11.' N4 12rfnrc ttupcrr Daily iDclus Friday. March 8, 1943 1 ;j iJTre5Ya?Eg L1 FEEL SHARP BE INTERNATIONAL Basketball Tournament MARCH 8-9-10 Friday and Saturday, 7:30 INTERMEDIATE ALL-STARS NEW METLAKATLA SENIOR ALL-STARS vs KETCHIKAN Sunday, 2 :30 Playoffs Winners of Int. All-Stars-Metlakatla Winners of Sen. AII-Stars-Ketchikan TICKETS: OKOTTO, 99 TAXI, MACEY'S . DANCE - Fri. - Oddfellows' Hall Be Wise: SAVE MONEY 3I1p Many costly repairs can be avoided by regular LUNRICATION SERVICE STOP WEAR TODAY! RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED ASBESTOS WALL BOARD POPLAR PLY WOOD CEDAR PLY WOOD Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Coal Lumber Building Supplies Watch for the opening of the HOLLYWOOD CAFE Early in March Designed and Built by the NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone .VEJ Evenings: Green 10:$ P.O. Box 1366 Phone 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS Oil Burners Installed, Serviced and Cleaned Corner 2nd Ave. & 7th St. W. Night Calls Green 787 Black 801 Blue 170 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOJf No. 997 PHONE C7C Marie's Dining Room Come in and try our tasty home-cooked meals We Specialize In RUSSIAN DISHES, ITALIAN SI'Ar.llimi SHOUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY MARIE MICHOLUK 0 pjn. to 2 ajn. Proprietress 022 Fraser Street (Next to Savoy Hotel) Phone 309 ALBERTA WINS CANADIAN CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP SASKATOON Alberta early this morning won the MacDonald's Brier and the Canadian Curling Championship bv defeating the Northern Ontario i rink S-6 m a play-oft that was brought about by a 'three-way tie at the end of" the regular round-robin series. The win was Alberta's fourth victory in the sT-::.:een years that the bon-has been played. i T2:e Northern Ontario rinlc. si-pped by Tommy Ramsay, won & bye into the final round of I the playoff. Alberta and Manl- the other two rinks which !toba, ended in a tie for the right to meet Northern Ontario for the championship and Alberta posted a 8-7 victory over the Manitoba in a thrilling game that was not decided until the last rock was thrown. The three rinks finished the regular nine B usiness an GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER and i vt Trocr?xTr rr m TjOO rj in u vj i Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) CAROL' ELECTRIC Electrical Installations . j and Repairs Reasonable Rates Estimates Free Phone Blue 318 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving ' Beauty Culture in all its branches ! 206 4th Street : Phone 655 I For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd. 13 1 S OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177, Station "B" SMITH & ELKINS LTD. i Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGINO C33 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (Alter 7 pjn.) fOSL PROMPT v4 EFF1CIEKT SERYICt mall qour flatttf I COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.LTJ M tCmauatlWJK8WtR.BC. rounds with seven victories apiece. New President The new president of the Dominion Curling Association is J. E Armstrong of Regina. He was elected at the annual meet ing at Saskatoon. He succeeds- George Norgan of Vancouver who has held the office since the Association's last annual meeting in 1942. Life memberships in the Association were presented to Dr. A. F. Anderson d Prof essionai MAVIS COLCLOUGH STUDIO OF DANCING Tap, Ballet. Acrobatic and interpretative ENROLNOW! Studio: 1126 East Ninth Phone Black 236 (afternoons) If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannoj do myself. JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1280 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada II. F. I.OVIN. Phone Green 874 Representative Box 520 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT. U C. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 480 Evening Green 337 NAUTICAL CHARTS All charts now available stock complete Agents for BRITISH ADMIRALTY, U.S. GOVERNMENT, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT New Canadian Charts 3705 Morse Basin. 3719 Inlets In Campania and Princess Royal Is. 3721 Harbours On West Coast Pitt Is. 3723 Millbank Sound and Approaches. ( MiaSm.M v of Edmonton and S. C. Trewhltt of Winnipeg. Dr. Anderson fc a past president of the Dominion Association and Mr. Trewhltt has been secretary of the Mani toba Curling Association for many years. SHORT SPOUT - British radio listeners will get c'horse's eye" description of the Lincoln Handicap April 3 if present plans of the BBC materialize. Announcers will experiment with an on - the - spot broadcast from mobile transmitters. After the commentator shouts "They're off!" another announcer, travelling In an automobile alongside the course, will take up the story. Police will keep clear a 1,000-yard stretch of toad beside the track. Now It's mice racing! Laurie Jackson of Bath has founded the National Wheel Racing Mouse Club and plans to start operations shortly with a six-rail track. The mice will race inside lightweight wheels of different colors. Jackson says the Idea has aroused considerable interest throughout Britain. Canadian Army Maple Leafs, who finished on top of the overseas armed services hockey league, have withdrawn due to repatriation of many players and the two-game finals will be an all-R.CA.F. affair. Winners of the series, between Hurricanes and Meteors, will automatically become R.C.A.F. champion Brighton housewives didn't know it but they Ted therr pets horse meat from a famous horoushbred -Quartier Maitre. Quartler Maltre. killed steeple-chasing at F'.'tw well, Sussex, won Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMIT i: II Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 SCOTTY'S Old Country I i MACEY'S DOWN CO-OPS IN OVERTIME PLAY In an overtime serslon which allowed Ihe victors only a three-point margin, Macey's snatched victory from Co-ops In the intermediate basketball series last night In the armory. The overtime ended with a score of 43-40 after the two teams had tied at the end of the fourth quarter 33-32. In the first Intemledlate game of the evening Bo-Me-Hl stepped over Savoys by a score of 43-18, while In the junior league Sea Cadets defeated Gyros 24-14. In the Co-op-Macey game Coop led the scorln all through the regular session, only to be tied at game's end, and to lose the lead during the overtime. R. Holkestad and J. Haugan of Macey's led the scoring with 18 and 14 points respectively. Viereck was Co-op's high man with 13 points. Bo-Me-Hl, which went, down the Lincolnshire handicap in 1940 and, three years later, the Cambridgeshire. He took to the hurdles in 1944 and won several races. Surrey's cricket twins, Eric and Alex Bedser, who left their home ct Woking tosethcr for war service in 1939, have come back to-sether for demobilization leave. They have been re-engaged as urofessionals with Surrey's county cricket club. Top - class greyhounds are drawing fancy prices these days, but sales are practically non-existent. Syd Orton, Wimbledon trainer, has more than one owner prepared to pay up to $22,500 for a young greyhound capable of scoring a classic victory, but such dogs Just aren't to be bought. Alex Kyle, British amateur golf champion, still talks about his experience in the West Yorkshire polfers alliance competition at Flxby, Huddesrfield. He reached the green with his sec-end shoi and over-ran with his putt A sudden gust of wind blew his ball back Into the hole a give him a "birdie" three. ITCH CHECKED a J jff y 4 or Money flarfc TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT IL SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 0 A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and sixth Strret FISH. AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8GI NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IDS Take lnvleoratlncr steam .baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R.Y.WALKER Graduate Masseur , Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage I'hone Green 507 evenings i for annnlnlmant 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST York General Construction Sec or Phone Us on a tfew Insulation KIMSUL S()mct,,inff Ncw and the Rest Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP - WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 12C Day Phone Green 937 Evenings to defeat in an encounter with Savoys last week, got their revenge last nln,ht by scrambling over the hotel men by, a score of 43-18. Grabbing the lead early In the game, the students maintained it throughout. High scorers were Fonnan and James of Bo-Me-Hl, with 17 and 11 points respectively. The Sea Cadets team In the Junior league played their first game of the season and emerged victorious over Gyro by a score of 24-14. They played a good brand of basketball, maintaining a continuous leod over Gyros with ease. "Red" Anderson of Sea Cadets was high man with eight points. Indlvllual scores: Co-op Gurvlch 10, Viereck 13, Johnson 14, Sheperc l&.Skog, Menzies, Petersen 3. Macey's R. Holkestad 18. J. Haugan 14, B. Menzies 0, Teng 2, Arntsen, Murray 3, Olafson. Pierce, Cruickshar.K. Bo-Me-Hl Forman 17, James 11, Hartwlg 8, Clccone. Lavlgne. Thompson 2, Miller 2, J. Jarnc 3. Savoys M. Holkestad 2, Ar-ney 7, Alexander 1, N. Haugan 4, Eby 1, Simundson, Leland 3. Sea Cadets Ilebb 6, Brew 2. Anderson 8, Youngman, Currle 4, Owens 4, Watson, Bouvctlc, Johnson. Gyro Sunbers 4, Mostad, Haugan 2, Laurie, Moore, Pierce 8. KIDDIES' DELIGHT Nine times as muc:t castor oil Is used In Industry as for medicinal purposes. 0 W I T N E S Sj THE "SHOW" AT LAST! Come rain or shine the show Is going to be hold at last. Of necessity, It will be for children and teenagers only this time. Later, we hope to stage a display to which only adults will be Invited. The latter event will probably be held In connection with the Civic Centre opening ceremonies. Next Monday in Y.M.C.A. auditorium, the Ilup-Rec members will be on hand to show you the activities that make up IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OK TUE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" ana IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP CHARLKS O. SVEDMARK, DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judpe Fisher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 37th day of February, A D. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Charles O. Svedmark who died on or about the 37th djiy Of August, AD. 1945. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and nil persons having claims against the said Estate nre required to flln them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of March, A D. 1940, falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 37th day of February. A D. 1946. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, ' Prince Rupert. B.C. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty Phone Green 071 117 2nd Ave. W-Opp. YMCA WAR ASSETS BOWLS lEAfiiii fiulb and Httldi,.,,. VInn, 1m t . ' "ft Leajue Plav " 1 Gulls scored a ,u. Goldeyes while Heaffi winning two Mallards in th. nmvll-n T . n I iur inp evom The individual scori,). Chamberlain u , .V.h"ner m m ucauiouuer 124 jj. F. Plementos 2n n O. Varfeldt 50 I Totals 891 m O. Dumas ij7 , carrier jl m S. Blrrell m ,J P. Plementcs uj la V. Holoka ,m a F- Myer .150 1(J Totals 828 tq UOLDEYES- G. Carrier ici g H. Loder .124 q G. Anderson .131 10 W. Brown 1M 15) P. Grey ioe b A. DeMaere 69 B Totals 700 GULLS- M. Munzaba .182 a J. McKlnney 129 m V. Chamberlain .240 u; J. Loder 145 a M. Ed,Tar ,126 t G. Brown .104 C Totals 928 TJ MIRROR FANTASY The superstltlsn Lv' ;.!r mirror brings bad :t ti from the fact t'..af . . rl . 1 . . rciitrciiuu uirce was r j part of the soul. WHAT 5 DOIN AT 1 PRINCE HUPln RECREATjON 1 , 1 BY JIMtW the recreati.-.ncl prcjrla I will be a kalc.de " f nasties, mui.s dan' if- t ling, singing and a ' .of well. In fact if yeu n the age of 18, y"u ma? ward to an evenln1' :' e talnment and fun. Mtti free show and a capa: c Is expected, be sure tor '( In order to get a cc:a n.VmrtumrW Slit' morning classes at the W gym nave Deen msc--the time being WHAT'S ON TONIfHT-' to 4:45 pjn.. THW (i girls' rehearsal. . " "i IN THE SUPREME BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATI IN THE MATTER OF THI. AND OTHER' TAKE NOTICE that j of the last will of !OTT otherwise known as Hr .formerly of W" deceased, r British Columbia, wto idWj Rupert. British Columb. the 39th day of Novwiw Issued to Alfred lumbla. out of the rW, District RSlf 7 umbll Court of British ColumjJ 18th day of February, ogalnst the said "r,,;i to file the same Pi'lT rated with the 1 cltorj istl Stlnert on or 'i of April. W'li rtrtt trlbutlon of thla 1 made, having J Besner BIocH. t Prince IwVr ' solicitor for. T : out. Cooked with delicate tasie anu TRY USt Stelnert. ft We serve you nothlnr but the best Special Rti Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries Bran".""1 1 ntlRlf"' OPEN D OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT REGULAR STORE HOimS cliUl Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Plrs, nr. r.nHv tO ' run anu unips iiauy. we arc ir-j t Chinese dishes-Chow Meln, Chop Suey, tc- 9 . ..... ,,lflC $f" RUPERT BUTCHER? Phone 21 Third Ave. West