13rfnfP Willi lllflirrr infill JJIWV rrVilR An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ot iy VVlipni -llllj ptlxict Rupert and aU fne communities comprising Saturday, November 2, 1943 northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Dep't Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. G. A. IIUMTER. Managing Editor. IV Q. PERRT. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month, 65c: Per Tear, S7.00; By Mall, per month, 40c: Per Tear, 14.00 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS BE AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILT NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION hi EXT WEEK is Canadian Education Week and it is fitting that the " occasion should be observed in Prince Rupert as is being done in the rest of the country. Education is the keystone factor in our social, economic' and spiritual development and relations. Possibly education is taken too much for granted these days and does, not receive the attention from tho people which, because of its vital importance, is its due. Therefore, it is most timely that there should be an Education Week when education may be projected into the limelight not only during the week but retained there in a full measure of permanence. Education is one of those services which we have become so accustomed to think of abstractly, never reflecting how different it would be if there were none. Yes. it is fitting that there should be an Education Week for the purposes of: Staging a brief but intensive campaign about the aims, ideals and needs of our Canadian education. y Helping the parents and citizens of every community to know the achievements, objectives and needs of their schools. Increasing public interest in and support of desirable reforms in education. Prince Rupert would do well to enter fully into the spirit and appreciation of Canadian Education Week, supporting and participating in the functions arranged in connection therewith. FATIGUE FATIGUE has an important effect on the channels along which our impulses travel, weakening the resistance of the will against the undesirable contacts that result in wrong and unwise acts. A condition of fatigue is thus one of moral danger. A countless number of physical, mental and moral disasters have resulted from this weakening of the will and opening of the doors of impulse by fatigue. To the tired brain, facts appear distorted, values are displaced. Fatigue resulting from loss of sleep has sometimes led to the do velopment of suicidal impulses. Many crimes against persons arid property and moral obliquities of various sorts have had their real origin in the will-weakening, resistance-lowering influence of fa-: tigue. The tired child is petulant,. ' the mother scolds, the tired father is gloomy and grouchy. Exhaustion is the foe of sociability, good fellowship, good cheer, i virtue and morality. The nervous person who is in a : state of chronic exhaustion and fatigue is in imminent danger. His interests and the interests of others are imperiled. Wrong judgments are formed, wrong decisions made, unpleasant words uttered and unwise actions performed. He should flee for safety to rest and repose. As an Illustration of the action of ; fascist countries- to secure control over their peoples. Journalism was -defined by i- law as a "public task regulated by the : state" in Germany after Hitler came to power In 1933. By merely changing a few words In a telegram, Bismark led the Germans to believe their King had btVn Insulted while the French got the opposite Impression from their version. The following day the Franco-Prussian war began an object lesson of the necessity for the accurate reporting of a free press. ESTATE LEFT TO WIRE-HAIRED DOG VICTORIA Mrs. Marguerite Ethel S'pratt, who died recently, lef fher estate to her wire-haired dog. Two women, who will look after the dog as long as it lives, will receive the estate atfer it iiies. . James Hutchison, after a brief visit to the city, left by last eve-hing's train for Prince George where his family moved some itlme ago and where he now makes, his home. ' ' Tn THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE PP ARTHUR MELVILLE WILLIAM3. DECEASED. TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honour W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day or October, A.D. 1040, I was appointed Executrix of the Estate of Arthur Melville Williams, deceased, and all parties having claims against the told estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 15th day of December, A.D. 1946. and all parties In debted to the estate are required to pay me amount oi ine.T inaeoteaneus to me forthwith. .DATED at Prince Rupert. B.Cf this 3lsl aay or uctoner, a.u. i4B. HILDA FLORENCE OSBORNE, Executrix of the Estate of Arthur Melville Williams, co W. O. Fulton, Barrister, Prince Rupert, B.C. CHINA IN THE BALANCE THINESE PROSPECTS trenjble in V a precarious balance. With extraordinary pertinacity, Gen. George C. Marshall is attempting to keep open the- possibility of compromise between Nationalists and. Communists. At the same time, many observers feel that a totally new approach to the problem is necessary. The National Conference on China and the Far East has just drafted a petition to President Truman urging joint American-Soviet mediation. In view of the American-Soviet impasse in. Korea and other parts of the world, this may seem a strange request. But what are the alternatives if the present dubious negotiations, fail? America could Withdraw from China entirely, leaving a vacuum into which Soviet influence would be naturally drawn. It could baek the Nationalists up to the hilt, thus encour-trging thehTto wipe out the Communists by force anil thereby becoming the military ally of a reactionary die-1 tatorship in a ruthless and perhaps endless civil war. Or it could support the Communists a proposition which hardly needs to be considered. Another suggestion is joint mediation by the United States and Russia, with each power guaranteeing that it would neither seek nor accent military bases in China and .would furnish no aid to either of the .contending Chinese parties until peace was made. Such a solution is - conceivable only if it were part of a general settlement of the Far East, and this is not likely in the present piecemeal approach to the world's problems. In the absence so far of any real multilateral statesmanship to solve the Chinese question, it can be hoped that hint of toughness toward ihe Kuomintang reactionaries may show those recalcitrant gentlemen that they cannot count too heavily on America's support of their vegiine simply because it is anti-Russian. THIS AND THAT "A Mr. Biff McCoy to see you. I said you weren't home but he insisted." NAVAL AIR ARM Something new that has been added to the post-war naval service is the Royal Canadian Naval Air Arm. This is a recent picture of three Seafire fighter aircraft of 803 Squadron on an exercise from the Royal Canadian Naval TKAXLER-REPLIES Editor, . : Daily News After reading the letter signed and I might say that the reaoi IMon't go back to where I came from is that I have been fortunate enough not, to personally meet many people of "Slap Happy's" intelligence who think they can get enough to eat with a smile. Let "Slap-Happy" dial with the truth ?.nd facts instead of ccmic strip praitie and let's watch where she goes. Let her answer all of my charges instead of sneaking around the corner. Yes, Mr. Editor, my Opinions What about Slap-Happy"? L. D. TRAILER. "NO COMMENT" SAYS DAGGETT "No comment," reiterated Mayor H. M. Daggett when asked this morning of his plans for running again for his present seat in the December civic elec-tlons. "Come around next week. ' I may have .something to tell yoi) then," he added, other possible candidates are similarly reticent regarding their nlans for civic office. ... Classified Advertising Pays! IN THE SUPREME COCIT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL BRODIN, DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. E, Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 28th day of October, 1948, appointed Administrator of the Estate of Paul Brodln, who died on or about the 25th day of July 1948. All" persons Indebted to the said Estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith end all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 30th dav of November, 1918. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which J shall hav8 been notified. , DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 29th day of October, 1948 OORpONIP FORBEa. i Official AdmlnlstraMr, Prince Rupert, n.C CHEEKS FOR TRAXI.ER Editor, Daily News:. Three cheers for your letter, "Happy Here," I would, like to Mr. Traxler. I think you were say that the person who wrote. Quite justified In writing it. it ' left out the full, nom-de-l What Li the mattet here in plume. It should have been I Prince Rupert is that everythlnj notP ! you ;cok at has a dallar ilen on it Jthat this "Slap-Happy" charac-1 alfllougn the-rlafrvilffeTiniayl timer here. Perhaps this person I either dollars in your pocket or could tell me or what Prince Rupert cld-timers are thinking? And why doesn't "Slap-Happy" answer all of my charge? Is she afreld of the truth! "t I refer to "Slap-Happy a flask on your- hip before you can go any place. I "phoned Mrs. Campbell up as soon as I read her letter In the Air Station at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. These planes are at present attached to H.M.C.S. Warrior. Canada's 18,000-ton aircraft carrier, and have a top speed ot well over 400 miles an hour. KING AND QUEEN SEE MOVIE SHOW LONDON The first Royal Command for a moving picture 'i....uivd the premie:e presta tion of the new picture "Matter of Lite and Death." The King and Queen wer p.-esent. Proctitis .tre lor the twnelll of agtd Movie pioneers. Seats were sold as'high as $105. At least Hiree women suffered fractured legs and more' than 100 persons were given Hist aid treatment as thousands of film faru' 'Jammed' Lelcsiter 'Square' for the royally-sanctioned premiere of the new British moving picture. "I thought we might be casualties ourselves on . the way here," said the King who was paper. From what shs tells me accompanied not only by thj as iney are. only ask:ng for hlp to Queen but by the two princesses, he'' because I believe it wajEet the little fellow away to a J2..zabeth and Margaret Hose. a woman who wrote mat letter, 1 "om or naspiiai wnere ne can "uur car was almost on two be looked after. There are four wheels instead or four most of other1 children which is quite a the time." dra? on the mother whose health Spectators described frighten - cannot stand the strain much lng scents In the crush outside longer. What is the matter with Empire Theatre. Mounted police 41 wonwn when a sister Is in were unable to hold back the .need of hlp. The Oocd Book says: "dive .until it hurts." I, have phoned the welfare authorities and have been told they are waltins for returns from Victoria which will take two weeks. So, Mr. and Mrs. Public, save your dimes not for apples or may be a bit queer but I have uenos utit to neip a helpless crip enough belief in them to sign uuv- my own name. So did Milton. MRS. D. K. BOHN, Wcslholme Roams. QeorgS James will be leaving within the next few days for a trip to Toronto where Mrs. James and the family are. now residing. During his absence, the Boston Cafe will be closed. throngs and Hollywood notab.e and British dignitaries were delayed IS minutes to half an houi .ctling Inside. The royal entourage, itself. COAL j WOOD I CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 CANADA ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE RECRUITS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED for service in the KOYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE The Force offers to young men With suitable qualifications a career in which variety of interest, opportunity for travel, and a clean outdoor life may be found. Requirements! Age 18-30 Minimum height: 5'8" Unmarried Applications may be made in writing to the COMMISSIONER. R.C.M. POLICE, OTTAWA, ONTARIO, or by calling at any R.C.M. Police Post or Detachment , In Canada. Full particulars will be forwarded upon request NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estimates '8 STONE BLOCK Phone 5C3 P.O. BOX 1381 Evenings: Blue 370 was stalled for a time and entered the theatre only after police, had backed their mounts to the very steps uf tns building. Oerry Wilmct of Victoria was i master of ceremonies for the PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acet)iene Welding -X. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY inMHKT 1 ---"iwji Bt Ital. iv- MONTRnt lng Cc in ft Redmond, Kulo, S'9.2OO,C30 u.:d - ui vj nni UJU m 1943 aboi he pt.au; )f oxtwt to risen M b.j 2"t tW "ldt3ral!w,;, Dcmlriioahadi-ccnt T;hich did 1 iu-c lt-an-luiir centiy Material costs i 01 per cent men 'f t: B2 n . - : w 'or a!' 1 'WM:- ra'.ha, jinniQiav; Snc,. )e uar Mr. ed, fre" ht rats . i- i .-! same lei' war ulth th the lowest in tht C '"ral I. 'a- e:iaDi',;art fnrtr; dtierd ' r a r. uiicii .cm car Railways, left b; train (or 1 trln 1 far as Jaiper f duties i FURM1 REPAII I'pholsttrlni W AS Hi Hv mMn, nf the Tunior Adjustable I Car and TtuJ l!e paired mil Out-of-tcns m special i CABINEl phone dm 117 Second i Opposlt CM you can now make systematic payments oof b i behalf which will be of great value to reaches manhood. Investigate this remark Sun Life plan under which the a" from $1,000 to $5,000 at age 21, with rn.W Manv other valuable children ft in ,hU policy- Applicable, to filtecn years. ..... tun cautOH TOOtf'" MWIi. Ill"- .j TOM MrKEOWN St'N Lt Off Phone Blue 210 C2I Taylor Slrret , .. I .... ..iil,..ui uhlitMion, tltMl "I HTU1 ttnt wfi ' Assurance for irty ton, ige: NAME ADDRESS li r!&ili( mi mm m . cov cuvci Special Assessm ei special assessment roll hnsUfJ A ...I ....loiiiiinn of sewers i .ytiiB mik . Art OH !'"" nst t lie Local improvciu"-. AvfUt j- from Mcnride Stree to Co (0n W.U Fourtli Avenne Las from f and further take noUce 1 ha ambfgU will be held at he Ser 3rd. W in n.m. on reeanlinjf reeanliiur the said complaints 11 TIIA' ' V, v Cle