Prince Utijicrt Daily f3cUi0 Friday. March 8, 1946 PLANE ON WAY SOUTH AGAIN Ilaida Quern Heading Hack to Vancouver via Islands After Initial Commercial night Heading southward on return trip after her maiden flight in a hew commercial air service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert via the Queen Charlotte Islands, the Queen Charlotte Air Lines 15-passenger Stranraer flying boat Ilaida Queen hopped off from Prince Rupert fcr Massett Inlet and thence via Allford Bay and Cumshewa, nicking up passengers enroute. On departure, it was expected to be back in Vancouver by this afternoon. Hie Ilaida Queen had arrived here at 4:30 Wednesday afternoon and tied up for two nighrs nights at the Seal Cove air base. She had made the flight north ' in an actual five-and-a-half hours flying time. Leaving Vancouver at 11 o'clork Tuesday morning, the first stop was made at O'Brien Bay in Johnstone Straits where that night was lent. Coming on fr-c:n ihere to Prince Hupert stops were made at Cumshewa Inlet, Aliford Bay and Massett Inlet. The plan of Qurrn Charlotte Air L'.nes is to ma' weekly flights between Vancouver and Prince Rupert via the Islands in the meantime, arriving here from the south Wednesday afternoons and returning Thursday mornings. Lv.e., as business warrants, the service will be increased. As the company is equipping itself soon with at least two more ships, it will also be in a position to handle direct fligiits between Prince Rupert and Vancouver as well as by the Islands to and from which the most of the Initial business is being developed. The Stranraer flying boat, formerly belonging to the Royal Canadian Air Force, is equipped with two Bristol Pegasus 850 h.p. motors which give the craft a speed of about 120 miles per hour. Her trew consisting of two pilots W. J. Peters and R. B. Spilsbury and air engineer Ell- ) win, the 'passengers on the first flight north wefe T. B. Jackson, manager of the timber department of Pacific Mills, who .got off at Sandspit; George O'Brien, a vice-president of the Powell River Co.. who disembarked at Massett Inlet, and eiht commercial travellers, as well as A. J. rpll.sbury. presides? of the com- SOLD IN RUPERT ONLY AT TERRACE ASKS (Continued from Page 1) ton suggested that Mr. McAdams bring up at this meeting the matter of establishing powerful broadcasting stations on the British Columbia coast so that it will be possible to hear Canadian programs in the Orient. D, O. Little suggested that timber trade with China through the port of Prince Rupert be discussed as well. Gerry Matheson, director of Pro-Rcc for B.C., stated in a letter that it was not possible for him to come to Terrace to see about establishing- a Pro-Rec here but he would get in pany; W. J. Wood, operating manager of the company; Esmond Landb, Vancouver barrls ter, and Mrs. Waddell, also of the Powell River Co. Incidentally. Mr. Lando is a son of N. L. Lando, who was'a pioneer clothing merchant of Prince Rupert, now engaged in the fur business in Vancouver. During the stpa on the first flight north, officials of the air lines company were making arrangements for landing and servicing facilities along the way and also at Prince Rupert. They have the co-opera:2on of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The one-way fare for a Vancouver-Prince Rupert flight is $69.85 and round trip, $123.50. i ASiltur, -- ? .-MbbbbkL ' ' v.JHk c . ... y.iJVL laifv tl:-3Tt rL 1Sp9PW'x& lm VNV.v.v.v.v.v.'av.v.v.v.v , j iMtlNwWvV KBWSSlfe,W.V.V.V.V.V.Sir aftV.V.V.VAViV.V.VtViVANSViVAV.V.VAVAV.V.V.VW IItntwiKn -ar?- s ,. touch with George McGregor of Prince Rupert and see If he could come in his stead. As ho word had yet been received from Mr. McGregor, it was decided to Inquire into the cause of the delay. Further inquiries are to be made Into the matter of securing long distance telephone service for Terrace. The Hospital Committee gave an encouraging report that there was a good chance that Terrace may in the not distant future have a Red Cross Hospital. A wire received from Stewart Board ofTrade asking Terrace to endorse objections to the present Deputy Minister ot Mines, Dr. Walker, was given consideration but the meeting felt that further information should be obtained before ad versely criticising a public official of whom very little of a specific' nature .such as would justify his removal from office. Four Ladies .Members Now Mrs. W. C. Osborne and Miss A. Lips, new lady members, were welcomed. This brings the total of lady members to four, the other two being Mrs. C. J. Nor-rington and Mrs. W. Robinson. There was a goodly number of members in attendance. In the absence of J. H. Smith, who had been called to Prince Rupert on business, G. McAdams, vice-president, was In the chair. t-'aJt 7'Amflrklf7i b; . JB m SKmsKvf "'XWXwx:xvX'XvXvX $75 to $100 Merit FOR $29.75 TO $34 Merit there is to a suit which keeps its trim. Merit in satisfying fit. Merit, indeed, in a suit that speaks expense At a price it's a comfort to pay. Bond will tailor you such a suit, Of the cloth you pick, To jour chosen style Built to your measurements exactly. Bond makes the best in tailorcd-lo-mcasurc clothes a f v.v.v.v.v.v.v. v.v.v.v.v.v .v.v.v.v.v i r v.v.v.v.v. 7 1 v.v.v.v.v. I J .v.v.v.v.v. v.v.v.v.v V.V.V.V.V.' i b" r i r-"in iii frgiw m i-tt-bm mva- h wbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsk - , f rural n "i TvrEkifmv y- riBBr- : "bbt- . .V.V.. V.'.V. .V.V.' .'.V.V V.V.J .::: . :ivivS yyyyy. iyyyyZ y.v.v.; yyyy& t BBBr:.iuMB-SBBl.V.JSHBBVvr.V.V.V.V. .W.WJ.'XX bb:KJbbH Mens and Boys Store Becoming more popular every day W! Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Thinking of Gardening? Then .see us for your GARDENING SUPPLIES Itennic's Seeds - Garden TooN Hose and Fence Netting "crtilizcrs Vigoro, Bone Meal, Sheep Manure, Sulphate of Ammonia, Sulphate of Potash, 4-8-12 Fertilizer. Gordon's Hardware .McBrlde Street Phone :tl I INDIAN MOVE FOR VOTE IS LAUDED Momentous landmark In Indian progress, and c:ic unique In Canada, Is under way at the village of Metlakatla where the whole band, numbering more than 130, is seckV.;, enfranchisement. This illustration of the advancement of the Indian from his savage state of less than a century ago was used by Major D. M. MacKay, Indian Commissioner for B.C, in speaking before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday afternoon. Lauding the attitude which inspired the Metlakatla band to seek the responsibilities of citizenship. Major MacKay appealed to white men to support them In their struggle. "They want to go forward. They want the status of citizenship. It Is wonderful to think that they have -ragressed to a point where they can stand on their own feet. I should, like to see your city and the province give them every assistance In assuming the responsibilities of citizenship," Major MacKay declared. Primary obstacles in the way of Indian development listed by Major .MacKay were liquor, ostracism by the better class of whites, and illegitimacy. He saw liquor as a particularly serious obstacle. "Most major crime among Indians can be directly traced to liquor," he said. "I should like to see a more serious view among magistrates for this offence." He said he believed that one r?ason that stiffer sentences were not handed out w-as that 'magistrates possibly are aware hat the municipality must pay the cost while Indians arc at Okalla." FOR SALE Large house on two lots with basement and fur nace on 6th Ave. by Hays Creek Bridge. $100 revenue plus own living quarters. $5000 easy terms. Apply Collart and McCaffery Ltd. (58) FOR SALE 1930- Chrysler. Ap ply i2i 7in Ave. East. (59) FOR SALE 14-foot inboard motor boat. Apply Box 93, Daily News. (57) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (62) FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOK SALE Immediate occu pancyHouse, seven ' rooms, hot water heating, fireplace, modern. Splendid location. Price $3500 cash. Q. p. Tinker Co. Phone 57. FOR SALE New four -room modern house In very good condition, including all fur niture. Vacant April 1, at $3ZC0, with half cash and balance monthly. Apply H. O. ueigerson. (57) FOR SALE Five-mom house, i central location. Partly fur- nisnro. vacant now. rnone Red 918 or call 736 Oth Ave. West. (60) FOR SALE New tuxedo, size 42f also dress shirt and patent shoes, size 9. Rivers, 1651 Herman Place. (57) FOR SALE OR RENT Mieat and grocery business. For particulars phone Black t!28. (60) FOR SALE New and used furniture. Chesterlicldj in good condition; large stock to choose from. Three-quarter and double beds; easy chairs; office chairs of fine quality; new single hot plates, $4.75; new press Irons. Everything selling at laW prices. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture Regarding ostracism of Indians by the better class of whites, Major MacKay said that "some people Judge the Indians by those they see on the skid-roads of our cities. They should no more be Judged by that stand-1 ard than should the white race ' be judged by its derelicts." Diversity of opinion regard- j lng the administration of In- j dians has Inspired suggestions j that they should be treated like whites. "But we want to make sure that they are able to look after themselves. We do not want to enfranchise them merely to get rid of responsibility for them," he asserted. White .Men To Blame The problem of illegitimacy can be traced to white men, Major MacKay said, and the Indian Department Is left with the responsibility of caring for tlr. mothers and children. Major MacKay saw signs of Indian progress at the Brotherhood convention now In progress at Port Simpson where they are conducting their own affairs. "Here is evidence rf 'a local type of government. Was there any suggestion of that in 1850 when Sir James Douglas wrote of 'naked savages menacing the weak white settlers?' Today in many places we have Indians with living standards equal to those of liic whites." Guests at the meeting were Dr. A. D. Galbraith of the Miller Bay Indian Hosp:tai, Indian Agents James Glllett of Prince Rupert and F. E. Anfield or Bella Coola and J. H. Smith of Terrace. President J. H. Thompson was chairman. Classified Advertising - - - - lai&lficds: 2c per word icr Insertion, minimum crurw. 50c. Elrth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements; 12. FOK SALE FOR SALE 5 h.p. Westlnghouse electric motor, excellent condition. Call at 205 5th Ave. West. 50) FOR SALE 32 -volt 850-watt Delco light plant. Also one power dinghy. Apply Wilford Electric Co. (62) FOR SALE Six-roomed house, Ninth Ave. East; V2 lots; In good condition. Full basement, oil-burning raige, inlaid linoleum. All for $2700. Apply Collart it McCaffery. (61) FOR SALE Radio with record player attachment; also sewing machine. Phone 38. (CO) FOR SALE Furniture. Apply T18 U.S. Army Barracks. Skunk Hollow. (61) FOR SALE One thousand used bricks. Phone 547. (tf) FOR SALE Steel crib and mattress. Apply Suite 1, Short-ridge Apts., anytime before Monday. (58) FOR SALE Late model 14 h.p.' Regal Marine, new condition. Complete with propellor and shaft. Enquire 19, Cow Bay. (58) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Woman or girl as housekeeper or help. Two in family. Sleep In preferred. Good wages and liberal time off. Phone Black 69. (61) HELP WANTED Woman wanted for housework, several hours weekly. Phone Black 805. (58) WANTED Woman to do housework, live In, good wages. An-ply 722 5th Ave. W. (tf) HELP WANTED Woman wanted to do housework; part lime. Phone Green 769. (58) I WANTED Reliable, efficient nousexreper. y a.m. u a.w p.m. Sleep out. $60.00. Phone Blue 240. (58) WANTED Bookkeeper for part-time work, or qualified beginner with training in office accounting, general stenography, etc. Apply In writing, stating qualifications. Box 95 Dally News. (tf MAUIINEIIY TO SAW better lumber" more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver. B.C. (tf. FOR KENT FOR RENT Four-room furnished suite, steam heated. Box 94 Daily News. (01) FOR RENT Five-room furnished suite; immediate occupancy. 1529 Atlln Ave (corner Graham and Atlln). rhone Blue 516. (58) FOR RENT Furnished room. 1142 Park Avenue. (53) FOR RENT Two-room apartment, $14 a month. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. (61) FOR RENT Rooms. Private en trance. 1021 2nd Ave. West. Phone Blue 874. , (57) FOR RENT Pleasant room, close in. zuu oth Avenue East. (57) FOR RENT 7-room house, furniture for sale. Revenue $75 month. Apply 549 9th Ave. wcsi. (03) ROOMS FOR RENT-622 Frascr Street. Phone 309. (59) FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Phone 38. (59) WANTED WANTED Furnished suite or light housekeeping rooms for two girls. Call Blue 989 after 5:30. (59) WANTED TO RENT Four-room unrurnlshcd house. Close in. Phone Red 328 28. (64) WANTED Coach or sedan In dependable running order, with- reasonably good tires. Phone Black 322 after six. (58) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLET3 are effective. 2 yeeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5. At all dugglsts. (58) RADIO SERVICK j RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae uros, Ltd. t TODAY 'til SAT. at 100-243.5 innnililt llivfl . Wftl f'lfll YliWMAyO-YmititH K DONALD WOODS S.2.SAKA riuiiit Lilian ii In "House I Live In" Cartoon News Serial at 2:30 - 450 hi i.i Iti the Gf'tfer and Glow Show of thenar 5r RETIRING FROM HOSPITAL BOARD AFTER 18 YEARS Announcement of his retirement as a member of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital after 18 years of service, much cf it spent as president, was made by President O. P. Tinker to the annual meeting of the Hospital Association last night. Mr. Tinker also announced the retirement of Robert Gordon, arother veteran member. He suggested that the Association mirsue a policy of gradually bringing younger men who have an interest in the city to replace the older members of the hospital board. "I have just completed 18 years on the board of manage ment and during that time both the hospital and myself have hppn lfiinrkrri rtiv. n anH rohnitr ' ! he said. "I am happy that we now have a hospital that is splendidly built, splendidly eauirncd, and best of all paid for. This has only been accomplished through ihe work of the board of management and our managing secretary. Mr. Birch. I think it would be wise if we would consider replacing our older members on the board gradually with our more responsible younger men so that the work can continue." An expression at appreciation by Frank Dlbb was followed by a vote of thanks proposed by T. B. Black, which acknowledged the work done bv G. P. Tinker. II. W. Birch, D. C. Stevenson.. lady suo-crlnteiKlcnt MLss P. M. Mooney and the hospital staff. COLLEGE PROPOSED NAIROBI. Kenya, 0 A group appointed by the governor to study the form of Kqnya's war mcmoi'lal. proposes a technical college for all races with an agricultural wing attached to provide suitable training for peasant farmers. 08 vi.-'. mm M 1 r.. say. I hall when an in. over tin: tri ph . A. No. E "ftr-phonc m ii -. ccpted or d- r moment , v. even two or "xx form. Q. Is f f loudly ; ;b. A. Yes, TV alway :k ik refrain;; r ni 1 EXPERT XI BUY WAR SAVl.iGS StJ RADIO REPi All Work Ouaranwl ELECTRICAL SCPRIlJ HOME APPLIANCE FLUORESCENT LIGHTl PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mail Orders shlpptdrl day as rec-.',r:d KUI'ERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avtnut Wsl Phone 641 Baa SAV01 Horn Carl Zart'lli. PrJ Phone 37 P.O.Bal FRASER STREF Prince Rupert Fresh Local Rawd Pasteurized MM VALENTIN HAIRI PHONE 57 AUCTION SALE Saturday, March 9th 2:30 p.m. IIOI'SI IIOI.I) EFFECTS I'KOPEKTY 01' iMUS. A. M. IMVEltS Consisting In part as follow ABC Electric Waihinz Machine; IleinUmaij Pi Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner: Walnut Bed Rocm St.' rrllight; End Tables, and numerous other artiLlc- M in good condition. TERMS CASH. This sale will be held at the 1.0 11-Hall, Fifth Ave. and McHricIc St. J. H. MAIR Auctioneer 1? I Sales Rooms 171 Third Ave. E. I'bonc IJlaek Watch for the New Fori It's SMART BIG - THRIFTY TO OPERATE RELIABLE.- When you want the best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD I" YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED "Tim Ilnmr at IVIpillllv Service ' P.O. Box 38 " - . . ml 17(1 E. I r TTti!!!! 99 F'TlH'l i tttiii n