V K i240 Kllocycles Object to change) 7Wlckcn, Tr. S ?sm Sweet Style Sren's Program Sveanof Hit Tunes Jr dez-vou.s Room Lamplight Jnry King's Orch. Lost Sheep TM forded interlude XBC News rBC News Roundup Distinguished ArtUts ne Kat'in's Business pgs of the West tnviiatlon to Music Ann Wat Sings .riHap?k Review Ta,e (r,r Melody Ni w.i IBC .B.C ..:'i Ncwj rVi;irles t.iiW' .Tor.3i Tuckers' Orcn. ana own -Vcatiier THURSDAY A.M. I vfii a) CIock I rEC News .jjt-.ic for Moderns .Little concert onr News I -Morning -WWW Devotions l-Mornmg concert I.Tlas Signal I i -:t bv Goodman for Today -.Tt:-"ht r: r.dup Time jndlravian Meioaies 3B Prt sents -Sc.- of Today Forecast -Wether -Me ase Period -P.: :rded Interlude, E r and Albert P.M. --B.i Farm Broadcast ..pr ;ram Resume . ;BC News j. -v Lir.enlnc I-IL Concert Hour l-TL-iay's Recital -T;:k Winnipeg FOR VANCOUVEIi 1 Way Points !" SS Coqultlam 30 p.m. lif-S Catala, 10 pm. : ' . SS Camosun, tl 15 p.m. rOK KETCHIKAN iiy -Ss Camosun, mmnigrit. "s for Queen Charlotte every fortnight. and Reservations HUNK J. SKINNER Prin; Rupert Agent f it Ave Phone 568 1 . sjr COMPLETING LIVER PLANT The new liver plant of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association, which is under construction in connection with the Association's centralized ccld storage and fish packing racilitles at Wertview Bay on the far vest end of the Pr.rrce Rugf rt waterfront, is expected to be completed and ready for operation by next April, according to the general manager of the co-operative here! T. II. Sorensen. From the' present quarters at the east nd of the govenment wharf In the old Atlin Fisheries ojant, the Co-op yUl mcve '.he 'etfUtlne; equip-mflt to, the nqw location and new equipment will be added. The Co-operative liver plant will continue to produce liver and viscera extract from all classes of fleh hf re. Its production now amounts to about $5Q0,-000 per year. There Is a staff of seme 15 workers in the plant of which K. F. Harding is . Shipments are largely confined to the processed extract except when raw liver offering.? bsccme so heavy that some have to be dispatched without CO-OPERATION SOUGHT LONDON, Q Tailors are be-ins asked to co-operate in ef-fcrt; to strrr out dishonest dealings in cloth which have as-turned such proportions that the trude is preatly pertuitrd. WOMAN ASKS ' ATTLEE TO AID 10-YEAR FIGHT Norfolk School Teacher Carries On Lepgthy Fijbt Atainst Driving Charge LONDON J Among lesser decisions to be made by the Labor government is whether Margaret Self, Norfolk school teacher and Red Cross nurse, can continue with, some hope of success her 10-year campaign against a conviction for alleged dangerous driving. Miss Self claims she was not the driver of a car when the alleged offence occurred and that the conviction was obtained by mistaken evidence. Now she has written Prime Minister Attlee, Home Secretary Chuter Ede and ether members of parliament asking permission to make a further appeal beyond the courts which have heard her case. She cited the recent decisions that there had been some Irregularities in the trial of 243 paratroopers in Malaya and the sub- $eqent quashing of their conviction for refusing to obey orders. "The Irregularities to which 1 have put my signature are as serious as those in the paratroop ' ' case and in the interests of Justice the right of appeal is due to all citizens and "the law should be revised." Miss Self wrote. Advertise in The Dally News. 'ATTENTION FOR I MINING TRAILS REDDY KILOWATT - WbunElectric Servant FOR THE HOME Aycrs Pure Wool Itlankcts "Slccpwcll" Down Comforlcrs "Slccpwcll" Wool-Fillcd Comforters Chenille Batli Sets . Chenille Bedspreads "Gall" Towel Sets "Homecraft" Luncheon Sets And various other items in limited quantities FOR Metier Quality . . . Better Value "y T Frascr and Payne V 1: Minister of .Public Works Says Department Prepared to do Work to Dels Industry The provincial department of public works is very anxious to see that there Is no impeding of necessary mining development work through lack of maintenance oiuferunk mining trails but IW'essen'tia. for the department to be advised that such maintenance is actually necessary before entering into any expenditures, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has been advised by Hon. E. C. Carson, minister of public works The local Chamber Is invited by the Department 'to be advised of any special operations which are being hindered by reason of mining trails not being properly serviced. The communication from the minister of public works, read at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night, was In re ply to a letter from the Chamber on the subject of maintenance or . mining trails. "I might say," said Mr. Carson's 'reply, "that during the present year we allocated a sum of money for the telegraph trail which enabled a party- to go through from Hazelton to Tele-jraplt Creek." f'W- PERFUME FLOWERS The flowers needed for perfume come chiefly from Southern Europe. There's going to be a rush for electric gifts this year, So now's the time to plan your list of friends most dear. For they're the ones who count most when all good things are rare. Why don't you jot their names down now, before the shops are bare! LIMITED Claims He Is "Only" Independent In Eield Declaring that he Is the only "absolutely Independent candidate" to date in the aldermanic field for next week's, civic election, Hugo Kraupner made a statement to the Dally News Stating that, If elected, he would work, for the eocd of the city and riot of partyOut for clvic bet terment in all ways, he said Iw would endeavor to raise finances for needed public works provided, that could be don? without additional burden to the taxpayers. He would, however, make no definite promises or undertakings which could not be carried out. Aggressiveness, perse-verence and honesty were his watchwords. He felt his interest in the welfare and progress of the city had been proven during his 12 years of residence in Prince Rupert. w 1 ,sff Prince RupertiBottle Collector also aiEssENOER SERVICE Phone Blue 737 We buy . . . all sizes Perfcx Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OP PINE FOODS" PHONE 517 : P.O. Btx 174 A. MacKcniic Furniture "A O.OOD PLACE TO BUY" STORE NEWS We have a splendid selection of merchandise in stock and all very suitable for your Christmas gifts. Bedroom suites n four pieces; dinette suites In six pieces; Duncan Phyfe tables In variety; coffee tables and end tables in beautiful walnut; pull-uo chairs In variety; a new shipment of cedar chests have" arrived; a new lot of chrome chairs is coming this week; the latest In baby carrlases have arrived, made by Lloyds, and are beautifully upholstered. As Santa Is bringing goods to our store very regular now, watch for Store News. Phone 775 327 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. FERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. 'Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK OAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and gas "I've been asked for references for our last maid. What on earth can I say in her favour?" "Well, she has a gpod apetlte and sleeps well." TIMBER SCALE IN NOVEMBER Sawlog scale for the Prince Rupert forestry district during November was 21,394,881 board foot o rtprrpnso of more than vvvr " - - - v j 3,090,090 board feet under Oc- tober production, scale ior tne first 11 months of this year isj 150,874,570 board leet, as compared With 217,484,558 board feet for the same period In 1045. Pjpifi and piling cut in November was 130.9C2 lineal feet, bring ing the il-mpnth production to 4,116,907 feet, as compared with 2,714,305 lineal feet for the first 11 months of 1945. Railroad ties cut last month totalled 22,198, and 124 cords of cordwood were, produced. Sawlog production in board e u .lArlaftnc fnllnu.'e' Fir, C82,896 cedar, 2,309,73; spruce, 11,22,614; hemlock, 5,-j.37,451; balsam, 1,163,984; Jack-pin,e, 4SC.71Q; miscellaneous, Bulkley Market Classified Advertising Pays! ORDER TURKEYS NOW! WF. DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 178 1BBBBB,B1,,,,g,,1. allBassi I I ALL WANT . BLBCTRieAL ) ifeS rm.Reddy folks to ser-e you; ffiSr5cG?W Awake both day and night, rgTfVtS To bring you heat and power IGpiX, And always instant light 1 I New Leather I I Handbags I I are Here! W I Two shipments have just arrived from the east. I The styles this year run mostly blacks , and browns with some of the new de- signs in fasteners and quite a number have zippers and different kinds of gadgets and fittings .inside. i I There are a number of new shapes and fin- I ' ishes and the prices run from $ ..() to ,..imi. I we have also some of the new plastic I I I bags at somewhat lower prices. I I Glad to show you anyhow even if you don't I REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE. OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 8 aon. to 3 ajn. PHONE 78 prinrc ttiipcrt Dnflp rectos Wednesday, December 4L J948 1 rut i&H 1 w?r MAGIC Honey Pound Cake 1 H C. seedtnia ralatn H c. ihorlrnlniJ 5 4 c. honey 3 eiU well beaten 2)4 c. tif red all-purpose fiuur 2 tip. Magic Raking J'owder M tip. aalt i tap. vanilla eitract 4 tap. lemon eitract Rinse ralalna; drain; dry on towel cut fine with aclaaort. Work ahortenlnft with apoon until fluffy and creamy! gradually add honey, while continuing to work with a apoon. Add beaten enfta, and blend. Gradually atlr In aided dry Insredienta; beat with apoon until smooth. Add eitracta, ralalna; atlr to blend. Hake in greased, lightly floured V x 5" x 1" pan at lor 1 hours. MADE IN CANADA Cold Weather Has Arrived Orders are piling up and the supply situation is not sb good. You are advised to keep your orders well in ad- vance to give us the best possible chance to keep P you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS. OPENING OUR NEW STORE HAPPY WONG CO. , 214 SIXTH STREET Phone BLUE US!) (NEXT TO JONES NEWSTAND) FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail ? BUY PROM OUR PINE STOCK WANTED MUSICIANS FOR PRINCE RUPERT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Weekly rehearsals now being held at Civic Centre For further information phone T. A. Johnson 209, or Fred Conrad 220 This space donated by ; Canadian Fish ; AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer ,. Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George Piotcct Your Boat From FIRE x See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 i Fire Extinguishers We recharge CQ2 Extinguishers after use, in our own plant In Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT ' & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone 651 and 652 NEW : 'AIR REe 'LACE LOCATION EQUIPMENT STOCK COMBINED FOR A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE WE CAN MAKE ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 126 EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 1C0 East Third Avehue (Next to McMeekln's)