I if i... 1 13rHifc Uupcrt Dm'Ip JSrtus Tuesday, November 26, 1846 , Fork-Tailed Drongo .Likes Hart Liquor PORT SHEPSTONE. South -Africa O1- fork-tailed drongo or king .row) here shows a marked preferen:e .for hard -liquor and .can, fasily drink his -.purchase price in brandy for .he cost his present owner only threepence. .$rs. ,A, C. Worth-in?ton iiys her bird ''Blackle" prefers r.dult company at all times and likes a glass of "something hard'' between times. Ills eyes flitter greedily as he Jjpps along the table to perch .on the rim of a glass of brandy and water, which he sips with t relish. "Blacjjle" refuses to be fooled and never touches plain water in a glass. He cannot speJ ,but loves to irritate other birds ,and people by mjmicking them, ,and manages .to ''shout" at fi . jdog friend in, an almost human tone. , . The retarding influence of a dictatorial press has been demonstrated lii Japan by the ignorance of general knowledge on the part of newspaper reporters. -.- Classified Advertising -- -Olassllleds: 2c per vord per Insertion, inlnlmum charpe, 50c. BJjth Notices, 50c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: S2. " FOR SALE FOR SALE Man's bicycle in good condition. Phone Green 894. tf) FOR SALE-21' troller "D.B." New Floats. Apply 1000 7th Ave. E. (281) FOR SALE Remington portable typewriter, like new. Green 98S. tf) FOR SALE Baby's ivory cot, complete. Like new, clean. Phone Black 751. Call 1028 10th East. (276) FOR SALE Modern five-room home; close to town; 2 room basement suite; excellent condition,, $3700 Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (230) FOR SALE Double laundry sinks, with drain boards and pipe ffttings. Hardwood frames, heavy galvanized tanks. C. Matson, Little America Warehouse, Port Edward, B.C. (277) FOR SALE '28 Pontiac Sedan, $200, ceiling $345. Mechanically Al. 7 tires. Red 128 after 4:30. (277) : FOR SALE-2 grills and 1 ice box. Also some furniture.. Call between, 3 and 6 p.m., 318 6th Street. (276) FOR SALE Chesterfield and chair, bed complete. Both one month old. 1117 7th East. (276) FOR SALE Brick-lined heater Sleigh. Skates size 5. Man's bicycle, C.C.M. 516 5th Ave. East. (276) FOR SALE One electric ' train, brand new. Call 931 6th Ave. East, after 5. (276) FOR SALE McClary" kitchen range in. good condition. 1137 8th Ave. East, or Phone Blue - 983. (276) FOR SALE Lady's speed skates, practically new, size 6V2; 14" , blade, kangaroo, leather. $8.00. Phone Black 322. tf) ,FOR SALE 5 room house with bath. G.ood location. Phone ; Green .449. 241 7th Ave. West. (276) FOR SALE New and used furniture. Used tables $4; beds, . complete from $10; hassocKs $2.5fl; chest of drawers $9; heaters, coal and wood; oil heater; pot burner; electric fan, best shape; floor lamps, complete, $5; couches $7; mantel radios, best condition, $12.50; blankets, all-wool; sheets 95c each; new mattresses; barber chair $25; anvils, vices, wrenches, cable wire, etc., selling lowest prices. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Satur day, November 30, for the purchase of Lot 52, Block 14, Sec tion 5, City of Prince Rupert, together with two-storey frame building situated thereon and Tjy furniture contents therein be-i5;;.' longing to the estate of An--.drew Sorensen. Premises may De Inspected daily after 2 p.m. "?-by calling at 844, Summit Av-venue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the Estate of Andrew Sorensen, deceased. (278) Makes Tough Trip But Gets No Vqfes AUCKLAND, ;N.Z. Election eering in New Zealand Involves the conscientious candidate in some unconvential travelling. To enlist the support of 30 voters, mostly elderly retired people living on Pine Island, in the upper reaches of Auckland Harbor, A. M. Laing, National party candidate for Waitakere, borrowed a flat-bottomed rowboat to row across from the mainland. Taking off his coat, shoes and socks, he pulled the boat out across th,e mud, poled it clear of the mangroves and rowed against a strong wind and ebb tide to the island. Outside the island's one store he held a meeting of electors seated on the communal bench which is the main gathering Alace for the residents. H,e was subjected to a constant fire of fiuestions and interjections throughout his soeech. As he hurried off to make the return trip while the tide made it still possible, the meeting carried a vole of confidence in the Labor party, his political opponents. FOR. SALE FOR .SALE 1939 Plymouth Sedan Deluxe. Apply 421 6th Ave. East after 6. (2 76) FOR SALE li2 building lots located on 7th Ave. West. Phone Green S02. itf) HELP WANTED WANTED Lady to mind 14 months old baby for working mother. 8 to 5 p.m. 7th Ave. West, Phone Black 890. (277) WANTED Girl to clerk in store. Apply Superior Grocers, 3rd Ave. tf) WANTED Man to drive delivery truck. 4Apply Superior Grocers, 3rd Ave. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room furnish ed flat bath toilet and oil range. Apply Phone 422. (278) WARM SLEEPING ROOM for rent, reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser Street, After 5 p.m. (281) FOR RENT Furnished house. 2181 6th Ave. East. Phone Blue 815. (tj) FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms; private entrance. Phone Green 937. (276J FOR RENT 2-room apartment. 221 5th .Ave. East. (279) FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Private entrance. 209 5th Ave. W. Apply Helgerson Block, suite 1. (278) FOR RENT Single or double room, meals if desired. Men only. Two minutes walk from Post Office. Phone Black 965 (tf) FOR RENT Suite in Bay Apts. Phone Blue 815. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern ana up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tfj WANTED WANTED 1 Vi h. p. inboard motor, in good condition. Phone 557. (276) WANTED TO BUY 4 room house with bath. Full plumbing. Centrally located. Box 183 Daily News. (280) WANTED Man's bicycle, preferably double-bar. Write Box 182, Daily News. (tf) WANTED TO RENT Three or four roomed unfurnished suite, central heating If possible but not essential.-Phone J. Hopkins, 345. (276) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. 622 Fraser Street. (d!3) FOUND FOUND Monday morning, Borden St., gold earring. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks' supply $1, 12 weeks' $5, at all druggists (280) Today hi Spirts SAVOY LEADS IN TEN PINS Scored Clean Sweep Victory Over General Motors Savoy took the lead in the Ten Pin League by defeating General Motors three games to nil. B. A. Oil won two games from 99 Taxi. Imperial Oil lost two by narrow margins to Watts & Nlckerson. Imperial Oil rolled high ag-gergate of the year with 2408, topping B. A.'s 2387. Imperial also took high irrgle game with 862, bettering the mark of 847 by Sjyoys. A.Simundsen had. high single of 204 and high three games of 520 for an, average of 173. SAVOY R. Soarks 133 190 194 W. Smith 147 132 144 V. Ciccone 164 142 139 A. Simundsen 204 119 197 R. Bury 174 152 170 Handicap 37 37 37 Totals .859 772 881 GENERAL "MQTOR.S J. Davis 125 114 148 T. Arney 150 98 132 M. Holkestad 122 93 117 N. Haugen 149 153 126 F. Leyland 85 113 123 Handicap 60 60 60 Totals .691 ,641 611 B. A. OIL B. Wick .. 127 130 149 N. Kinslor 156 177 150 B. Windle 151 163 125 T. McMeekln 149 128 166 Low Score 89 Handicap 24 24 24 " Totals Q07 627 703 99 TAXI Dumas 122 152 89 Low S.core ,127 B. Houston 117 117 152 Kuruluk 155 149 126 Pominato 147 137 D. Houston i63 Handicap 30 44 59 Totals 551 C09 726 WATTS &..NICKERSON A. Dewar 127 124 160 ' E. Pierce 1.48 179 191 B. Vuckovich 162 122 154 R. Anderson 122 171 163 E. Garner 131 144 140 Handicap 59 59 53 Totals 749 799 866 .IMPERIAL OIL J. Currle 185 111 131 V. Dell .' 167 179 171 G. Howe 187 145 167 D. Arney 179 161 153 M. Gunderson .... 144 150 178 Handicap 50 50 50 Total 912 796 850 The league standings to date: P W L P Savoy 9 7 2 14 Wa'tjs & Nlckerson ...9 6 3 14 Imperial oil 9 5 4 10 B. A. Oil 9 4 5 3 99 Taxi 9 3 6 6 General Motors 9 2 7 4 1 SHORT SPORT Judge Kene.s.aw Mountain Landls, whose word .was law In baseball for 25 years, died in Chicago after p. two-month ill-' ness two years ago yesterday. I The 78ryear-old baseball commissioner was appointed following the Chicago "Black Sox" scandal to restore confidence In the game. Senator A. B. (Happy) Chandler succeeded him as commissioner. The National Hockey League career of Tony Demers, hardhitting Montreal Canadlens right-winger, was cut short four years ago today when he suffered a double fracture of 'Jic rlgljt leg In an automobile accident at Valleyfleld, Que. Classified Advertising Pays! TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace TERRACE MACHINE BANNED FROM Forman, Hart wig:,, Ciccone, Thompson, and Lavigiie Line Dubbed Too Good After a heated debate during c. special executive meeting of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association last evening it -was finally decided that the first string of Forman, Hartwlng, Ciccone Thompson and Lavlgne of the strong Bo-Me-Hl team be banned from playing In the Intermediate section of the city league and that they be given the option pf playing on separate teams of thejr own choice in the senior, loop or forming their own sguarl .to pay for the senior championship. Thejr place in the Intermediate League will be filled by a native entry from Port Edward which will play tonight for the first time against Macey's. Coach Alex Bill, who put forth a great defence for his team, claimed he had hoped .to win the intermediate cup this year ?.nd felt he should have had a chance to play off with the winners of the intermediate league at the end.cf the season. It was the opinion of the meeting, however, that the student $quad ho longer served to the advantage of the league in their present capacity and, since they have already handed one senior team a one-sided lacing, they were asking for too much advantage by continuing to play In iheir present category. So now. it lopks as though the whole senior and intermediate standings go by tfie board and that a, new schedule will have to be drawn up immediately to take Grotto CljGAR STORE Wholpsaje and Retail Tobacconists GOOD SUPPLY OF 31EN'S SUNpiUKS SMALL QUANTITIES ROLLS RAZORS RONSON LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Early SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Coquitlam 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Catala, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aye. -Phone. ,568 SHOP & OARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and jas THIS AND THAT vjust what kind of a Job SNOOKER CENTURY BRISTOL, Eng. ? -r John Pullman, the English amateur snooker champion, who recently turned professional, made his second century break 113, failing on the black ,when playing against E. Badman of Bath. care of the situation. A report of the Ketchikan series shewed ihe gate receipts to be as expected and a firranclal success was assured when the report is made final. Announcing . . . CATERPILLAR DIESEL MARINE SCHOOL to be held In ODDFELLOWS' HALL PRINCE RUPERT Jues. and Wed., Dec. 3 ' All Fishermen and those interested are nelconie to all sessions. Invitations and Registrations from FINNING TRACTOR. Prince Rupert. Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone G55 HANDYMAN ' HOME SERVICE QENERAL CONTRACTORS Duilding and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 MASSAGE FOR LADIES BY GRADUATE NURSE Special Treatment for Rheumatics MARIE RICHARDSON Phone RED 246 PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs potted Plants Bulbs Novelties 1 MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth. Street Red. 808 Classified Advertising Pays! LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND REI.IAUI E SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 did you have In mind?" i I GRAND NATIONAL STAKE UP LIVERPOOL iJi Next year's Grand National Steeplechase winner will receive more money. The stake has been Increased from 400 t$16,00) to 5.000 and, In addition, the trainer and rider will each receive a cup. The race will be held March 28. LONDON r At Sept. 30 deserters from the British Army of the Rhine totalled 472, War Secretary BQllenger announced, Professional SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Bpx 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor,-etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 If its a Rock Job-Call ,a Rock Man M. SAUNDERS Blue 066 Concrete Sidewalks, Basemen I don't take work I cannot do myself. JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERHANGING and PAINTiNG PHONE BLUE 810 P. N. Kilborn w. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert KM PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVKI Mil iur Uit to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. Li ! - fllll. iV Aim & Mr i. A 1 M Tis thi bust 7 I I .know" HI ",MI most pipe smokers, I've made the roundi JJl for a real coo smoke, onjl when I say cool' I III tobacco you can smoke all day Jong. Yej, COP1' easy-packing, smooth-burning, fragrant Picobac is the best 'fill' 1 know, Hove y0U ,r"J P,coil0c g GET SOME TO-DA Call . . . i 1 ill 11 iiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 for . . . iril mm mm m mm m mm Expert Radio Re PHONE 237 RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE RUPERT B C 1 K & Kl 11 I ' 1 ' III imi" II WWBr r-m V w w m ft- I X 111 1 i nil i .i.i'.it i mi ini 1 14 1 ,T1 V t ill . NEW CONSTRUCTION i)i.M)Aiic ALTER itaji iwiikj rnrrn o nn n lilr r 11. IS It II Jl J m am . jrt. mmw mmr mw mm m m wmm m mm - Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 501 LING THE TAILOR We are taklnc cleantne and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street For That Party . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, U.C, C"0ff CHOP SUEY 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pm. Cold Weather Has Arrioecl e i ..ill supply S..U "" K npand.the uj rucr arc jiiiiiib f m. x- n.i.ivKfi (i keen your , vanre to Rive us w" ' you supplied. ALBERT & ti 1 ia anfl 1 1 7 FTTF.r. AND HUILDINfi M- - The Pick of Pipe P.O M If I 17 HO Carl Zare Phone 3" p FRASER I . mm McCAFFERY U