7 a u u m a if . ' a a'-' RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Our Ladies Hosiery Headache! 1. Hosiery Will Still Be In Short Supply. 2. The Rupert Peoples Store Obtain a Monthly Quota. 3. After Arrival of Each Quota, Cards Will Be Given to Customers in the Store Each Card Good for One Pair of Hose. 4. These Cards Will Be Distributed at Different Times and On Different Days in Order to Insure Fairest Distribution. 5. Please DO NOT ASK FOR A CARD. DO NOT ASK WHEN THEY WILL BE GIVEN OUT. 6. We Cannot Show Partiality. These Cards Will Be Given Free to Customers in the Store Only at the Time Distributed. 7. This Is the Fairest Method We Know. There Are Not Enough Hose to Go Around in Either Canada or the U.S. Some Good Customers Will Not Get Any But We Will Do the Best Possible. Rupert Peoples Store (t ; LING - THE TAILOR m - YVe are taking cleaning and .'pressing and steam pressing '- while you wait. THONE 649 220 Sixth Strr-ot Use that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur At All Times Your Humble Servant' SPECIAL one week only BEACH BABY BUGGY fi'H.Ur, GO-CART tll.JKi BABY BASSINETTE 8.1 J) EDUCATIONAL SET Ii.7 KINDERGARTEN DROP-LEAF SET (S.71). Limited Sale one purchase to each customer only furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Malr) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Reducing, Facial and General J Swedish Massage rhone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST mm a? COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 99? PHONE 676 Genuine DUSTBANE or SISAL FOR DUST CONTROL Greater bulk means more for your money PROMPT DELIVERY ON JANITOR SUPPLIES PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE 330 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Phone 632 Take lnvigprating steam baths and massage to relieve! LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty rhone Green 974 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA J I., hum ii h: FOR SALE Business House known as Poulson's Block combining Grocery, Butcher j5nop an(J Cafet as a gojnj; C0Tlcern- Splendid investment for right party. Any reasonable offer. Apply at Store. "WHAT IS 111 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. BOX 167 TERRACE Shortage of Cruise Vessels Will Be Felt Local Traffiee to be Tut First Tourist travel through Prince Rupert this year Is expected to be "good" although It will not be as heavy as In normal years before the war, In the opinion of local officers of the Canadian National, Union and Canadian Pacific steamship companies. A shortage of crulse vessels by Canadian National, and Canadian Pacific will forestall an Invasion by the hordes of tourists which passed through Prince Rupert in pre-war days but U three companies are looking '-traffic foward to as much tourist as they can accommodate- and more. With only the Prince Rupert operating, Canadian National passenger officials here say that they could fill her with tourists every trin this summer but they plan to leave space for normal local north-south traffic which constitutes the bulk of their year-round business. "Wc plan to look after our .regular customers in spite of the size of the tourist trade although local people should not feel put cut If they can't make last minute reservations," one passenger official said. "When the rush is on, rrsrrvations should .be made well in advance." Union Steamships, with two new converted corvettes coming Into service possibly In June, may use the Catala to supple ment their north coast run, ac EXPERIMENTERS FAVOR SOIL SUBSTITUTES FOR SEED BOX, Amateur gardeners who plan to start seeds early this year may be interested In a substitute for soil which can be used In seed starters. This ls vermiculite, a form of mica which ls mined In Montana, then subjected to 2,000 degrees of neat. This expands the material 12 times and makes it light and highly absorbent. A cubic foot of vermiculite weighs five pounds and has a water holding capacity of five gallons. It also holds air and retains the granular condition, which ls Ideal for aeration. The heat treatment makes it sterile, so- that seeds grown In the material germinate more promptly and with a smaller loss than when planted in soil. Vermiculite is used for con- crete aggregate, and also f(r Insulating buildings. Ic.ls gener ally obtainable a.t lumber yards. Some forms of the concrete aggregate are mixed with substances harmful 'to plants, so this should be avoided unless there Is assurance that lc is harmless. The insulating material, however, ls Harmless to plants and the particles are coarser and more suitable for filling a flat. It should be passed through a sieve, just as soil is, 10 separate the finer particles, which should be placed on top, In which to sow the seed. Sow the seeds a little deeper than with soil. The vermiculite will hold water longer than soil and needs watering less often The automatic wick method of watering may be used, or the flat, may be .subirrlgated by first lining it with waterproof paper before it Is filled, then placing a flower pot in the centre, around which the vermiculite Is piled. An inch of coarse gravel at the bottom helps SDread water evenly, when it is poured into the pot; and moisture is ab sorbed by the vermiculite from below as It evaporates above. Vermiculite contains some potash but no nitrogen or phos-Dhorus. These must be supplied In the water when the seedling Dlants are well started. A tea-spoonful of balanced chemical fertilizer, such as 4-12-4, stirred in a eallon of water and used to water the plants week ly, gives good results. Take great care not to make the mixture too strong. Welding and Body Repairs No Job 13 too large or too small for us. Our mechanics are ' experts In body repairs. Dependable, prompt service TERRACE MACHINE SHOP box 202 & GARAGE terrace W. C. OSBORNE V. IMHOFF E GOOD TOURIST TRAFFIC EXPECTED the Cardena and the new ship would have fewer stops to make on their northern trips," Mr. Skinner said. "This would not only speed up the service to Prince Rupert and Stewart but it would also mean more accommodation for northern passengers." The second of the two corvettes scheduled to go Into service for the Union Steamships this summer will go on the Queen Charlotte Islands run. It Ls expected to handle a substantial tourist traffic through Prince Rupert. Starting their summer schedule in June, Canadian Pacific coast steamships will have the Princess Louise and Princess Norah on the Alaska run to Skagway in addition to the regular weekly sailings of the Princess Adelaide between PTince Rupert and Vancouver. C.P.R. local agent David Scott anticipates that tourist traffic on the company's ships will b3 "heavy" and that both the Norah and Louise will be booked solid during the summer schedules which contains six sailings to Alaska during each of the months of June, July and August. Local hotels too, predict an Increase of business as tourists take advantage of the first pleasure travel opportunities since early In the war. lintel accommodation In the city is about 240 rooms. Auto Traffic Depends on Road Automobile traiflc in Prince Rupert will depend, o: course, on cording to Frank Skinner, their . coMmm f prfncc Ru One of the new vessels 17 V T. j T, with with ,,u outside world. If . ... . city city the the .-tm-uuicu iu iaite uie run or dinarlly handled by the Catala and it Ix anticipated that the . t - 1 vaiaia may oe usea on a run as ! far north as Pert Hardy in coiv junction with the new vessel, and the Cardena. "If the plan to have the Catala handle local traffic between i Vancouver and Port Hardy ls IB I carried out. it would mean that the road is open and In good shape, there will, no doubt, bo many people coming here from all parts of the continent In their cars. WANTED Piano, in good condition. Phone Blue 365. (441 WANTED Furnished room, pre ferably Seal Cove vicinity. Box 86 Daily News. (44) WANTED Furnished house keeping room, close in. Apply Box 85 Daily News. (46) WANTED TO RENT Small fur nished house, close In; early occupancy. Write full particulars Box 83, Daily Mews. (40) URGENTLY WANTED Chrom atic harmonica (mouth organ). Phone Red 808. (46) HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, small family. Apply Box 84 Daily News. State wages. FOR RENT furnished. Blue 693. FOR RENT Two-room flat, Borden St. Phone (44 FOR RENT One furnished suite and two single rooms. 209 5th Ave. West. (44) FOR RENT OR SALE Furnished house. $75 revenue. Apnly 549 West 9th Ave. (47) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 344 Sherbrookc Ave. . (46) PERSONAL LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (46 LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Fountaln pen. Thursday noon, 3rd Ave, front of W. F. Stone's. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) LOST Wallet containing sum of ' mony and papers. Friday afternoon between Post Office and Alfred St. Reward. Mrs, D. Moore, Phone Green 751. (43) LOST Friday night, white brocade evening bag, containing silver comp.ct with Initiate M.C.A. Finder please phone Blue 367, or leave at the Dally News. (46) RADIO SERVICK RADIO SERVICE For guaran teed radio satisfaction pnone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. TUESDAY'S LUCKY NYLON IG1.11 I). McDonald. -1(5089 Mrs. John Curric. 16181) Mrs. McWhinnic. -10377 Mr?. Iterj;. 16221-rMrs. Field. .16313 Mrs. Paulson. 1621)0 Mrs. McDoinrall. 163G1 Mrs. Christoff. TEEN-TOWNS SPREADING VANCOUVER- w- Ever since boys and girls at Pentlcton, B. C, formed a club with the idea of staging dances and other forms of entertainment to curb Juvenile delinquency, 'teen-towns are springing up ajl over British Columbia. At Vancouver, Donald Cromie, publisher of the Vancouver Sun. has announced he incorporated the B.C. Teen-towns Associated under the provincial Societies Act with the aim of encouraging youth self-help movements. Charters will be given all 'teen-towns with membership of 15 or more and a conference of all 'teen-town mayors will be Classified Advertising - - - - ;ia36lflIs: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charcc, 60c. IJlrth Notices: 60c; Cards of Tbanlts. Death Notice. Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements; 2. IN .ME.MORIA.M M ORRIS .In sacred remembrance of 'a loving husband and father, Frank Morris, who passed on to higher service, February 20, 1945. You were always true and Through the years you struggled on; And those hands that rest forever. Made the home that now Is gone. His loving wife and children. WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE 6 room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (48) FOR SALE 1934 Chevrolet sedan, god condition; Serial Number 4053647, Licence No. 29i6S. One electric iron, 8- tube electric radio. 1320 8Ui Ave. East. (48) FOR SALE 5 h.p. electric motor, $70.00. 209 5th Ave. West. (45) FOR SALE Sewing machine. 225 1st Ave. East. (43) FFOR SALE Oil burner range, must be sold by Thursday. Cheap for quick sale. 1102 Cth Ave. East. (43) FOR SALE New electric heavy press Irons and electric hotplates, very sp'eclal prices. Hotplates now $4.75; press irons $7.00. New 1946 mantel radios. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. FOR SALE Chesterfield, double bed, kitchen sultc and household effects. 1217 8th Ave. E. (44) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, February 28th, 1946, for the pur-j chase of Lot 17, Block 4, Section 2, City of Prince Rupert.) Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. G. F. Forbes, Acting Official Administrator of the Estate of Henry 3. Misner, deceased. (50) FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 . 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOR SALE Large stock of new and used furniture at the low est prices. One fireproof safe, I one electric sewing machine,! studio couches, can be madei into double bed. chesterf h Ids ' slightly used, used chairs fiom! $7.50, portable gramaphone, 1 beds and springs at low prices, i two dining room suites at snap. J B. C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 221 5th Ave. East,, 8-room house, completely fur-j nlshcd. Dewing rental ln-.come of $123.50 per month. .$5000. Aptfly H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (45) FOR SALE 960 1st Ave. West, five 2-room apartments. 1 single . completely furnished rooms. Drawing rental Income of $102 per month. $5000. Apply II. G. Helgerson Ltd. (45) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES POSTAL EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring Postal- Examination Letter .Carrier. Postal Clerk, Mall Porter. Full particulars upon request to the M.C.C. Schools. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg. been actively associated with youth organizations for many years, has been made honorary adult advLser to British Columbia 'tccn-towns. He has sent out a fotir-paga free newspaper to all 'tcen-towncrs containing an organization chart, a suggested constitution and a plan of organization with the ciutles set out for every official In 'tccn-town. Membership cards are also available for 'tcen-towners that want them. Members of "teen-town range in age from 13 to 19 years and they elect a mayor, mayoress, city council and police force. They also elect committeemen In charge of sports and social activities. Various organizations liav rallied to the cause vy offering their premises for classes in woodwork, moulding, model airplane bulldini. photography, sewing and community halls for dances. Modern Ettnuette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Should the bridegroom send the bride's bouquet to the church when having a church wedding? A. No; he should havcjtent to the bride's home. Q. Ls it ever good form to use a little profanity occasionally when 'In conversation with' others? , A. (No; profanity is always common and vulgar. Q. How long should one remain when making a formal call? A. Twenty minutes,' unless urged to remain longer, but no longer than 30 minutes. WINNERS JI6Mrs.s-M 12-MORE PAIR GIVEN AWAY TONIGHT, 0 l i THE SHOW: Robt. Donat in "VACATION FROM MARRIAGE' THE ENTIRE QUOTA OF NYLONS FROM FKASER & PAYNE DRY GOODS STORE HAS BEEN DONATED TO THE THEATRE FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION TO LADIES ONLY. DRAWING 9 IVH.j TUES. WEI). TIIURS. IirtatutlsMl return prisms cm COOPER lorettaYOUNG Along Came Jone .ith WILLIAM DEMAREST DAN DURYEA riMK SUllt' A (MtU MUSTS CCtr. KODUCTION THURS. to SAT. SERIAL AT 3:00 - 5:15 SERIAL AT :m0 - 5: 15 l37.-Mn '10281-Mr. LONDON the hubuutf-reports the n, Since the t ing for dem b. have biionircl Tabula ti -i. July, Au;;u: 1945, there w riages 36121 same period r Cam EcmafciiaiS I of held May. In Vancouver about the end , Marriages Mn ..;.,, Boom D W. J. "Billy" Finlay who has , in country El Genuine Aspirin is MARKED THIS WAYBJ CENTRAL HOI Transifnt Hoonu NEWLY DECORATE Wccklv and Mi '' I For your c.w ..' Cafe In ConnoctiM LICENSED nlEMEl (Renovated) I' II ONE 51 Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A..M. to 2:00 AJM. Wc specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Quality Repairs at Economy Prices nniMPP RUPEl SHOE REPA! 3rd St. (Near the REX ALL STORE P',one 81 RTHE M Have your prescriptions a mi '.... ! tl whii commence. - jjecii that only the purest and finest quality m"vi4 are used that every prescription is conl abct accurately by a registered pharmacist. lir your guarantee. Ormes V Oldest in Canada. ftSffl-SS Vhm Pioneer Drugs