99 TAXI IN PLAY-OFFS Prince Eupcrt Dailp rectos Tuesday, August 27, 196 .31 Defeats Grotto 14-7 to - Qualify for Finals of City L Fastball By winning from Grotto "by sr score of 14-7 last evening at the Gyro Ball Park berore a large crowd of Interested spectators. 99 Taxi qualified to meet General Motors In the final of the ! city fastball play-off champion- three and given up 15 hits. Simundsen took over in a tough spot. He walked one runner .'truck out three and yielded seven hits. Simundsen had starred at shortstop until he took T.OVr.RNMEXT tMJl'OR ACT" (Section ?8 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENCE RUPERT BATTERS WERE HELPLESS Prince Rupert baseball players were able to get the bajl out of the Infield only twice during the came at Smlthers on Sunday, when the coast team was held hltless for seven Innings. Both the Rupert files were successfully pulled down by the Smith- i ers fielders one to Leach In left ' field and one to Sterritt in cen tre. ships. was a feature of the match par nn m 4 I 1.. , : ...1 1.. V. - - - . i Gurvich : 4 Windle 6 Beynon 6 Domin3to 6 Ratchford 4 Bob Smith .. 4 over the pitching job. His play i Murray I Orctto Kerr Notice Is hereby given that on the j S'mundsen 10th day of September. AX. 19W. . .... the undersigned Intends to apply to!t-i'l5 the Liquor Control Board lor consent j Dell 10 unser 01 ueer ucrnce no. ,jo. issued ln respect ct premises betng part of the premises known as the Commercial Hotel situate at the corner cX First Avenue and Eighth Street, in the City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lar". Tthcl lot TMn-n (is and Fourteen 14. ln Block Nine (9) Section One fli Mao 923. Prince Land Registration District, from Motley R. Smith . C. Smith . Holkestad Duncan ... 47 AB 5 .. 5 4 .. 5 .. 4 .. 4 4 4 3 38 R 2 3 0 3 14 R 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 22 H 1 4 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 j 13 : Prince Pre Uroltd to Psnko Mich-, Scores of Prince Rupert, the Trans- ... .. alcjuk. gg m HATED M Prince Runert. B C . this Grotto 000 600 001 7 2nd day of August. AD. 1948. . pakko MicHALcztjK. ' TT, Umpires Ross, Ratchford. Classified Advertising - - - - Class.'neds: 3c per word per insertion, minimum charge. 50c Birth Nattcea. Ujc; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Uarrtage and Engagement Announcements: 12. WANTED FOR SALE . WANTED Sewing machine, any FOR SALE Practically new set condition. Phone Blue 834. of Western Lackle gurdies. (200) Phone Green 844, between 5:30 and 8:00 pjn' (202) ENGINE-Heavy-duty 10-15 h.p. -boat engine wanted, must bo' FOR SALE Furnished cabin, tin good condition. H. P. Olsen, Apply 19 Cow Bay. Also new Sawmill, Burns Lake, B.C. gas stove, oven, large size. (200) $5.00. (2001 FOR kent 1X311 SALE McClary clrculat- lng heater, good condition. FOR RENT One-room cabin, $35.00. Phone Red 802. (204) newly decorated. Phone Black oo5 ,203) 1x311 SALE A Lesage walnut piano and a Beattie electric FOR RENT Four-room suite mangle. Phone Red 128. (204) with bath; fine harbor view. FOR SALE Girls' bicycle. UjSA Available 1. Phone 547. Sept. streamline model. Al condl- (205) tion. Apply Blain Bros., Phone 4 LOST AND FOUND 547- '205) LOST On Tuesday, Aug. 20, 9- FOR SALE Almost new dinette months-old Toy Terrier dog suite wheaUtraw finish, $75; with chain on. Anyone find- 2 tab,es 5 and 4! beautiful ing same please notlfychand- radJo-8 tubes- decorative light-ler's Studio. (206) lng $45; brid8e lamP. $4. Suite 2, Summltt Apts, evc- FOUND Wrist watch on Port nings anci week-end. (200) Day. Owner may have same . by calling at Daily News and FOR SALE 5?4 acres iand and paying for this advertisement. three-roomed house In Cedar- (tfi vale, close ln. Apply Douglas . Marsden, Kltwanga, B.C. (202. LOST Solar wrist watch Re- " ward. Finder please leave at FOR SALE 7-room house. Phone Dally News Office or Phone Oreen 973. (201) Red 913- FOR SALE Beauty parlor; FOUND Pair of glasses on equipment and furniture corn-Third Avenue. Owner may plete. Reasonable price. Phone have same by calling at the Blue 943 or call at 603 6th Ave. Dally News and paying for West. (tf) this advertisement. (tf) ro-d-h;nt LrTh- able papers and $300 cash. tlmber. and wtchen - Phone Green 491. (202) utenslls; equipment, tools. 4 PFRSOV4L horses, good condition. Price lffirLZ $5000. Apply Lee 'Jim, Hazel- VIOUN TUITION. For appoint- ton. B.C. (tf ) ments phone Black 120. Mrs. , Ellen M. Anderson. (s22) BUY AND SELL New and . Used Furniture; also Hard- LOOK YOUNGER! Restore na- ware. See us before buying tural colour to greying hair elsewhere. Used phonograpn with Angellque Grey Hair Re- records, 20c; 5-piece kitchen storer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (205) set, $16.50; electric ranges, OILBURNERS SJVT chesterfield in good shape, RELIANCE OILBURNERS 1052 $6950; baby carriages, from 6th Ave. East. Phone Black $7J hassocks, .from $250; beds, 897. (205) complete, from $1250; electric r- fans, from $750; new Ourney MACHINERY ranges, all-elamel; new scat- ro SAW better lumber more ter rugs, big assortment, $1.65 economically, use the modern each. B.C. Furniture Co, 3rd and up-to-date type National Ave Phone Black 321 (tf) Portable Sawmills, manufac- . tured by National Machinery . Company I-'mlted. Vancouver, - B c, (tf) Buy War Savings Certificates Today LACROSSE GEAR FOR NATIVES Local Team to Meet Aiyanth Indians in Feature flame Labor Day A practice of the local lacrosse players is scheduled for this evening in the Roosevelt -Park gymnasium in preparation for the Labor Day match with the Alyansh team. This Labor Day game will " undoubtedly " be a feature , u 1 . ""J."""-" " "a.u - , that will attract large crowds. in' their first Inning on five hits j with a baserunner. He also hit and two walks. They added two i four out of five. Gillis's home j more in the third on two hits (run and Ralph Smith's three-ond a walk. With the score seven bagger were the big hits for to nil against them. Grotto came Grotto. Glllls fielded well, to life in the fourth inning and! Fxr the taxlmen Gurvich batted right around to score six j pitched five Innings and gave up runs on eight hits and a walk, i n hits for six runs, walked one GUns hit a home run and Ralph 1 pnd struck out one. .Domlnatb SmltH a three-baggers to put the ' finished the game and allowed tobacco men right back in the two hits for one run, walked one game. 99 added two in the sixth, and struck out one. Heavy hit-one In the seventh, one in the trs for 99 were Calderone and eighth and three in the ninth Dominato with a three-bagger while the Grotto team could only each, and Houston, Windle and score one more in the ninth. So nob Smith with a two-bagger 99 won by 14-7 and now meet 9Ch. Beynon starred at second natlve les ln Canada.s na General Motors ln the best three- , base. Art Murrav brought the of-five for the city champion- .ame to an end when he took shJP- i Dell's fly in right field. Moxley pitched six and two- 1 thirds innings and took himself ; Bo score: out In favor of Simundsen but j 99 Taxi AB the score was thin iO-6. He had I Houston 6 given seven walks, struck out Calderonl 2 It will also be the first of a lacrosse development scheme by which local enthusiasts are planning to rehabilitate lacrosse on the coast. The B. C. Lacrosse Promotion Association Is prepared to supply sticks and other equipment for Indian settlements along this coast so long as there is a suitable hall available for practice. With the support of Indian Agent F. E. An-fleld and J. A. Findlay, organization is already under way. The development of the scheme -will result In the training of many of the s.'endid athletes among tional .game and will assure in Sports ! Baseball Scores j American League ! Detroit 6, New Yors 10, ! Cleveland 1, Boston 5. Chicago 0. Phlaldelphia 3. St. Louis 2, Washington 5. National League Boston 2, Pittsburg 3. New York 0, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati 0. Broklyn 1, St. Louis 2. Internationa: League Newark 2, Syracuse 8. Montreal 2, Rochester 5. International Baltimore 4. Jersey City 3. American Association Louisville 5, Toledo 2. Minneapolis 11, Milwaukee 9. Indianapolis 3, Columbus 0. Kansas City 3, St. Paul 2. Western International Vancouver 5. Victoria 6. Spokane 9, Yakima- 12. (Oonly two games scheduled). - i SHORT SPORT been made public yet but the clever quick-breaking combina- Aiyansh team was always a fast, i Uon. CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY .DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 GIANT HORSE MAY NOT RUN Lap had won the previous year with 138 pounds. While neither Azzelln Romanof Bernborough's owner, nor train er tiarry Plant, have made a i definite decision, thev are advising the betUn. public to "keep off" the "Toowoomba Terror" as a Cup starter for the moment. At th same time, stories once denied that Bernborouah might be taken to the United States for exhibition races have been revived. Another story is that he mieht en on to England after a Helen Wills Moody defaulted United States visit, to Helen Jacobs In the final It's evident- that owner match for the United States wo- Romano would like nothing bet-men's tennis chamDlonshiD at ter than a win for Bernborough B. C. of havin. lacrosse Dla'vers i Fcrest Hills. N.Y thlrtwn rears tne CuD Nov 5- old-timer- the of ln Can- around the tracks don't aree equal anywhere ago yesterday. Facing 'apparent ada. The competition between Indian and white teams will provide many a good game. Dick Woods, manager and coach of the Prince Rupert lacrosse team, recalls the last lacrosse game between Prince Rupert and the Alyansh team. On that occasion the veteran forward line of the Alyansh team consisted of Morvan, Wright and Ounoo. The combined weight defeat for the first time since that the six-year-old could carry 1026 in singles competition, and lt ofr- nn the veree of collanse from an Though Bernborough with 151 ankle injury, "Miss Poker-Face" conceded victory with the third and deciding set 3-0 against her. Forty - two - year - old Charlie Root singled home two runs ln the ninth inning to make sure of his 200th National League victory for the Chicago Cubs five of these three was 640 pounds H,M.hlnH.r .h trn u.r. pounds covered the last half-mile in 46 seconds, despite interference, when he won the Doomben Cup at Brisbane in June, some thought the distance of a mile and just over three furlongs for the race was nearly his limit. GRAVESEND, England V In appreciation of good times spent there durlne the First Oreat War. and that, added to their skill, fem5berger in the Ilrst jnnm, !7. J. Hartman, Australian groc- was too much for the local team. t0 dereat Boston Braves 6-4. I". four fpod parcels to the The present line-up nas net threw off his M The Markets Fruit Tomatoes field) lb .15 Grapes. Malaga, lb 28 - tl SYDNEY. Australia W Bern- j Pears, 2 lbs .25 borough, Australia's super-horse j Casaba Melon, 2 lbs .15 who has won every one of hfs I Plums, lb. - 15 15 to .25 last ten races, Is a doubtful Cantelope lb. 07 starter for the Melbourne Cup. Watermelon, two-mile classic for which Jg. .09 and" $ handicap has been fixed at 149 , Lemons, doz M pounds. , Oranees. doz .33 - .97 The weight is four pounds more than has ever been carried bv a Melbourne Cuu winner. Bananas, lb 17 Vegetables Mushrooms, lb 60 Carbine, a five-year-old, won ! Spinach, lb. .....! lit - 1. I ioim DC-CIS, OCCWS. -U -U. - 'Lettuce, each Celery, lb Garlic, lb Cabbage, lb Calif. Carrots, 2 lbs Green Onions, 2 bunches. .16 ftft . I,., Cauliflower, each 55 - .45 horse, failed in the Cup ln 1931 under a handicap of 143. Phar .13 - Radish, 2 bunches 15 Green Peas, lb 59 Rhubarb, lb 08 Asparagus - 29 Green Peppers, lb 25 Sugar White, lb :. J09 Golden Yellow, lb 09 Eggs Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz C Flour Pastry Flour. 7 lbs. 1 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat .1X5 Minora Blades SPEED UP SHAVING Minora gives you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades. It's the quality blade In the low price field. Fits your doubfe-edge razor. mayor or Gravesend. an Bt V 4 UL Advertise ln the Dally N?ws. Hi MlajHH ' and yis jgjSjgj Z. It's the lime toaiy with HUiILiJ down the h.ne-- in a lmrry to .81... ( TfiW m0lhe, X(W1UI W1T'NHTCv2 Z rd All credit to two Only .0 For eryr. more tl J!" O grain, -unipeneJ wheat anJ K, k C-'Hl V ' t nntlike, HIH . . . ' v that same maltTich, ,. , . , , , iXlLftlftC VSBfcv, realydiferer. flavor now rome. mailed barley - A.llully LlenJ- BSIVti itf in two drlif iooj ferealt: POSTS ed, baled an.l toaleJ for flori- GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES at well on flavor and eaiy digettion. MMHfafliJ ai Port's Crape-Nats. Tf 7bsfs r Mil 1 I Tl'll3 I iIHTC? 77V Yon get nonmhment roa nel in W I Q.IJC ml. 1 LL Wm I I ft ' nJwi itf 111 ,W GrP-7u" VAtti Carbo- F P0 iJtT .. Z&J I liydrte fur energy; 'proteini for mmmm A. V7 tXtlCl I niDirle .!io,f.l;orpi for teeth anj 1 Ctfkkr&BQj n bones; iron for the blood; other food II I jSL7'"y' a- Q'f I 1 'etsentials. They're ready to eat -but U I Bflk laa a j vaWHlf I I youll find temptinK recipes c-n the IT" I J tf OP mmMlwZfon Yl Paflaje for u.lng IWi Crape-NuU XClaCWaO V x FIAes In coolies and oilier good GFIJi A rtodvet of Owwral foodl " " ' "' 1 i -1 . J ncsiuo But But the the Best Best . ... SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRurrs COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and. Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West III . m II III i Remington "Threesome" ELECTRIC SHAVER NOW $23.95 McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue and Sixth Street PHONE 71) We Serve You Nothing WANTED IXItfSTKIAL AM TKAKE KTnr.ST.T Itepsrtment of Trarte and IndlnV? ThU the i representative will be attached to the Agent Oenrral lor British ColumbU in iU OITI.TPir!ATIO!ra: Prefemhltr . Trade. Some years experience in Export and ik ADiiuy ijmyrc urjuiuiu rejxms, intimate inausirie 01 me rruium uw a grasp of the "P ment of Britisn uoiumDia. urganuing abil't. ..r01 wii- thin,. . I. - . . ' j anil k.. menu of Onvernment and business nrgaulxoHm,. V0(l Trade and Industrial contacts with th. it refereiice nlll be tlven to ememlerii' ;""' ,.mr." villi iverea enlce. 43 veai f ate. " mi jus. cnairman. invu service ummisslon, Parliament ; w? arOOOOO06oa OOOOOOOOOOOQDODO&UOnnnnr.. SHE US FOR ALL KECtlJIItrMENTS IN nw: q 1. 11 n n d iiiiiifl Vff I l f Llll llllllll Consult us for your needs ln all tvnen nf FNKH HT T M K tttv wearn i o n, WITH THE - v Everything in high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain 1 ri I h n f l I II T I II A Dlbb FKINIINO LUMP w w w WWUVWHl TERRACE FLYING CL .. .., &i.i.& a . 46j.uv rcr Ir snin n.viNn nnn n. iiirtL ruunio ror non-viprn ijotoo- cisnn Dor Tirtiif nn f. e n-i na iaaiw 1 r w 11 1 r 111 LI 1UJHI I L.HIVIHUI. IV 111 Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND ! TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND FOIf QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or ii ii i r. m ' m twwm. m m m m a m mmm -i E IU1I V YYUUU Q g - HtlNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAUKANT A M-m JLJ S W k JL FROM 11 A.M. TO S A-M. ?5noriaI Dinnir Kvrrv Sunilav 5 D.m.to. 1 . I I 1 I'. I 11.11 I 1.. ,T1 lll. WE CATER TO PARTIE CHOI' SUEY FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 11 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST DAILY NEWS HIINIIW Kill Your Assistance Invited .a . tlrtflftf m n.n.. . f . .( Hi m un ni iivtw iiic uauy news is couiij.'.cmiib w" .rA I iinnfrl m ... ..nnlnln tVift WSmP Cit PVefV 0111 - nf this Mtv In erv wlh the nrmed forCCS n sf' and ln th? air. To make this list complete, n obtain the co-operation ot the public as 'D0 mlttlng the names. . .. .. . i.. nfO n.M.ill io compile tne ust complete so responsible for the submission oi me yuuk guri or yuuk inena. .. m, . ....., . .--,Mnn we WOUW" ine louowing js me iiiiun fill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR nallv News, frlncc Rupert Namt - 8ervice (Army, Navy, Air Force) Rank I Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Castinltv. Nnt.nrn and Date ,bmlt cert ie. no one else may. You are respon" name