RED TOP CABS Phone 349PAWg ,. KAJTBt C McINTYRE stand Rupert Tobacco Store (across from Ormcs) DAY AND NIOHT SERVICE NOT BOUND YALTA PACT Nationalist China as Savs ivil War is Resumed in I llanchuria hu:I0KI:JO. p -Reports ol ! .; in : in jwancnunii ..J fArt OB a rrnv- - jt pke anan asserted "c. i c,j- nut a party to , y ; ' mrni aim ane w ri Y'.' ... agreement tan- it ij of Important (i ..ui in Manchuria, de-. D: n a free port and C;-riet Joint adminls--, . , China of specified rsu r 'ailroads. fii t : nil investigate gdia's Problems ';- '.i Explosive India's : h: investigated by t vrrrimcnt mission of ministers which t i ;;rar thr ejid of it i- Tno mission wm i . nil self-govern-T Ijn with elected .:';UVCS. IETTON WOODS HPIRE MENACE In Says Lord Kcavrrbrook of itrnialional Monetary fvlrm I:, me House of Briverbrook ha ; it ' n calling for 'vnrnment to rc-. ii of the Bret-! l w "t;ry agreement, ui-uoin publisher lurcrment is a Empire. Bring British ro-Footballers )r":T) Secretary Sam I An tve Federal Government Has Power to American Treason j Cases Are Coming WASIIINOTON, D.C. r At-'; orney-Ocncral Tom Clark dls-j closed yesterday that Depart ) ment of Justice investigators In Europe arc on the trail oi twentytwd Americans suspected of . wartime treason. He said that, as soon as evidence has been obtained, each of the suspects will be brought to the District of Columbia to face United States tribunal. ADOLF HITLER THIEF HIMSELF Personally "Snatched'' Half a Dorcn l ine Tapestries Prom Prague NUERNBERG, (f Adolf Hit-, ler drove to Prague by fast automobile on the first day of the invasion of Czechoslovakia and personally stole half a dozen fine upcstrlcs. leaving with them the following morning, a Soviet prosecutor told the International military tribunal today. The Russian prosecutor said this example of looting by the head of '.he state was typical of predatory motives of the Nazi 'in D'joilnloa.J'oot-.lreslniB. ;i is enroute to i - K. "h hopes of 1m-: In Canada. He .!'. back six Brt-i j -occcr players Canac:aru In the MTISH LOAN ESSENTIAL Last Clianre to Restore E'ffrrs vorld Tradf and Hold Living fiandards, Sa,v3 Acheson Ul IOT0N In vhc United U ;dcr-Sccrctary of E Achrson. says the :i and three-quar- ) c uar loan to Great ' "i one last clear . . w nvilU bl.Ub ; 'Ms that, if the f" .A. there will be " ' -i; of living :t he world. ISONERS LAND LIVERPOOL OKDON Thr hner Maure-nirnrcd in Liverpool ' ..,3 Giv'm::n nrlsnnpri! nr C "i.ida This Is the rl it an t draft from thin ' T- Unci's travels' : fenced in bv pbe V,re nd puarded by ... UJ : volunteers. VE KILLED IN LECTION FIGHT ;ari;:u' ciash in Uaihva tJjNOs hues. A clash be- mih. ; Ul prcsiaentiai V 1 l! JUST:; TmhUi Hun 1 -""ikwhii . uiui i ' ,1 inn r ron nas caused deny . 0Path Of twr. o,.. r i Alrr pi.. luroH . u"'s were started whpn i " " aa asscmblrrt nt Lcal Tide 4;36 19.7 fpot 16:55 17.5 fnpt 10:54 6.7 feet 22 54 7.1 feet , U NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v. . A . TAXI TAXI 537 DAY and NIOHT SERVICE Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port Bill and Ken Ncsbitt VOL. XXXV. No. 43. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS in Spy Conspiracy AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION JOINS CAMPAIGN RAILWAY MAINTENANCE Organization Completed at Enthusiastic Meeting Last Night Harry Black Is President Organization of the Prince Rupert branch of the Automobile Association of thusiastically completed at a dinner meeting last night with thirty-two active members in attendance. The Prince Rupert Highway situation was thoroughly discussed and the Association decided to throw its u'ploht hphlnd the rcDresenta- lions hplni? madp to the EOV-' crnmcnt urging it to put ade-auate equipment on the road to keep it open and in good! state of repair the year round, i Members of the Association will view the Kwinitsa slide and take photographs of same for dlstn- i bution where felt advisable. Various projects designed io Improve road and motoring con-1 ditlons generally In the prov- lnce were endorsed Including: abolition of tolls on the Fraser Canyon Highway, a Calgary Board of Trade resolution calling for federal aid in a highway program and earmarking of licence . fee and gasoline tax revenue for highway purposes. Mr. Black announced that he had been advised that the Vancouver Automobile Club , was sending members north this summer to place signs on the Prince Rupert Highway. The proposal of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to send a caravan to Prince George for the provincial Junior Chamber convention was approved. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, J. H. Black. Vice-President, J. E. Boddlc. Secretary - Treasurer, Fred Conrad. Directors W. J. Scott, C. G. Ham, S. E. Parker, Mrs. H. B. Rochester, Douglas Frlzzcll, W. G. Murray, N. E. Gcrrard, George Dlbb, H. T. Lock and A. D. Ritchie. The directors will meet Sunday to draw up a constitution and romnlete eeneral organlza- llniV rtPiinrnl meethiES will be hulil pvprv t.wn months. The Association now has a membership of sixty-five. MoreThreatening Aspect v n CHURCH IS WORLD HOPE VVilli.Mj God Tlirt Can Be No Unity, IVpc Pins Trlls Cardinals LONDON. (I Poiie Pius fcold the nimbly of cardinals today that "the church which rises today 'n this torn world Is lite a s'-'nsl because, without God. there cannot be among men real unity." The broadcast from Vatican Citv was recorded in London by Associated Press. The n1dres began after the Pop? had nlaced blrcttas on the head of 29 of 32 new cardinals created at Monday's secret consistory. Modern Imperialism was endangering enduring peace of the world, the Pope declared. Only U.S. Knows Atomic Secret LONDON. Q ProL M. L. OIo-phant. one of Brllalu's atomic bomb experts, today agreed with Secretary of Stale James Byrnes of the United States that the "know how" of the atomic bomb production is in the exclusive .possession .of the Urrited States, British Columbia was en Puzzle of Ambassador Who Is Russian Knvoy to Canada? That is Question LONDON An international puzzle connected with the Canadian espionage Investigation has popped up in London. A veteran Russian diplomat, Jacob Souritz, has booked a suite in a London hotel and has registered as the Russian ambassador to Canada. So far as Is known, the Soviet ambassador to Ottawa is still George Zabourin, who is in Moscow. The picture is further complicated by a statement from llie Russian embassy in London that Zabourin is still ambassador to Canada and that Zabouiin Is bound for Brazil. TRYING TO STOP POLISH DISEASE LONDON The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Ad-minlscratlon Is making a determined effort to stamp out threatening epidemics In Poland. Ten million Poles will be Inoculated by the relief agency In the fight against typhoid. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert Cloudy with scattered showers yoday and Thursday. Winds fresh to strong southeast. Judgment of Court Given OTTAWA (CP) Majority opinion of justice of the Supreme Court of Canada is that the federal government has the power to deport between ten and fifteen thousand of 24,000 Japanese In Canada, It was disclosed In the Judgment which was handed down today. Three Justices were of the opinion that orders - In - council authorizing deportation of the Japanese were not ultra vires of the Governor-General in coun- r cil cither In whole or in part I Two Justices were of the opinion j that the Governor - In - Council ! has the authority to deport ' Japanese nationals, British sub-' Jects of Japanese origin and i Canadian -born Japanese who re-: quested that they be sent to Ja-1 pan but did not have the power to deport wives and children of men In the three classes. In delivering Judgment, Chief : Justice Rlnfret said the ccurt was unanimous In declaring the , orders - In - council were Intra 1 vires except as to forceful de portation of wives and children or tnose to dc sent or wno wish to be sent to Japan. Four Justices, he said, felt this section of the orders was ultra vjres while three Justices felt It was Intra vires. There were certain other reservations by some of the Justices, he said. Rabbi Vlneberg of Toronto describes the Judgment as an "unfortunate decision." Few British Columbia Japanese will be saved from deportation under the Judgment C. V. PICKETTERS "MEET" BOAT AT TOP OF RAMP Neither the CUR. nor the" weather showed much sym- m pathy for the little band of "Jobs For All" plcketers, whose pcrseverencc supported them In their slogan march on wind-swept Second Street this morning. They seek contracts for Prince Rupert Dry Dock. The plcketers three In numberfollowed up their Saturday morning display with a demonstration when the ftcamer Prince Rupert docked shctrtly before noon today although , considerably removed from the C.N.R. wharf. Denied access, to C.NJt. property by railway authorities, the little group took their stand on Second Street not far from the top of the ramp to the wharf. They paraded up and down the street carrying their placards which sometimes threatened to get out of control In the strong wind. Mrs. J, R. Blakcy, picket captain, looked at the flow of automobile trlfflc which whizzed by, and calculated maybe they had mace a tactical mis-' take In not picketing on Sixth Street where most of the pedestrian traffic from the boats enter the downtown area. "We'll picket on Sixth Street next time," she said confidentially. Although lacking In numbers, the three plcketers were not lacking in signs. Two of the plcketers carried two signs each. SEXTUPLETS BORN PARIS Sextuplets four girls and two boys were born in Paris today and all are alive. Deport Japs DEMANDS PROBE TN INDONESIA. .Addirssimr lhP IJnlW,KV- chief of the Ukrainian delegation, demanded that a mission investigate activities of the British In Indonesia. He charged th,at the British had attacked IndoncsJah natives, but .said he was not asking for withdrawal of British troops from the Indies. In reply. Britain's Ernest Bevin said, T give you the lie that the British attacked the Indonesians." Bevin said that British troops were obliged to fire to protect themselves after they were attacked by Indonesian extremists. Spy Master Min Is Taken By Police OTTAWA (CP) The Ottawa Journal said today that Royal Canadian Mounted Police have caught the alleged "master mind" of the foreign spy ring operating in Canada. The agent, whom the newspaper identified as operating under the alias of "Arthur Adams," said that "Adams" was reported to have been in the pay of the Soviet espionage service since 11)38. The Journal said that "Adams" had been trailed by counter espionage agents since he entered Canada last December, and picked up by the R.C.3I.P. last Friday. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Joiinston Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER Bralorne 17.85 B.R. Con 20 B. R.X. 1935 18 Cariboo Gold v 3.25 , Dcntonla 43 Grull Wlhksne 23 Hedley Mascot 2.04 Mlnto - .08 Vi Pend Oreille 4.00 Pioneer 6.25 Premier Border 12V Premier :, 2.35 Privateer .73 Reeves McDonald 1.45A ' Reno .' .14 Salmon Cold ' .25 ' Sheep Creek 150 Taylor Bridge 1.01 Whitewater 03?'e Vananda .564 Congress 14 Vi Pacific Eastern 16 Hedley Amalgamated .. .15 Spud Valley .27 Central Zeballds 19 Oils A.P. Con .22 . Calmont 36 C. & E. 2.55 Foothills 1.60 Home ' 3.55 TORONTO Aumaque 1.29 Beattie 1.50 Bobjo .23 .N.O. com- d'i TO BROADCAST ATOMIC TESTS WASHINGTON News of a somewhat explcsivc nature was released Tuesday by Rear Admiral Harold Miller, the Amerl' can Navy's director of public information. He revealed that the atomic bomb tests in the Pacific next spring may' be broadcasl throughout the world in a "play by play' 'account. Buffalo Canadian 36 Con. .Smelters 85.00 Eldona 1.06 Elder 1.15 Giant Vellowknife 7.65 Harrfrock ;. 1.05 acknifc .34 Joliet Quebec 1.26 Little Long Lac 2.96 Madscn Red Lake ..." 4.60 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 3.50 Moncta 75 Omega v 33 Pickle Crow 4.40 San Antonio 5.30 Senator Rouyn l- Sherrltt Gordon 1-76 Steep Rock Sturgeon River 23 Lynx 42 Lapaska 53 God's Lake -65 Negus 2.30 Takes On Huge Fifth Column Is Working Surreptiously Thru This Land OTTAWA (CP) Ever-widening inquiry inttrthe alleged Russian spy ring in Canada took on a new and threatening aspect today with the disclosure of a Vast and treacherous fifth column working silently in the Dominion to gather information for Canada's powerful northern neighbor in the event of war. This; in-i 1 "' ' -formation, re-emphasizing the n II . Duiierins "AUBi'T AGREEMENT VANCOUVER Halibut fishermen here say that they wTiI not go out this season on com-nany boats which do not subscribe to agreements with the fishermen. They demand that the crew ef the halibut boats belong to a union and that the skipper and crew be free to dispose cf their catches in any way tliey see fit. The announcement wa made this morning by William Rig, a union official. MILK WORKERS STRIKE DETROIT A strike among 750 emplryecs of the Borden Co. here has flopped milk supplies cf r.00.000 residents of : the Detroit district. The milk ! workers are members of a C. . to. Union T . , , . . . , has been chosen chairman of Vancouver's Community Chest drive which will begin shortly. ADMITTANCE STANDARDS MONTREAL Dr. F. Cyril James cf Mcdill University says that the number of men seeking entrance to Canadian universities raises the question of whether or not admittance standards shculrt be put into effect. Dr. James ays that i poorly adjusted students are a burden on the university and en the parents. TWO ELECTROCUTED MISSOULA, Montana Two men were electrocuted here when a steel tape which they weie dragging through bush-land whipped into the air and contacted a power line. The men were Ralph Ellis rf Seattle and Robert Smith of Portland. RUSSIA DEBATED LONDON Russian intentions were discussed in the I'ritUh House of Commons today. A Conservative member feared the Soviet was planning to impose on well-established British interests In the Mediterranean. ENGAGE DEFENCE COUNSEL OTTAWA Two of 13 defendants in the espionage conspiracy case have engaged defence counsel. HALF MILLION DEFICIT VANCOUVER Vancouver city council Is faced with the meeting of a half million dollar deficit in the 1916 budget. Ordinary expenditures for the year arc placed at SI7.500.000 half a million dollars more than last year. A million dollar street widening program is lo be financed by money bylaws. K.IAU STATION BLAST HAIFA Jewish extremists have blown up a Royal Air Force radar station on Mount Carmel near here. Two non-commisisoned officers were seriously injured. Big Bess Is At New York Today NEW YORK The largest ship In the world, the liner Queen Elizabeth, tied up In New York harbor at 8:15 this morning. The liner brought 12,000 Canadian servicemen from the United Kingdom. seriousness of the task of the Royal Commission Investigation now under way Into espionage activities, came to tjie Canadian Press from an excellent authority who stressed, however, that the Soviets did not have aggression In mind and 'were conducting the ring as a protective measure. This source and others close to the Inquiry supplied details which disclosed a gigantic fifth column made up of Russian agents afid ' paid Canadians who worked astFnter-mediaries former and'piesent civil servants, some willing and some blackmailed who supplied data without payment -and members of pro-Soviet organizations who gladly assisted the Russia cause. Through this vast and com plex organization flowed a steady stream of information which was passed on to the Russian embassy here which Is said authoritatively to be the "for- "5 mission invoivea ana . , . . , . . . . era! picture of. data about Can ada. STATEMENT IS COMING OTTAWA - An informant; has told the Canadian Press that the expected government? in- ; terlm statement on the progress of the Ryai commission inquiry into the espionage case will be made by 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the lat-estt A reliable source ln the capital says the Investigators have discovered the existence of a Soviet fifth column In Canada which has penetrated every phase of Canadla4ifei SEEKING JOBS? FOR MILLIONS WASHINGTON- The American Labor Department will start a drive Wednesday to find4obs for the six million persongjjjii expects to be unemployed artoy June 30. The job-hunting caffi paign will be conducted by the United States Employment Service. sr-i i '- 2 Old Hotel Running As Veteran Hostel - VAVCOUVER. Or TMejd Hotel Vancouver was officially opened Monday as a veterans' emergency hostel under man agement of the Greater Van couver Citizens' Rehabilitation Council. Forty-eight persons moved in Monday Including eight married couples with' "a total of 11 children. There "were six couples, all special . emergency cases, living In the hotel before the official opening. Nearly 500 veterans have applied for space and officials expect about a dozen additions dally until the hotel Is full. SASKATCHEWAN YOUTH HANGED REG IN A, Oi -Jack Loran, aged 20, was hanged today for the shooting of Gus Angerman, 68-year old neighbor of the Loran family In southwestern Saskatchewan. The police said that robbery was, apparently, the motive for the killing. i