V- ivi? T V RESERVE ARMY JUNIORS WIN ....Co-ops Also Show Good Form In Junior Fastball Instead of the regularly scheduled double-header in the' Junior Fastball League last evening one game took place with the Reserve winning over the Co-op by 8 runs .to 4. Battery for the young players was Shier and Currie while Don Scherk, later relieved by Sun-berg, pitched for the Co-op with Sharp catching. Both teams " played good ball and there is every premise of many of the players developing into good players. The fleldinj and throwing are good and they are rapidly picking up the finer points of the game. The boys should be thankful to their coaches, olph cf the Reserve, and Fore- ' man and Beg?s of the Co-op. Runs for the Co-bp were scored by Don Siherk, Sunberg, Sharp and Forbes. The Reserve scorers : were Bob Currie, 2; Shier, 2; Acheion, 2, and Mostad and Bates one each. Teams: Reserve Army Junior.? Currie, Shier, Mostad, Acheson, Olson, Anderson, Basso, Micky and Bates. Co-op Juniors Don Scherk, Sunberg, Shier, Sharp, Forbes, Lawrie, Bao, Hauran, Moore, Scherk and Overgaard. Olson and Mostad starred in the field for Army while Forbes and Basso showed to advantage for the Co-op. Reoorts are to the effect that the Sea Cadet team has withdrawn from the L?agne. This may be due to their regular lummer camp. AROUND THE PLAYING FIELDS There Is talk or a three game scri at Terrace on July I with the Moose playing against Terrace and Uk. Rumor has it that there may be a team travelling to Smlthers. Tonight's sporting events: Senior. Men's Fastball, Gyro Park. General Motors vs. Co-op and Bo-Me-Hi vs. Grotto. ITCH CHECKED in a Jiffy or Money Back ftainlw. Soothe, comforts and quickly ralmi intrnM itching. Hon't mltn. A.lt your druEni.t today for D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. Steamship Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES ana INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE r I M lmrS mj -aWW Ih McTrnlfItSo(ly Oidl ipontcrvd by Mtmatiofwit A. toilolKM f CNfl folk. 1 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS 20 YEARS AGO TOU-7 In . . RUPERT SPORT June 28, 1926 Gold Storage won over the Moose team 4-2 in the first round of the Mobiey Cup football series. For the Storage Doherty scored three goals and Sammy KrsKine one. jviacin dewar and George Mitchell scor ed for Moose. The second annual regatta staged by the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club was a decided success. The cruiser handicap care was won by the Inlander (Don Crerar) with the Colifer (F. W. Allen) second. The open boat handicap was won by Busy Bee (Joe Scftt) with Nadine (Dr. Tremayne) second. In the open sped boat race Mlg (Dr. Alexander) won frftm R. E. Benson's Poinsettia. The regatta committee included Dr. J. P. Cade. George Rorie, R. E. Benson, Dr. V. T. Krgln, John Lindsay, Alex McRae, J. H. Thompson, Olof Hanson, Percy Tinker and Shep Thompson, care taker. In the final game of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club tournament Miss C. Mitchell won from Miss fife) 7-5, 6-0, and It. Howard won lyiPLING ciptured the grcioui cfiarm of British Columbia 1 capitol when he wrote: "To realize Victoria you must take all that the eye admires moit In Bournemouth, Torquay, the hit of Wisht, the Happy Valley at Hong Kong . . . add . . . the Thousand Islands and arrange the whole around the Bay of Naples with some Himalayas for the background." Oak trees, holly, hedge-bordered homes, unbelievably lovely gardens and the great stone pile cf the Legislature conspire with the ivywreathed walls and towers of the Empress Hotel to offer scenic attraction for visiters unequalled The tourist industry, benefits everyone. SPRING SALMON ANGLING PROVIDES GOOD HARBOR SPORT; BOY'S LUCK While the rush of the halibut season is over along the waterfront there is considerable excitement with material rewards for those who are successful in catching the spring salmon. "Bud" Pierce is tops so far with three dandies in the last few days. Wednesday it was a 43-pounder and yesterday a 33-pounder. Then young Jack Flewm landed a 31'-. pounder. Photographs were taken of the latter with his catch so that there will be proof of the big one (hat didn't get away. One youngster was not so lucky. He hooked a big one, and it was a big one. He got it to the surface but, in the excitement, he gave the fish a little slack line and It was away. . Just what makes a salmon from A.' II. Carmichael 6-8, 6-3, G-3. In the Senior League baseball amc Gyres won frcm the Sons of Canada by 3-2. Lambie pitch ed for the Sons and Schlenker for the Gyros. Sons of Canada Bal four, Lambie, V. Menzies, Far- ffQhar, V7. Mitchell. H. Men2ies, Ratchford, Clapp, Gurvlch. Gyros McKeown, Schlenker, Frlzzell, George Mitchell, Mpran, pick out one line between two others is a mystcr. When "Bud" Pierce landing his third fish there wsre fishermen on his right and one on his left but the fish picked his hook. The other fishermen would like to know Just why. One veteran observed that Pierce had a white line while the other two had the usual green line, recommended generally as being lew noticeable by the fish. The assumption is that the fish does not notice that the bait is attached to the line and presumably reasons out that the herring is an honest-to-goodness fish and provided for his consumption "Alterrate-ly .someone susjested that the white line catchea the attention of the saknon and then it nofics the herring and swish! PiT-e has another one. In any case any visitor, or local resident for tha matter who can catch, a 30- Haveland, Tulloch, G. Hill, Skin- J pounder oH the wharf w.iuld be ner. a "rest of hU life" hrvwr f.ir GRIMSBY, Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING boods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Dldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 1 1." Res.' Red 127 Ask for Qeorge Bascball Scores National League Chicago 6, Pittsburgh 5. Boston 1, Brooklyn 3. American League None. Coast Leaiie Los Angeles 1, Portland 0 (11 innings). Hollywood 10, Sacramento 0. Oakland 1, Seattle 0 (10 innings). f an FTanclsco 5, San Diego 4. Prince Rupert's piscatorial at-tracUons. And in any pase t he view of the harbor west to the entrance and Metlakatha Passage or east to Tuck Inlet would be a satisfying reward to anyone no matter from what part of the world he might ccme. Buy more War Savings StamDS. BASEBALLERS IN WORKOUT Players Try for All-Star Team To Meet Ketchikan In preparation for their forthcoming international series In baseball with Ketchikan a practice game was held last evening nt Roosevelt Park. Regular Hne-upi were changed from time to time to give the coaches a chance to try out varlouj players. Pitchtri trying out their arms were Lambie, Lindsay, MaeDon-ald, Stiles and Bill. Catchers were Scocp Bury and Posluk. Trie veteran Lambie showed lots of speed and control and Lindsay was also effective. Other players In the try-out were Minor Simonson, Bruce S!n?3nson, Walter Johnson, D. Kerr, T. Arney, Pavllkls, Dell, Terry, Vuckovlch. Gurvlch, For-man, Sunberg and D. Wood. So ifwn were the players that even f'T the game some of, them i 'mined behind for bat-ling and folding practice Mrs. John Odowes and daugh ¬ ter sail tonight on the Cardena on a holiday trip to Vancouver, MEET AND MIX FROM COAST TO COAST IN CAHADA CANADA on this continent. I Every part of British Columbia has its own beauty spots in amaiing variety, and this year the greatest influx of tourists ln our history is expected. We can all do our part In making these welcome visitors feel at home. Friendliness and courtesy cost nothing, but they are the essence of true hospitality. UNITED DISTILLS VANCOUVER A N D Help Wanted Excellent Opportunity for progressive young man of integrity capable of organizing and managing local office for RC.'s fastest-growing Health and Accident association. Must be able to organize district sales crew and produce results. Attractive contract to right man, plus advertising support in district papers, prospect v leads, etc., backed by sound organization that offers liberal benefits for moderate membership rate. If you're the man we want, apply to Uox 137 Da ily News stating qualifications. Triflers need not apply. This message is thefijth of a series supporting the efforts of our Government's Travel Bureau and Provincial Tourist Associations. Offered in the public service by . . . , S If I M I T E D CANADA Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 I A.M. TO I A.M. , Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE Irt.l 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Big Economy Pack J Oood beach; strawberries are ripe. Turn south at Terrace School. Gertrude Mitchell, Terrace, B.C. (151) FOR RENT Sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave.' West. (tf) FOR RENT 2-room cabin, furnished. 949 3rd Ave. .152) FOR RENT Fully furnished room. Apply 80(5 Fraser St., after 5 p.m. (156) LOST AN!) FOUND FOUND Lady's gold wrlstwatch. Phone 452. (51) LOST -On Sunday last, lady's gold wrist watch with black leather strap. Finder please phone Green 380. Reward. (It) LISTINOS WANTED SELLING YOUR HOUSE? We have buyers looking for well-built 4 and 5-room homes. Cash or terms. Consult us first. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (164) i , PERSONAL LLOYD'S Corn and Callous Salve gives Immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (152) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver BO (tf) Agents. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES every Saturday at 171 Third Avenue East, (tf) Advertise in the Dally News. K7TTTTTTTYVTTTTYtTTVTYTi PTMWriF. TMTPF.IfT 3 pHOTTLE COLLECTOR I'lione Blue 737 We Buy 3 PERFEX Bottl es AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj? WfmMWswmm lull IiAiiiiI I Men, again make extra savings on Canada's favourite low-price blade. Dealers now feature MIMOSA'S Economy Pack: 12 blades 25c. MINORA BLADES give fast, easy shaves and lait f l:n;er than ordinary Llsdes. FOR SALE - - Classified Advertising Ulricas: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum ehir. (Lp.. ds of Thunlt. Death Notices. Fune ml jioUcei ff1 and Engagement Announcement!: . WANTED WANTED To give away, 2 female tortoise shell kltteas, 0 weeks old. Oreen 897 after C o'clock. (152) WANTED High powered rifle. Apply Box 138 Dally News. (152) WANTED High power rifle. 303 preferred. J. Sackner, Central Hotel. (140) WANTED -Boys for delivery routes. Dally New. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED dirl for housework. Phone Dlue 330. (153) MAIDS WANTED immediately for cleaning work at Miller Bay Hospital. Apply to Medical Superintendent. Phone 635. (150) WAITINO LIST for newsboys, now open at Daily News, (tf) WOMAN Oil OIRL to look after 2 children and housework. Oood wanes. About six weeks. Apply 217 West 8th. Phone Black 7S1. 150) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished roomi; also 1 sleeping room. 200 5th Avenue West or call Eva. Fish St Chips. (158) FOR RENT Furnished 2-room cabin. Phone Blue 167. (152) FEW ACRES LODGES offers accommodation by day or week. FOR SALE 20-ft, speed tl 85 h p, V-8 engine r. . Alfred Street or Yajrl careiaKer FOR SALE Remote tr I wilier, ana Doy DlcJt l'l i'lgou Ave iji FOR SALE- 1-ton Chrt tr.l 1929 mode) and 2-sfej trailer. Can be sstu ml 2nd West. Phone Bliet'J FOR SALE- 3-piece e.det matching rus cllburstrftl complete bed; rad:jt:tl Ky, nearly new PL.atl 732. i FOR SALE 6 room toil house 742 7th Ave We: FOR SALE Baby tngrj : garbage burner -Mi wood), cream and white-1 1 electric ironer r.rtir? M will fit General Er!:. n er. Phone Black 33. FOR SALE -60 amp. 01 ir i and fuse box 9x18 at (lil I Sackner. Cc;itnu Hctc. or&l Apia. -H GOOD BUILDINO LOT It ' "centre of Pilnce Ri.per!tt business area. Ap Boi . Dally News FIVE-ROOM HOUSE - 1 bl rooms arid hi'.':. Uiiai ro I with new mai..e TuOtt wj decorated kitehea Located:! Ninth East immediate ot I nancv. Only $2300. Far: tpectlon call Armstror.jlH cies, phone 342. FOR SALE -Radlo.2t-Wa cash ree s'er reital ranee, household faitl Apply 1021 2r.d West i P Blue 874. FOR SALE House 4 room ViifVi- rnnvpnlentlT SB For further particular? Green 987 or apply 661 5 J East. fli ev"it site Four-room I, I Ult Ulll." . $1600 cash, Apply 225 WnI . Poet nvonlrtff? ""I phi? ai.tt .Tinmr not a 1 Pembroke with shower and oil range Driveway. Phone Black 523 oTV.nnnm 1IDTISE ' 01A-llwai - . , rtn II'. lOL! In lW i?ifh AiomiP weit Price' Cash $2000. Balance on i1 Collart&McCatreryL-j iprvn oiip. Riimmner mill and Bond ?":tf plete, in good comuiw 1291, Prince Rupcrv. n t n ctv.rnom 1 three bedrooms up, in rnnm rfinine room -i kitchen with sink unit H built-in cupboaros. overlooks garden. Harbor" Basement and Xurnac,e in (isin Armstronit AP., tl. fivwv. - Phone 342. FOR SALli-iWtivc w-MM one glllnet arum, one stern roner ka OiU A it a tract Lj Oil! ATCi 4-". ' I r ,ri house ' I lot. 2053 Graham Ave-' ,1 Green 190. " ...... lrrolnJ 1 FOR SALE usea from $3; usea e in.. , from $15; siignuy -- rag W A cases, $6; new $1.65: used 8-plcce kltew.1 $22.50; used eleci nc cost $235, now $05, oh tures. fireproof safes, chairs, filing caWri used rugs, w pr for office, stores, bote", reduced In iP thing d f sell and buy nf t furniture also hard ; j; us first, it wP Art. & Furniture Co., 3ra a' 324. room FOR SALE-Dining 949 3rd Ave rrr- ..'i.."nO.P' FOR SALEw..hc ... tiu horn pullets, e' .pr i psrh. Lea P0"ltry 'd irirmanrril XX C.