'You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend 'hone Blue 850 feuty Culture In all Its branches m 4th' Street I Phone 655 SUTII & ELKINS LTD. I Plumbing and Heating tone 174 II Engineers P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON KNT1NG & FAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada F. I.IIVIN. I'hone.areen 974 lorrjontatlve Hox528 d Ave. W. - - Opposite IMUfl rillNCE RUrEUT. DO. GEORGE L. RORIE 'He Accountant, Auditor, etc. gcome Tax Returns Complied lner Block Phone 387 H.J, LUND MT Papernanging . , wuierior and Exter or wor Ia f ?iTTSnrl XHIBITION of ART - by ttjorn Selvig IN BLACK AND WHITE Thursday Friday Saturday at Civic Centre . 7 - .;:o im. admission zr,$ Business and Professional W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION - Building - Repairing Synrs Ifratlons and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 I 1 BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving 152) otorists Sunday Service Hours: 12 Noon Until 4 p.m. June 16 to September 29, 1946 Tor Gasoline and Oil Sales, Quirk Mattery Charge and Tiie Repairs Out-of-Town Service Preferred AT Frank Morrison's Service Station iiear of LONG MOTORS. 3rd Ave. and 7th St., Prince Kupert ite;y bf LONG MOTOKS S. E. I'AKKEK LTD. NATIONAL MOTOKS KUI'EKT MOTOKS LTD. P.O. Box 1464 (Green & Kermode K Interior and ; Exterior Work Builders and Painters Free -Estimates and Prompt Service P.N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSITU AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Prince Rupert MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK ,926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners P Box 1286 Phone Black 823 Grccn 486 ncd 894 sW : ' T tv. c-.J... Local News Items A For July 1 get a fresh killed milk fed fryer fowl or turkey from Scott's Meat Market. (152) Mrs. W. S. Kcrgln and children were passengers on the Prjnce Rupert last night for Vancouver where they will spend a holiday. Miss Hilda House of the Conrad Street School teaching staff sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will spend the summer holidays. I.O.O.F. All brothers wishing to go to Terrace for July 1 please.' meet at the hall at 8:30 Sunday morning, June 30. Starting July 2 the lodge will meet every week. W. McKenzic, Hoc. Sec. (152) Mr. and Mrs. R. BolamT of Van couver, who have been visitors here fo rthe lest three "months, are leaving tonight to return to the southern city on the Car dena. A St. Paul's Lutheran congre gation will hear sermon and re porls from Church Convention Sunday, 11 o'clock. Sunday School Picnic, weather permit' ting, Sunday, 12:15 noon. Vacation Bible School begins Tues day, 10 a.m. (f52)' Leading Aircraftsman George A. Johnson, son of Staff Sergeant and Mrs. G. A. Johnson, arrived In the city on last night's train from the east to visit his family after returning from four years overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Mrs. L. M. Felsenthal and daughter, Judith, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where Judith will en ter Kewple Kamp for children while Mrs. Felsenthal will proceed cast to spend the summer at Montreal, the Laurentlans and the Eastern Townships. Mr. Felsenthal Is already In the east. Announcements All advertisement in this column will be charged 1'or a full month at 23c a word. Strawberry Tea, July 3, Odd fellows' Hall. Juvenile Orarge tea, Oddfellows' Hall, July 10, 2:30-5:30. Get your Marxist and current jamphlets at Room 8, Stone 31ock. Open evenings 7 to 9. OldTinic Dance, Prairie Ramblers, every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. NEW REYNOLDS -"BALLPEN Choirs oj Colors: Cold Silver Black GUARANTEED TO .WHITE AT LEAST 4 YEARS WITHOUT REFILLINQ NO CAP To fumble with Click JtVrilet Exdu-tire Ball Point Guard endi cop nuiianee for. ever. Ci'cfc Fork lit A flick of the thumb and pen is ready for pocket or parte. $12.50 (plus tax) TEN ITSELT GUARANTEED FOR LIFE! . f CompUtt N r . . with S Cift McRAE BROS. LIMITED LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes fjp ' BpfijnilfcP-11 1 Mjnda? Wnesday, Friday- tKrM" From ?' East- 117 Second Avenue West 'nlllMDiA nnr in pit rn IT! . Tupsrinv. Thursday. Saturday i nnnnsite rivic Centre Baptist Sunday School Picnic, June 29. Truck leaves church 2 p.m. (It) Mr. and Mrs. G. E. II. Mont gomery sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Allen Sheardown and little daughter sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a holiday trip to Vancouver and Armstrong. Mrs. R. E. Mortimer and daughter sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a month's holiday trip to Vancouver and other southern points. Miss Annie Lips, teacher In the Terrace school, arrived In .the city on last night's train, en-route to Vancouver where she will spend the summer vacation. Peter Lakie, CJN.R. divisional freight and passenger agent, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Terrace and other interior points on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. N. Emery of Los Angeles were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert on Its round trip this Week. Mr. Emery Is representative of the Rock Island Railroad In the California city. St. John Munro, divisional engineer for Canadian National Railways, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver after arriving from the Interior on last night's train in the course of an Inspection tour of trie Sml-thers division. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobie and child will be leaving next Tues day on the Catala for New West minster after having resided here for the past three years. Mr SUMMERIZE your car now ! Let us check your car before you make that long vacation trip. A motor tune-up, lubrication, and tire inspection may save you time and mdney on the road. Phone S3 for an appointment S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service R. J. Downey of the McRae. Hotel, Smlthers, Is a visitor In the city enroute to Vancouver on a business trip. He Is sailing for the south tonight on the Car-dena. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Parsons sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver where they expect to take up residence. Mr. Parsons was formerly a draftsman at the dry dock. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holtby and daughter, Monica, and Hubert Ward will leave tomorrow morning for a two weeks' motor trip to Francois Lake and other parts of the central Interior. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harvey and family left by car today for Lake Kathlyn where they will set up residence for the summer. Mr. Harvey will be returning early next week. Miss Alleen Winsklll, who has been physical training instructor In local schools for the past couple of years, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for her home In the Fraser Valley to spend the summer vacation. Hugh MacKenzic, who has been spending the past two months visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mackenzie, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to his studies at the University of British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mitchell and family will be leaving tomorrow by car for Lake Kathlyn where Mrs. Mitchell and the children will take up summer residence. Mr. Mitchell will be returning to the city In a few days. Members of the teaching staffs of the local schools who are leav Ing tonight on the Cardena for Vancouver and other southern centres to spend the summer Doble was one of the engineers holidays include Miss Eileen In the United States power ; Gibson, Miss Eleanor Moxley, house near Morse Creek which Miss Norma Smith and Miss L. is being closed down. jMoisely. r-wmoiH uriiru " rr I mmmwHrnammmmmmmmmMmmma I1 K ttt unuu c vArauvM.i. 10:45 p.m.f !l . "- '-tmmmW-TSSmmmmmmmmWmWJmmSmm9PA AHsssssSrMsslMBf?sffiQto itssssssssssVTfrrmn ,,a'.m-'mrtiL!aamaammMw Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gllker and! daughter, Diane, are leaving tomorrow morning for Lake Kathlyn to set up summer" residence. Mr. Gllker will return to the city next week. Mr, and Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby anf sons will leave tomorrow morning for Lake Kathlyn wherd the family will go Into residence for the summer, Mr. Blackaby returning early next week. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. McLean sailed last night on he Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. McLean has been Identified with the teaching staff of Booth Memorial High School here. BUY ON BUDGET PLAN No Carry Charge No Interest Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BARGAINS for quick sale Trl-llght, radio lamp, electric heater, gate -leg table, chair, cot mattress, small cupboards, desk, book case, bedding, dishes, etc. Belmont Hotel, Suite 3. (153) LOST Between Rupert Hotel and Blggar Place, 1 pair glasses. Please return to 338 Blggar Place or Grotto. Name Colleen Barrle In case. (152) LOST Green ballet slipper. Finder please leave at Dally News or phone Blue 709. (153) LOST .Female purebred Ger man Shepherd puppy, four months old, vicinity Midway Grocery. Answers to name "Duffy." Phone Green 897. (It) When Skin Torture Drives You Mad! Get a bottle o stainless, powerful, penetrating Moone's Emerald OH. The very first application should five you comforting relief and a few short treatments convince you that you have at last found the way to overcome the intense Itching and distress. Moone's Emerald OH Is easy and simple to use grease-less stainless economical promotes heal In rr. Ask for Moone's Emerald OIL Satisfaction or money oacK sQoa aruEgisia everywnere. I OKMES LIMITED ! (gogJ Momffredt ! Wf W SHWXBWffl j Holiday . M Pdrk Lane Tr'PPers mi FloraLane rtt Original EYELETS t Lovely maizes, pale blue and pale pink stripes. "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" fl )tincc Uupett Daflp Ji3ctust Friday, June 26, 1946 "THE MEN'S SHOP mm m m m wmr w m 7r- 532 THIRD AVENUE ORMES LIMITED PHONE 81 Swim Trunks Sport Shorts by Jantzen First in Style First in Comfort $2.95 $95 I a- tHlA CLOTIIIXG AXD FURNISHINGS PHONE 34S to fjloriff foir TiallH and Up to compliment yonr clothes a EH EM TU .long lasting nail, lacquer ar.4 lipatlch PIONEER DRUGGISTS barniMlifaig UfMtek 3 PRINCE RUPERT A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE-TO BUY" CONVERTO LOUNGES By simmons with matching chairs DANITE LOUNGES By restmore with matching chairs . " These lounges can be converted into full-sized beds with one easy motion and have an easily accessible bedding com- CAQ Cfl and up partment. Phone "75 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Announcement . . . 327 Third Avenue COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 907 PHONE 676 " W.M.MARTIN Has taken over and Is now operUinp Tle SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OP CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would be appreciated 536 Seventh Avenue East PHONE 4D2 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIVPEUS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CORED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. Canadian Fish' .AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED 'fV PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "sir ... '-f. 4: A LW ? i