Bob,rt Sutherland will .m in early June for Ban '.!, to mt h" PJ"nts, ML""- . ... ,nd Mrs. T H. ck. who arrlvlng from Australia. Mr. internationally known ck ls C,n architect and engineer Australian Mcm-' , u a former parliament and Lealsla- "i ... -rmber Mrs. auinenana c ... 0 .uiMrin will snend the .r In Calliorn.1 anu suuvii- wnn and proceed In the t0 Vancouver io join rar, ...i,nrt recenuy uansierrea '.. in the Standard Oil scr- take un iuiure rcsi- cf Mrs Sutherland, wno will DId in social, oowung ana ... rtrrs. brouaht the Bri- u-i i Pef ROYAL HOTEL Away From Home Rates 75c un '"Kooms. Hot and Cold water PRlNCE RUPERT, B.C. 1We 281 poni Mr. and Mrs. Oeorse Mrart sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide on their way to Crca- mih, accompanying the remains of Mr. Mead's mother, Mrs. Mary mien avicau, wno passed away at the home of her son Monday morning. Mrs. Mead, who died at the age of 71, will be burled at Creston, her former home. Mr. Mead, who Is senior clerk with the provincial police here, Is the sole surviving child. Deceased was born at Cora, Kansas, and came to Drltish Columbia many years ago, residing flrstat Victoria and later at Creston. tlsh Columbia ladies' singles bowling title to Prince Rupert in 1044. J7 May 24th A a ARADEi OF CHILDREN, PETS, STUDENTS' I DECORATED CARS AND FLOATS 1 Line lTp Court House Grounds at 11:30 for t Judging; Move along Third Avenue to Fulton Street, then up Fulton Street to Acropolis Hill, t Prizes for Best Entries in Each Class FKKi: ICK CRKAM AND POP FOH EVERY YOUNGSTER IN THE PARADE ENTRY FORM CUT OUT AND MAIL tot " Kinsmen's. .Club,. .P.O. Box 82G, Prince Rupert, B. C. or leave at Dally News or Evening Empire. B sure to mark a cross beside class to be cnteird. ENTRIES CLOSE MAY 23 CHILDREN'S CLASHES j . . . i Best dressed boy or girl -Doll bUggleS 1 i,,i, t.Hri?ypd hny,nnrl plr-1 Tricycles Most original costume Watrons Funniest costume Bicycles HIGH SCHOOL. GLASSES , is . ...Best dressed Small floats School floats Decorated car NAME ADDRESS. clown or .novelty costume .....Decorated float COAL! Have you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN B WISE now! Do WARM next winter! r in il L H PHONE 651 or 652 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS for the kiddies . . . Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black .'HJ7 236 Second Avenue West Wagons and Wheelbarrows Gt lliem something: to play "with outdoors. We have wagons and wheelbarrows in all sizes at right Prices at THE VARIETY STORE "Where Vmir nimM Am T.lfMn nnllars" Local News It Miss Nancy Rorie returns nn the Princess Adplalrip Mnnrlav afternoon from a holiday trip 10 Vancouver. Stanley Ballinger returned to the city Monday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver after obtaining his discharge from the army. Police Magistrate W. D. Vianre. Sgt. O. L. Hall, chief of city police, and Detective Cornorai A t Lashmar are leaving this week- cna lor Vancouver in connection with court nroceedinss involv ing the attacking of the charter ot a former local club. Cpd. T D. Urunton Is comins from Ter- race to take eharite of citv de. tachment during absence of Sgt. Hall and Detective Lashmar. A For Quick Reliable Taxi Service, Call CO Taxi. (130) ! a L RobinHood THE FLOUR THAT'S USED BY 4 OUT OF 5 WOMEN WHO WIN PRIZES FOR HOME-BAKING All kinds of boMno w. breod. coki, poslry. PoaMfffutSfcit sDETTOL' fUl MOOIRN ANTISIPTIC GENERAL FIRST AID GARGLE for Sore Throat PERSONAL USES 50c & $1.50 1 OKMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S wTi3 'r?i?i wf FINEST SALMON ems Annual meeting Progressive-Conservative Association, Civic Centre, May 21, 8 pjn. (119) J. O. Garrett, provincial as sessor, left on Monday nighf's train for Terrace on official duties. Knut Byman, who operates a sawmill at Perow, left today on his return to the Interior, taking with him an old city truck which he recently purchased. Arthur Brooksbank returned on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from a three weeks' holiday trip t o Vancouver and Vancouver Island. H. O. Perry, Prince George and Prince Rupert newspaper publisher, is arriving In the city from Prince George on tonight's train on one of his periodical business visits. A Gravel Users Anyone requir ing gravel for concrete work please be advised that gravel will be available tomorrow, May 12, and thereafter not until next month. Place your orders today or early tomorrow with Phllpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phones 651 and 652. (It) Mr. and Mrs. Kay fc-.nith rived in the citv Mondav after noon on the Princess Adelaide from Seattle and will spend a j couple of days here before going ; on to Ketchikan. Mr. Smith was I formerly attached to the United States Army here and was well known as a boxer and boxing coach, winning the Alaska welterweight title last year. Visitors in the city who arrived on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon are Roger Bell, , formerly on the staff of Bank of Montreal here, and now of Kamloops, and his sister, Mrs. N. J. Williams of Victoria, who are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. R. Hill, 1446 Second Ave., prior to Mr. Bell's forthcoming marriage to Miss Lillian Florence Hill, youngest daughter of the well known local family. The wedding will take nlar.e Thursday evening in St. Andrew's Cathedral. NOTICE Applications for a position as lerk in the City Engineer's office will be received by the' un-icrslgned up tlllnoon May' 27. Give full particulars as to education and other qualifications in first letter. CITY ENGINEER, City of Prince Rupert. 1123) NOTICE 1 Applications will be received i by the undersigned up to noon, May 22, for the position of care-, taker for the cemetery. Starting ,alary will be $160 per month. Duties to commence on or before June 1. (Sgd.) E. A. PHILLIPS, City Engineer. City of Prince Rupert. Announcements C. W. L. Bridge. Waist and Crlb-bage, May 23, KC. Hut, 8 p.m. Modern Dance, Oddfellows Hall, Friday, May 31. Bobby Wods Orchestra. Eastern Star Tea, May 31, Mrs. Rochester's, Prince Rupert Hotel. United Tea, Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Rorle's, 220 4th Ave. West. Anglican W.A. Tea, Saturday, June 1., Mrs. Parkin's. Presbyterian Church Tea, Mrs. Robert Parker's, 805 Summit venue, June 20. Get your Marxist and current )amphlets at Room 8, Stone Hock. Open evenings 7 to 9. BROOM, Bedfordshire, England ID Sixty ex-servicemen from this village received a welcome home gift of 9 ($42). Britain Delivers the Goods! MECCANO is back again Set No. 0 $1.95 Set No. 1 $2.60 Set No. 2 $3.50 Set No. 3 $5.25 ALSO MECCANO DINKY TOYS Priced from to H." MaeMvs.Mt Activities of Rup-Rec CALLING BASEBALL FANS On Wednesday night In the Centre auditorium there will be a spectal film showing the World Series baseball games of 1945. This movie Is put on under the auspices of the Civic Centre Association and the Prince Rupert Baseball Association and Is an opportunity for sport fans to see baseball history In the TONIGHT'S MOVIES The N. F.B. film fare for tonight is an excellent one. The first picture, which takes; about 30 minutes to show, is called "Fur Country" and Is the story of a trapper's life in the north. There are beautiful shots of the woods and of, the many f ur-bcarlng animals that Inhabit them. "Sand and Flame" Is the title of the second movie and shows how the machine age has revolutionized the glass Industry. Glass making in ancient times is compared with present day methods and man lovely pieces of glassware are pictured. These two films will be shown in the meeting room at 8 p.m. and are ,open to adults and intermediates. NEW FEATURE IN JUNIOR GIRLS' CLASS Something new was added to the Junior Girls' Class last evening as the young sters took part in a "round the block" team race in the fresh air. Ethel Calder was the BOUQUETS FOR "CENTRE" Guest newspapermen from "South of the .Border" visited Prince Rupert's Civic Centre yesterday afternoon and were loud in their praise of the fine building and the facilities U offers towards better community life. SOFTBALL MEETING Organizational meeting for Softball Association was cancelled last night and, instead, will be held next Monday evening at the Centre. MISCHIEF-MAKER The word panic Is derived from Pan, the name of a mischievous pagan nature god who Inspired terror in humans. BLACKHEADS imply dlmolv and disappear by thU on simple, . and aura method. Get two ounces of proxln powder from any draff tore, sprinkle on a hot, wet cloth, and tpplj ?ntljr erery blackhead will ba gona. lour turn for the news, Sir! sassy 1W NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy, for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Packed two ways: In Super -Vacuum Tin in both Drip and Regular Grinds or Flavor-Saving Bag in an All-Purpose Grind. i i One hundred and fifty years ago newspapers were too expensive for Londoners of modest means to buy. They went to the , coffee houses, where copies were available, and sipped their coffee while awaiting their turn to read them. Tliere'SjEnjoyment inthisfeMcious Coffee! Choose the coffee with the ra-rich flavor and Mra-satisfying body . . . Maxwell House. Its friendly stimulation cases tension while it revives and cheers you. The glorious Maxwell House blend contains carefully selected Latin-American coffees. It's "Radiant-Roasted" to capture every atom of extra-rich, extra-smooth goodness. You'll find it "Good to the Last Drop"! A Product ot Central Foodi yf PRESTO COOKERS For ... f FASTER, i TASTIER, HEALTHIER COOKING See these new pressure cookers, now on display at Gordon's Hardware Mrllrlde Street : l'HONE 311 Oil Burners 'Installed Srfnrc Ktipett Dallp J3eto$ Tuesday, May 21 1946 JACKETS For Sport and Outdoor Wear "Fairway" GAHAUDINE JACKET With contrasting trim $7.50 "Fairway" SI'OKT SWEATER Clipped rayon, zipper front $D.OO "Fairway" GOLF JACKET Ilyrovlzed, fawn shade $10.75 GAHAUDINE GOLF JACKETS $0.05 to $0.00 "THE MEN'S SHOP' PHONE 108 jrviced leaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Stliuman S. Julian ItEI'AIIJS AND ALTERATIONS O ESTIMATES Night Calls: Dluc 10 Green 787 CORNEK SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Warm Weather Accessories ; I'LAY PENS 36"x36"x24' assembled $7.50 '' " ' unassembled $5.85 . ' DECK CHAIRS, PORCH CHAIRS, RECLINERS with bright striped canvass and hardwood frames We appreciate j pur ALill Orders-Gbods forwarded at once. Phone 775 . 327 Third Avenue Trince Rupert J. KESTEN Furrier 731 DAVIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. FUR STORAGE SAFE KELIA1JLE AND INSURED WE TAKE TRADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW FUR COAT ORDER NOW HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE DO REMODELLING, CLEANING, GLAZING, REPAIRING and RELINING REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17 Representing Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. HOSE MELTING TIKES and TUBES and Accessories CARRIED IN STOCK FRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone 632 Manufacturer's Agent Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL, AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 P.O. Box 772 KWONG SANG KING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open S pjn. to 2,ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 4'