J C. C. M. BICYCLES Men's and Ladles' models now In stock. The guaranteed bicycle that will give you the maximum of service Gordon's Hardware Iftsnuc ii"" REX CAFE are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON 'onnacona Phone 311 IttflND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Stley Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our npcrlalty. Open 0 a.m. to 2 a.m. 17:5 We Deliver Your Order in Announcement fo the Motoring Public . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 1 P.M. TO 4 JVM. his is a service for your convenience . . . you ALL BOARD We have a carload on the way ORDER NOW TO ENSURE EARLY DELIVERY l'x(i 18 VxT and VxUY $65.00 per M sq.ft. EPHILPOTT EVITT AND CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Huildiiitf Supplies ENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNINQ AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Jtone Block i niinn pd nnx 1381 l- Box 13C0 Phone r.OJi Evenings: Green UKl Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs and Alterations 1 BlnNrns INSTALLED, SERVICED AND CLEANED R Second and 'iW St. West Night Calls Green 787 Black 861 Blue 170 Irsnnorc Highest psices P I Q)J Uc I o Paid for Your , Attention T U K D SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL ILL SIIRIAIJERG FURNITURE Phone Black R2. W I'T S Sjj EDUCATION FOR LEISURE "Our education falls If -we have not been trained for freedom. We need to be educated to use our leisure In such a way that it will furnish' the deepest satisfaction to ourselves as well as leading to fornif; of conduct which are acceptable to the society in which we live." The Prince Rupert Civic Centre will provide an excellent medium for the enjoyment of healthy and constructive lei.;ure-time actlvi-Ifes. However It will also be necessary in the beginning to educate many or the younger people of the community to matte use of the building and. Its equip nvnt in the proper manner. A part of th"; instruction will be Kiven by tin Civic Centre staff nnd'thr Run-Rpf leader but the IftilrUM if A GOSHiGERTIEh 1 I DIDN'T KNOW I you COULD fc -it Steamship Service from ' Prince Rupert' to OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at ll:l.r p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FAKES anil INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 WHAtS DOING At PRINCE ftUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYMS by JIM NAST major part of the education which will create the proper attitude towards the use arid care of this publicly owned building must come from the parents, the schools and the churches. On the basis of recent experience me must admit the necessity of education for leisure. BPIC AND 6PAN-Thc Y.M.C. A. building has been closed for cleaning and polishing in preparation for the official opening Of the Civic Centre on March 3. The (Rup-Rec classes will, however; continue &s Scheduled THE RUP-REC SHOW The Rup-Rec show scheduled for March 8 Is being polished up as well and recent rehearsals of music", dancing, singing and gymnastic make It appear that this will be an event worth CHANGE OF SCHEDULE The Junior Boys clas3 previously held at the Conrad Street School will be cancelled this evening to be combined with the St. Peter's junior group. This Joint class will be conducted at the St. Peter's Community Hall at Seal Cove and all boys between the ages of C and 12 are Invited, to attend at 7:30 p.m. WHAT'S ON TONIGHT? Y.M.C.A. Junior Girls. 6-7: -Junior noys. 7-8; Intermediate Boy,s. 8-9. St. Peter's Community Hall iiinlor Boys. 7:30-8:30. Seal Cove School Intermcdi-r Bivs boxing, 7:30-9. IO.D.E. Hall -Ladies class, MADRAS HIGHWAY PLANS SAiDAPET, Madras ft II. R Dogra, chief engineer for communications, told students oi th: Engineering College, Guindy ha the Madras government ha.' a srheme for constructing 5G.OO0 mile. of roads to( connect all illaees in the province with 'onulations of more than 500. "ovi:rnmi:xt i.inrnu AfT- NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOH CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 5th day of March next tht undersigned Intends to apply to the Llanor Control Board for consent to transfer Of Beer Licence No'. 730P Issued In respect of premises being part cf a building known as Knox Hotel, situate at First Avenue In the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lands descrlbc-d as Lots numbered Thirteen (131 and Fourteenth (Ml iof Block Two (21 or Section One (1) Map 92:1. Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, from Knox Motel Company Limited to Beaudoln Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 29th day of January A D. 1946. BKAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD Jules Vanderbock. President INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 881 ii i i r SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday 63 Cardena, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. We Have Dohe IT Phone 568 Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legion) P.O. Box 575 TiMhiij in Sports ..,. Fred Matleshln, 22-year-old Quebec miner, was taken to hospital after being knocked out In Toronto's "white ltopfc" boxing tournament ten years ago last night. He died in hospital three days later. Sponsored by Jack bsmpsey, the tournament failed to unearth a serious challenger for Joe Louis. The "Bad Boy" of baseball, Percy L. 4 Pat) Malone decided Ma quit hurling curves and start pitching highballs across the bar eight years ago ocay. The 32-year-old New York Yankee pitcher rounded out a ten-year career in the big leagues in 1937. then spent a season in the minors before bvyihi a bar and cafe in his home town, Altoona. Pa. I BO-ME-HI TOPS CO-OPS 4220 Intermediate and Junior League Itaskrtball Activity Is Resumed Resumption of the Intermediate and junior basketball sched-' ules after a week's inactivity saw I Bo-Me-Hi vanquish Uo-op 42-40 and Maceys defeat Savoy 34-33 In the intermediate series, while Gyro overcame Junior High 23-17 in the junior league. The games were played last night In the Armory. The Bo-Me-Hi Co-op game was slow in the first half and contained considerable sloppy play. Half time score was 10-6 hi favor of the students. However, during the second half Bo- MeHl came- out under pressure ! and put on a drive which netted I 32 points, while Co-op was bag- J ging 18. High Scorers for Bo-Me-lIi were Hartwig and Thompson wll)i eight points each while : Hopro Gurvich topped the Co-op teim with the, same number. MaeeyV Win j Over Savoy ' In the evening's final game Marev's came out of their slump to defeat Savoys in a well played fast exhibition. Maccy's held the I lead most o,f the way. but lost during the last quarter, with tw3rlitnu"tes"to so aritrTR? scon standing at 33-30 for Savoys. Red Pierce and Dnv Murray ?aeh to.wd in i basket, the fat-lu.st at whl'M'e t"i The game brought the best "an t-sonse of any durin the "vening. Ilolkestpri was hi?h scorer for Vlnccy's with 11 points, followed by Dave Murray with 3 points Davis was Savoy's leading score;-with 9 points, fivro Wins Over tilth School In he iunior game. High School held the lead in the third quarter, but Gyros took over In the fourth. Gyros' high scorer was Joe Haugan with 8 points, while Wally Wing led High with 6. Bo-Me-Hi J. Forman 4, F. James G, D. Hartwig 8, M. Thompson 8, J. James 4, C. Miller 2, It. Lavlgnc 2. E. C!ceone 8. Co-op Gurvich 8. Johnson, Sheppard 6, Clausen, B. Menzics, Petersen G, Sharpe. Macey's R. Holkestad 11, D. Murray 8, B. Cruickshank 4, M. Teng 4, B. Pierce 4, A. Arntsen 3. Savoy -J. Davis 9. M. Holke-itad 7. Arney 8. Vukovlch 6, Haugan 1, Eby 2, Alexander. Gyro T. James 2, T. Boulter 4, VV. Wong 6, T. Forman, B. Carlson 5, O. Eldsvlck, A. Lien, B. Scharff, R. Davies. High School J. Haugan 8, II, Pierce 2, Sunberg 2, Shier 2, Forbes 3, Laurie 2, Mostad 2, Moore 2. ' INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL February 21 Macey's vs. Coop, High School vs. Intervets. Seilind half of the Intermediate Basketball League is scheduled as follows: Feb. 28 Jtfacey's vs. High School, Co-op vs. Intervets. March 5 Intervets vs. Macey's, High School vs. Co-op. .March 7 High School vs.,In-tPrvets, Co-op vs. Macey's. March 12 Co-op vs. Intervets, High School vs. Macey's. Mnrch 14 High School vs. Coop, Macey's vs. Intervets. March 19 Intervets vs. High School, Co-op vs. Maceys. Marcht 21 Macey's vs. High School, Intervets vs. Co-op. March 26 High School vs. Coop, Macey's vs. Intervets. .. March 28 Macey's vs. Co-op, High School vs. Intervets. Haegg Is Holder Of World Record STOCKHOLM Sweden's great distance runner, Gunder Haegg, whose amateur standing has been under Investigation for several months, Is listed as the holder of the world record for the mile by the International Amateur Athletic Federation. Haegg ran the mile in 4.01.4. DEAD AFTER BOXING BOUT Fatal Sequel to Light-lleavyweight Fight In Chicago CHICAGO One of the participants in a fight sponsored by Chicago's Madison Athletic Club is dead. Willie Lee Perry, 21-year old Negro light heavyweight died after being knocked out in the second round of a scheduled five-round amateur bout. Perry fell after he was hit by a hard right under the l.eart by Howard Schwan, 23-year old sailor sta tloned in Chicago. Hockey Scores Pacific Coast Vancouver 6, Oakland 4. Prliirc Uttucrr Daily mte Wednesday, February 20, 1946 Burns Lake Tournament First Meet in Six Years Held There BURNS LAKE The first ski tournament at Burns Lake under the sponsorship of the Omilieca Ski Club since 1940, held on Sunday and Monday last, was opened by a bean feed at the Ski Cabin on Boer Moun tain which was attended by sixty-two skiers. The results of the tournament wcte as follows: Slalom 2, Delia Neighbor, Burns Lake. C8'2 sec 10-13 years 1, Lawrance Gerow, Burns Lake, 31 li sec; 2, Freddie Ragsdale, Bums Lake,-38 25 sec; 3, Victor Welejto, Burns Lake, 41 25 sec 14-17 years 1, Sam Ebert, Smithers, 34 sec; 2, Gordon Gerow, Burns Lake, 38 sec; 3, Billy Reynolds, Hazelton, 40 sec. Open 1, Gordon Williams, Burns Lake, 26'i sec; 2, Phil Hosklns, Burns Lake, 42 sec; 3, Ed Malkow, Smithers, 44 42 sec Downhill Under 10 years 1, Ben Hosklns, Burns Lake, 45 sec 10-13 years 1, Jon Glans, Burns Lake, 34 sec; 2, Freddie Ragsdale, Burns Lake, 35 see.; 3, Victor Welejto, Eurnj Stake, 37 SPA i 4f tV5 - . . . .7-. 14-17 years i OTjbert,, Smithers, 25 sec; '2, Matjoo Senden, Hazelton, ii 35 'sec; 3, Gordon Gerow, Burns, LaKe, ' ' 26 15 sec. '.. Ladles I, Gloria Benson, Hazelton, 272 sec; I, Shlr!eyiDahl's; Smithers, 30 sec; 3, Josle- Keefe. Burns Lake, 50 sec. : Open 1, Ed Malkow, Smithers, 12 35 sec; 2, Phil -Jones and Albert Roumiell, Burns Lake, 13 sec; 3, Gordon. ; Williams, Burns Lake, 13 l5:sec. Cross Countiy M:.. Ladies 1, Mary Carroll; Burr.-3 Lake, 27 mln. 10 sec; 2, : Jean Under 10 years 1, Jackie j Carroll, Burns Lake, 27 mn. 22 Brown, Burns Lake, 48"2 sec.;lsec-; 3, Josie Keefe, Burns" Lake, 23 mln. 16 sec. . -n. Men's (9 miles) 1, Albert Ge-low, Burns, Lake, 09 mln.i30 see.: 2, Phil Jones, Smithers, m!r.. 30 sec; 3, Jofgen Dahlie.-Smith-ers, 78 mln. 30 sees. Boys' (3 milesl I, Sam Ebeit Smithers, 31 min.; 2, OwcnJonc;: Smithers. 34 min.; 3, Matjoe Sen-den, Hazelton, 35 min. -..i: LAUNCETON, Tasmania" W Cut off from the rest 'of the world because their radlo didn't work and no ship had called for several months, a man Jnd his family living off the north coast cf Tasmania did not hear until the middle of 'November ' that, the war was over. ' :' SIX WEEKS OLD, JUNIOR SHOWS TARZAN-LIKE QUALITIES Although he is onlyIx weeks old, Raymond Aichner, Jr., of Tarrytown, N.Y., has distinct leanings towards a Tar-zenesque career He will wrap his .chubby fis 5 around a stick and hang on, supporting his whole weight when the stick is raised. Or, as you see here, he will make a trapese of 'his father's thumbs. Raymond weighed seven pou nds three ounces at birth. We don't know, what Johnny Weismuller weighed. BEST ATHLETE OF EX-SERVICEMEN NEW YORK Runner Leslie MacMitchell has been chosen by 11 newsmen as the outstanding cx-servlceman to participate In last Saturday's New York Athletic Club games. MacMitchell has been given a three-loot trophy as award. Last Saturday's triumph , ran his string of victories In the mile event to four In as many starts. First editor of the London News -Chronicle, which Is celebrating its centenary this year, was the novelist Charles IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH GREGORY H1LLAND DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order oi His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on' the 18th day of February. AD. 1946. I was appointed Acting Official Administrator of the estate of Hugh Gregory Hilland. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 27th day of March, A D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 18th day of February. A.D. 1946. GORDON F. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN TH MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN LAMBERT. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 4th day of February. A.D. 1946. I was appointed Acting Official Administrator of the Estate of John Lambert, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of March, A.D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this Sth riav of February. AD. 1940. ClORDON F. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator. Prtnc Rupert, B.C. STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient anr Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE no LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd nna Park Avenue Bowling Season's Biggest Event; City Championship's AT RECREATION ALLEYS Fifth Avenue East, Phon84G ALL BOWLERS INVITjp Ten Pins Singles and Doijljles. start 12 Noon, February 24 (Closing entry date Febi 22). Men's Five Pin Singles: and Doubles, March 13 Ladies' Five Pin Singles; nnd Doubles, March 20. Entry Fee. Engraved Trophies. Many Prizes. Handicap, if possible. nusiness Dlaces invited td :do Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND t , 1 1 nate prizes for Ladies' jind Men's Five Pin Events: PRINCE RUPERT'S GREATEST SPORff! Conducted by FT F. "ErneMeln' 'We are pleased to announce that conditions? j now permit us to place on the market again- "RUPERT BRAhD" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON i Cold Storage - s COMPANY LIMIT E'J) PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. .' T"""