Kjews Items . , . plans the eArm. to sail Catala ...IN, Gfli the car"""4 uTer. ,, short. day or at your service, (t!) Charlotte a n in the city L..lnn Sail 0Q oe Caraena ncouver. . in tW column lor lull roontli l wortl. , commencing Admission aui- lea, Mrs. Oeorge Not, 6, Civic 11 be held in the : haU on Thura- injn. everyone Church fall sale. Pioneer Home Knv. 13 and 14. Dance. Masonic . n i ao nn pan Hizaar. nuv. -i. Welcome Home ana name uu- 23. Cathedral Fall w 5(1. Faii Bazaar, branches. . .1 1 Phone 655 ana uu uurners - Red 894 SAGE NUkSk catment for CHARDSON RED 246 3?T FLORIST" LOCK iets Corsaffi Wed Plants wove ni DDtncn a to mail orders. TC. 300 3rd Ave WO L'TI A XTTA . aycig izlnes A Basketball tonight, Civic Centre. Miss Joyce Leslie, director of the Prince Rupert Health Unit, Is sailing Sunday night on a Red 808 I I mm mm brief visit to Port Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Creed left on last evening's train for a three weeks' vacation trip to Saskatoon and Prince Albert. A The Boston Cafe will be closed as from Sunday night, November 3, until February 1, while the owner, George James, is ab sent from the city. (258) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis left by last evening's train on their return to tnelr home at Kam loops after a visit here with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs: William Murray. Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Perry, after spending a couple of. days in the city following their arrival from Vancouver, left by last evening's train for their home In Prince George. King Edward School got away with a minimum of Hallowe'en damage, only one window being broken. Conrad Street School suffered no damage whatever, it is stated. E. Willie, alter spending, a couple of days In the city on business, left by last evenlng'3 train on his return to Terrace. He will be leaving there in a few days for Winnipeg. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Given On All Work Phone Green 417 If its Call a Rock Job Call a Rock Man M. SAUNDERS Blue &68 Concrete .Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERHANGING and PAINTING PHONE BLUE 810 P. N. Kllborn W.Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls-Green 977 Prince Rupert KM PROMPT U EFFICIIMT SWWC OOWMBUOPTICjUCOp Ruoert Roftlo f nlUrtor ulk 5ERVIOP. tiu nino 7.17 X uii". " ALL SIZES Beer Whiskey, Gin and UOtiloQ Winn TlnHlnS T AND PnTTD'rr'rti f pi nTrrtTT-tP i f Mr IflU I I mm m PHONE 566 r r. War: istiryco mt,Ve Parts and Accessories by: ILT bv ciirysler MOTORS LTD. f JOB'S DAUGHTERS NAME OFFICERS Bernice Eastwood Elected Honored Quten at Bethel Meeting Last Night Principal officers for the coming year were elected as follows at last night's monthly meeting of the local bethel of Job's Daughters: Honored Queen, Bcrnlce East wood. Senior Princess, Solvclg Mork. Junior Princess, Marjorle Eby. Guide, Audrey Hunter. Marshal, Glenys Lashmar. The guardian council of the bethel consists of Mrs. Laura Mitchell, guardian; George Dawes, associate guardian; Audrey Gimble, guardian secretary; Beatrice Klrby, guardian treas urer; Mrs., 8. R. Donaldson, dir ector of music. Announcement was made that Mrs. Laura Mitchell and George J. Dawes had been elected British Columbia representatives on Supreme Council. Mr. and Mrs. John Goold of Houston, who have been on a three months trip through the United States, left on last evening's train for their Bulkley Valley home. At the Schools A Department Open to All the Schools of Prince Rupert and District KING EDWARD During October 267 pupils attended King Edward School. The average dally attendance was 250.66. L) i : IIMVV m m m mm m B EMM M m MM MM MM ENS Wavlng. u inrp in Mr. Irvine, a new.Janltor. also took over in October. Mrs. Kullandcr's reports Grade I learning to read rapidly. Miss Peatt took Grade II on visit to the Civic Centre. Stories were written afterwards. Orade V, Miss Moxley, teacher, has done some fine art work on totem poles. Grade III, Miss Bcale, teacher, Is. working. '.on, some; fine .murals on Indian life. Miss Molden's Grade rv making murals on Congo life. is Grade VI pupils are making educational posters and are also ,-rlting plays. Mr. Goscoe is teaching some pupils to play the guitar. Folk dancing is being enjoyed all hrouah the school and four dances will be seen In the Civic Centre on Thursday of Educa tion Week. John Garofanl left on last eve ning's train for a brier trip to Prince Oeorge. He will be returning next Tuesday night. Classified Advertising Pays! I IFF in this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JINKS witches looked over their stock of brooms, hob-goblins donned their sootiest suits, and children carved triangular-nosed faces In unsuspecting pumpkins, has come and gone for another year. To most of us. it meant an evening of constant running to and from the door in answer to an anthem of "Hallowe'en Apples Trick or Treat!" and the following morning scooping garbage back into an overturned tin. Reminiscing on less modern days, we still may be thankful there are no small four-walled out-buildings to be turned "draughty-bottoms up!" Twice, p. decade and a Half apart (fathers will brag to their sons!) a more energetic group went to work on King Edward School, raising a huge skull and The meeting was also inform- I "oss-Dones Danner to tne top or cd that Hilda Pottinger, former- !"ie PF. wn t watume ly of the local bethel, had been elected Honored Queen at New Westminster where she. now Three new candidates were initiated at. last night's meeting. The time when all hook-nosed stood on the turret of the build ing. As a final touch, the pole was adequately greased, and the cord cut; hence the flag, of nec essity, continued to flutter to the delight of the "saints" who had accomplished the feat. Strangely enough, Hallowe'en and Saints are definitely related. The Hallowe'en of today is a far cry from the original established by the early Christian Fathers in commemoration of saints and martyrs, and he'ld op Noverriber 1 as a great feast day. The eve, therefore,, on October 31 was called A! Hallow's E'en, the name derived from the old English word "halwe," or holy. Prior to this time, the Romans held this feast in honor of Pa- mona, goddess of fruit trees. In Britain, the Druids celebrated a festival at the same time in honor of the sun god and in thanksgiving for harvest. When the people became Christian, their leaders wisely allowed them Genuine Aspirin is MARKED THIS WAY I do CFW7 t ' YOU Write for your FREE catalog of cloth-covered Buttons and Buckles. We also do button holes, pinking, frilling and nail heads. We carry in stock many types of Shoulder Pads, Zippers. Pins, Threads, Elas-, tic, Belting,- Chalk. Sequins, Arm Shields, Bias Tape, etc. B.C. SEWING SUPPLIES 1025 Robson - Vancouver, B.C. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention (J to keep their feast day, but gave it new depth of purpose. In spite of the restraining In fluences of religious leaders, the superstltutlous minds of the . people built weird fantasies about the E'en. The most popular was that on this night of all the year the spirits of the departed were allowed to visit their old homes. In preparation, houses were cleaned and special food prepared and left for their "spirit" guest. Personally, I favor going back! I Somehow, I feel sure that a few dismantled spirits would make much less Impression on a box of apples,. treasured candy, pop7 corn, than do these hordes of be- masked spirits of abundant health that visit me once a year. And' whoever heard of a spirit scattering garbage? Not a saintly one anyway, but, from the popularity of the hob-goblin idea, the percentage of saints was judged small even in those far distant days! By the way, I hope every citi zen was appreciative of the Hal lowe'en windows of our various shops this year. They were re markably ingenious. I for one enjoyed them Immensely, think ing at the same time that it was quite a: while since I had seen so much hay or so many "stuff, ed shirts"! ASTHMA SUFFERERS Get welcome relief from the wheeiine, cneezlng. gasping struggle for breath caused bv Asthma. Take RAZ-MAII. specially made to relieve Itchy, streaming eyes, ciioked-up bronchial tubes, difficult breathing and harassinf coughs caused by "Asthma, Oironic Bronchitis, Hay Fever. At druggists 50c, 11. R-24 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . ; NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert Mrs. A. Greenwood, Terrace; Mrs' E. Hamilton, Terrace; G. L. Greenwod, Prince George; B. J. Rae, Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibson, Annette Island, Alaska; B. McVays, Terrace; H. L, Smart, Terrace; G. D. McEach- em, Victoria; Mrs. M. Abbot, Butedale; H. P. Cahlll, Vancou ver; Dr. J. A. MacDonald, Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Frank, Terrace; M. H. Dunn, Terrace. SAVOY . HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 3" P.O.' Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S pip FINEST SALMON TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. , Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, Is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry Is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West ALL THREE FLOORS NOW OPEN! BURSTING WITH A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF TOP QUALITY HOME MERCHANDISE - GORDON & ANDERSON "THE LARGEST STORE IN NORTH CENTRAL B.C." INVITES YOUR INSPECTION AND PATRONAGE TWO NEW FLOORS THIS FINE NEW STORE WILL BE OPEN AGAIN TONIGHT FOR YOUR INSPECTION FURNITURE - HARDWARE - GLASSWARE - CROCKERY WALLPAPER BEDDING "EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME" prince Rupert Dally JMutf Saturday, November 2, 1946 TOPCOATS V v STYLE . . . COMFORT . . . DURABILITY . . . The fall topcoats are here ... a complete stock for you to choose from. Colorful Tweeds, Fleeces, and West of England Worsteds, all combine to give you a most ' pleasing selection. Prices from $30.00 to $58.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP' tin lrtjuvmw - 7" ir 532 THIRD AVENUE rs.. UB ;chw : CfiROS CLOTHING AND FURMSHIMS NEW PHONE 345 LOCATION EQUIPMENT STOCK COMBINED FOR A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE WE CAN r MAKE lr pair PLACE ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 126 EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 1G0 East Third Avenue (Next to McMeekln's) LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND. SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND UJS.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or '68 V V TmtW jour order in now for your ET j t GET per sonaiized Christmas greeting cards. Large selection of decorative and plain patterns now in stock. Don't delay! Slop in today place your order and Have your cards on time. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY r Dlnolr Thlrrl Avpniie y uuoijt uiw- .... ... A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED ' "A .GOOD PLACE TO BUY" See us for MATTRESSES - SPRINGS BEDS and BEDDING Phone or send in your mail order Phone 775 -:- 327 Third Ave. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT . PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman - S. Julian Night Calls: BLUE 270 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. REX CAFE PRINCE RUPERr HOTEL SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 8 ajn. to 2 aon. PHONE 173 i. X