1 ieasonable Ideas for Housekeepers king of Cereals: Breakfast Is ortant Part of Daily Menu ,re this modern age of icfast Dlayed a major .. ,h. rfnllv menu. It was n L . 1 f Hip ri.iv and were servea. un-lately LI courses nowadays breakfast 'ten means a cup of coffee . pce of toast-fare too re to supply the necessary v for the day's activities. iad!an breakfasts usually , along pretty much the pattern- fruit Juice, cereal, jam and beverage. But no r what is served, break-must include at least one poaesslnB good "staying" r tr that mld-mornlns h s to be avoided and what s this requirement better bowi of stea.nlii'; hot jf course the family may not fcooked cereal for break-Lt perhaps the fault lies e porrldr.e served. If It's By, stringy or too tnlck In ttenry no one can be d (or ..purnlns It. However, jruilnary catastrophe need I harper In your family If a Imple rules are followed. Consumer Section of the Onion Department of Asrl-gre realizing that experi-il wcsrk should be conduct-i methods of cooking Cana-irrrejl:. In irder tolve con- ily rood results, asked the held Science Department idlan Unlvrrsltles to co- :t with them In an experl- it crole't six of which I able ti do so. Br tc , wers extensive and the proportions of water real length of cooking and amoun of salt needed. In addition, all methods most commonly used In Canadian homes were tried out and the following methods for cook inj regular and quick-cooking rolled oats were those generally conceded best. Rolled Oat Porridge 'using regular rolled oaU) 1 cup regular rolled oats 3 cups boiling water 34 teaspoon salt. Start cooking cereal In top of double boiler over direct heat. Sprinkle cereal gradually Into the boiling, salted water, stirring constantly to prevent lumping. Keep water boiling to prevent cereal becoming sticky. Boil, over direct heat, for 5 minutes, then cook, covered, for 1 hour over boiling water, stirring only occasionally. Makes about 3 cups. To reduce time of cooking in the double boiler, soak cereal In the speficied amount of water overnight, then bring to boil and cook over direct heat for 5 minutes and finish by cooking In double boiler for 30 minutes. If wheat germ is added, use 2 tab.espcons wheat genii per cup of raw cereal. Knifed Oat Porridge (using quick-cooking rolled oats) 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats 3'2 cups boiling water 1 teaspoon salt. Sprinkle cereal gradually Into the boiling, salted water, stirring constantly to prevent lumping. Keep water boiling to prevent cereal becoming sticky. Boil, over direst heat for 3 minutes, then cook, covered, for 10 minutes over boiling water. Makes about 3' 2 cups. 1 Carriages Made by Lloyds. Fully upholstered, storm- I wuoi curtains. Carriages you will be proud to own. AH colors S:t 1 .00 Carriages Fully upholstered and stormproof cur-wins. E'htr All colors '2Z.Ty to !W1S.."0 'Wrm's Commode Chairs With tray $"."' H'ld'j Bassinette 18"x30", with mattress $.."l "'ants' Baskets-Prom - $1.15 M-oNTown Customers Write us for your requirements. e have a large stock from which to supply you. Goods can sent C.O.D. for your convenience. '-' Thlril ,... t.,. in iir. Keeh ..fruuc nrsi i mine i Wers well p W for our Pity Coals ! PHONES 110 - 117 ALBERT McCAFFERY Cereal Custard 2 cups cooked cereal 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons mojasses ' cup sugar 2 eggs xk teaspoon vanilla or maple flavoring or V teaspoon nutmeg Mix cereal, milk, molasses and sugar. Add beaten eggs and flavoring. Mix well. Pour into a greased casserole, place in pan of hot water and oven-poach In a moderately slow oven, 325 degrees F.( for 50 minutes or until set. For chocolate pudding, blend 2 tablespoons cocoa with the sugar and a little of the milk and add with other Ingredients. Flavor with vanilla. Six servings Spicy Oat-Kaisln Pudding 1 cup all-purpose flour 'z cup sugar 3i teaspoon salt 1 teasnoon baking soda 1 teasloon clnnar-sn 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats V4 cud raisins 3 tablespoons mild-flavored - fat 1 teaspoon vanilla I cup sour milk or buttermilk Mix and sift flour, sugar, salt, soda and cinnamon. Add rolled oats and raisins. Add the melted fat and vanilla to the sour milk and add to the dry Ingredients. Pour into a well-greased mold cover closely and steam for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Serve with top milk or pudding sauce. Six to el?ht servings. TATHKA, Australia, Q A crab weighing 20'2 pounds with a red and pink mottled body and black nippers was caught in i trawler's net of this town on the south coast of New South Wales state. It measured three feet seven inches from tip to tip. Crt& wAcut CbotfiMg I I I sounds like magic, doesn't it? Well, here's the way to the quickest, easiest HOT breakfast ever. Place Nabisco Shredded Wheat in a strainer-pour boiling water on the biscuits. Drain, salt to taste, and serve with cream and sugar. Delicious? Yes! Nabisco A. MacKenzie Furniture ' LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Shredded Wheat is nourishing whole wheat -steamed, shredded, baked-Rich in hearty goodness and brimful of flavor. For the original Niagara Falls product ask for Nabisco Shredded Wheat. ! SV.H7 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient an' Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about pacKlng, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE .00 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD, Corner 2nd una Park Avenue GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 MAKING SILK ANCIENT WAY ! But Beautiful Fabrics Worth Less Than Cotton in China KUNMING, China, Oi They still make silk In the ancient way, slowly and carefully and beautifully, bub silk is worth less than utilitarian cotton In China. Sturdy cotton coolie cloth sells for almost double the price of silk. Cotton is sold by the foot, to peasants and working folk whose hands in repose hang curled to the roundness of hoe handles or rickshaw shafts. It is fought in short pieces, not for new. garments, but for patches. Some outfits are little but a collection of careful patches In varl-colored blues, ranging from the aged white of skimmed milk to the brand new denim of the latest mending, the whole held together by patient, fine sltching. But despite eight years of war and devastation, the silk crafts of China somehow survive, to reoreate a beauty that was old 2,000 years ago. When the mulberry leaves come out and the seed-pearl eggs of the silk moth hatch, old women wise In the ancient craft and their granddaughters new to it, still minister to the Insatiable hunger of the tiny worms. In the rearing sheds, in the feeding trays, their myriad munching mandibles are faintly audible as they attack the mul- By HELEN BANNERMAN Canadian Prcsn Staff Writer RE - ORGANIZING BUTTER BUDGETS With the butter ration cut, Canadian homemakers are busy re-organizing their butter budgets. Though much has already been said on the sub- Meet of stretching; the limited supply,, the agriculture department home economists offer these suggestions. When planning to use butter as a spread on oa.st or sandwiches, be sure to have the butter soft It covers more space. Take lc out of the refrigerator ahead of time so that It has a chance to warm up, but don't let It melt. Tills Is one time when plans for breakfast begin the night before. And speaking of broakUso-if-you .feel-that all these slices of toast use up too much butter; try Increasing the amount of morning cereal and decreasing the toast. So that each member of the family will get his fair share of butter It Is a good Idea to cut InrMvIrMial nortlons and place one on each bread-and-butter plate or all together on one plate. If buns, rolls or biscuits are to be served, they may be lightly buttered in the kitchen before placing on the table. Or, for a family supper, the rolls or biscuits may be broken open or cut, .sprinkled with a little grated cheese and toasted in the open for a minute or two. Crackers or soda biscuits may easily be eaten without butter, particularly If they are of the salted variety. If you can't get this kind, sprinkle them with a little salt before they go on the table. Small squares of bread toasted In the oven or browned in the frying pan with a bit of bacon fat make excellent croutons to go with the S0UP course. The homcmaker who really has a butter problem Is the lunch packer. Everyone knows how sandwiches literally "eat up" butter. If the sandwich filling is of a creamy consistency you'll need little or no butter. If it doesn't belon- to this type you may feel the need of some butter. In that case, spread the butter only around the edges and omit it in the centre. It's the edge of the sandwich that usually has the thinnest layer of filling and, incidentally, it Is the first bite. Here Is a consume section recipe for Cheese and E?g Spread that is an excellent butter saver. CHEESE AND EGG SPREAD Cheese and Egg Spread requires 1 tablespoon of mild-flavored fat, 1 teaspoon grated onion (optional), Hi tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons sugar, V2 teaspoon salt, teaspoon mustard, 34 cup milk, 1 tablespoon vinegar, i pound freshly grated cheddar cheese, 2 chopped hard-cooked eggs. Melt fat and cook onion In It J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves -- doubly sol Smith Block Green 093 HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASIILEY Q. How can I remove chewing gum from children's clothing? A, It can often be removed without injuring the material by applying a piece or ice. This will harden the gum and cause It to crumble. Q. How can I make a remedy for poison Ivy? A. A little potassium permanganate and a little water is an excellent remedy for poison Ivy. Have solution prepared by a druggist. , Q. What is a good tooth wash? A. Old-fashioned cider Is still berry leaves. Out of this emerald fodder, worms spin their own mummy-cases, the yards and yards of raw silk fibres that bcome'thelr cocoons. China has had wars before, some of them fought over the control of this same silk industry, but the cuit of the silkworm has never died out. The price of silk, from sheerest crepe de chines to stiff satins, intricate brocades and heavy taffetas, is unbelievably low in a land where the man In the street wants a foot of cotton for patches more than a lustrous gown for ceremonial occasions. A tour of the markets in Kunming reveals that prices range from about $1.35 to $4.50 a yard In U.S. money depending on the weight and quality. The Experts Say - - for one minute. Add flour, sugar salt and mustard and stir well until blended. Add milk. Cook, I stirring constantly until mixture ; thickens. Add vinegar andj cheese and continue cooking un- til cheese melts and mixture ls smooth. Add eggs and cool. Store t in a covered Jar in a cool place. Make.s .2' 4 cups of filling I t considered to be one of the very best tooth washes ever dl3cov ered. CANADIAN PRINCIPAL LONDON, 0i The Secretary of State for the Colonies has appointed Dr. W. D. Lam'ount, hc-turer in moral philosophy at Glasgow University, to be principal of Makerere College, Uganda. He was born In Prince Edward Island. YOU CAN'T BEAT AUHT JEMIMA'S fORA WHOLESOME, NOURISHING ONE-DISH MfAl! V; v ft y n . ii Wwtt Rupert Daily jQctos Friday, March 8, 194G iff. 1 toad 3e ml f Quality . jfv kjfcJr Repairs SUN. MON. TUES. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. Pot Meat Cheese Lamb Braised Fish Beef& Roast Holy Puffit Chops Veal liver of Beef Poly Sous- Cutlets Patties ages Group left- unrat- Group Group unrat- Group C over ioned C B ioned C Group (liver D unrat- Ioned) 4 lbs. 1 lb. 1 lb. V lb. 2 each 5 3 coupons , 7 tokens tokens tokens I token remaining. What better start to the windy month of March than a savoury pot roast for the week's first dinner? And as a brake on your butter usage, choos vegetable accompaniments such as carrots, onions . or Individual bundles of celery stalks, which can be cooked Ground the meat The ensemble will be worthy of a guest or two. Then on Monday an interesting remake is a meat roly poly ground meat seasoned, moistened, done up in biscuit dough jelly roll fashion, and baked In a hot oven. If you haven't sufficient leftover gravy to serve as sauce, a tin of tomato or mushroom soup will do a tasty trick. Tuesday's cheese puffit. has two-fold purpose. Not only is It a dairy dish par excellence for meatless eating, but it also makes use of stale bread which it behooves each family not to waste in theso days of widespread food need. It is easily made by layering slices of bread (about two per person) alternately with cheese in a casseroje. Over this pour a combine of three slightly beaten eggs, two cups of milk, salt and pepper. Chill thoroughly, "the secret of the puffing. Then place the casserole in a pan of water and bake in a moderate oven until set. Colour, flavour and texture contrast can be given by a green vegetable and salad. Incidentally, a little emphasis on green and yellow vegetables easily compensates for the Vitamin A of butter which is on smaller rations this month. Wednesday's market order Includes lamb chops and sausages, and perhaps some unrationed kidney, for a mixed grill. The sausages remaining from the pound purchase can add Interest to breakfast or luncheon menus. Closely linked with meat is fat, and saved from cooking the chops and sausages will be precious amounts to clarify and use for future cooking purposes. Thursday's veal cutlets take kindly to braising, and Friday is set aside for a marine meal. It might take the form of oven- ' poached smoked fillets with a parsley sauce for pretty garnish. And a planned left-over will solve Saturday's lunch cniestion. Extra nutrition and( ration extension can be tastefully given to Saturday's meat pattlesby including minced liver with the ground 'boef.f Remaining from this week's eating will be one"" token which Is comforting to have on hand to Increase your purchase if you are confronted with, a guest night ALADA T E McCutcheons Pharmacy Ltd. Third Avenue at Sixth Street Under the Personal Supervision of George Samworth Pharmaceutical Chemist of 15. C. Economy 111 and 1(1 Society of Apothecaries, London, England Prescriptions dispensed, with only the highest quality drugs and chemicals, at lowest possible prices. SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF EVERYDAY REQUIREMENTS COME IN AN II LOOK AROUND PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) The Newest For Spring . . . Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 DRESSMAKER SUITS TAILORED SUITS : SUORTIE COATS FULL-LENGTH CASUALS Superior workmanship Superb Fabrics Up-to-the-minute style Sure to IMcasc! . . "WE CONTINUE TO LEAD . . . OTHERS CONTINUE TO FOLLOW." Annette's Ladies' Wear We Have Done Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the Hack rrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legion) P.O. Box 575 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA KLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Gold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.