Business and For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERKEAULT tative of nr1 jrm-- . ii if h: k iiini rv tr a 13 10 Box 1177, Siauon u INTERNATIONAL Schools CANADIAN, L,IA1WC Montreal, Canada ii f III VI N, Phone Green 874 Box 628 HMir-'-atatlve ANDY ANDERSON TWTING Si PAPERIIANQINO 033 Tatlow Street I'hone Green 937 After 7 p.m.) HANDYMAN JI u 111 u uun i Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday "Fouse of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. tun.. . viag4iuca, ic wajjujjera nrit it 110 kiii i Kiic uraan uki JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist OIIN BULGER LTD Third Avenue GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION uunaing - nepainng PHONE GREEN 482 Wflffi I if Jt i llfJ WiaMllSILLEl t PROMPT ind EFFICIENT SERV1CI mtil uour qUiitt to IIURIA ftDTIPAl m ITB I UTMOURtt VANCOUVER. B.C EARLY ADVERTISING COPY. l-PgSCglPTI0NS When your doctor sees our name on a bottle of medicine he knows you have precisely what he ordered. Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drtuzpiats THE RLXALL STORE j Becoming more Popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL C:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. rappers Attention SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SIIKIABERG C FURNITURE Professional HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 'C55 If It's a Rock Job-Call a. Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 60S Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE .& GUNSTON General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1288 Phone Black 823 GEORGE I.. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Beaner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: Westholme Rooms, 2nd Ave. Taft and Odowes ' AUCTION ROOM and Furniture Store Bring your furniture and have it sold for the highest prices L. CHRISTOPHERSON Auctioneer SUPPORT THE WAR VETERAN For information Phone Blue 69 or Blue 810 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and AlUrations VAL SPIDEL Blue 015 Box 1430 St. "B" WILL BE APPRECIATED Compounded Acdurately Phone 81 and 82 Highest Prices Paid for Your FURS Phone Black ii'M Let There Be Developing his theme of "light,'-' the former education minister discussed two provincial matters the Cameron report on education and the Sloan report on the forests the implementation the government might effect following these reports and the effects of such implementation. "The two prince cities Rupert and George must be much interested," said Mr. Perry, "in what effect the implementation of the Sloan report might have on the forest industry. Between Prince Rupert and the Alberta boundary laong the railway lino, forest production constitutes an industry of the greatest Importance. Communities depend to great extent upon money derived from the production of forest material." The Sloan report Mr. Perry described as "brilliantly written" and "a fine compilation of information" designed to put the production of trie forests on a "sustained yield basis" but he feared the method under which timber would be set aside mlgnt tend to a monopolistic situation in the lumber industry by which the larger mils would prosper while most of the smaller operations would be put out of business. In this area, Perry pointed out, it was the small mills which did their spending in the local communities while the larger ones did the most of their business in Vancouver or I'dmonton. "W'e must watch," urged Mr. Perry, "that a policy i worked out which will be to the best in-teie.sts of Central British Columbia, a policy in the setting aside of reserves whereby the bona fide small operator ran stay in business, not allowing until his mother did this! His appetite was poor, he wasn't gettine enough of the important food elements needed for health and vigor. Then his mother learned about Ovattine which supplied the missing food elements, and "put him on his feet." Now you can't tire him out! As a "protecting" food-drink, Ovaltine adds to a child's meals essential food elements most likely to be lacking., Ovaltine is thus an insurance against those food deficiencies that retard normal growth and development. Ovaltine food-drink is an excellent source of the vitamins A, 111 and I). It also contains almost all of the precious food dements necessary for health and top vitality, especially those needed for vitamin team-work, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, protein and fuel-food elements. Three servings of Ovaltine furnish a. significant portion of a child's daily requirements of these essential food elements needed for building sturdy bodies. So if your child cats poorly, is thin, nervous and under par; why not start giving Ovaltine regularly. Get Ovaltine today at your drug or food store. OVALTINE THE PROTECTING FOOD-DRINK The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Light" (Continued from Page 1) thei country to get entirely In the hands of half a dozen large operators." Turning to the Subject of Dominion - provincial conferences, 'Mr. Perry declared that here again was something upon which light was wanted. Would It be to the best advantage- 6f British Columbia to accept the proposals whereby the provincial governments would give up their rights to -impose income and corporation taxes and succession duties in return for a "mess of pottage" in the form of a $12 per capita grant? The question was whether British Columbia would be able to maintain her relatively high standard of living, have funds available to proceed with the development of the province with its great possibilities of creating new wealth and employment and to finance the social services. Mr. Perry questioned if efficient, prompt ahd sympathetic consideration would be possible under a further centralization of governmental control at Ottawa. Prompt Action On Employment Suggesting "slothfulness" on the part of the Dominion government so far in dealing with the situation which required prompt action now that the first period of transition was already here -with the large scale demobllizatldn of the armed forces, Mr. Perry wondered if the "necessary prompt action on unemployment would be forthcoming. Recalling his personal attendance at the opening intergovernmental conference at Ot tawa last fall, Mr. Perry declared: "I know the Premiers met in a spirit of goodwill and understanding, fully realizing 157 KWONG SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY 612 7th AVE. WEST (Noxt to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open a p.m. to 2 RJn. Outside Orders from 2 pin. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Today in Sporis LONDON tfi Hockey has taken a strong grip on London and sell-out crowds are the or- :der for the newly-formed 'Cana dian, armed forces hockey league at Wembley.Stadium. Oames are played Thursday and Saturday nights. One day before a recent game Wembley officials inserted on advertisement in London newspapers which said all tickets had been sold and asked fans who did not have tickets to "kindly stay away" from the stadium. Wembley's seating capacity is 7,000. The league Is made up of five clubs three air force and, two army and will extend until the end of February. Down Ampnoy (R.C.A.F.), studded with five former National Hockey League players and winner of the United Kingdom championship, is favored to place in front. that Canada must deal with national problems in a national way, Imbued with the primary idea of a united Canada. ""At the next conference a hew Confederation will be born in a most momentous period in Canada's history," Mr. Perry asserted. "From the conferences must come a spirit of tolerance and understanding, new policies J ensuring a united Canada for, if Canada is to remain a great nation, there cannot be disunity and discord between the provinces and between the provinces and the Dominion. Nor can we have the provinces exercising sovereign powers. "We have been fortunate indeed to achieve victory," declared the former minister as he proceeded towards the close his discourse on a high international note. "We have lived to see the lights of freedom, burning brightly again. We should bow our heads in gratitude that our forces have achieved victory over Germany and Japan. It is. Indeed, a great turning point in history. There may have been some doubtful lamDS lighted since tho end of j the war. Perhaps it is under.-, standable that there should be some fears, some suspicions, that some of the United Nations hilghf, in' their endeavour to preserve national entity, be try- j Ing to control world affairs. 1 ! think we British and Americans owe an eternal debt to the states men or infr world wno saw us I through the war and that we J should exercise calmness, re straint and patience and that, in hope and faith, we should encourage their further efforts to form a lasting organization to ensure world peace." Mr. Perry heralded as "bright lights In the history of the world," shining examples of international co-operation and Inspiration, the Atlantic Charter, U. N. R.R.A., Dumbarton Oaks. San Francisco and now the United Nations Organization Assembly in London. As for Bretton Woods, the speaker saw this as one of the pest and most Important conferences ever held, exemplifying the patience of big nations. Possibly the fears of Russia would be assuaged and she, too, would ultimately join. He was not so sure that United States would be made a monetary milch cow to which Great Britain would become subservient. Rather it should tend for even greater co-operation in the development of free world trade without which there could not be world peace, full employment and real security. "Let us keep faith and hope In the ultimate outcome of all these conferences, that through them will be removed the conditions that cause wars and place the world in such peril as it expeiienced during the past six. years. Let us give ail the encouragement possible to the governments of the world which strive so hard to-day to reach compiomisc and settlement of the world's problems." In closing Mr. Perry quoted the dramatic words used by the King in a wartime address: "I said to a man who stood at the gate of the year: 'Give me a light that I tnay tread safely into the unknown.' And he replied: 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than the light and safer than the known way. "' Past President Frank Skinner was in the chair at the Gyro luncheon and suitably voiced the appreciation of the club to the speaker for his address. Lieut. Meredith Fleming of Toronto, a recent arrival from overseas, was a luncheon guest. British sports writers are calling, this an "austerity" year for soccer and cricket, The Board of Trade, after consultation with the Marylebone Cricket Club, ruling body of the sport in Britain, has decided the amount of equipment for private clubs is strictly limited and all clubs in each county must submit their requirements to the parent club which will consolidate demands of the whole county before submitting them to the Board of Trade. Clubs then will be told how much they can buy for the season. Football clubs are confronted with poor quality footballs, as well as the low percentage of rubber in the bladders. One sports manufacturing firm official said the Board of Trade has allocated enough leather "but maklng'footbDlls is a highly-skilled Job and cannot be done automatically." He said football makers are trained from youngsters and 80 per cent of them have gone into munitions work Involving leather. Described as the biggest professional golf tournament ever staged in. Britain, the London Dally Mail competition will be held this year at the Royal Ly-. tham and St. Anne's Club, Lan- cashlre, March 27-29, Prize 1 money of 2,500 ($11.25$0) in the event is said to be a record. Prizes will be allocated In such a way that every competitor will receive at least 10, enough to meet expenses in the 72-hole event. Eight sectional qualifying competitions throughout the British Isles will be decided with overseas contestants playing in the southern section qualifying test. Admission will be charged at the finals and proceeds will go to the Professional Golfers' Association. Seven years ago Louis Bradford, young Preston, North End football club, centre half, had his right arm and hand badly FITNES S, Display The long awaited display of leader's activities will be presented on the opening day of the Community Centre which Is expected at or near March 1. In preparation for this event a special leaders' training class has been announced for this evening at the Y. Terpsichorean Art Since the times of the early Greeks dancing has been considered a most "wholesome pastime. We are very happy, therefore, to announce the addition of tap dancing to the list of activities to be Included In the girls' recreational program. Mrs. Jean Potter, a former dancing teacher from Ontario, has volunteered to teach "elementary tap" at the girls' leaders training classes. The leaders .will in turn teach this skill to others In the open classes. The first class will begin this evening at the Y. Leader Wanted A pack of Brownies, which holds meetings one evening a week at the Con rad Street School, will soon be without a leader. The group is made uo of 35 young girls vaty lng in age from seven to twelve years. Either one or two women are required to carry on this worthwhile program. Iastruction is given in elementary health and hygiene, In singing and In the broad traditions of the na tion; all of which pave the way to better citizenship. Potpourri Outstanding performers among the tiny tots include Judy Felsenthal, Marjorle Franks, Donna Hudson and Joan HOUSING IN RHODESIA LUSAKA, Northern Rhodesia B Strenuous efforts to Improve housing in the Northern Rhodesia copper belt are being mode, and the first of the new "African Townships" has been gazetted, an act which enables the settlements to elect an African Town Board. The scheme enables Africans to obtain a plot and a house of their own in a suburb. fciftirc Uupcrt bnilp r3ctos Thursday, January 24, 1946 SAVOY LEADING. LADIES' BOWLING Standing in Ladles' Five Pin Bowling League is 35 follows: Won Lost Savoy Swingers .27 9 Post Office 26 10 Big Sisters 24 l2 K. C.'s 21 12 Moose '21 15 Bankers 19 17 Watts & Nlckerson 19 17 Annette's 17 19 Lucky Strikes 16 23 Boom Defence 15 21 Edmunds & Walker 14 22. Variety 13 23 Ideal Cleaners 12 24 Orange 8 28 Better, English I By D. CT. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "He seems to have no capacity as a machinist." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "financial"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Vengance, veneer, ventriloquist. 4. What does the word "languorous" mean? 5. What is a word"beglnnlng with ad that means "praise"? Answers' 1. Say, "He seems to have no ability as a machinist." 2. Pro-.nounce fi-nan-shal, 1 as in find, not as In fine, and accent second syllable. 3. Vengeance. 4. Producing listless indolence. 'To wile ,the length from langurous hours, and draw the sting from pain." Tennyson. 5. Adulation. crushed and doctors told him amputation was, necessary. On pleadings from Tom Smith, Preston captain, doctors made silver wires to take the place of damaged sinews and" the youngster's arm was saved. Smith, now manager of Kilmarnock In the Scottish League, badly needed a centre half this year and 'signed Bradford who is now a star. VHAT.S DOING, AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYMS by JIM NAST Saunders. . . . Good prospects among the Junior boys are the Blackaby brothers, Alfred, Henry and William, Barrle Lashmore, Eugene Nelson, Ronnie Black. . . . Natural athletes should "be the words used In describing agile Bill Whalen and tall George West. . . . G. Watnough Is working overtime to equip the Prince Rupert Reserve Army gym. What's on Tonight Westview 7:30 to 9, Intermediate boys. Y.M.C.A. 5 to 6, iigh school basketball; 7 to 9:30, leaders' class. St. Peter's Community Hall 7 to 8:30, intermediate boys. We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINO REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc, to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and qujek service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel HOME COOKING AND RAKING "- 1 KRfA AFTERNOON TP A H Uttl i Open Dally 5 p.m. to 2:30 .a.m. ' SMwK5 M'. 703 Fulton Street I Hockey Scores National Leagtif Boston 7, Toronto 1. Chicago 7, Montreal". Pacific Coast Seattle 8, Portland 0. LEARNED FROM DESERT JVAU LONDON t?i Post-war Eng lish motor cars will have tfiany comforts and improvements made possible by Ideas Incorporated in army vehicles used in the desert. New Ideas in sus pension and springing, devices for keeninz dust and erlt from revolving Joints, and air-conditioning with all be part of the modernization. X You're ahead twowAys whenwu use Blue Giilefie Blades... made of steel hard" enough to aitglassj Youget: 2 Mot? shaves per blade Skre time and money... Askbr Blue Gillette Blades life) For extra shaving sacisficrion,ahays use Gillette lather Cream . V.33J5 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pxa. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information. Tickets I and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Dine, dance and be merry 3 at a happy holiday spot. Kathleen Davis, Proprietress. Phone Blue 882 'S KLEEN KITCHEN