1 Mute Uupctt Dadp jcUis Monday, January 7, 1946 We're Tootin'Our Own Horn! Stock On Hand and More to Come FOR ii ii RUPERT MEN'S ri ii a FOR GIRLS a n m s 1 : 'J a m a RUPERT rill & BOY'S STORE AND INFANTS WALLACE'S PEOPLES STORE Si ; HlcJO tO it A A. iinouiivemeiit . . . TJe office will bo closed E to January G when it S3 853 as CorJ3rd Ave. s and :5th St. SCOTTY'S Old Country for appointments. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street ; FISH AND CHIPS Phone PHONE -543 PHONE FOR H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer "; INCOME T,AX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone Shi BOYS The Best in Music Victor Red Seal 12-inch !jil..'5. per disc 7109 "Africana"; "Martha" (Benjamin Gigli). 7745 "Neapolitan Love Song"; "In My Garder." (Richard Crooks I. 12174 "Ravel's Bole r o" (Boston Pops Orchestra). 12191 "Kamennoi - Ost-row" (Boston Pops Orchestra) (Orchestrated by Victor Herbert). 13150 "Rosenkayaller WaHz" (Vltya Vronsky and Victor Babin) (Piano Duo). as from December 18 will be again open Room 4 STONE Optometrist block OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 0 A.M. TO TAKE HOME 8C1 YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW IIAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals EMPIRE CAFE (Fcucny LD.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 am. I today uu Sports St. Thomas May Have Pro-Hockey ST. THOMAS, Ont. -9 a civic official in St. Thomas has disclosed that New York interests may sponsor a semi-professional hockey team in the Ontario centre. It is 'understood that a representative of the New York interests visited St. Thomas twice in the last two weeks to discuss the proposed team with the city authorities. , SHORT SPORT Joe DiMagglo is pedaling like mad on a stationary bicycle, pounding his leg muscles Into shape for the grind ahead in, a prelude to one of the most Interesting comeback attempts of 1946. Di Mag' Isn't' taking chaces bn faltering or missing fire when he'trles to pick up his New York Yankee career where he left off after "the world series of 1942. He saw Hank Oreenberg hobble around the outfield and v;atchcd Cecil Travis bend his aching back for a grass-cutter that he never touched and he decided that was not for him. Every day the Yankee Clipper Is found at the New York Athletic Club using all the gym machines and gadgets, working like he never worked before. He is putting on a "winter" training routine that makes the old spring training romps look ridiculous In comparison. "After watching some of the other fellows last fall at the Yankee Stadium I told myself I would undergo as tough a training schedule as I could stand," said Joe. "That means about three weeks here, two weeks' more on my own in Florida and then, a start with the early birds at St. Petersburg." DiMalsloJhas little doubt of his ability to regain his former sharpness, pointing out that he was used to stepping into the line-up at the last minute, playing games a week or so after his contract trouble had been signed. But he is taking no chances. The young kindergarten teacher bowed effusively to a gentleman on a street car and suddenly realized :ie was a total stranger. "Oh, I beg ycur pardon," she stammered, "I mistook you for the father of one of my children." repp Radio Dial V I I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) MONDAY P.M. 4:00 Kay Kyser's Orchestra 4:30 Music of Lower Basin Street 5:00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes , 5:45 Platter Parade C: 00 Supper Serenade 6: 15 Dick Todd 6:30 March Time 6:45 Sweethearts or Enakey 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News. 7:15 Canadian Roundup. 7:30 "Civvy Street, Van." 7:45 -Recital Time 8:00 Designed for Listening 8:30 Latin American Rhythms 9;C0 Music to Remember 9:30 Gypsey Strings 10:00 CBC News. 10:15 Neighborly News 10:30 Spotlight Bands TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical ClocU 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Breakfast Club. 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Morning Song. 9:00 BBC News. 9:15 Morning Devotions. 0:30 Mahlon Merrick 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Ideal Hints 10:30 Melody Roundup. 10:45 Morning Visit 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies. 11:15 Thought For Today 1 1 :30 Weather Forecast. 11:31 Message Period. 11:33 Recorded Interlude. . 11:45 Personal Album. P.M. 12:00 Vernon Geyer 12:15 Tic Toe Rhythm 12:30 CBC News. 12:45 Matinee Memories. 1:00 Modern Minstrels. 1:15 Musical Memories 1 :30 Announcer's Choice 2:00 Silent. LISTEN TO ACE COMMENTATOR AND MASTB FK STORV T6LUBR I V I I V wmm r MOll. - B7TTOT3 Wed.-Fri. CFPR C6;13 P.M. .mm Mucin op Karakas Brilliant Black Hawks Stay on Top Shut Out Toronto Saturday Night Canadicns Defeat Boston Club TORONTO OV The Chicago Black Hawks maintained their tie with Montreal for the lead of the National Hockey League Saturday night by blanking the Toronto Maple Leafs 3-0 in Toronto. At the same-time, the Canadiens, in jMdntreaj were defeating the Boston Bruins 4-2. Mike Karakas, the Chicago netwinder, handled 37 Toronto shots brilliantly to earn his shutout. On the offensive side of tile sheet, the league's leading goal-maker, Max Bentley, kept up his hot pace by scoring two goals, one In the first period and one in the last. The third Windy City score was madeby Clint Smith. The Montreal Canadiens displayed o much power and speed" fo'r the Boston Bruins in racking up a 4-2 victory. Veteran Toe Blake showed the way by scoring three of the Montreal goals. The defeat proved doubly disastrous for the Bruins, who probably lost the- services of high-scoring Bill Cowley for the rest of the' season. Cowley broke his left wrist in the third period. The fourth Montreal ' scare ("was made by Buddy O'Connor while Boston's goals went to Terry Reardon and Herb Cain. Week-end National Hockey League scores: Saturday Chicago 3, Toronto 0. Montreal 4. Boston 2. Sunday Chicago 2. Detroit 3. . Boston 2. New York 4. Hockey Scores,, pacific coast M Saturday New Westminster ' 3jCan Diego 2. i , K. s San Francisco. 3, Oakland, Hollywood 8;' Cos Angeles' ' Trade union .membership In the United States and Canada, rose from less than 3.000.1)01 workers to about 12,000,000 between 1933 and 1943. With Minora Blades! Minora has a real "edge" over other low price blades. In fact, it's the sharpest double-edge blade in its class. One shave will convince you. FITS YOU DOU8l.DC MZOR EXP E It T RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mail Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO '& ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1?21 Form No. 10. (Section 87). l..M ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to lease Land. In Range 5. Coastal District Land Record ni' District of Prince Rupert, and situate fronting Lot 37 North Skeenn Passage. Take notice thnt The Anglo-Brltlsh Columbia Packlhg Company Limited of Vancouver, occupation Fish Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following- described lands: . Commencing at a post planted at high water mark of North Skeeua Passage about 1.000 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner of Lot 37 theuce at rlghtangles to Canadian National Railways right-of-way 300 feet: thence Southeasterly and parallel to Canadian National Railways right-of-way 1.000 feet; thence Northerly at rlghtangles to Canadian National Railways right-of-way 300 feet more or less to high water mark of North Skeena Passage: thence Northwesterly along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 7.0 acres, more rr less. THE ANGLO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY LIMITED, Oliver William Phlllppson Agent Dated jy.' 12th 191S ! MIKE JACOBS -HAS CONTRACT To Promote Madison Square Garden Fights for Another Five Years NEW YO!tK Uncle Mike Jacobs has returned to New York frcm his Miami vacation Just In time to sign a five-year contract to promote fights at Madison Square Garden through June of 1951. The cont. aci is Jacob's longest with the Garden since he began putting on his fight shows back in 1937. His current contract a three-year agreementruns out In June. New All-American Football Conference NEW YORK The newly-created All-America Football Conference has voted to start operations in 1946 as an cight-club league. The organization has also approved a 14-game schedule set up on a home-and-home basis. FISH-EATERS The annual per capita consumption of fish in Japan Is about 65 pounds. Classified Advertising Classifieds: 2c pcr'word per Insertion, mininum charge, 60c. Birth Notice; 00c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral NotlccD, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: t2. IN ME.MORIAM EDLUND In proud and loving memory- of our dear son and brother, David J. Edlund, Cape Breton Highlanders, died of wounds in Italy, Jan. 4, 1945. Memories are treasures no one can steal. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Loved dearly in life, and living yet. In the hearts of those who will never forget. Always remembered, Mom, Dad and Sisters. WANTED Urgent! Room and board for 7-m;nth-old baby. PO. Box 323. (101 IN MEMORIAM McMILLAN In loving memory of James Laughlin McMillan, who passed away January 7, 1943. In silence, I will "always" remember. Sadly missed by his loving wife, v . ' FOR SALE FOR SALE Model "B" Ford. 1932, good condition, excellent rubber, heater- and spare tire. Serial CBG4720, Licence 29-165. Apply 1326 8th Ave. East. (8) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (12) FOR SALE New and used furniture. Some from United States Army officers' club at Port Edward selling at lowest prices. Used hassocks, $2.75; used smoking stands, $1.75; used bed and spring sets, $3; used battery radios In good shape, $20; used chesterfield chairs, $24.50; used two-piece chesterlield beds In good condition, $65; barber chair In good shape, $35; new mirrors from $2.50; new rag rugs, nice designs, $2; rugs in good shape, sizes 12x12; all kinds of cooking utensils, etc.; used desks for house and office; all kinds of office chairs. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. (tf) FOR SALE Furnished 5 -room bungalow. $1,500. Apply 418 Sherbrooke Ave. (9) FOR SALE Hot Point automatic electric stove, writing desk, easy chair, kitchen suite, kit? chen table and three chairs, radio, tloor lamp, electric heater, linoleum, coffee table, in-laid. 1326 Plgott Avenue. (6) FOR SALE Two-wick oil burn- j er range, standard Oil Gate. ; (6)1 FOR SALE C.C.M. bicycle of: pre-war stock. A-l condition, J Apply J. Derkson, next .428 7th ! Ave, west. (7) FOR SALE Essex 1929 sedan, Serial No. 946713. Price $225. Five good tires. T. G. Hamil-ton, 1368 Overlook Street. (6) FOR SALE Why pay rent? Comfortable 5 - room house with bathroom. In good condition. Partly furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable price. 537 7th Ave. East. (10) LOST AND FOUND FOUND AT LAST A brand new dance hall to rent for your nartics and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For Information Phone 846, ask for Fred. (12) FOUND Black wallet at Three Sisters Cafe, now at Daily News office. Can be had by paying for this ad. (tf) LOST Thursday night, black wallet containing business license, registration card. etc. Please leave at Dally News. (6) FOUND On New Year's Eve. large black purse. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6. and anrAsyf'd Radio Technician' wMrcair McRae BiOo. Ltd. TO REORGANIZE TOWN BAND SMITHERS Possibility of the Smithers town band reorganiz ing was discussed at a recent j meeting in the municipal office at which former band leader Walter Bodger said that he hop ed to get a few of the former players Interested to form a nucleus which 'could be expanded by training new musicians. Bill Hutson Back From Overseas I Pte. William Hutson, well-, known local shoemaker, arrived back In Canada at the end of the week aboard the troopship Scythla which docked at Hall-fax. He has been overseas for three years, the most of the time in England with the Royal Cana-.' dian Army Service Corps. His parents live at 516 Fulton Street His wife Is in Vancouver. DANISH GIFTS LONDON One hundred thousand homes of British servicemen are receiving parcels containing butter, bacon and cheese from Denmark. They are being sent In gratitude for the liberation of Denmark. HELP WANTED WANTED Two good waitresses. Steady jobs for right girls. Three Sisters Cafe. WANTED For January 15th, women for filleting and fish floor work. Apply Superintendent's office, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ld. plant, Seal Cove. (10) WORK WANTED WANTED Full or part-time employment by youth with high school education. Try anything. Phono Red 728 after 6 p.m. (tf) PERSONAL CHILDREN CARED FOR in my own home. 441 7th Ave. East. (10) it WANTED WANTED' TO RENT Light housekeeping room, close to dry dock. Apply Box 1354, Postal Station "B". (5) WANTED Good home for Intelligent puppy, 2 months old. Phone Black 835. (10) URGENT One or. two-room suite, suitable for light housekeeping, central, close to Post Office, required at once by lady teacher at King Edward School. Room 51, Prince Rupert Hotel. (7) . ; i FOR RENT FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT Bright spotlessly clean bedroom. Bathroom convenient Use of cosy sitting ; room. Please phone Green I 830. (It) FOR RENT One housekeeping room, and suite. 344 Sherbrooke Ave. 016) FOR RENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (27) FOR RENT Fully modern three-room furnished cottage near Seal Cove Air Base. Phone . Blue 825. (7) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver. BO (tf) J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 699 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE .Storage for a trunk, radiu, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient an'' inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE GO LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. bdrher''.ina and Pa'rfclAvenue TODAY AND TUES. A kiss - mm 3 totuto Cabm6 AWO if ANN HARDING March of Time presents "JUSTICE COMES TO GERMANY" "BADMINTON CARTOON" Announcing. . . New Management ANNETTE'S LADIES WEAR A S Fit OI TODAY We wilhendeavour to maintain the well known stanchtya f ervice and the same high quality of merchandise which has made the store so popular over the years'. W. STOLLER GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO, 712 Second Phone r(J;l DON'T KID YOURSELF . . . It will be some time before you get your new car' AVOID TROUBLE Don't put off necessary repairs. HAVE IT DONE NOW! YOUR CAR , 1 Plmne PROTECT V()l"1 FAMILY YOUR NEIGHBOR 3 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED DISTRIBUTORS OF CHRYSLER PRODUCTS Specializing in McCUTCHEON Third Avenue at Sixth Street BUY MORE WAR t- ond - fly hero tries moonlight too tics on a curie's charms. ..but she brinrjs him down with on hilarious barroge ol romantic Ack-Ackl ROBERT' LARAINE YOUNG DAY MARC CRAMER ANNE JEFFREYS GLENN VERNON LAWRENCE TIERNEY Gapifgii I of W. F. STONE Avenue West Evenings; Green U'A OUIt REGISTERED PHARMACIST KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OF FILLING , TIONS ACCURATELY. You can rely on us. PHARMACY Phone 79 SAVINGS STAMPS