m ! 1 1 ; 1 1 Hoard sTpKprr. were Bert Flack, re- me' ' .m with rrn 'rp wcrelnry, and Arnle Ph Lno.il T? n continues v. ;i. nppar- ENTION!! ampers itson's Food Store IT SMITHERS MAKING REGULAR I VERY TO LAKE T11LYN THIS SUMMER. Sell's Cosy Cabins' liriilse Touilst Camp Mile Ea: t of Town TERRACE, B.C. pteurized MILK f 'KNTIN DAIRY UUNE 057 r.Tl-m. rnrnber or the'execu-tlve. locil CW, U.M.M. & S.U. A rr'rlHlnn was passed authorizing tr-e union to ask hat ths "iivrrninent take immediate 'rry, tn br'nrr operators and etn-pk je f . tnpcthfr' on a dlstrlct-w'rt fciv'ifi o that they can come to wime agreement regarding I The fohnaMorr of a group of Cvb fV-otiM a utK?r way with I K:ul Jenkins and Mike Babing- ,1011 a'Hin.T as scoutmasters. j AIk ut 15 boys from 8 to 12 years nf :i"p rnniprd on tlie Big Missouri flats during me week-end. Tlir wr.iil ir was a bit wet but thr yr.iinp.'IPTs seemed to have rpjnytd their outing and care j !rrl:iii(r forward to more. The ; Parent -Tmclwr Association, the Portland Canal Community Furt and Um Canacian Lelon contributed toward the expense of the outing. Apparently, the RRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) JCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District 5ox 1G7 ii.UKAi.r. RRACE... ena M prra ...... !:iN DLPAUTMCNT STOUE ' i Ladies' Wear - Dry Shops and Men's Wear !ACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, R.C. filers in (IENERAL MOTORS Products 1IINC WORK OAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS 0IKN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas LBERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 mffiimi 1 1 ill mm i n HHPfj mm k 1 I '. . . Engagement rings . . . wedding bands . . . diamonds!" I question :;; to whcihrr the organization will be called Scout CuIm or a boys' club has not been decided. Fred Uehnsen of California, brother cX L. A. Belinscn of the Crawford Transfer Company, haa berii visiting' here during the past wcic. There are prospects of the Indian Mine beins reopened' in the near future. A new company has been formf d under the title of Indian Mines 1916 Limited and Seymour Campbell, an old-thne prospector and operator, who Is u 11 known In this district, is lrrkinr ovr the property. U. W. W. MacDoupnll, mining engineer, is consulting engineer for the new company and Is expected here within the next few weeks. There is a considerable quantity of ore already blocked out and prospects look bright for the new cpnrn. The property is situated on the Big Missouri ridge In the Salmon River district about three and a half miles from the Sllbak-Pre- mler mine. fCpp Radio Dial V I I E 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY PAL 4:00 Swing Carnival 4:30 Junior Concert 5:00 To be announced 5:30 This and That 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 CBC News 6:15 They Lived to Tell the Tale 6:30 Leicester Square, to Old Broadway 7: CO "Black House" BBC 7:30 Winnipeg Strings 8:00 Feldler Conducts 8:30- -Musicana 8:55 Interlude NBC 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Stories by Leacock 9:30 Pacific Pianoforte 10:00 Opera Time 10:55 ;CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather and Fisheries News (Local) 11:05 Silent WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News ' 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music For Moderns 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 The Violin 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 1C:C0 Smooth and Sentimental 10:15 Scandinavian Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Women's Forum 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume 11:30 CBC News 11:45 Weather Forecast ii;4GMessage Period 11:48 Recorded Interlude 12:00 Tunes for Today P.M. 12:15 Latin America Rhythms 12:30Musical Program 2:45 Music Styled for Strings 1:00 From the Classics 1:15 Women's News Commentary and Mothers' Business 1:30 Tell Us a Story 1 -45 Downbeat 00 Old Time Music 15 Homemakers Trogram 30 Serenade 45 BBC News and Commentary 00 Jack Allison Show 15 Pacific Salon 30 Carolyn Ollbert 45 Stock Quotations HARD ON WORMS Tlie female nlatypus or duck bill of Australia eats heavily whiv siHrkllne voune. In one In stance, a female welshing only two nounds consumed one and three-quarter pounds of worms and shellfish overnight. New Zealand Quits New Caledonia Base AUCKLAND, N.Z.. The last df New Zeaanc'w once large army establishments in New Caledonia, which was thf- base D t 1 WART NEWS from Portland Canal Mining Centre :NING OF HOSPITAL PROBLEM; MENTION IN STRIKE SOUGHT rART At the regular meeting of the Ste-, ?-oneninff tho Stewart General Hospital was (1, Trie financial aspect, as brought out ,v ,. . -irm iinrTpr nrospnt. rnnrlitinns is ' . i ll. Tl I t n m urmounianie oDsiaciu. it was eau- - i require ap- mon;h to r i,f a c'ictor :ai'-c s-f the - t y -r rvlcej nu- Taking all tic tion, w'.th in j ntly, be done until thp govern- nient-i?lts upon both operators ami employees getting co-aet.h?r and comim? to an agrce-TOtnt to standardize wasc? tliroi?tiaut the country. The ; r. the best - Mvplcvwr ire oppced to lndl- t rl from Jn-i virtual etHi'merrs. This fact was jttionr. and do- ' ellntrd at a public meeting hold r or vouM ! on Wrdnfw'ay In the Legion 100 to $500. Uall. W. It. Tenth, rliairrmn of n'ion rela- tip vllfoce cormnlssloners, was i wd-. re- In trw chair and thp principal THIS AND THAT in maintain the cranes 'which,"" COVENTRY, Eng., Vh The Coventry Evening Telegram, b'Ued from its Coventry pre-mr In early 1941 and since printed at neaiby Uneaton. ha.si rasunved pubHcation here. Reporters who worked in makeshift off'ces war ruined Coventry Cathedral are back under the sime roef with their editors and panting colleagues. The new cdikrial offices are In pre fabricated huta adapted to form one large open space. A permanent building will be erected as soon as possible. NEW AIRCRAFT IS CHRISTENED 1 SKEENA QUEEN Latest addition to Queen Charlotte Airlines' west coast flying boat service, the Skeena Queen, was christened by a native tribal queen at a colorful ceremony at the mooring wharf at the Seal Cove air base Monday afternoon. The ceremony was attended by more than a score of invited guests who later were taken on a flight over (he area in the newly christened plane. ! The Skeena Queen, which re- Andrew's Cathedral. While photographers' camera shutters clicked, the flying boat received the blessing of Rev. B. S. Prockter, and the congratu lations of Mayor II. M. Daggett who spoke briefly in behalf of make It a stonoine rolnt on the The party then clambered Into weekly airmail service from New , the yellow-and-black flying boat, Zpnland to neeunation troons In and were taken on a half-hour Japan. Coventry Paper Back After Wartime Blitz tour over the harbor, Metlakatla, Port Edward and the Skeena canneries. Those making thp flight were Mayor and Mrs. H. M. Daggett, F. E. Anfield, Mr; and Mrs. Leask, Mrs. G. II. Stan-bridge, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hunter. Alderman and Mrs. C. G. Ham, Jack Wrathall, Mrs. Court, Announcing School Boy Police Cut Auto Accidents CASTOR, Alta.. r A Junior police force has soived the traffic problems of this southern Alberta tewn. Established by Chief Constable A. 6. Russell, the fprce consists of a captain, two lieutenants and seven con-itables, all school students. The mc-st Important task of the junior force is to patrol corners when children are going to and from school. It was organized by Russell following a fatal accident at a busy street corner. Five minutes before school Is dismissed the young officers, clad in. neat uniforms, hats and glovcis, take up thedr posts of duty in the town. Authorized to cently commenced service on the direct traffic, they halt all run between Vancouver and I speeding motorists, warning Stewart, was christened by Mrs. ; them against fast driving. So Alvln Lcask of Metlakatla, who , far none have needed a second broke a bottle of champagne warning and police have yet to over Its aluminum bow after the i receive a complaint. Eiach week vessel had been blessed by Rev. j the members hold a meeting ti Basil S. Prockter. rector of St. discuss rules and regulations Given a test by an inspector of the highway boarc they showed their eagerness in the job when he failed to .stump them. Mrs. Hope, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Strickland, Hugo Kraupner, Mrs. the citizens of Prince RuDert. i R. II. Browne, Rev. and Mrs. Mayor Daggett touched on the great value of regular air service on the west coast. Reply to the good wishes of the citizens was made by O. H. Woods, for Its forces during the war in "r'"" , . ",riUB" ,ul vuc-" the Pacific, will shortly return,1'"11"01 Al"m to the Dominion. There arc now only 25 men left. The only New Zealanders left In New Caledonia, a French pos- : nsolMi tvt11 -In f n t mrn Kn Air Mrs. Leask linen christened the flying boat, after which she was presented with a large bouquet of summer flowers by Miss Margaret Anfield, small I"d'an Agent and Force personnel buttoned there ''auslLtert, ofA Basil Prockter, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McLeod, and J. II. Black Following the flights, a re ception was held at the Prince Rupert hotel for the Invited guests. Buy War Savings Certificates I.AMI Ki:niKTRY ACT lie: Certificate of Title No. 4941-1 to Lot Five Thousand Four Hundred and Blxty-one (5461). Ranee Five (5). Coast District, said to contain Ten and Fifty One-Hun-dreths (10 and 50lOOtha.) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title. Is- i sued In the name of Alexander Noble has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from tHe date of the first posting hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title. In lieu of said Lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid obpectlon be made to me In wrltlne. DATED at the Land Registry Prince Rupert. B.C., this 18th day of July. 1946. AD. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Reelstrar of Titles. OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFE at Tort Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pjn. A 17 No matter vh;i yon have to lie si In News BE IT Prince Uupcrt Daflp r3eto$ Tuesday. July 3, 1946 jW ywvv vwvw 1 jo cleliemw ADA TEA Fine Values in ... Beautiful Clothing at Sweet SixtceiVs JULY CLEARANCE Sale Specially Reduced Prices For Two Weeks" In SUITS COATS DRESSES HATS REMEMBER You can avail yourself of Great Savings and still use the Budget Plan No Interest, No Carrying Charges. W.T.P.B. Regulations. Sell - - "THE- CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" or What Not THE DAILY NEWS CAN GIVE YOU A CONSTANT AUDIENCE OF CONSTANT BUYERS. HOLD AND GAIN CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE FOR YOUR PRODUCT BY CONSISTENT USE OF THE BEST LOCAL SELLING MEDIUM. 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