I f.ii' IS Prince Rupert Diidp lHt3j$ Monday, May 6, 1948 Still Going Strong WALLACE'S 9c s TO A L 99c e Wallace's Dept. Store NEW ROYAL HOTEL A 'Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hor and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phono 281 P.O. Box 193 LING THE TAILOR U'c arc taking: cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE C49 220 Sixth Street AUCTION SALE . 825 Borden St. Thursday, May 9 2:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Easy Wattling Machine, like new; Radio; 8-pifce Oak Dining Room Suite; Davcncttc; Singer Sewing Machine; Clare Jewel Range in white enamel; 2 Dressers; Chest of Drawers; Beds; End Tables; Garden Tools; Saws; Baby High Chair; JVIty. Carriage. Other goods too numerous to list. AUCTIONEER J. H. MAIR Phone Black 15(i UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED Wo specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. . WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD AWNINGS SAILS . . . . . . WINDOW 1ILINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S 130 Ilowscr Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) Phone p.o. Box Black 169 302 Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve tha,t painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. . Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, Is now In Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done In your Individual case. , Mr. Bill Terry Is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing Kept, where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. MRS. BEAUDIN PASSES AWAY Terrace Woman Victim of Sudden Heart Attack Saturday Night TERRACE (Special to Dally News) Mrs. Arthur Beaudln passed away suddenly at her home here on Saturday evenlnj at 9:30 from a heart attack. Her husband had Just i?ft for the mall and Mrs. Bob Mullcr was with her at the time. Deceased was 66 years old and had been In ill health for some time. On Saturday she appeared In better health than usual and had been In town shopping. Mrs. Beaudln Is survived by her husband whom she mavxled In Seattle In 1918. For 12 years they lived In Alice Arm where they had a hotel. Mrs. Beaudln has been in Terrace for 17 years, part of whlrh time she managed the restaurant now called the Stiver Tip Cafe. Mrs. Beaudln was noted for her kindness and generosity and had a host of friends in this north country. Funeral will take place on Monday from St. Matthew's Anglican Church. Rev. R. Hills will officiate. W. A. Ktrkpatrick Is In charge of funeral arrangements. Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK' Licut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell. Commanding Ship's Company Orders Monday, .May C 7:00 Duty Watcn to muster on Main Deck. 7:15 Band and Markers to muster. 7:17 Hands Fall In. 7:20 Officers' Cat. 7:25 Prayers, Colors and Divisions. 7:30 March Past. 7:40-Clcan Ship. 8:15 Stand Easy. 8:20 Dress Ship. 9:00 Secure. 9:10 Sunset. Officer of the Day Midship man F. James. Duty Petty Officer AC.P.O. P. Wilson. Duty Division Hood Division. : Rig of the Day Officers, khaki; band and guard, No. 370; balance, optional. Tuesday, May 7 7:30 p.m. Work party, Drill Hall. Wednesday, May R 7:30 p.m. Rangcwork, Hood Division. Muster R.C.S.C. Gunnery Stores. 7:30 pin. Band practice, Drill Hall. 7:30 p.m. Work party Drill Hall. 8:00 p.m. -Clothing and Central Stores open. Thursday, May 9 7:30 pm. Work party, Drill Hall. ( Friday, May 10 7:30 p.m. Special work party, Drill Hall. 9:00 p.m. Ship's company dance, Drill Hall. Saturday, May 11 A.M. Move whaler to Jetty. 2 p.m. Boats' work party. Sunday, May 12 2 p.m. Boats' work party. JOHN WILSON Lieutenant, R.C.S.C. Executive Officer Advertise in the Daily News J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARRANGED and Conducted at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Black 15G Phone Blue 050 Only One Slide . Blocks Highway . Latest road condition reports are to the effect that It Is now possible to drive as far as the big snowslldc near Kwinltsa both from Prince Rupert and from Terrace except for a small gravei washout near Shames. It Is said that the road Is in rair condition. The public works depart ment Is already started on work of clearing the slide and assur ance is that the road will be open by June 1. Buy mote war Savings Stamps. FOR SALE Three-room frame house, FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West (112) DESIRABLE RESORT SITE on scenic Lake Lakelsc, near Ter-race, B.C., for sale or lease, i Communicate with Frances I Poe, 147 Linden Ave., Wllmettc, I III. (110) FOR SALE Slightly used has-! socks, reg. $10, now $2.50; , used electric floor lamps, complete, from $4.50; battery radios, selling out, $7.50; 4-; piece kitchen set, table and i spring, $4.00; beds, complete, $12.00; McClary electric range, $10.00; new small size ranges, wood and coal, $23.50f new and used McClary and Gurney ranges; new electric hot plates, and press Irons, from $4.75. All kinds of fur-; nlture and hardware sold and bought at the lowest prices. Sec us for a cood deal. B.C. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, Al condition. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block, after 7 p.m. (108) FOR SALE 404 Grant fine timber, spruce and cedar. Lot 3059 Remo district, Range 5 Coast. Make offer, write or wire Marchle .B. Boynton, 112 South Seventh Ave., Yakima, Washington. '(112) FOR SALE Cabin at Prud- homme Lake near road, furnished, with float and canoe shed. $100.00. H. O. Helgerson Ltd. (108) FOR SALE Baby walker. Phone Red 562. (106) FOR SALE Baby carriage. 1200 8th Ave. East. (110) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS arc effec tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5. At all druggists. (Ill) MRS. E. PERRAULT your Spen cer agent from Rock island, Que., for foundation garments, Is opening a shop on 318 6th Street on May 1. Residence Phone Black 304. EXPERIENCED nurse specializing in all chronic cases. Phone Red 240. (103) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Pockctbook. Owner may have same by Identifying and paying for this ad. Dally News. FOUND Two kerchiefs at Valhalla Hall. Owners may have same by calling at News and paying for this ad. FOUND Discharge button Owner may have same by call ing at the News and paying for this ad. FOUND Gold wrist watch, Owner may nave same by call lng at the News and paying, for this ad. P.O. Box 1464 Green & Corrins Builders and. Painters All Interior and Exterior Work Free Estimates and ' Prompt Service Fishermen Lose Lives (Continued from Page 1) M. M. Stephens announced, providing instructions arc received to that effect from the attorney-general's department. Boat Burns; Man Suffers Exposure Less than two hours prior to the disaster which struck the Edward Lipsctt, another mishap almost claimed the life of John Person, age 26, of New Westminster when his 32-foot glll-nctter, the Ludo, caught fire off Butterworth Rocks forcing him Classified Advertising - - - - :ias3iriodj; 2c per 7ord per Insertion, minimum cliarae. 60c. Birth Notices 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR SALK FOR SALE Roller canaries. good singers. Reasonable. Phone Blue 519. Box 315. (Ill) FOR SALE Hydraulic lift and dump box for truck, good condition; cheap, for quick sale 1320 8th Ave. East. (1101 FOR SALE Studio lounge, sec tional bookcase; cheap. Apply 1040 10th Ave. East. (100) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Typing or other work to do at home. Blue 712. (103) HELP WANTED WANTED 20 men. Port Edward, for dismantling buildings. Apply Selective Service or Ache-son, Port Edward. (103) WAITRESSES WANTED Apply Victory Cafe. (110) Clean, bright, furnish-1 WAMTTTn . Vmint? mmi r unl ,1 . 1 1 .. ! IH..OA T ... i'u, uviug luuui iu.uu, immediate sale. 161 Wantage Road. (100 1 in on f rr nppmn limit nnsmmi women for fish floor work. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone ; WANTED Gurdlcs. 324. FOR SALE, Three-quarter size violin. Phone Blue 469. (tf) FOR SALE Restaurant, good location, Third Ave. Bargain. Apply Box 1190. 108 Work commencing approximately May 10. Please apply in person to Mr, Wm. Ballllc, Plant Superintendent. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., Seal Cove. (103) Works. WANTED FOR KKNT Atlas Boiler (107) FOR RENT Clean sleeping room. Apply 806 Frajcr Street. (Ill) FOR RENT Small house, partly furnished; close In. Box 112 Dally News. (103) FOR RENT Furnished two- acres Crown K room suite, one light house keeping room, furnished. 940 Ambrose Ave. (11) FOR RENT Furnished suites. 5 minutes to Post Office; ground floor, private entrance. 512 3th Ave. West. Phone Green 276. (110) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Phone Blue 815. (110) FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, both 5 minutes to Post Office; ground floor, private entrance. 512 8th Ave. West. (110) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaran teed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRoe Bros. Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I-'mlted, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Agents. to the sea using a halibut buoy as a life preserver. In an advanced state of exhaustion, Person was rescued several hours later by the Prince Rupert boat Clara II., Capt. Peter Hann, and brought to Prince Rupert General Hospital at 3:30 Saturday afternoon. Lying on a hospital cot, Person lold the Dally News that while he was fishing halibut off Butterworth Rock at 9:30 Satur-' day morning there was a small explosion In the engine compartment of his boat. Immediately the vessel was swept by fire. "I stayed on the Ludo as long as I could, but finally I had to Jump Into the water," Person said. "I used a halibut buoy, or "Scotchman" for a life preserver. I floated for several hours and finally passed out, I guess, for I don't remember being rescued," Person was not burned by the fire but was suffering greatly from exhaustion and exposure. An ex-serviceman who served overseas, he bought the Ludo at New Westminster last winter after coming out of the army. He came north intending to go 'glllncttlng but decided to make a few trips after halibut In business and circulation! before the opening of the salmon department of newspaper office. Must be able to type. Business and stenograpny training desired. Apply In writing to Dally News, stating qualifications. (tf) WANTED Free labor! Anyone who wishes to help In the excavation for the Old Men's Home please call Blue G63. (107) WANTED Female cook and assistant. Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply matron. (tf) cnairs. w.w; ':iMetiunin5 WANTED Thirty men and eight season on the Skecna River. He had been out since Tuesday, and had fished during the day, heading for shelter at CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Alice Gamble, wife of thi late Chief E. H. Gamble, and son, Russell Gamble, wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to those who extended sympathy and offered assistance to them In their recent bereavement. Especial thanks arc extended to the fol-i lowing who sent wreaths: Hart-' ley Bay United Church, Hartley: Bay Athletic Club, MiSs Gloria , Ridley, Mr. and Mrs. Horace' Ross, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tait, , Bella Bella Football Club, Bel'a Bella Basketball Club, Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Cap-pcrdolsc (Montreal), Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Runs, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dell, Wally and Gordon, Ambrose Reld, Mrs. John Sal-don, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dudoward, Mrs. Alice Watson and family. Musgrave family. Mr; and Mrs. William Cooper and mother, Mrs. Lucy Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudoward and family, Port Simpson Athletic Club, Kitkatla Concert Band, Kltkatla Fire Brigade, Kitkatla Church Choir, Kitkatla Village Council. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lewis, Hartley Bay Women's Circle. Kitkatla Branch of Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, Hartley Bay United Church Choir. Hartley Bay Branch of Native Sisterhood of British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper, Kitkatla Church Army. Kitkatla Excelsior Club, Kitkatla White Cross Society, Kitkatla Ladles' Excelsior Club, Kitkatla White Cross Society. Kitkatla Excelsior Club. Tommy Chrlstoff. Albert Young and family. Mrs. Agns Young, Kitkatla Local Navy, Mr. and Mrs. Long, Mrs. F. White. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Card, Mr. and Mrs". R. B. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Corlcss, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bacon, J. Collis, W. C. Bacon, North Island Camp of Canadian Fishing Co., Harry M and family, Henry Helln and family. B.C. Packers (Sunnyslde Cannery). Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christiansen, J. H. Malr, Canadian Fishing Co., Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Salter. Metlakatla Village Council. Mr. and Mrs. William Lcask, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Gordon and family. THIS. AND THAT I . r I '' ' . ;'' Tfn Ccorpn Mmhfw AJ.iiii Sfrtlw, Inc. X "I gave a guy a piece of my mind, dear, and he gave me a receipt " Squadaree at night, alone In tho boat. He was Halibut Man Is Injured Another victim of the sea on Saturday was Ingvart Wlckjord, crewman aboard A. Antonscn's halibut boat Mother III, who broke six ribs in a fall to the deck of the boat while fishing off Rose Spit Saturday morning. Wlckjord Is also in Prince Rupert General Hospital recovering. Wlckjord said that he had climbed part way up the mast I In ndlnst the sail while the boat hauled In gear, when a rough sea tossed the boat, causing him to fall, striking his side on the hatch coaming. He will be confined to hospital for several days. Advertise in The Dally News. TODAY & TUES. requested by the SotS way LodRe and Ladles' Aid t r0,,..:ne.Ha tio.ls for ihi . Up- Constant Pom . 01 M' seriously burned and her belonging tn tW fire at the DyP A Lr"!lt -hen tho EvenVE destroyed, Mr.- Car' on t -rincc ilupcrt Oeivral t, PKal and u ,Uted ?ft desperate need of tin fin .ii - slstance and household efC ..worn ua n;r addition to the Dai n roninouiion, may be elven to V-7 ? ?'0L,m m Mrs. Mrs. William w,.t " ana soil I Norman, ., returned home Dn tht I mis mormn? from moninn nmidav tn VmrWe; n i in n,sc wnc re in thr smth. at 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:C0 7- 0:00 A gay aijd tender love story paced to the fast-moving tempo of our times ADDED We Have p.m Robert S 5Sft Cuminings Lizabeth Scott Don?sDeFore Iti HAL WALLIS Production Kith Charles Drake Julie Bishop KIM HUYTF.lt i HFUJN FORREST Dimlrd It John Krru - A Ttramuiiot Incline l cn rm 1 itnns (Uoulers Note) Copil el Done T Serine h Hclievlne COME IN Look for the Ktd "TODAY'S SPECIAL- Cards with the black irrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 and 19 P O. Box 5i3 We serve you nothing but the best Special Rod Brand Bet'. Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries , OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OFEN DUR1N0 REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chlckf", Fish and Chips daily. Wc are ready to scrie joo Chinese dishes Chow Mcin, Chop Suey, etc-. to uU out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS ru oi ntt-A a woof Knxt Royal Hotel Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A.M. TO I A - Special Dinner Hvery Sunday - .r !.' lo S p " CHINICSH DISHKS A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO -PANTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW JlKlN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST 41