n it- H U p.... i: 4, Idrfnre Rupert Daily r-Jclus Tuesday, May 21 1940 FOR SALE BY TENDER CROWN ASSETS Three Buildings at Charles Point, Digby Island, Prince Rupert, B.C. WAR ASSr.TS CORPORATION will receive offers to purchase all or any of the Crown-owned buildings described below. The purchaser shall remove the building or buildings, fill in excavations and restore the ground to its original elevation, leaving the site In a neat and tidy condition in a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporation. THREE BUILDINGS WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION: Building No. 13 Other Ranks' Quarters. Building No. 11 Officers' Quarters. Building No. 1C Kitchen and Mess. All areas and dimensions given are approximate. A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of 10 of the tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope plainly marked: , TENDER No. D-l-113, FOR 3 BUILDINGS, AT CHARLES POINT. DIGBY ISLAND, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. addressed to Branch Sales Manager, WAR ASSETS CORPORATION. Bov S(!9, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon, Pacific Standard Time, JUNE 1st, 19IC. The tenderer must state the use to which the building or buildings, or materials contained therein, will.be put, as this will be a determining factor In deciding the acceptance of any tender. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. The successful tenderer will, when notified of acceptance of his or her tender, be required to iurnish a certified cheque or bank draft for the remaining 90 of his or her tender, and In addition, a certified cheque or bank draft for an amount equal to the estimated cost of restoring the site or sites as a guarantee that he will comply with all the terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or banjc draft guaranteeing restoration will not carry Interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. York General Construction KIMSUL See or Phone Us on a New Insulation Something New and the Best Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 126 Day Phone Black 731 Evenings Arc you going to Build or Rei Kill Consult us if you have plans along this line. We will endeavour to meet all your requirements in the building line . . . large or small. GREER I BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors Phone Red 561 P.O. Box 721 DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Daily News Is completing a Roll of Honor which It is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of tnis city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or. land and In the air. To make this list complete, it is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole in submitting the names. It Is impossible for the Dally News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following is the Information we would like you to fill in and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR Daily News, Prince Rupert Namt, Service (Army. Navy. Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Casualty, Nature and Date Remember, if YOU do not submit a certain person's name, no one else may. You are responsible. PRINCE RUPERT Honor Roll List of Men and Women on Active Bfrvlee Are YOU responsible for someone's name not In this lint? NAVY. mi:n Sidney Alecandri Uoyrt Lahte Ivter D. Allen Arvla J. LandaJa Charles Anderson Jack H. laurle Harold Anderson Maurlre Ly Stanley Anderson James O. Laurie J. Armstrong Jr. Itlchard Leigh ton R. Armstrong R. D. Armstrong Don Arney Ted Arniy George Bagshaw Kred O. Barber W. O. Barker Emtle Blaln John Bowman Arthur Bredeson J. K. Breen Robert L. Eby James Feasby Jautoft Leland Fred Lewis Karl O. Mndqutst Tilly It. Lloyd Bruce Love Harry Lundqulst M. R. Meuse Fred Miller Ted Mills Harry Monkley John Morrison William Bremner T. A. Mulhern Bernard Brldden William Murdoch F. 11. Brootabank Vllliam Murray George J. Brown Wm. J I. Murray James Bryant Tony Bussanlch Bronson Bussey Harold Bunn John Bunn Hugh Burbank a. Calderwood W. M. Murray Daniel McDonald Jack Ma eric Robert McKay Ernest McKlnley Rchert McLean E. I Ned! McLeod Richard Cameron John McLeod Russell Cameron Norman McLeod Edward CapHIck nald McMeekln Robert Capstlck David McNab Doug, 'hrlstlaon Robert McNab Vernon C. Clccone John D. McRae James Clark Harold Neville Thomas Collins John O'Neill Wm. J. Commons U. K. Olsen AUstalr D. Crerar Charles Ormlston Sydney Croxford P. E. M. Palmer Spencer Davles Kdward Dawes Gordon Dell John F. Denning George Dlbb A. F. Dodd Vincent D-dd John Dohl Robert nuggan Harold Duncan Donald EastmaD Elmer Eburne Melvln Eburne John Eby Frank D. Parker Gordon Parkin C. R. Parsons Peter J. Peterson Dousloa Payne A. M. Philllpson C. J. Philllpson Bud Ponder N. C. Powell Magna Rabben Lloyd M. Rice David Ritchie Jack Ritchie Robert Ritchie Harry Robb William Earl Eby J. II. Robinson Robert Elklns Frbert Roy William P. Elklns Arvld J. Sandhalj Le-n Enestrom Arthur Saunders Martin Erlksen W. J. Pehesffer R. M. Scherk Bernard Fortune Stanley Scherk Terry Fortune J. D. . Schubert Gordon Fraser Mitchell Gav A. Slmuudson C. Sllversldes Patrick M. Gillls i. J. Sims Efner Green James Greer Ister Orlmble Terry Orlmble Ian GrlmsRon Boyo Gurvlch John Grlmsnon M. Skalmerud F. W. Skinner Henry Skinner John J5kog Ole fSIatta Carl Smith Jack E. Smith Carl J. Gustal-ion Malcolm Smith decree D. Hague Ralph Smith Hazen Hanklnson Walter Smith Victor Hanley Thor Somen Matt Harris Olen Hemmons F. H. Stephens, Jr. Carl strand W. W. Hlldebrand John Strand Trevor Hill Jack Storrle Raymond Hougan Orme Stuart Bill hunter Charles Sunberg Foster Husoy James Taylor Peter Husoy J. H. Tavlor Jmes M. Irvine Paddy Taylor Peter C. Johnson Inge Valen Tom Johnstone Stanley Veltch Rorinev Jones Sid White Jack W. Jnv Robert Whiting L (Bonny) Keays Carl O. Wilson Alan 3 Kerirln Osrar Wlrteham V, f . "ald P. Woodslde t L. Rnutson Harry George Yule Percy Knutson -lark Yule (Women) Lavlnla Exley 1". M. Thomson Dapane Hemmel U.S. NAVY (Men) Z. J. Robertson Howard Frlzzell U.S. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn AIR Ronald Allen H. O. Archibald Harry Astoria Alex Balllle Howard Beale Marcel Blaln J. F. Bouzek J. J. Bouzek J. V. Bouzek Peter Brass Wm. M. Brown Alan Burbank Alfred E. Burnlp Dnls W. Burnlp W. C. Cameron Peter Cartwrlght Rene Cavenalle Victor Cavenalle Elmer Clausen William CoUlns Jack Corbould Eddie Crosby Ray Crosby George M. Curne James Currle Arthur Davey John W. Davey Pat Deane Don H. Deane Victor Dell M. J. Dougherty Jack Eastwood Donald Eby Thomas J. Evans Jack C. Ewart Vlctot Field Clarence Flnley FORCE Mike Hudema John P. Johnson David L. Jones Sam Jurmaln Robert Kelsey Oliver J. Keays Francis W. Leask I. L. Leavens Kam Y. Lee Alan Lelghton Harold Leverett Donald Llewellyn John Lindsay Albert Man Cedric Mah George R. Mayer Henry Mayer J. H. McLeod Gavin D. Mead John J. Miller Richard Vl'ls Herbert Morgan Ralph Morln II. W. Macdonald Don McCavour Eric Orme Ed. M. Ormhelm Robert L. Peachey Paul Postolu Vernon Qulnlan Olof Rudsvlck Tore A. Selvlg Ken Schubert Arne J. Bel via Wm. Ehrubsall Robert SUversldef Eddie Smith 4 POINT GUARANTEE OF.., mmmfBii W GUARANTEE 3SUPREME AVALUES! c ii D i u e r AND BRIDE'S BOOK A John Bulger Ltd. J i:vixlhus Third Ave., opp. post Office Steamship Sailings For Vancouver I Monday ss Prnrtapi Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday it Catala IB 30 p.m Thursday &tof6 Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:09 pjn. May 8 and IB, June 1L ss Princess Louise, wa." j From YanooHTfJ' Sunday ss CaUla, 4 pin. Monday ss Prlnc Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday-as Prince Bupert 10:00 a.m. May 3, 13 and 27 Princess Louise, a Jn. .Vf., From Alaska g VttyU HHpert, 7 p.m. .7 May 8, May IB,. Jtine 11 m Princess Louise, pjai, For Alaska ! Wednesday as Pr$ee Rupert, midnight. j . May 3, May 13, Ma 27 rrin- cess Louise. Most children have their com plete set of baby teeth between two and three years of age. PAINTING & PAPEltHANOINO 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 9J7' (After 7 pjn.) MORITZ & BROTHERSTON General Contractors Building - Repairing Wrecking and Foundation Work We also move buildings. FREE ESTIMATING Phone Black 943 INTERNATIONAL) Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada IL F. LO IN. Phone Green 07 Reprenentutlve Dog 628 117 2nd Avh W Oppot.lte YMCA PRINCE RUPISttr. I C i fOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERY1C1 i mall iour qlacse to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LIB cat uriMua it wutcouYia. tc. ews a Terrace Man's Flag Entry Has Survived OTTAWA An entry submitted by Prank Morris of Terrace for a Canadian flas is among the 38 remaining ectiries now being considered by Ottawa. e..t CANTERBUBT, Eng. -Skeleton of a Roman baby, which died between 1,600 And 1,900 years ago, has been unearthed here. , LONDON tt Pood parcel from Tasmania were distributed to old-age pensioners in Ber-mondsey. WESTERHAM, Kent England Q A civic centre costing more than 15 000 67.5 is to be Westerhnm's war memorial. THIS AND THAT B "Have you something a little less youthful?" usmess an Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building -Repairing imeraiions ana uemtaii worn PHONF. GRBKN 482 HERTS TRANSFER and MESSENGER - Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Ureen Wk5 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 635 SMITH & ELK1NS LTD. Plumbing and Healing Engineera Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON d Prof esstona I ikERRELL & GlETSmGER CONTRA0TPRS - Buiidings 2oved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Oar Specialty ,W4th Modern E4ulAiattt PH. BI-ACK 826 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man cn M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Stdewalka, BasemenU I don't take work f cannot do myseir. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractoi-s P.O. Box 1489, elation B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all klnda. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Panerhanxing Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1206 Phone Black 8M GEORGE L. R0R1E Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 " . HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE 0 EN URAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone dreen 4B6 Evening Green 3S7 Train Schedule For the East-Monday, Wediir..d;iy Friday 8 p.m. Fiom the East Tue:day, inuraluy, Saturday 10 4i p.m. net View TERRACE TO CELEBRATE- TERRACE Frank Morris oi the Canadian Legion was around Terrace on Saturday collecting toriMbutisas for a sport's day to be held en May 24. Prtaes are to be given for races p.ai othsr events and ice cream is to be distributed free. Reclar and Wife Are Given Shower aMlTHEl3-Canon and Mrs. Ulnchllffe wssc the guests of honor at a torcry shower and social held In the Anglican Hall" and attended by members of ihf congregation of St. James Church. Mnny lively parne.v and ron!r?ts were enjojed under Uic canaille Ipadrrslilii of Messrs. J. M Coll ton and A. C. Frvwler. The ink'? of ihe'evnln."! for a quiz contt 'it went to Mr. Colison Sr. tnd Mrs. CniUsm Jr. Mrs. J. ftnrs abb agisted at the piano ; tar th musical uainrs. !Rr rcwjirocnts were served by inemlirfs of the senior sad Junior W. A.'s and anions; those sjss:.'.;lin wrr . Mrsr-danirs Dav-Idscn P4tert'n. Walkland. Hin-dle,. Kirbv, M-nris, and Mr. Al Ford as Lsted ia nourhtg coffee. After refrerjimpnts ihe people's w!rdrn, O. H. Hopkins, welcomed the "iic .ts of honor to ibp rnsi h and then made a rrrcntaiion to tlym of the '..ift. Caji'Mi If'mrhllffe thanked !ho-. mrrnbrrs nn liehalf of Mrs. Hiwhliff him-clf and his family, f-w th? very v?arm welcome that h id bf m extruded to them all, and aim for Ihc tangible e pressionol weleome. i LONDON -Britain win import smaH qsantitier. or Cam-embert cheese from France for a few months but it wlUJx; "on tne ipBop.r u XlfUif - Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Daily News Is anxions to complptely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. AccordinRly, it Is requested that information be made available to this office rpRardim the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been Identified, in what theatres of war. (f wounded, 111, ete. If inconvenient to call at the nffipe. the information m:iy be written or telephoned In. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. SAILINGS F(JR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tursday SS Catala. 1:30 p.m. (Daylight Savinir Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Savins Time 9 pjn. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert At;ent Third Ave. Phone 508 pi HfArTttU AND BUYERS Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront when you can fetch them to Gold-bloom's and pet 30 percent more. IIEAVEU $85 LARGE BLANKETS $70 mrnnnw $40 SRIAI.L Prices for every thinR are 28 pereent hinhof WILLIAM G0LDBL00M " Till: OLD It K.I, I ABLE s OS it , trie Nevs of Smithers In preparation for the visit to Smithers June G of the Postwar Rehabilitation and Rpcon-structiion Bureau industrial factfinding committee headed by Hon. L. II. Eyres, minister of trade and industry, Government Aent Kenneth Mcllae and the local committee are now engaged in preparing briefs on local industrial possibilities. The Government Telegraph office in Smithers is now operating 'on a 31-hour day basis every day of the week. Long dls -tance service to Vancouver and Prince Rupert and intermediate points Is being instituted. Two new telephone operators here are being engaged. Sergeant L. A. N. Potterton' and his provincial police detachment here are conducting a traffic safety check. Cars are being stopped nd spot inspections made of brakes,, tires, lights, windshield wipers and horns. . L. II. Kenney, formerly in the real estate and insurance business here, ha returned north from Victoria to which city he moved daring the winter. He is now located at Prince Georp where he has purchased the business of M. R. Da foe. Miss Cynthia Oakley of Toronto is visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. William Hanson after having come west to attend the Ski Carnival at Banff. Mr. and Mrs. Tordiffe are here from Prince Rupert for a visit with Mr. Tordiffe's father, A. S. Tordiffe. They were married recently at Trail and .are to lire in Prince Rupert, Pte. Tommy Talt is on his way 'home to Moricetown after ser- Army. He landed at Halifax recently on the Ile- de France. Arthur Dim;k graduated as a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering at the University of British Columbia last -week. He took second class honors. District Victoria Day wnj 1 1? NewHazeltonmS' B"u miy niday ch,H, 'iBre tin m "i;aii ramp tu. fcwrfn " - ' t'ie evf n.n ohii v v.iv ua, h program to i ru naa uven SDeildlng a f j.. i-uiice Jiupert Albcrtson and Sorcnsoa flnlihlnr ud their non at woodrofk thw ' ana will move the r,i,. . ine river from Dorreen on hlehwav uhprp h - - v. 'j iiavc cnaea umoer limit':. They ioau irom ueaarvale Extensivp phanooT ln v.i ' WIC L pltal are to be undertaken. Mrs. Wylie and family arrived here from Southt and will open for burines the New Hazelton Cafe. vptpran pvanalict if-,... tan Tabernacle who died i -s.n A va A 1 Ii a ll'Ul. IU. .. i Akau 1 1 iiu Liiir liiuir liii ii v 11 year since 1902. VJ111T LW'J INIU LI I Will" rnnntrlpc -T'htlA anrt rimr do not border on BraziL Kiiinifv i n UUUXLLI LH Our Specialty Open- Sunday 8 am. to 9 p.m. AMfaflssI At lln LU lint SMITHERS, B.C. v A 11 IV v Mm sa m m m ur r l ww m it Car Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. boi FRASER STREET Prince Rupert UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o of CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Member only on Sundays) An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . INLW HUUKS I UK wi AT LONG MOTORS II' I? PIT flAVC 8 A." 1U ' RinviiavR 1 IK WK I A ltCiAKi l IN Vi 1 TV 1 1U11 lu w" " ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! iinTtnn 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY FRU This is a service for your convenience . . J nrr 5nviffl tn f nlv-P ndvantaee of it Operator-FRANK MORRISON NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE ' Third Avenue and First Street s t a N ii a it n on. PRODUCTS ... -nl Sff f t r..I , , , , ntl1maM S3 If 3 ' iiriirrni iires ana naileries in"'""" "