Lai News Items . . . . i i rf.l. pi Port aawara my 'p Taxi. Grotto Cigar iiit (ll) , -nn returned Satur-!n on the Princess M) j H. Smith and Bxe- ace win dc sauins afternoon on the Ip to Vancouver. -!, .iu r tUt UUWUIIII Ul lilt W imcn o Army Corps it- catala tomorrow : wt return to Van- , uupcrt Gyro Club us: monthly ci;-.y In preparation hi::: niv Dimness iuntu- o.MO on Wednesday. ( M. Jacob Kamp, ; :. here for three :li !:) on-ln-iaw ana Mi and Mrs. Elnar ,"5 rich Avenue West, evening's train on o their home at Katihcwan. Prince Rupert ami w a t-i enroll In a ruiation Class at ti:::ra) iugn ochuui are - communicate with u rtoner. secrctary- I. ptinre Rupert School y utie after spending in - (160) k rvLsiting the i 0 18 years ago, on ht's train on Eilm nton where hi hnme. While d with his brother w Mr and Mrs. li v MuCaffery R.N., a o the city recently .irr Mr; M. P, Mc- ,.: j ::er. Miss Nora y (nm a trip to New :i,ir.? and other .: E xm States, Is u afternoon on i i Lr.3uver to Join ' f Pet j Hospital. r mm Y NEWS STAND c:d We ;tern Papers Mur-nes tRIPTIONS TAKEN Red 808 H. CORRINS and Decorating EE ESTIMATES 'hone Blue 451 W Peterson TS TRANSFER MESSENGER IC'.I Wood .. nivoon .. Express ft ZlO PrlnpB ni,nl Reck Job all a Rock Man SAT NDERS Blue 666 Sidewalks, Basements ke work I cannot pTRIDGE, STON & RICE rai Contractors ' 1489, Station B one Green 417 RpPairs, all kind. Work - Foundations N Cheerfully Given "canon all work. andyman SERVICE :AL CONTRACTORS 1B Repairs of all kinds l,nneysand Oil Burners PHONES: - Red 894 iW"UJS I of 1 cards was tl V-. !" 18(55 looa by DJT the inc i George Ross will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. William Noble and son, Stewart, are sailinz on thp rat. business trip to 1?. tomorrow afternoon for a vacation trip to Vancouver, Mrs. Freda Cembella of hc Variety Store Is sailing tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss B. P. Frame R.N., who has been nursing on the s iff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, will sail by the Catala tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver. Mrs. R. McCall of Kamloops arrived In the city last night to spend a month visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Constable and Mrs. Edward Anderson, Gavin D. Mead, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mead, left by aircraft last week on his return to his studies at Seavlcw School in Vancouver after a brief visit at his home here. George C. Mitchell returned to the city yesterday from Lake Kathlyn where he spent a week with Mrs. Mitchell and family who are in residence there for the summer. Mrs. M. J. Dougherty and Miss Nora Doherty also returned. 1 T. W. S. Parsons, commissioner of Brltirh Columbia Police, is on his way to Prince Rupert In the course of one of his periodical inspection tours. He left Prince George a few days ago and during the week-end was in the Kit-wancool Valley anc at Terrace. Claude Stonchouse, chief sanitarian with the Department of Health, Victoria., arrived in the city this afternoon on the Princess Adelaide on a ten-day visit on official business. Mr. Stone-house Is well known in the city, having been sanitarian with the local Health Unit for more than a year. Joseph F. Carcw, former United States Army major here, who Is Interesting himself in the possibility of developing Alaska snipping into Prince Rupert, left j Ihls morning on the Princess : Louise for Ketchikan where he will be for the next week or so. ! Associated with Mr. Carew Is H. T Myser. also a former American majcr here, who is already l n Ketchikan. Business and Professional CHIROPRACTIC R. J. PARKER, D.C. (Palmer Graduate) Suite 6 Telephone Smith Block Green 995 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINT1NO & PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada a r. LOVIN. Phone Oreen 974 Representative Box 828 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1288 Phone Black 823 KM PROMPT and EFFICIENT StRVTCJ mall sour oUl to Royai Pruian I COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.L tiauMUiufa tl f the Islands. July 8, 191C The first shipment of raw wool from the Terrace district was made from the ranch of W. G. Goodwin at Kltsumkalum. Con-sistlng of half a ton, it was sent to Kamloops. Bob Dunlop, a salmon troller, was forced to walk many miles over a mountain to shelter nftpr Alex McLcman, who broke his leg when hp slipped on a sidewalk, was advised that his claim against the city for $1,000 damages had been rejected. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OP RESERVE NOTICE U hereby given that the Reserve established under authority ct Order-ln-Councll No. 1653, approved December 9th, 1943, notice of which waa published In the British Columbia Gazette of December 16th. 1Q13 t& rAnrllf1 In k, far a 1 m. latea to Lot 40 of Lot 1993, Range 5. wasi uisinci, i'ian containing i j acres. H. CATIICART. DrniltV Minister nf T.nnri DeDartment of Lands and Forests, Victoria. B.C.. June 15th, 1946. 4.V Announcing . . . Fresh Killed ROASTING CHICKENS buTkTey MARKET Third Aycnue Phone 178 Stavdal, Nanalmo; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boicey, Barke'fville; Mr. and Mrs. D. Haylnk, Telkwa; Mrs. E. M. Richards, Victoria; Mrs. M. Nelson, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Alexander, Skidegate; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dowding, Pender Harbor; J. Redden, Vancouver; J. D. Black, West Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Georze Rmvpii ..v- uwu ittia. hij boat, Old Nick, was destroyed Sherman; "B.C! m a gaie on ine west coast of. Prince Kupcrt K. Helgeland, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Sargent, Hazel-ton; Mr. and. Mrs. G. V. Robinson, Shirley; Mr. -and Mrs. Rhodes, Vancouver; C. E. Salter, Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. E. Clifford, Hazelton; F. Cuff, Vancouver; Major G. R. Davidson, New Westminster? G. Fogg, Ocean Falls; R. D. L. Kinsman, Montreal; Dr. A. L. J?ritchard, Nanalmo; A. G. Waldie, city; E. F. Gun dry, Vancouver; K. Holmes, Telkwa; N. Kaprasky, city; Miss R. Kollman, Vancouver; A. E. Smith, city; Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tompkins, Telkwa, Miss C. Merritt. Burnnhv A I hi iw I II UilAiAa If 1 WMUlf g 0 Robin Hood THE FLOUR THAT'S USED BY 4 OUT OF 5 WOMEN WHO WIN PRIZES FOR HOME-BAKING Allllnd, of be bread, cakes, king... r" paitry. r-V) Advertise In The Daily News. SPECIAL - $3.95 Elizabeth Arden Treasure Chest CONTAINING: Ardeua Cleansing Cream Velva Cream Feather-Light Foundation Cream Skin Tonik Hand-O-Tonik Poudre D'lllusion Blue Grass Flower Mist Lip Stick. Ormes Ltd. ZrfiA Pioneer Druq&fats STOKE HOURS Week Days 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. nZJ ,n f" 01 a"CCtlon and aPP"clatlon of the family for a good ?ath?r cSi figures o Jn our picture are Mr. Dickens and his good wife. S They were rnarr ed fortv -Mr'sT ? Snai T" F0 at ihe P y were the dSfdren of Mand M". Di'ckenl MrWaMav nL t?',?"- Tiam Emlly) hwell, Mn. Edward (Rose, Morrow! Si nnn nn nd 2 ("ny) Dlckens' Sidncy Dickens- Henfy Dickens, Mrs Percy S,!0" J' Frank etty) Gomez. The greatgrandchild Is Dorothy ElUott little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott and grandchild of Mr. and Mrs Jack Bond Mrs. James Stewart, Fifth Avenue East, returned to the city latt ntrht on the Oatnia from a two-weeks' trip to Van couver. Archie Thompson arrived in the city last night on the Catala from Vancouver to soend hnli. days from his law practice In Vancouver with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson. Theo Fortune is able to be around again for the time following a seizure 18 days ago. He is making good progress but it may be a little time yet before his usual good health Is completely recovered. 20 YEARS AGO Hotel. . . arrivals TEEN-AGERS IN DANCING PARTY One hundred Teen-Agers en-Joyed a happy dancing party on Friday night in the Civic Centre auditorium. Andy McNaughton was in his usual fine fettle at the pianp. Mtyor Mel Thompson acted as master of ceremonies In genial manner and Rupert Holkestad presided at the door. Announcements All advertisements m this column will be charged for a lull month at 25c a word. Juvenile Oranee rea. odrf fol lows Hall, July 10. 2:30-5:30. Port Day, August 22. Get your Marxist and current amphlets at Room 8, Stone 31ock. Open evenings 7 to 9. Old Time Dance. Prnlrip TJnm- blers, every Saturday night, Odd- icuows Hail. I m C7 We Serye You Nothing But the Best . . . SI'ECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West' IALMA DYBHAVN IS .SHOWER HONOREE Mrs. James Clark Hostess at Delightful Affair Saturday Afternoon .Novel Presentation In hohor of Miss Alma Dyb-havn, whose marriage is to take place July 19. a dellihtful mis- i cellaneous shower was held Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. James Clark, Biggar Paelc. A miniature ship, decorated by Mrs. Clark, held a goodly cargo ( oi many dainty gifts. The ship has an artistic and novel inscription "H.M5. Alma. En-route to Paradise, Sailing 19 July, , 1940." Mrs. D. C. Stuart poured and Mrs. A. C. Clark served from a table which was decorated with a lace cloth and pink roses. The evening was spent play-ins bridge and bingo. Prize-winners were: Bridge, Mrs. C. C. Mills and Mrs. William Smceton; bingo, Miss Dybhavn and Mrs. Frank Bhd. The bride-elect wore a corsage of carnations presented by an old fricrid and also received a beautiful bonquet of pink roses and white carnations from Mre. Basso-Bert.- The quests were, besides Miss Dybhavn, Mrs. John Dybhavn, Mrs. W. M. Brown, Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mrs. D. C. Stuart. Mrs. A .C Clark. Mrs. Basso-Bert. Mrs. William Smee- j ton, Mrs. Frank Bird, Mrs. Jes-' s'.e Jacobs, Mrs. F. S. Walton, j Mrs. John Bremner and Miss Helen Brown. kid of many colors No otbqr leather can be dyed in as many diverse colors as kid skin. WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 11', per cord $13.50 Jackpine, 11", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 14"", per cord . $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal in any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Sport Suits -iAAAj.A-i.-i.J.Aj.j.. , ....... . IN STRIPES and CHECKS MADE IX LINES TO SUIT YOUR FIGURE GET YOUR FUR COAT NOW ON OUR BUDGET PLAN THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS ''HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE .717 -: .0. Box 171 Prince Rupert Daflp Jaetog Monday, July 8, 1946 MA. . TIIR Scott-McIIale presents v 'Bomber7 In a Scotch Grain Semi-Brogue. Bluchcr style, weatherstrip welted. Antique finish. Widths C, D, E. Astoria quality. PRICE $13.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP PER PAIR (WIIIK lD FURKISHIKGS 532 THIRD AYENUE PHONE 345 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CONVERTO LOUNGES By simmons with matching chairs DANITE LOUNGES By RESTMORE with matching chairs These lounges can be converted into full-sized beds with one easy motion and have an . $69.50 Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Mc CLARY RAN G E S "Built to Last" Beautiful enamel finish, easily kept clean. Splendid baking oven, fuly enamelled inside. Highly polished steel top. Coal and wood models admirably suited for oil burner conversion. See them now at Gordon's Hardware McBride Street PHONE 311 Announcing . . . OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals! PHONES 116 - 117 ALBERT McCAFFERY G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel. your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUR (510 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT 3