. jtoilin of the sun- n ATTT Vm. m it in inu"- - ' - -"s- ' - wuen a post- freedom of the press by man went to open a mail box , E.pr-mo t-uun w - wit, uc gen an electric short:. i.rder was issued to Tlie box was later made "dead." reporters acces , ( jfa "win of Jamfs books in one muni- v of Scotland L .pw made in 1540 sold I for 32 ($144 1 at an auction. EXTRA FRESH BREAD! MX " NX js&r Fresh active yeast goes right to work! Ho lost action no extra steps. Gives sweeter, tastier bread flavour light, smooth texture perfect freshness! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME jjways use Heischmann's active, fresh Veast with the familiar yellow label. DtpenJabh for more than 70 years Canada's tested favourite. MADE IN CANADA BUY ON BUDGET PLAN-NO Carry Charge. No Interest. Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. m : Sweet Sixteeii's are pleased to announce that conditions nw permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPPERS SMOKED ALASKA 1JLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. . 1. n 1 anaaian nsn AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers GREEN OWNS, RADISHES AND LETTUCE POPULAR THESE DAYS Green onions, radishes and lettuce are the fresh vegetables mqst plentiful these days In the, backyard garden and on the market, l'eople who are lucky enough to have a garden, even a small one, are anxiously watching for the first vegetables which will reward their efforts. The patriotic homemaker wants to use all food, whether bought? or grown, in a way that will reduce waste to a minimum. The world need for food is great and Canadians are asked to avoid waste by all possible means. Green onions for instance are good all the way up, the white and green parts are both edible. They can be used in salads, soups, etc., Just like oth'.r varieties of onions. Instead of ervlng the green onions with aii the green part and having most of it left in the plate, the g:eer. portion may be cut off and used to give a delicate flavor of onion to a soup, salad, crfitn sauce or gravy. Besides adding flavor It give a gay col-'.rful touch. . A salad dreising to which chopped green onions and sliced radishes -are added, served on plain lettuce leaves makes a very attractive and quickly prepared salad. Green onions may also be THE CKID1T HOUSE OF QUALITY" Fashion Firsts NEW Dressmaker Suits Fine fabrics, designed and made at Sweet Sixteen's own factory in Vancouver. FASHIONS THAT ARE APPEALING AND FLATTERING Cool, Printed, SILKS AND JERSEYS Gay, feminine and attractive to cayry you right through the summer in style and comfort. Mr Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales livery Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 1 15 Res. Red 127 Ask for George cooked whole and served like asparagus with a cheese or tangy sauce. Uadlshes need not be used only as a garnish to be eaten raw, they are delicious when cooked and served as creamed radishes or in soup. Home economist oiler recipes which will prevent unnecessary waste of these vegetables. A recipe uses macaroni but with it there will be no need to serve bread. Macaroni Spring Salad 2 cups cooked cooled elbow macaroni V2 cup chopped green onions 1 cup sliced or shredded raw carrots 1 bunch radishes, bout ?i c. sliced 2 cups lettuce rut in pieces Vb cup boiled dressing To cooked macaroni add green onions and boiled dressing and mix thoroughly. Cool and chill; for at least V? hour. Add carrots,: radishes and lettuce. Toss lightly but thoroughly. Serve on whole iettuce leavesSix servings. Savory Greens 3 cuns cooked greens (about 2 lbs. beet tops, lettuce,' Swiss chard, spinach, etc.) 3 strips bacon, chopped V cup chopped .?reen onions Salt and pepper Mash and cook greens. Meanwhile partially fry out bacon add green onions ana cook 2 to 3 minutes. Add to hot cooked greens, season with salt and pep per and serve at oncu Six serv ings. Giern and Red Sala'd 1 tablespoon gelatine cup cold water 1 cup boiling water 14 cup sugar 'z teaspoonful salt cup mild vinegar 3 cups finely shredded leaf lettuce Vz cup sliced radishes ' 'i cup chopped green onions Soak gelatine in cold water. and vinegar. Stir until gelatine Is dissolved. Lightly grease six individual moulds and pour a iittle of the mixture into each. Combine lettuce, radishes and gaeen oniona and arrange on mixture; cover with remaining liquid. Chill until firm. UnmouM on whole lettuce leaves and serve with boiled dressing. Six servings. NEW WATCH TESTING DEVICE IN RUPERT John Bulger Ltd. have Just purchased one of the new electronic watch testing machines developed by the Bell Telephone Co. of New York and made by the Western Electric Co. This is the second instrument of this kind to come to B. C, the other being in Victoria. Designed to take the guess work out of the watch business, it operates by amplifying the beats or ticks of a watch until they are strong enou?h to print a record. Baeh variation in per formance makes a different picture on a chart, making it 1 simple matter to know when a watch is perfect. It Is .expected this will be a great help to customers in buying a new watch as all new watehes are to te tested before going out. 121 NAME YOUll COOKIE Nearly every Netherlands town has a cake or cookie distinctively its own. lw 11 raw -7IY' v5-l mi Weekly Meat sun. monJtues. wed, thu. fri. sat. Breaded Pot Mush- Meat Lamb Fish Beef Veal Roast room Crc- Chops and Cutlets oi Omelet quettes Liver Beef Patties Group Group unrat- left- Group unrat- Group B C loned over C ioned C Oiver 1 lb. 4 lbs. 1 lb. V lb. 5 2 4 3 tokens coupons tokens tokens j 4 tokens left oven Monthly Sugar-Preserves. 3 lbs. 2 lb3. 2 qts. 1 tin 1 tin white brown maple fruit and fruit and sugar sugar syrup 2 lbs. 1 qt honey molasses 3 2 1 1 1 coupons coupons coupon coupon coupon Sunday dinner with a maximum of taste appeal and a minimum amount of kitchen drudgery can be provided by veal cutlete, breaded and baked to a succulent state in a slow oven. Two coupons are billed as exchange for a pot roast Aside from Monday and Wednesday dinners, it should also yield some fixings for lunches. Meatless Tuesday's-puffy omelet can be made with fresh mushrooms or canned soup. Thursday is chap day, and Friday spins the eating wheel rcund to fish. Liver helps you to smuggle extra nutrition into Saturday's meat patties at no ration expense. Left-over are four tokens for future reference, or if available, Vz lb. bacon. Planned buying is the housewife's duty if she Is to keep her family happy now that the sugar and preserves ration is combined so that fewer coupons are used. Aside from the first canning sugar allotment made in May (S8, S9, S10. Sll and SI 2) which it is assumed you have already earmarked for preserving your family's favorites, two regular sugar-preserves coupons, SI 3 and SI 4, become valid on May 16th. Accordingly, a family of four will have a total of eight coupons. Trie purchase pattern allows for a reasonable amount of sugar far everyday use; some bread spreads; fruit to augment fresh supplies now that simple desserts are recommended substitutes for pies and cakes so that more wheat may be freed for shipment to the hungry abroad; and your last opportunity to get a ration bargain on maple syrup before its coupon value reverts to 48 fluid ounces on May 31st CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change I j TUESDAY PM. 4:00 Ann Watt Sings 4:30 Junior Concert 5:00 Marek Weber 5:30 This and That 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 CBC News 6:15 CBC News Itoundup 6:30 Leicester Square 7-:G0 Young Women's Musical Club Choir 7 :3C String Orchestra 8:00 Feldler Conducts 8:30 Musicana 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Books for the Times 9:30 Pacific Pianoforte 10:00 Opera Time 10:55 CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather and Fisheries News (Local) 11:30 Biltmore Hotel Orchil :30 Silent WEDNESDAY AM. 7:20 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Bong 8:30 Music For Moderns 8:45-Medley Time HOW CAN 111 Uy ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make soap jelly? A. An excellent soap jelly will be the result of dissolving an equal amount of soap shavings in boiling water, then adding a teaspoonful of borax to each pint. Q. How can I make asparagus more tender? A. When preparing asparagus, if the tough ends are stripped off the outside skins they will be found when cooked to be tender and palatable. Q. How can I whiten clothes? A. Soak them overnight in a solution of one quart of water to one teaspoon cream tartar. The Experts Say - - FOOD CONSERVATION There is a general desire among Canadians to supply food to those in need. Many home-makers who want to maKe their contribution have found It dif-tlr.uU to buy food and plan and can see no way to adapt their menus to the present situ atlon which requires reduced consumption of wheat products, meat, e.ggs and cheese. Home economists say that if every homemaker would appoint hrrstlf a committee of one to make the most of food In her own home it would be of considerable assistance to the authori ties in conserving the require food. One good way to make these foods available for shipment is to use up supplies on hand before buying more. Sealers and cans of fruit and vegetables from last year, -wnether packed at home or In a canning factory -should be off the pantry or cellar shelves beiore the new crop Is ready for canning. With generous helpings of fresh vegetables coming alon? frcm the plot In the back yard and the few root vegetables still stored, less brearj will be needed. Vegetable plates for dinner and one-rli?h meals and green salads for luncheon or supper ar excellent meat and bread savers. Here is a recipe for one of those good vegetable meals: Potato creole requires four tablespoons of fat, four cups of sliced raw potatoes, one sliced onion, two cups of canned tomatoes or t,omato Juice, l2 teaspoons of salt, 'A teaspoon of pepper. Melt the fat in a frying pan. Add the potatoes and onion and cook for 10 minutes. Add the tomatoes, salt ary pepper. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender and the tomato Juice has become thickened by the starchy potatoes, nils makes six servings. HEFTY SALADS Not so long ago salads were considered food for dainty ladies but now a salad meal is relished by real he-mer but it takes a hefty salad to be the mainstay of a meal. The basis is a green leafy vegetable like lettuce, endive, cress or .spinach and the best salads are the simplest. Home economists suggest these rules for good salad making: Have everything well-chilled and the greens crisp. Have a good contrast of color and texture of Ingredients. Be sure that the first appearance is attractive and lastly use an appetizing dressing which complements and accents the flavor of the salad. With a Jjlnt of cooked, basic salad dressing on hand, one can make many variations to suit frft!'nt salad combinations. A tablespoon of chill sauce, catsup, chopped pickle, grated sharp cheese, or a pinch of curry powder, a dash of horse-radish, a few chopped green onion tops or chlviw added to V2 cup of thinned dressing will be sufficient for a green salad for six. Prince nupcrt Dafli? Bcv3 Tii-:.rt;iy M'.y :.!! 010 COUNTERATTACK' IS TENSE DRAMA I'aul Muni Heads Cast ot "Counter Attack" at Capitol Theatre - Thrilling story of Russian guerrilla lighters and a group of paratroopers in a mid on a German-hald outpost, "Counter-Attack" will bring Paul Muni in the .starring role and Marquer-Ite Chapman and Larry Parks in featured roles to the Capitol Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday. 6:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 The Violin 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Thoughts for Todoy 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Women's Forum 11:C0 B.C. Farm Broadcast. 11:25 Program Resume 11:31 CBC News 11:45 Weather Forecast 11:46 Message Period 11:48 Recorded Interlude PAV. 12:00 To be announced 12:15 To be announced 12:30 Musical Program 12:45 Music Styled for Strings 1:00 From the Classics 1:15 Women's News Commentary 1:18 Mother's Business 1:30 Fairy Tales 1 :45 Downbeat 2:00 Messer's Islanders 2:15 Homemakers Program 2:30 Serenade 2:45 BBC News and Commentary 3:00 Jack Allison Show 3:15 Salon Orch., Ottawa 3:30 Doris Veale at the Piano 3:45 Stock Quotations Advertise In the Dally News. Centred upon a night attack by the Russian guerrillas and paratroopers on the German headquarters, in order to capture an officer from whom to force information of troop concentrations, the broader scope of the -picture slows exciting fight .scene.s and the construction of an important underwater bridge by the Russlans,ln " actual warfare. Paul Muni as Kulkov, one of the paratroopers, and Marguerite Chapman as a guerrilla guide, are trapped along with eight C;ermans In the cellar of a fac-torv when the walls are blown in, and the major portion of the film pictures Muni's dogged and desperate struggle to break dawn the Germans' morale and make one tit them confe&s to being an officer. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Would it be permissable for a roan to pass in front of a woman, in order to get out of an automobile on the curb side? A. Yes, It is also safer than getting out on the traffic side. ii course It would be more con-enient for the driver to set out mi the left side. Q. When giving a luncheon, when should the bread and butler plates be put on the table? A. Before the guests enter the dining room. Q. What should a hostess do If the caller refuses a cup ot tea or coffee? jA. 'Ine hostess should accept the refusal and not make the offer a second Ume. mm m m ma . m ffoidav Ahead ff4Y, for ,Jai;,:..r Vv2 easy-to-prepare i meals mntmimas At home or t the cottage. Aunt Jemimas hit the spot I Best of all . . . they're so easy to prepare! Add milk of water to Aunt Jemima's Readj Mix . . . pour on the griddle . 1 pop 'em on the plates ... thefl watch the family smile as thef 'dig in". Yes, fragrant steam ing stacks of appetizing Aunt iemima pancakes are the appy answer to quick holiday meals that satisfy! C mmmm Ptocakfl Flour today ioth Rtfuluiiuptckif rorib I Oil 11 Ami SVilb.onomrbi. j "WCf MtAl MSfJU ) yi j rr??rr-'i j Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Th Quakr Oats Company of Canada tlmittd J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 rt- l'yrex Baby Bottles 10c YwMtffifc' Tufty Caps, glass 10c D J Ik V J y ltubb'"- "OH" Caps .. 10c Lined Dlaner Bar .... S1.50 Johnson's Baby Powder 28c and 55c Johnson's Haby Oil C0c and $1.10 Johnson's Baby Soap .. 15c Baby Bottle Nipples, from 5c Rubber Crib Sheeting, from 90c Baby Pants, finest quality 4oc High Chair Pads, consisting of padded seat, back and arm $2.50 Ormes Ltd. Prescription Chemists Phone 81