Multlpf, is a Nyat Quality PrtJuct, ytld miy si Njsl Drug Sura. McCUTCHEON'S PHARMACY E. C. Wallace, Manager 3rd Ave at Sixth St. PHONE 79 Bride-elect Is Shower Honoree rs. Martin Hansen and Mrs. Ole Anderson were joint hostesses at a delightful miscellaneous shower In honor of Miss Phyllis Solmonson last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Anderson. The evening was spent in playing Chinese checkers and cards. At midnight delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, after which a lovely basket laden with many useful gifts was presented to the bride-to-be. Those present were Mesdames Solmonson, Harder; A. McGuire, M. Peterson, V. Wahl, R. Wick, J. Judge, A. Hagen, H. Anderson, A. Lund, T. OLscn, M. M;-Crae, B. Anderson, J. Hansen, and the Misses P. Solmonson, Louise McMillan, Peggy Clee, Zona Hedley and Mary Skog. Census of Belgian Securities Coming A census of all Belgian securities in Canada is to be held between August and September 30 and all such securities not registered wi'thln that period shall ;be cancelled and value forfeit to the Belgian state, according to .advice received by Theo Collart, (Belgian vice-consul here. The purpose of the registration, It is ipcinted out, Is to trace and an-;nul Belgian securities in the hands of the enemy or held in this behalf. Announcements All advertisements in tins column will be charged lor a full month at 25c a word. L.O.B.A. Garden Party, August 7, Mrs. J. P. Moller's, 130 4th Ave. East, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Port Day, August 22. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ramblers, every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. Hotel. . . PROGRAMME OF ENTERTAINMENT to Officers and Men of HM(ShipsUgandaand "Crescent" Wednesday, July 24th 6:30 p.m. Sharp Soft Ball at Gyro Park: PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA." PRINCE RUPERT vs. "CRESCENT." 9:00 pjn. Basketball at Civic Centre: PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA." PRINCE RUPERT vs. "CRESCENT." Thursday, July 25th 2:30 pjn. Whaler and Cutter Races. 3:30 pjn. Swimming Parties to Salt Lakes. 8:30 p.m. Canadian Legion SMOKING CONCERT at Navy Drill Hall (Both Ships). (Legion Members and Guests Only) Friday, July 26th 6:30 pjn. Football at Roosevelt Park: PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA" or "CRESCENT." (Hanson Cup) Semi-final. 9:30 pjn. Navy League Dance at Navy Drill Hall. (Both Ships). , Gentlemen 50c; Ladies and Men in Uniform Free. Saturday, July 27th 2:30 pjn. Football at Roosevelt Park (Hanson Cup Final). Winner of bye vs. Friday's winner. Other" games to be announced later. 8:30 p.m-Boxing at Gym (Roosevelt Park): Canadian Legion Boxing Club vs. "UGANDA" and "CRESCENT" Boxers. Sunday, July 28th 10:30 a.m. Church Parades. 2:30 p.m Baseball at Roosevelt Park. PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA." .PRINCE RUPERT vs. "CRESCENT." Silver Collection at events marked arrivals Is Prince' Rupert T. E. Murphy, Vancouver; E. Erman, Edmonton; R. Vinblad, Prince Rupert; J. D. Campbell, Edmonton; E. S. Mllburn, Vancouver; C. F. Tempest, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stevens, Vancouver; J. Manzer, Nanalmo; Mr. and Mrs. D. Edenshaw, Massett; E. L. Harrison, Vancouver; T. Mitchell, Vancouver; Mrs. E. L. Page, Vancouver: Miss L. Wrathall, Terrace; Miss J. Taylor, Vancouver; S. Gulick. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. F. Stevenson, Port Es-sington; J. Haaland, Prince George; R. Coburn, Prince George; Dr. A. L. Pritchard, Nanalmo; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Brown and son, Pacific; A. II. McLean, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. G. McAdams, Terrace; C. Adams, Terrace; Mrs. J. H. Hannah, Copper River; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hallett, Vancouver. T. H. Douglas. Vancouver; K. Wilson, Vancouver; R. Spils-bury, Vancouver; J. C. Stepler. Vancouver: II. J. Hodglns Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Col-lison. Sullivan Bay; R. Pollcsk, Inverness; Mrs. E. Shaw. Nanalmo; Mrs. H. C. McPeak, Vancouver: W. R. Bucknall. Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Piers. city; F. J. La Settc, queen Charlotte 1 City: W. Mackle. Vancou- ver; Mrs. M. E. Siddons. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jo- I hannes, Vancouver; L. R. St. i Louis. Vancouver; George La- i flcche. Vancouver; B. Quick, Blubber Bay. NOTICE I am not responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Lillian Stewart, after JuW 1. 1910. James R. Stewart. Stewart. Arrived . . . 1946 Model RCA VICTOR 5 Tubes Long and Short Wave Price $64.95 Public Works Men Are Doing Good Job The Prince Rupert Highway between here and Terrace is now In the best posslbe shape, says Jeff Lambly of Terrace who drove In to the city last night for a brief business visit, accompanied by Mrs. Lambly. Mr. Lambly feels that the local public works crew, especially the gradcrman, Is doing a fine job, taking into consideration the difficult stretch of road and the limited equipment available. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Drivor. Apply 235 Taxi. 172) Husbands Complain: Tired, Run-down Wives Lose Beauty; Look Old Thousands of Women Regain Health Easy Way. took Years Younger. Look ,ln mlrro! 11ns run-ilown conditio!) mad go look hajrznrd. old 7 Want norma hral'h, xigur. m-n du young r looks t Thou.Min.li tkrilM at auch iMo tvult. Thank Ostrex Tonic. lt liluit-nilchltg Iron often nctlcd for normal vim, vluor. Alao hclpa restore appetite, MotrriiiAtnrHC to nil Dut tioilowa In face or m-ck which maka many look eld. Nervta Improve a deprev lion ffoct. Alio contninc vitamin lli. calcium, vmwphorm. Introductory tixc o;df S'C I Try Ostn Tonic Tableu for normi.l vitality, rep. ncrvt'j ; puttici. iun;:rr iixiki; : tacp. t o; aalc at ail drug tlurcs everywhere. What! No Typewriter? Maybe you didn't know we sold typewriters. Well, we don't blame you. They weren't on the market since 1942. But now yc have the SMITH -CARONA again the portable style at prc-ent) priced at $70. All the latest Improvements and carrying case. Three in stock but going fast. JOHN BULGER JEWELLEK KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus, Blue I I." Res. Red V2.1 Ask for George pilnce Rupert )a.ft) J3etoj Tuesday, July 23, 1948 9 Smart GENUINE by leading $16.00 TO $20.25 Several styles to select from. Shades of broriii! "THE MEN'S SHOP' PA - LnhM (mime aid Fin 332 THIRD AVENUE PHONIU) G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fc sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION (i U A HA Mil CALL JiLUE G10 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRLNCT GENERAL CONSTRUCT CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGN1NQ ESTIMATES NORTHWEST C0NSTRUC1 8tone Block LIMITED Pot Phone r0:i Evenings: Green 1C3 SPECIAL - $3.95 CONTAINING Ml ,1 ..j . . ' i r i wnitn i r IIUL'IIlI Vjllillllllir 1 I (Mill tri v Feather-Light Foundation Cream Skin Hand-O-Tonik Poudre D'lllusion- Grass Flower Mist Lip Stick. tbK ssv as ssm. STOKE HOURS Week I).iv 9 a "1' ouuudjs ami iionuays li noon mi z p.i. r k ii m.m . mm LIMIT E "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CAKl'ET UNDEIM'ELT 'OZITE' !) frrt ulilp. nil In nnv IpiieIIi rrouired " any carpet. It gives them new If'- Save your carpet until new ones become av PHONE US FOR VOUR REQUIREMENT Phon 575 327 Thl" Motorists Sunday Se Hours: 12 Noon Until 4 P ir. QfmL,.i- 29. For Gasoline and Oil Sales, Quick Hal'"? and Titc Repairs Out-oNTown Service AT Frank Morrison's Service StaW At Rear of LONG MOTORS. 3rd Ave. and 7th iu ! Courtesy of LONG MOTORS S. E. PA K KICK LTD. NATION" i!tni itT MOl rr(" i Ml)'