Dtiuc Rupert Daily r-Jctos; Tift .srtuy. July 0. 1946 T CDHDT - -. ini- irnnflrpfl r.: Dave Mac- v I narrtlf -No "National I b.isrblll V.. - J yetter- s Schedule l.rm IMrlr fl-IS Ml :c v. I'AAijirffll IMrtr - , iT t , &gMw&& HPKUUKAM J UK i NAVAL-VISIT Alternations Made in View . of Coming of Creseent Willi Uganda The information received that the destroyer Creseent rosy wnt'n ic lau vsrouia oe accompanying tne 13 mm, b3.2 sec cruiser Uganda has necessitated some changes in the original urogram of entertainment, it is Wimbledon icnms announced by the committee. feet 7 inches tan. There will be double-headess ific r.pend into his m Doth soft ball andbasketball .1 11 fr.nl . . ... . . cejciic ii if" "i',on wecincsaay. bow snins being ri mi CQ I.IlNLi OUDIC ii. u.w.u. , - . ntlAnlnff f (Mir opposed by Prince Rupert teams, and there will also be a similar double-header In the baseball fixture arranged for Sunday afternoon. IOLOS. Crescent has been asked if she can field a foot ball team to play for the Han- id L Bi nd won CuD on Friday evenlne and. i i Tir nui c . ... . r . T..1. T , 1 .1 n o ' . ,. . . 1 1 . . . t w iw w v.o- I ma i rir i np i 1 1 1 1 in : i 1 1 1 r i . i i I afternoon. will have additional boxing tal cnt to add to the card arranged for Thursday night and weights of fighters will probably be received before her arrival. FASTBALL Men's League Jury 2 IGeneral Motors vs. Bo-Me-Hi, 99 Taxi vs. Reserve Army. Girls' League July 23 Moose vs. Macey's. Whirlwinds vs. Klnettes. July 25 Kinettes vs. Moose, Macey's vs. Whirlwinds. oaucis sucn as reeness motor uu, you ways buy with confidence at the sign of e big B-A. r Oil ange Big Scores In Fastball (ienrral IMotors (Wins From 9'J iTaxi 22-1, anil 'Co-bp From iGrotto 12-7 , In the feature event of last evening's Softball doubleheater the General Motors nine always had the game against 99 Taxi well in hand. Ted Arney pitched well, allowing only 5 hits, Striking out 2 and walking 2. Pavll-kis was behind the plate. When it came to hitting it wag all General Motors. Joe Davis had a perfect evening at bat. He hit five two-ta,gigers In succession and was given a walk'lh the last inning. But everybody was .hitting. Minor S!monson also had five hits and a walk. Their fielding was gocd with Lambie's catch in the outfield the highlight. He took the ball in the gravel heap and fell but Held It. Fcr the Taximcn it was their ni.sht off. They had few safe hits. Fitch took 4 in the outfield. . Simonson handled two very hot drives at third -base that otherwise might htve meant runs. They tried hard but were clearly outplayed. Beynon was driven out of the box ana was relieved by Windle with Gurvich going in at the end. Al Teams: General Motors Ted Arney, Minor Simonson. Johnson. Lindsay, Davis, Pavlikis. Fitch. Gibson, Lamtoie. Parlett batted for Lindsay in the last inning. 99 Taxi Houston. Pustak, Ratchford. Windle, Montesano, Calderonl, Domlnato, Beynon, Smith, Gurvich. DIAMETER OF' MARS Mars is 4203 miles in diameter as cvmpartd with the earth's 7.900 miles. eans nWFR OPERATING COST v If 0 KM m m mm m m m m m m m m -w -v-wvm m M mm I 'II .1 se moionsTi Know wnen inev use rccnoa mwivi wn a1 - - i - veloped by B-A experts after intensive research, this scientific "alloy- tt .i i . r I..L k I - nrnrptt pnnnnrt inn nuniirv or a luoenor iuui lun unu invicusci resistance to heat the enemy of all lubricating oil. This reduces carbon ! Ill I. -I is amazing lubricant, B-A reeness moro I V nt m a AE uM u;M a . A Whan uaii eft Peerless, you can be certain you're gettin .A .(. I. 1 I II YOU'LL FIND THE BEST SERVICE IN TOWN'AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG B-A i:; mm m wmmMBMm the critical shortages of automobile parts, we urge ! mnxn j 1. V ITIMMI'S I K !1 III! Vliatl UClUlti HU m.i -1 ... .... . 'k, ii you wish to continue to riae. we use umj "radc-. of oils and greases. Call us for an appomt- nnzoll and Peerless Motor Oils UPERT MOTORS LTD. CIIKYSLLK l'AUTS DEPOT MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West Scores: General Motors .... 292 455 422 99 Taxi 000 010 0 1 General Motors AB. Hits Runs Arney 0 3 4 Simonson 6 5 C Johnson 6 2 3 Lindsay 5 3 2 Davis 0 5 3 Pavlikis C 2 3 Fitch 6 2 1 LamMe C 3 0 Gibson 5 10 Farlctt . 1 1 0 53 27 22 39 Taxi AB. Hits Runs Houston 3 10 ' Puitak 3 1 0 Ratchord 3 0 0 Gurvich 10 0 Windle ..... 2 0. 0- Montewino 3 10 Calderonl 3 0 0 Domlnato 3 0 0 Beynon 3 1 1 Smith 3 10 27 5 1 Co-opfratives Win Apai.'n The men from the waterfront r-orcra1ed nicely to deJeat the together they gave up 27 hits, 8 Grotto tram by 12-7. Kellett al- walks and struck out 3. Pustak lowed 14 hits and Moxlev 13 It Is expected that the Crescentg0t a two-bagger and Smith a hits but, where Kellett gave up 3-ba.?ger. Beynon scored tne only run. no walks, Moxicy walked 9. He struck out 0 while Kellett strtrck cut 4. Both teams went scoreless in Bill 4 10 Smith, R. .. 4 3 1 Simonson, B. .. 4 3 " 2 Dll ' 4 1 ' 1 Moxley 4 2 1 Hoikestad 4 2 1 Duncan ............ 4 10 Gomez 3 11 Kerr 3 0 0 34 14 7 Umpire W. Landon. Base umpires Brydges and Teed. the only many Iiyer insulation is superior in principle. It won't shift, sag or settle. Saves up to 30 on fuel. Install it yourself, (we'll show you how), or let our trained men do it for you. Either way there's no mess. 'Phone today for a free estimate, or stop in and let us show you why kimsul is best for you-howit pays for itself while giving you real com-fort. Act now. Start saving I 7Vzc -SQ. FT. (NOT IHSUUtO) 1 (Oil INSUlATtS loojQ.n. BUY NOW- Albert & McCaffery KIMSUL DEALERS Phone 116 20 YEARS AGO In RUPERT SPORT July 23, 1926 Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Pete Tremayne won the ladies' doubles in the city tennis cham pionships by defeating Mrs. S. P. McMordie and Miss Virginia Reil 8-6, C-3. Martentette and Robertson won the men's doubles tennis charmpionshlp by defeating Campbell and Carmlchael 2-0, C-2, C-3. Gyro ball team won from Grand Terminals by a score of 7-3 In a Senior League fixture. Gyros: McKeown, c; Schenkler, p.; Frizzell, lb.; Mitchell, 2b.; Haveland, 3b.; Moran, ss.; Skinner, cf.; T. Tlte, rf.; Hill, If. Grand Terminals: H. Astoria, c; Wallis and Gordon, p.; Stork, lb.; Gordon, 2b.; Delcourt, 3b.; Wallis, ss.; Wall, cf.; Sloan, rf.; Robertson, If. Boys' Wilful Damage Impedes Rebuilding LONDON O Hooligans are endangering London's housing program by malicious damage, Magistrate Basil Henriques said in juvenile court as he bound over three 11-year-old boys who broke into a house, stole workmen's tools, drilled holes in the floors and upset containers of water and paraffin. "Unless something Is done the first two innings Moxley! lckl the hote nQUjl did uril .to str ke out Kellett ,n LondQn with the bases loaded. Co-on ssotfd 4 in their half of the third after Moxley had two men out and then walked 2. Nord-gaard had 3 hits and 2 walk and .'cored 3 runs. Hewslck had 2 hits and 2 walks and scored 4 runs. Hews4ck, Nordgaard and Pxlpar had a two-bagger each. Minlfrko brcurht off a nice rntch in the outfield from Mox-ley's big drive. Bellls did his usual jood job behind the plate. For the Grotto Ralph Smith and Bruce Simonson each had 3 hits.-Simonson scored twice. Dell, Moxley and Duncan each hit a two-bagger. The fielding feature of the evening was Ralph Smith's catch of a Texas-lrngurr. He came :n very fast, tcok-the ball very tow and held it. He well deserved the rpund of applause that followed. Dun can caught. Teams: Co-op Bellls, Astoria, Hew 'ick. Kordtraard, Ward. Kellelt, Mlntpnko. Edtrar. Murray. Orotto Bill, R. Smith, B. Si-mnnsoru Dell, Moxley, Holke-stad, Duncan, Gomez, Kerr. Scores: Co-op 004 222 212 Grotto . 000 33 1 0 Co-op AB. Hits Runs Bellls . 5 0 0 Astoria 5 11 Hewsiek 5 2 4 N,ordaard k 5 3 3 Ward 5. 2 1 1 K-llett 5 2 1 Minfenktf 5 1. 1 Fgar 4 2 1 Murray 4 0 C 43 13 , 14 Grotto ' ' AB. Hits Runs this winter than it was last," said a police inspector who gave evidence. "The damage seems to be work of organized gangs of hooligans." He said the ministry of work has warned the police hundreds of houses in the course of erec tion had been damaged recently. CUACTON-ON-SEA, England 0 Po&tinan E.' Clark has re ceived 20 ($80) from the Admiralty for an "antl U-boat sug gestion." FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (185V FOR RENT Rooms, reasonable rates, quiet and clean. Green's Rooms, G22 Fraser St. (174) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms. 209 5th Ave. West. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block. (171) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and rooms. Blue 638. (176) HELP WANTED BRIGHT AND HONEST boys and girls wanting Daily News delivery routes should enter their names at the office. FOR RENT 3-room flat, modern, unfurnished; bathroom and basement, with private entrance. Central. Phone Green 378 or call 354 Biggar Place. (tf) FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room. Apply 806 Fraser Street, after 5 p.m. (171) STRONG YOUTH or young man, with or without woods experi ence to work In small logging camp, close in. Wages and bonus. Good opportunity for man with Initiative. Full particulars to Dally News, Box 148. (175) WANTED Reliable girl to mind 2 small boys, 3 and IV2 years old. Phone Green 739. (172) WANTED WANTED Packsack for No. 3 Trapper Nelson packboard. Phone Red 728, after 6 p.m. (tf) WANTED Furnished or semi-furnlshed house or apartment for a month or 6 weeks. Phone Green 335. (175) PERSONAL MEYER'S STUDIO Special Offer, 8x10 Colortone Oil Portrait. $1.99 only. Phone Red 461 for appointment. (173) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinerj Company Pmited. Vancouver BC tf AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES every Saturday at 171 Third Avenue East, (tf) BEDFORD, England, O) Bedford School claims that six War Prince Rupert office staff generals were edu-pglPJcated there. BERLIN REAL ESTATE SLOW UncertaJnty Over City's Future Puts Curb on Buying BERLIN, W Nobody wants to buy ruins, inquiry agong Berlin real estate dealers reveals. This fa-ct somewhat surprised real estate brokers, who at first blush thought investors might want ro acquire ruin.? cheaply, tear them down and rear new structures. Investors, however, reasoned differently. Fiat of all .they don't know what Is to be the pcsltlcn of mcrtagages on property now s-tanding in ruins llert. there is the question of whether real estate valuations will undergo a change in view of the unprecedented situation created by mass destruction of entire city sections through bomb and artllkry action. Take downtown Berlin, for instance. Real estate before the war naturally commanded top prices. Bu can the centre of the city wliirh "has had it." ever be rebuilt? If .so. will it again b3-come the commercial centre or will it', as some city planners have it. be turned into a series of settlement projects? The uncertainty about the future of the IN THE SUPREME CODRT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ELMER HAROLD RICE DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme . Court of British Columbia. I was on the 10th day of July, 1946. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Elmer Harold Rice, deceased, limited to his estate within the Province of British Columbia, and all parties having claims aealnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or berore tne 3ist day of August. 1940, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. AND all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth with. DATED this 12th day of July, AD. 1948. GORDON FRASEIl FORBES, Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C. 174 Classified Advertising -- Class.'fleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Nb.ce 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Green 698. FOR SALE-cheap. 1429 Lumber. Phone (175) FOR SALE One lesage, one Heintzman, both small pianos. Walker's Music Store. (173) FOR SALE Four-room house. $1600 cash. Apply 225 9th Ave. East. (173) FOR SALE Claire Jewel stove, and Quebec heater. Apply 225 9th Ave. East. (114) - Electric radio, Overlook" Street. (171) FOR SALE 100 cords of seasoned fir and spruce lumber, cut to stove lengths. Immediate delivery. Per cord, $10.00. Phone C. Hemmons, Black 665. . (174) FOR SALE One Vaughan drag saw, Al condition. $230 cash. Phone Black 6C5. (174) FOR SALE Sawmill with two-and-a-half million feet of timber: camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $50C0. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE 2 canaries, 1 female, singer, bird cage. Simmons 4-ft. steel bed, complete, almost new. Living room chairs. 1104 8th Ave. East. (172) FOR SALE 3 -piece chesterfield suite: 3-piece bedroom suite; single bed and dresser to ,-match; studio couch; carpet and coffee table; lamps; piano, first class. 715 5th W. or Green 503. (tf) FOR SALE Large Guerney-Oxfnrd cook stove; hall table: Ironing board; bakeboard; mirror, 24" diameter.- Phone Green 196, 2053 Graham Ave. (It) WE BUY AND SELL New and Used Furniture; also Hardware. See us before buying elsewhere. Used phonograpn records, 20c; 5-piece kitchen set, $16.50; electric ranges, McClary's, from $15; circular heater, oil burner, with electric fan, almost new; sewing machine, $2450; 3-piece chesterfield in good shape, $69.50; electric washing machine, In eood shape; radio, 9 tubes, $15; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete, from $12.50; electric fans, from $7.50; motors with electric fans, from $10.50; new Gurncy ranges, all-enamel; new scatter rugs, big assort ment, $1.65 each. B.C. Furni ture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf) city Is putting a curb on spscu-1 wanted. One mam reason is the lative buying or purchase for dearth of building materials out- investment. On the other hand, anybody who has a roof over his house is anxious to hold onto his property. Hence, alt-hough countle? wouid-tJe purchasers or homes are registered with real estate agents, properties are being offered for ale only by psople who need cash badly cr by heirs who have no use for the real estate. Vacant lots, like ruins, ar? not sidi ol bricks. Bricks are as plen- uiui a.s tiie sandts on the sea. Louis Amadk) sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver, accompanied by his daughter, Louise. They took their car with them and will motor to Los Angeles to pick up Mr. Amadlo's son, Victor, who Is coming home with them for a visit. RELIANCE OWNERS Now Available A RELIANCE provides better heat for cooking, baking, water and kitchen heating; offers you all the advantages of oil heating without limiting the stove to strictly an oil burning unit. With a RELIANCE you can dispose of combustible household refuse while the burner Is in actual operation. rilONE BLACK 278 R. XV. Vick SALES & SERVICE P.O. BOX 13G3 1052 Sixth Avenue East NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 5G1 P.O. BOX 721 For NOW FOR BETTER SERVICE AND GREATER CONVENIENCE, WE ARE LOCATED AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Second Avenue SAILS AWNINGS TARPAULINS CANVAS WORK OF ALL KINDS Venetian Blinds Window Blinds Garden Chairs Shopping Bags Edmondson Awning and Sail Works Phone 633 P.O. Box 302 Phone Blue 850 P.O. Box 1464 Green & Kermode All Interior and Exterior Work .Builders and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service Business and Professional JONES NEWS STAND CHIROPRACTIC Eastern and Western Papers R- J- PARKER, D.C. Magazines (Palmer Graduate) SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Suite 6 Telephone , Smith Block Green 995 Sixth Street 1 Red J 808 W. H. CORRINS GAIRDNER'S Painting and Decorating CONSTRUCTION FREE ESTIMATES Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work Phone Blue 451 PHONE GREEN 482 P.N. Kllborn W Peterson HELEN'S fJSSrS1 BEAUTY SHOP AND MESSENGER Permanent Permanent Waving waving Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Beauty Culture in all Its branches Phone Blue 810 Prince Rupert 206 4th Street : Phone 655 if it's a Rock Job- SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Call a Rock Man Cal1 M. SAUNDERS Plumbing and Heating Blue 666 Engineers Phone 174 P'- Box 274 Concrete Sidewalks. Basements I don't take work I cannot 1 do myself. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING PARTRIDGE, 633 Tatlow Street GUNSTON & RICE phone Oreen 937 (After 7 pjn.) General Contractors i P"B GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc House Repairs, all kinds. Income Returnj CompUed Cabinet Work - Foundations Besner Block Phone 387 Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND HANDYMAN Painting Paperhanging Interlor and Exterlor Work HOME SERVICE P.O. Box 128S Phone Black 823 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds wj7flC'(M 1 1 j J 11 1 H Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners yyJ FOB PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVKI nll 40ur qlM phones: COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. L Green 486 Red 894 IM iCliastiXjia)VVi.IX.